I'm in NetKing, and I have a tennis mini-game

Chapter 173: Mu Shu’s anger, the enlightenment center on the nameless island?

Chapter 173: Mu Shu’s anger, the enlightenment center on the nameless island? (2nd update)

"You, what did you give Ping Guba to drink?"

Kai and others immediately looked at Ishikawa in shock and anger.

In response, the latter just replied calmly: "I told you, it's just a drink you usually drink."

"in addition."

After a pause, he looked at Kai with a smile: "As you just said, you can continue the challenge. I won just now, so I shouldn't have to pay extra fees, right?"


Upon hearing Ishikawa's words, Kai and the others immediately acted like frightened cats, their hairs standing on end instinctively.

What a joke!

Compete against such a terrifying character? !


When he saw more and more spectators gathering around him, Kai knew that this was both a danger and an opportunity. If they can defeat the person in front of them, they will definitely become famous in one fell swoop.


The racket in the opponent's hand is not a good product. The ball just now may have caused the racket to fall apart.

"it is good!"

After comprehensive consideration, Kai finally chose to agree.

As for Ishikawa, the purpose is certainly not to teach these little shrimps a lesson. But to meet, that is called the killer, Higa Lieutenant-General, who also has a considerable presence in the original work, Eishiro Kite!


Until he defeated all the members of Higa, Bokute did not appear.

"never mind."

Looking at the Higa players lying on the ground, Ishikawa shook his head: "Two seniors, let's go."

"Wait, wait a minute."

At this moment, Ping Guchang, who was the first to recover, asked in a weak voice: "伱, who are you?"

He didn't want to be ruined for no reason, and he didn't even know who his opponent was.

"rest assured."

Looking at each other, Ishikawa smiled and said: "We will meet in the national competition."

"National Competition."

Ping Guchang murmured to himself, looking at the backs of several people, his eyes gradually became firmer.


After leaving, Feng asked curiously: "You just said that we would meet those people at the national competition?"


Ishikawa smiled and said: "If I guessed correctly, those people should be the members of Okinawa Higa."


Shishido raised his eyebrows lightly: "Is it the school that recently defeated last year's top four Shishi Raku Middle School and dominated Kyushu?"


Ishikawa nodded slightly.

"That's weird."

Shishido said in confusion: "Although Tachibana and Chitose left Shiraku. But with their lineup, they shouldn't be defeated by those people just now, right?"

That's right.

Hirakoba and Kai are quite powerful.

However, the Kyushu Competition is also a team competition, and individual ability cannot change the overall strength.

"It's very simple."

Hearing this, Ishikawa smiled and said: "This is because the chief minister of Higa, the man called 'Killer' Eishiro Kito, was not present just now."


Feng said in surprise: "There are actually players with such nicknames?"

"Yes, Mu Shou's tennis style is different from others. He is a person who will do whatever it takes to win."

Ishikawa explained: "In the Kyushu competition, he was the one who defeated the aces of each school and allowed Higa to completely dominate Kyushu!"

"I see."

The two nodded, feeling a little more curious about Higa.

And the other side.

Not long after they left.

A young man wearing a purple vest, hair wax on his head, and glasses walked towards this side holding a racket.


When he approached the beach court and saw the Higa player lying on the ground, his expression couldn't help but change.


The young man, Eishiro Kitate, the chief minister of Higa, said solemnly: "What exactly happened here?"

"Ei, Ei Shiro"

Seeing Mu Shu, Ping Furuba suddenly became excited as if he were seeing a relative: "Three people just came and defeated us all."

"three people?"

Mu Shou raised his eyebrows lightly: "Tell me more carefully and tell me the process of the game."


Ping Guba repeated the situation just now.


After listening to the other party's description, Mu Shou picked up the racket used by Ishikawa from the table. After looking at it carefully, a white light reflected on the spectacle lenses: "Just with this racket, I easily defeated everyone in the national competition." ?"


"No matter who you are, if you dare to put your idea on my head, you must be prepared to die!"


A dangerous glint flashed in Mu Shu's eyes.

The day.

Ishikawa did not go to the tennis court on the beach again.

The purpose of his trip was basically achieved. Although he didn't see Bokute, he also learned the use of [Shokuchi Technique] from the members of Higa Squadron, which greatly strengthened his martial arts footwork.

As for the wooden hand.

Ishikawa believes that when it comes to the national competition, even if the Hyokui draw does not meet the opponent's team. With that person's character, he will definitely come to the door.

As for the full range of shrinkage techniques he has mastered.

