I'm in NetKing, and I have a tennis mini-game

Chapter 180 2 consecutive victories, Ice Emperor’s golden combination

Chapter 180 Two consecutive victories, Ice Emperor’s golden combination (3rd update)

After a while.

The medical staff of the competition arrived and carried away Tian Renzhi who screamed like a slaughtered pig.

"This guy is really miserable."

On Hyokui's side, Xiangri couldn't help but shook his head and said: "It's not good to offend anyone, so I'm going to offend Hua Di. Even if I offend him, I still say bad things about Atobe in front of him, tsk tsk."


Hiyoshi was also very emotional.

He had never seen Huadi with that fierce posture just now. Moreover, that explosive shot has never appeared before.

Thinking of this, Hiji asked curiously: "Could it be said that under Hua Di's anger, hidden power burst out?"

"it's not true."

At this time, Ninzu next to him shook his head and said: "As far as I know, Ishikawa also gave Huaji special strength training. And, it seems that he also taught him a unique trick, so this should be it."

"Okay, Birchland."

Seeing Kaji who was still not calming down, Atobe quickly comforted him: "Don't take that guy's words to heart, got it?"


Huadi nodded blankly.

The mood gradually calmed down.


At this time, Xiangri asked very curiously: "Deputy Minister, the trick you taught Kaji, couldn't be the Fudomine Ishida's wave ball, right?"


Ishikawa did not deny it. He nodded and said: "I made some improvements based on Ishida's wave ball, which increased its power and reduced the burden on the arm bones."

"I really envy."

Kurokawa, Kano and others from the other second team also showed envious expressions.

Shinohara's face turned a little gloomy.

Because the people Ishikawa mentored were either regular representatives or second-year players. As for those third-year students whose potential has been exhausted, there is no such opportunity.


They can understand it too.

After all, the other party is just the deputy director of the team. If he can achieve this level, he is already very competent and outstanding.

If you want to blame, you can only blame them for being born two years earlier and unable to witness Hyokui’s three consecutive national hegemons with Ishikawa!

"Now, the Doubles 2 match is about to begin."

"Hyotei Academy's combination of Ryo Shishito and Hochotaro, and Hikari High School's combination of Rin Taira Furuba and Kanen Chinen."

"Please prepare both players."

End of broadcast notification.

The eyes of the surrounding audience fell on the contestants who stood out from the Hyotei and Higa camps.

"It's the two of them?!"

Higa on one side.

The blond Hira Furuba and the thin-faced Chinen couldn't help but narrow their eyes when they saw their opponents.

the other side.

Shishido and Feng also recognized their opponent.

Not to mention Hirakoba, Shido also fought against him. The other person, Chinen, was the one who served as the referee at the beach tennis court.

The two parties can be considered old acquaintances.

Before going online, we started talking to each other.

"I didn't expect that you are actually Ice Emperor's people."

Hiraguba looked at Shishido and said confidently: "I was able to defeat you back then, and it will be the same this time!"

"is it?"

Shido smiled calmly.

He was not angry, but came from the bottom of his heart and wanted to have a good competition with the other party in a formal game.

"This guy."

Zhinian, on the other hand, stared at Feng and sneered: "I think you can't be better than the dwarf in the hexagon, right?"


Feng's face was also very calm.

Today, he is no longer the simple character he once was, who would be easily angered by his opponents.

Experiencing the baptism of the Metropolitan Competition and the Kanto Competition, and facing off against powerful opponents, his competition experience improved and his personality was tempered at the same time.

to him.

There is no need to pay attention to the opponent's provocation, just play the game well.

Seeing that the provocation had no effect, the two people in Higa did not continue such small actions.


Both sides guess the ball and retreat to the baseline.

"This combination of Ice Emperor is very strong."

Bottom line.

Ping Guba, who was responsible for receiving the serve, thought of what Kite said before the game and couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

"The opponent is a fierce battle with Rikkai University's team that is number one in the country. Therefore, in this game, we must break the opponent's serve in one go!"

Be firm in your thoughts.

Ping Guba raised his head and locked his eyes on his opponent.

"Game start."

At this time, the referee on the high chair also said: "Bing Difeng serves, the game is over!"


The words fell.

Then he saw Feng throwing the tennis ball high into the air. Then, he stood on tiptoes, locked his eyes on the tennis ball in the air, raised his racket and hit it.

