I'm in NetKing, and I have a tennis mini-game

Chapter 172 Ishikawa’s shukuchi method, the herbal tea poisoning incident at the beach court

Chapter 172 Ishikawa’s shukuchi method, the herbal tea poisoning incident at the beach court (1st update)

"Shrinking method?"

Feng asked in confusion: "Is this the move that the person just made moved from the baseline to the net in an instant?"


Ishikawa nodded and said: "This is a move from the ancient martial arts in Okinawa. If you don't know the principle, it is impossible to defeat them."

"Ancient martial arts?"

Shido narrowed his eyes.

He did not doubt Ishikawa's words. After all, the other party's understanding of ancient martial arts far exceeded that of Hiyoshi, whose family owned a martial arts school.

"Let me do it."

Ishikawa smiled and said: "I also want to learn tennis with the characteristics of Okinawa."

"Um okay."

Shido didn't insist, although he felt a little unhappy if he didn't regain his position. But he believed Ishikawa's words. If he didn't understand the so-called "Shuchi method", he might really not be able to win.

"and many more."

At this time.

Kai suddenly came over and took away Shido's racket: "I'm sorry, two guests. In order to ensure fairness to subsequent guests, the racket needs to be replaced after each game."


Shido nodded and did not resist.

What the other party said makes sense. Besides, this is the other party's business after all. It is necessary to ensure fairness.

"is it?"

Ishikawa, on the other hand, seemed to see something from the other party's slightly nervous movements.


After a while, Kai came over again and handed over a blue racket: "I've been waiting for a long time. This is your racket."

"Thank you."

Ishikawa smiled and took the racket over.

He took a brief look and found something wrong in the subtleties.

The wear and tear of the racket is exaggerated. When viewed from the front, the strings cross each other vertically, but if you tilt it slightly, you can see that several of the strings have become loose.


This is how the other party responds.

It doesn't make much sense, but it fits Ishikawa's impression of this team.

"This guest."

After Kai saw that there was no obvious emotional change on Ishikawa's face, he felt relieved and explained: "Do you want me to say the rules again?"

"No need, but I have a request."

Ishikawa said, taking out a bottle of tea-red liquid, and chuckled: "If I lose the game, I can pay or eat bitter melon. But if your people lose, I don't want the bonus, you each drink it." Just drop 50ml of this drink."


Kai was stunned for a moment.

Looking at the dark brown liquid on Ishikawa's hand, he couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

"Excuse me, this is."

"Don't be nervous, this is my usual drink."

Ishikawa smiled and explained: "It tastes very good, and it has the effects of eliminating fatigue and beautifying the skin. If you don't believe it, you can ask them."

Eliminate fatigue?

Beauty care?

Hearing Ishikawa's words, Kai looked at Feng doubtfully: "Is this true?"


Feng nodded.

He didn't lie, this was indeed Ishikawa's usual drink. But the taste is not acceptable to others. Even if you are as arrogant as Akutsu, if you drink 300ml, the beast will turn into a sick cat.

"That's good."

After receiving Feng's feedback, Kai nodded with confidence.

He might not believe what Shido said, but this young man who looked a little shy and innocent should not lie to others.

"So...who do you want to challenge?"

"Just him."

Ishikawa glanced at Hira Furuba on the opposite side: "If he can still continue to play."

"of course can."

Kai immediately smiled and said: "Hiraguba-kun's physical strength is quite strong. In this weather, there will be no problem in fighting for another hour."

Not that he was bragging.

They grew up by the sea and are accustomed to hot weather. They have been exposed to ancient martial arts since they were very young. There is absolutely no problem with their physical fitness.

"Then let's get started."

Ishikawa nodded and walked into the stadium.


Looking at his back, Kai secretly smiled in his heart: "It doesn't matter if you are a master, with this kind of racket, even Eishiro can't beat Hira Koba!"

"Game start."

After a while.

On the high chair, Chinian Kuan, who was serving as the referee, said: "The challenger serves, and the outcome of the game is determined!"



Ishikawa hit the tennis ball over.

"Well come."

Seeing the angle at which the tennis ball was flying, Pinggu Chang cheered up and ran towards the spot where the tennis ball landed.

Just like Kai, he also believed that the person in front of him was probably not weak. At least, not weaker than the guy wearing a baseball cap just now.

Within one day, I met two masters.

Anyone else would probably feel unlucky. After all, in Higa's project, personal income is calculated based on the number of games played. The faster you finish the game, the more money you get.


Ping Guchang is not such a person.

