I'm in NetKing, and I have a tennis mini-game

Chapter 171: Shuchichi Method: Shishido is defeated, Ishikawa appears

Chapter 171: Shuchichi Method: Shishido is defeated, Ishikawa appears (3rd update)


Seeing someone coming on stage, the boy in the beach hat who had originally planned to reduce his income today, Kai Yujiro, the deputy director of Higa, couldn't help but his eyes lit up.


not far away.

The Higa players who served as caddy also cheered up.

"Here comes another fat sheep."

Everyone was very happy, after all, this meant that today was likely to be another fruitful day for them.


Facing the challenger, Kai, who was in charge of the rules, couldn't help but smile: "We have two different ways to play beach tennis."

"Type 1, companion mode. Our players can play tennis with you for 10 minutes, and you need to pay 5000 yen."

"Type 2, challenge mode. You can designate any one of us as the challenge object. The outcome of the challenge will be decided in one round. If you win, you can take away a bonus of 5000 yen. But if you lose, you need to pay 5000 yen fee.”

"of course."

After a pause, Kai smiled and said: "If you don't have cash to pay, we also provide another way to challenge the Bitter Melon Challenge!"


He pointed at the long, green vegetables not far away, guarded by a fat man.

"As long as you can eat a bitter melon or drink the squeezed bitter melon juice within 1 minute, you will be exempted from the fee."

"Momordica charantia?"

Shishido, who came on stage, raised his eyebrows slightly.

He has no interest in this kind of food that is extremely stimulating to the taste.


As a family that can attend Hyotei's noble school, he can't afford even 5000 yen of pocket money.

"I choose challenge mode."

Shido nodded.

It seems that although these people do a lot of tricks, they are not all doing it to make money. At least, a second solution is provided.


Bitter melon is refreshing and relieves heat.

It's actually a good drink for this hot weather. Of course, the premise is that you can get used to that terrible taste and taste.


Seeing how straightforward the challenger was, Kai smiled and said, "Then, please choose your opponent."


around the stadium.

The young men with slightly dark skin and sharp eyes puffed out their chests.

"I'll choose him."

Shishido pointed to Hirakoba on the opposite side.

He didn't know about others, but this blond boy was definitely not a simple character.

"no problem."

Kai nodded, and immediately nodded towards the young man with thin cheeks and a tuft of yellow hair on his gray hair sitting on the high chair.

"Game start."

The opponent immediately said: "The challenger will serve first, and the outcome of the game will be determined!"


Kai handed over the racket and tennis ball.

Shishido glanced at the opponent's position, threw up the tennis ball, and quickly swung the racket to hit him.


There was a crisp sound.

The tennis ball flew straight out.


Feeling the extraordinary speed of the tennis ball, Ping Guchang on the opposite side raised his eyebrows slightly: "It's a bit interesting."

Tap! !


He ran over quickly, and after the tennis ball bounced off the ground, he swung it over with his racket.

This return shot was quite satisfactory.

Shishido didn't care much. Knowing that his opponent had obviously hidden his strength, he hurried over and caught up with the tennis ball, a thoughtful look flashed in his eyes.

Beach venues are completely different from hard courts.

The strength of the hard court is higher, and when the tennis ball bounces from the ground, it has a higher height and a wider angle.

But sand is different.

The sand here, though, is harder than in offshore areas. But in essence, it is still made of countless fine sands. After the tennis ball falls, it bounces up to a lower height than normal.

Although Shishido had been watching the game from the sidelines for a long time before. But when he actually played, he didn't dare to relax at all.


After the tennis ball bounced off the ground, he hit the tennis ball back. Moreover, the tennis ball hit the opponent's backhand sharply.


Kai outside the stadium was also a little surprised: "This new challenger has quite a skill!"


He still has great trust in Ping Guzhang's strength. After all, the other party, within Higa, was second only to Buchou Kite and could compete with him.



Only on the court.

The two soon fell into a tug-of-war over the bottom line.


"This man is so powerful that he can fight the blond guy back and forth!"

"He must be a master, otherwise, he wouldn't have appeared at this time!"

Off the field.

The audience was talking a lot.

They all affirmed Shido's strength.

"The atmosphere is almost the same."

Outside the stadium, Kai held his hands in front of him, with a slight curve in the corner of his mouth. At the same time, he winked at Pinggu Chang inside the stadium.

"Roger that!"

on the field.

From the corner of his eye, he glanced at Pinggu Chang outside the field. After receiving the signal, his eyes suddenly became serious.