With Ishikawa's current understanding and understanding of ancient martial arts, he has already found a certain direction in his heart.


The three of them met up with Atobe and others.

They visited the scenery on the island and went to the more famous scenic spots. It was getting late. After dinner, Atobe invited him to sing karaoke, and he didn't go to bed until 1 o'clock in the morning.

the next day.

Atobe organized a trip to some distant islands to see the customs and customs there. blue sea, blue sky.

Clear skies.

Sitting on the cruise ship, Ishikawa felt more relaxed than ever before.

"This is what the ocean looks like!"

Leaning on the chair on the ferry deck, Ishikawa stretched out comfortably. At this moment, he felt relaxed and his own mental strength had also been soothed.

Basking in the warm sunshine, his whole body seemed to be integrated with the surrounding environment.


A seagull flew down, stood on his shoulder, closed his eyes and rested.

This scene.

Everyone in Ice Emperor was surprised.

But no one came forward to disturb him, and Ishikawa fell into a deep sleep all the way. I didn't wake up until I landed on the island.



When Ishikawa woke up, he felt the sea breeze blowing against his face and the changes in the surrounding environment, and suddenly said: "A storm is coming."


Hearing this, Xiang Ri couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth: "With this weather, can there be a storm?"

If he wasn't afraid of Ishikawa's usual power, given his character, he might have started mocking him.

"Just be careful."

Ishikawa did not explain, he just said a word and got off the boat.


Under the leadership of local guides, everyone visited various scenery on the island.

To their surprise, they discovered an open-air golf course on the island.

In excitement, several people played a few games.

The local guide said that this golf course is quite old. It is said that it was established by a very famous person forty or fifty years ago.

The other party teaches martial arts on the island and also teaches tennis.


The locals' tennis talent is not very good, but their martial arts talent is good, and several powerful people have emerged. It also integrates the local ancient martial arts of Okinawa to create a school.


The man brought back a disciple.

He said that the opponent's tennis talent was good and he had carefully cultivated it, and he had indeed gained a certain reputation in Japan. After that, he even went abroad, but there was no news after that.

More than ten years have passed.

The man was already over sixty years old, but he brought a young man with him. And the man's dress is also very strange. He usually wears long hair shawl, but he ties his hair up when practicing tennis.

Speaking of which.

The guide said with emotion: "At that time, I was shocked by his appearance. He didn't look like his usual smiling, sneaky and lecherous look at all. Instead, he looked like an unsheathed sword!"

"Later, I heard that the guy went to play overseas. It was said that he became famous and looked very good."

"Young man, I see you also play tennis."

Speaking of this, the guide encouraged: "Look around here carefully, maybe you can find something unexpected."


Hearing the guide's explanation, Ishikawa's heart moved.



Martial arts, tennis, and sex?


A figure with a sloppy beard, wearing a black monk's robe, and constantly flipping through color magazines appeared in his mind.

"So, did that person ever practice here?"

As for the master-like figure, Ishikawa also found the answer in his heart.

At this time.

Everyone was tired from the competition and said they wanted to go somewhere else for a walk. Ishikawa glanced at the clear blue sky, but still told them to pay attention to the heavy rain.

After everyone else left, Ishikawa picked up his racket and walked to the moss-covered court with obvious cracks.

"Thanks to those guys, we were able to have so much fun."

Ishikawa shook his head.

He looked around and found that there were overgrown weeds not far away, and the nearest house nearby was at least about 500 meters away.

This is usually a resting place on the mountain. Only the benches are wiped clean. As for the weeds, no one cleans them.


At this time.

Like seeing something.

Ishikawa walked towards the weeds not far away.

"This is."

Pushing aside the grass, he saw a mottled wall covered with moss. Most of the wall could not be seen clearly, but there were obvious signs that it had been hit by something.

And in the center, there is a bottomless pit the size of a fist.


Just like a drain pipe placed in a dark place.

However, Ishikawa was certain that it was caused by being hit with something.

"So, is this where he usually trains?"

Looking at this thick wall, its material is definitely much harder than ordinary walls and floors.

And in Ishikawa's mind.

A figure emerged with her hair tied up, holding a racket and hitting tennis balls against the wall.

"Huh? What is that?"

At this time.

Seemingly seeing something again, Ishikawa stepped forward, picked up branches on the ground, and pushed aside the dead moss attached to the wall.


A line of small, crooked characters that he didn't know what to use to describe it appeared in his line of sight.

"Don't be limited to the surface that you can see with the naked eye, see clearly the essence of things?!"

(End of this chapter)

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