Rather than making money, he prefers to fight against strong men. Among Higa and Nakauchi, only Kai can compete with him, but that guy is very thief, and the two of them have barely played a few games.

As for the dangerous guy Buchou Kite, Heikoba has never been considered.


Only at this time can he enjoy the game. The stronger the opponent, the more exciting Ping Guzhang will be.



A sharp return shot flew out.

Ishikawa smiled faintly, whipped backhand, and pressed the tennis ball to the baseline on the opponent's left side.


Looking at the precise landing position of the tennis ball, Ping Guchang's expression couldn't help but change. This ability to control the ball is a bit exaggerated, right?

"By chance? It should be so. Even that guy Eishiro can't guarantee that he will hit such a ball 100%."

From Ping Guba's point of view, the ball was hit by accident.

After all, who doesn’t eat pork during the Chinese New Year?



Ishikawa turned around and hit another ball on the baseline on his right side. Hirakoba's expression changed.

"Not a coincidence?"

Ping Guba's pupils shrank quietly. He didn't dare to be careless and hurriedly chased the tennis ball. After catching up, he looked up at Ishikawa: "This guy's ball control is too strong. We can't play regular games with him."



Ping Guba hit the tennis ball hard, and at the same time he raised his feet and stepped towards the net at an alarming speed, visible to the naked eye.


Seeing this, Shishido and Feng, as well as other spectators outside the stadium, instinctively widened their eyes.


Almost in the blink of an eye.

Hirakoba, who was originally at the baseline, actually appeared in front of the net, pumped hard, and hit the tennis ball to the bottom corner on Ishikawa's right side.


After hitting the ball, Ping Guzhang couldn't help but laugh in his heart: "You can let me use all these tricks, you are already worthy of pride."

"Shutchi method"

But at this time, a calm voice sounded from the direction of where the tennis ball landed.


Kai, Ping Guba and others suddenly looked up.

I saw Ishikawa's figure, and he didn't know when he appeared at the offensive position of Hiraguba.

He raised his racket and hit the tennis ball lightly.

"In Okinawan martial arts, it is a method of getting close to the opponent before he is noticed. You can run without pushing your feet on the ground. You just use gravity. In other words, you can use free fall to quickly walk forward from behind. It feels like one step. Step over."

While speaking, Ishikawa smiled and looked at his opponent with a very gloomy expression on the opposite side: "In this case, others cannot see the change of position at all. Therefore, there will be an illusion that the opponent appears in front of the net in an instant."

"Damn it!"

Hear the words.

Kai, Taira Furuba, and the surrounding Higa players were shocked in their hearts, and their expressions suddenly darkened.

This guy actually knows the principles of Shuchi method? !



Ping Guba sneered.

He raised his racket and hit the tennis ball with his skills.


There was a crisp sound.

The tennis ball suddenly flew out in an indistinguishable trajectory like a flexible snake.

"Here it comes, it's that trick!" Outside the stadium, passers-by and spectators stared wide-eyed.


Hirakoba's trick is that without enough insight and speed, he cannot catch the ball.

Even the guy wearing the blue baseball cap just now saw through this goal after losing two points!

"The spin is really nice."

Seeing the flying tennis ball, Ishikawa smiled and nodded: "Unfortunately, the change is too simple."


The team members in Higa were stunned when they heard this, and then they all showed disdain.

Some people couldn't help but sneer and said: "If it's so easy, then you should fight."


The words just fell.

With a crisp sound of hitting the ball, Hirakoba's Cobra was whipped out by Ishikawa.


The tennis ball hit the baseline accurately.

"Uh 15-0!"

As the referee, Chinian was stunned for a moment before announcing the score.

"How, how is it possible?"

Everyone in Higa, including Kai, looked at Ishikawa in disbelief at this moment: "You actually cracked Hirakoba's [Cobra] with just one glance?!"

"This guy"

Ping Guzhang's expression also changed again and again.

He also didn't expect that his special move would be countered so easily. But being on the court, he felt the intense pressure emanating from Ishikawa more clearly than anyone else.

"I met a master!"

Ping Guba felt awe-struck and his eyes became serious.

First there was the guy with the blue hat, and now there's an even more powerful guy. He didn't know whether his luck today was good or bad.


At this time.

Ishikawa serves again.

Seeing where the tennis ball landed, Hirakoba and Kai's expressions changed at the same time.

It’s the line press again!

This person's ability to control the ball can no longer be simply described as 'strong'.

Under tremendous pressure, Pinggu Chang took action again. Trying to use his own unique skills and Shuchi method to defeat his opponent.

But never thought about it.

The opponent actually saw through Shuchifa's weakness.