"I'm sorry, my time is very valuable, and I can't continue to be in this stalemate with you."

Something moved in my heart.

After Ping Guba caught up with the tennis ball, he suddenly accelerated his speed when he swung his racket to hit the ball.


There was a crisp sound.

The tennis ball flew out. Compared with the previous duel, the speed of this ball increased sharply, which was beyond the expectations of everyone outside the court.

"So fast!!!"

Everyone exclaimed.

The other members of Higa had smiles on their faces. In their opinion, this goal from Pinggu Field must be scoreable.

Tap! !

But never thought about it.

A figure suddenly appeared in front of the tennis ball.


Seeing the figure that suddenly jumped out, Kai outside the court was startled: "When did he appear there?!"

This challenger's reaction speed seemed a bit ridiculously fast.


And this time.

The tennis ball bounced off the ground. Shishido, who caught up with the tennis ball, hit it with his racket the moment it left the ground without any thought.


There was a crisp sound.

The tennis ball suddenly hit Ping Gujang's backhand position, hit near the baseline, and then ejected to score.


The referee on the high chair was stunned for a moment and then said: "15-0!"


Off the field.

The audience was amazed by Shishido's goal.

The figure chasing the tennis ball and the sharp swing of the ball are so handsome!

"Half volley?"

Ping Guba frowned.

He took a deep look at his opponent: "So, are you encountering a tough challenge this time?"

After a brief moment of surprise, he regained his composure.

After all, it is not like they have never encountered opponents like this before. For example, the challenger named Uehara appeared before.


Just lost 1 point.

From Ping Guba's point of view, it's not a big deal.



After Shishido hit his second serve, he ran towards the net without thinking.

"Serve to the net?!"

The other Higa team members couldn't help but be surprised.

Tap! !

Seeing Shishido getting closer and closer to the net, Hirakoba, who was about to receive the tennis ball, raised his eyebrows slightly, and then without any hesitation, he hit the tennis ball towards the position in front of Shishito.


The ball came very quickly.

And judging from the speed of tennis balls and the speed of Shishido's surfing the net, if the latter does not slow down, he will not be able to adjust his posture to hit the ball. He might even be hit by a tennis ball because he ran too fast.


In the eyes of everyone in Higa and other spectators outside the stadium, this boy wearing a blue baseball cap must definitely slow down.

But here's the surprise.

Shishido actually didn't slow down, but when the tennis ball bounced off the ground, he swung the racket at the same time and hit it with a bang.


The tennis ball hits the ground. The surprisingly fast half-volley caught Ping Guba off guard. He didn't even react and already lost points.



The continuous loss of points finally made Kai and others realize that they really encountered a master this time.

From serving to hitting the net, to hitting a crisp half-volley. Shishido's actions were too skillful. Without hundreds or thousands of experiences, he would never be able to hit such a shot!

"A master?"

Ping Guba raised his eyebrows.


He felt a trace of pressure from the person in front of him. But that's all.

Turning his head, he glanced at Kai outside the court. The latter nodded towards him in the same way.

After receiving the confirmation, Hiraguba bent down, spread his feet, and assumed a posture of readiness.

"Are you finally serious?"

Seeing the other party's movements, Shido's eyes flashed with a sharp luster.



He hit the tennis ball over.

Then, just like before, he ran towards the net.


“This person’s Internet speed is too fast!”

"So young, with such strength, he must be an elite player in a famous tennis club, right?"


on the field.

Faced with Shishido's aggressive actions, Hirakoba hit the tennis ball at a small angle in an attempt to draw the opponent away. Unexpectedly, his opponent reacted very quickly. He moved sideways, and after hitting the ball with his racket, Shishito once again approached the net.

"This guy's reaction is too exaggerated."

Feeling the pressure from his opponent, Hirakoba, who had obtained permission to perform his skills, immediately raised his racket, aimed at the flying tennis ball, and whipped it out quickly.


With a bang.

The tennis ball suddenly shot out, and after flying for a certain distance, it turned irregularly.

"Snake ball?"

Shishido was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the opponent actually mastered the skills of Aigaku Haitang.

"Wait, that's not right!"

But soon, he realized something was wrong.

The rapidly rotating tennis ball actually turned in another direction after turning a certain angle.

Swish, swish, swish!


The tennis ball was seen constantly reversing, like a cobra, passing through Shishido's body flexibly.

There was a bang.

The tennis ball hit the inside of the baseline.



Seeing this hit, there was a gasp outside the stadium.

"W-what kind of ball is this?!"