The next shots were all directed to the left and right sides. In this case, Pingguchang was suppressed and lost points continuously.





A blink of an eye.

Ishikawa got the match point for this challenge.

Ping Guba was also anxious. He started to counterattack. After a continuous exchange of blows, he suddenly released a short ball.

Tap! !

Ishikawa quickly went to the net and returned the tennis ball.

"It's now!"

Seizing the opportunity, Ping Guchang raised his racket with a flash of light in his eyes: "This trick was originally planned to be reserved for the national competition, but I have no choice but to use it!"



With a bang.

The tennis ball suddenly flew out, spinning at an even more astonishing speed and spinning countless times in mid-air, passing by Ishikawa's side.

"This is."

Seeing Ping Furuba's moves, Kai's eyelids jumped wildly: "Big Cobra?!"

He didn't expect that.

Ping Guchang actually forced out this most powerful trick.

The rotation of [Big Cobra] is more than three times that of [Cobra]. At the national level, it is also an extremely powerful trick.


As soon as his thoughts changed, Kai looked at Ishikawa in front of the net. With the opponent's position at this time, he must be unable to catch the tennis ball again.

"Now, no matter how powerful he is, there is absolutely no way he can return the ball. What?!"


As if he saw something, Kai instinctively widened his eyes.


Ishikawa, who was standing in front of the net, was actually retreating from the net at an alarming speed.


Judging from his movements, his legs showed no sign of swinging at all. It was as if he had moved from the front of the net to the bottom line in an instant.

"Shrink, shrink to the ground?!"

Hiraguba also blurted out with his eyes widened.

Not only has the opponent seen through the principle of Shuchichi, but now he can even perform this move perfectly? !



Ishikawa raised the racket and cut it with its edge. The moment the tennis ball rubbed against the racket, he suddenly accelerated his swing.


The tennis ball, which originally did not rotate strongly enough, suddenly increased in speed after receiving the blessing of this force.


The tennis ball was like a spinning top, falling towards the baseline.

"Don't even think about it!!!"

At this time.

Hing Guba, who was forced to panic, did not care about his personal image, gritted his teeth and ran quickly towards the landing point of the tennis ball.

"Caught up!"

After catching up with the tennis ball, Ping Guchang felt happy. At the same time, he swung his racket and hit the tennis ball that bounced off the ground.


Ball and racket collide.

The joy on Ping Guchang's face suddenly solidified.

"What kind of power is this?!"

Feeling the indescribable impact on his arm, Hiraguba's expression suddenly changed.



The tennis ball tore off the racket surface and hit the sand with a loud bang under the shocked eyes of everyone, revealing a crater with a radius of more than ten centimeters.

All of a sudden.

The entire beach court suddenly became quiet.

"How, how is it possible?"

Hirakoba looked down at the punctured racket in disbelief: "He, wasn't his racket replaced by Kai? How could that kind of racket possibly hit such a powerful ball?!"

Not just him.

Kai was also confused.

He was 100% sure that what Ishikawa was holding was their special racket. It stands to reason that after using so much force, the racket would have fallen apart. How could this be the case?


At this time, Ishikawa raised his head and looked at Chinen on the high chair: "Excuse me, does this ball count as my score?"

"Uh-huh, of course it does!"

Zhinian nodded quickly and announced: "Challenge successful!"

"Damn it!"

Ping Guba's expression was extremely ugly.

Not only did he lose the game, he was also fined.


Because the bonuses that need to be paid have to be taken out of their own pockets.

"That, that."

Ping Guzhang walked over with the racket and walked to the net. He said awkwardly: "Excuse me, can I choose your kind of punishment?"


Hear the words.

Ishikawa didn't react at all, but Shishito and Feng looked at Hirakoba with admiration.

"No problem at all."

Ishikawa smiled and nodded.

After receiving the answer, Ping Guba also breathed a sigh of relief. He is naturally more inclined to drink the other person's drink than to pay for it. After all, they have even eaten bitter melon, so there is nothing else they dare not do.


Ishikawa took out a small cup and poured 50 ml. After taking the cup, Hiraguba smiled. Since he didn't give the other party any money, he naturally had to be polite.

Then, without paying much attention, he drank the super special punishment tea in one gulp.



His eyes almost popped out of his head. Under the horrified gazes of Kai and others, Hirakoba pinched his neck and made a "ho ho" sound as if he was about to die.


Immediately, Ping Guchang fell to the ground and fainted, foaming at the mouth.

See this.

The beach tennis court suddenly fell into deathly silence.

(End of this chapter)

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