Off the field.

Uehara, a short-haired young man who originally thought that his loss just now was due to a plot by the opponent and wanted to regain the situation, suddenly changed his expression after seeing Hirakoba's unique move.

This ball was completely beyond his understanding.

"Here comes the Cobra of Pingguchang (translated by Fan Shiqian for the Taiwanese version)!"

The team members in Higa laughed.

As the absolute top three players in their tennis club, Ping Gujang's strength is so strong!


Shido's eyes changed slightly.

He carefully recalled the shot just now and nodded secretly in his mind: "The changing angles and unpredictable rotation direction are indeed like a flexible cobra."

In contrast.

This move completely destroyed Haitang's snake ball.

And the opponent who can pull off this trick is definitely not an ordinary person!


Shido chose to be patient.

Now that he has a more calm personality, he does not attack impatiently, but plans to calm down and carefully observe and study his opponent's moves.





In the duel between the two, because of Shido's patience, Hirakoba used the "Cobra" trick one after another to score.

in a blink.

The score was reversed and became 30-40, Pinggu took the lead.

"too strong!"

"Yeah, I didn't expect that this person would actually hide such strength."

"This guy in the blue hat is probably going to lose this game."

The surrounding spectators seemed to have concluded that Ping Guzhang must win this match.



Shido's mentality remained unaffected.

After hitting the tennis ball, he raised his feet and moved a distance forward.

"Do you know how to defend now?"

Ping Guba, who had already obtained the game point, thought with a slight curl of his lips: "What a pity, it's too late!"


Thoughts turned.

He immediately hit a [Cobra] that spun sharply and had unpredictable directions!


The tennis ball flew out.

It keeps going around and around on the court, and it is impossible to judge its exact direction and landing point.

"This game has already been won by Pinggu Chang."

The Higa team members all had smiles in their eyes. In their view, it is impossible for the challenger in front of them, let alone a counterattack, to be able to see through Ping Guba's cobra!


But don't want to.

A bright light flashed in Shishido's eyes. After two balls, he had adapted to the rapid changes of the tennis ball. He immediately used his legs and chased the tennis ball with explosive speed.



Seeing the trajectory clearly, he swung the racket without hesitation and hit the tennis ball.


The expressions of Higa's team members changed: "They actually fought back?!"

"This guy"

Ping Guba's expression also became solemn.

The opponent's reaction was too fast, and the speed that broke out in that moment was even more amazing!

Look at Shishido again.

After counterattacking his opponent's trick, he didn't show any impatience, but kept getting closer to the net little by little.


Guessing what his opponent was thinking, Ping Fuchang's expression changed slightly. Because once the opponent is allowed to go online, he will be absolutely suppressed.

Tap! !

However, Shishido's speed was so fast that he was already on the Internet without giving him time to react.

"I will accept this point."

Seeing the tennis ball hit by his opponent, Shishito made a swiping motion, but suddenly lowered his racket head and touched the tennis ball lightly.

"Short ball?!"

Everyone was shocked.

No one expected that with the absolute advantage, this challenger actually deceived everyone and hit a beautiful short ball.

"Good job, Shishido-senpai."

Feng Ye clenched his fists: "How will the situation change from this?!"

The next moment.

But he seemed to have discovered something, and his pupils suddenly shrank.


I saw that the blond boy named Ping Guba appeared in front of the Internet at an unknown time.

There was a bang.

He hit a crisp through ball and scored with one hit.

"competition is over."

The referee sitting on the high chair said without any hesitation: "Ping Guzhang wins!"


Shido was stunned.

He never expected that the opponent could really catch up with this tennis ball: "How did he do it?"

Seeing the smile on Hiraguba's lips, Shishido frowned, and then said in a deep voice: "I want to challenge again."


At this time, Kai said with a smile: "Please pay the fee for the last challenge first. In addition, the fee for the second challenge will be doubled!"

"no problem."

Naturally, Shishido was not in need of such a small amount of money.

"That's it for now."

However, just when Shishido was about to pay the money and continue the challenge, a voice sounded behind him.


Hearing this familiar voice, Shishido and Feng's hearts trembled, and they instinctively turned to look.


Then I saw Ishikawa, wearing light gray casual shorts and short sleeves, walking towards this side.

He smiled and said: "Shishido-senpai, with your current strength, you can't defeat this guy's [Shutchi Technique]!"


This statement came out.

Jia Fei and others, who originally thought that another fat sheep had arrived, suddenly contracted their pupils.

(End of this chapter)

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