"One goal. into the soul!"


There was a loud bang.

Feng's serve suddenly shot out like a cannonball, and with a bang, it hit the right side in front of Pinggu Chang.


Seeing the tennis ball fall to the ground, he, who originally wanted to break through his opponent's serve, suddenly contracted his pupils.

too fast!

The speed of this serve was completely beyond his reaction range!

By the time he reacted, the tennis ball had already passed by him and hit the wall with a bang.



Seeing their opponent directly serving and scoring, Higa's players couldn't help but take a breath.


Looking in the direction of Hyokui, Ishikawa nodded with satisfaction: "Senior Feng's new heavy artillery serves, the power has been greatly improved."

A new kind of serve?

After hearing his words, other people who didn't care much at first looked over curiously.


Renzu raised his eyebrows slightly: "Did Lian Feng's serve also be improved by him?"

Think of this.

He felt a little disappointed.

But soon, the patient mentality came back. Because he knows very well that although help from others can quickly improve his strength, such help will always disappear.

Until then, you still have to rely on yourself!


At this time.

Another serve fell.

Facing Feng's new heavy artillery serve, Chinian on the opposite side suddenly stood there stiffly like a sculpture.


"ice King!"

"ice King!"

"ice King!"

Continuous direct serves made the Ice Emperor's morale so high.

On the other hand, Higa Chu was hit hard by Hitoshi's disastrous defeat, as well as the fact that Hira Furuba and Chinen couldn't even touch their opponents' serves, and their morale was very low.



Feng continued to score with heavy serves.


"Hye Emperor, 1-0, exchange venues!"

4 aces in a row.

The two of Higa were completely fooled.

subsequent games.

Taking advantage of this momentum, Shishito and Feng relied on their tacit cooperation and outstanding personal abilities to suppress Higa and Naka for a time.

The opponent only scored points in the service game at Pinggu Field, and then was completely passively beaten. “It’s so ugly!”

In the coaching position.

A fat-bellied middle-aged man with a bald head, Higa's coach Harumi Saotome (a greasy bald man) has an impatient look on his face.

at this time.

After Higa's Shuchi technique was discovered by his opponents, their team members were completely powerless to resist.


And on the court.

After hearing the coach's displeased voice, Ping Furuba's face darkened, and with a sudden thought, he raised his racket and blasted it out.


There was a loud bang.

The tennis ball is like a flexible snake. While flying out quickly, it keeps turning, making it difficult to catch subsequent changes.

"It's now."

And Shido, who had been waiting for a long time, suddenly started.

The last time he was defeated by Ping Guzhang, he felt unhappy for a long time. After returning to Hyōtei, he strengthened his use of footwork and trained for instant explosive power almost every day.


Shishido appeared in front of the tennis ball, took aim, and swung the racket decisively.


A volley hit the space between the two opponents.


"Hye Emperor, 3-1!"

The score is open.

The situation became increasingly unfavorable for Higa.

In the fifth game, it was Feng's serve again. Then, there were 4 more unsuspecting ace serves, and Ice Emperor scored again, taking a huge lead of 4-1.

"Two idiots!"

In response to this, the middle-aged bald man Saotome was even more angry.


When Higa was serving, he kept coughing, signaling Hirakoba to make other plans.


Saotome, who suddenly felt a chill, raised her head suddenly and looked in the direction of Hyōtei.




But he saw the Hyokui player named Hiji, playing a tennis ball gently with a malicious smile on his face.


Saotome's expression changed.

Thinking of the fierce personalities of the Ice King members, the anger in his heart was immediately extinguished.


At this moment.

Pinggu Chang, who was about to serve, was in trouble.

He didn't know what his coach meant, but when he hesitated, he seemed to feel a strong sense of danger and subconsciously looked up.

Only one side of the Ice King was visible.

The black-haired boy standing behind the opponent's coach looked towards him with a smile.


Seeing this person, Ping Guchang was shocked.

He thought of the other party's terrifying strength and that terrifying drink. And during the morning match, Kai's hat was knocked off by a tennis ball.


Ping Guchang, who was standing outside the venue, could see it very clearly.

Tennis is played based on Kai's hat. There is no such thing as luck.


This Higa player made the choice from his heart without any hesitation.


Tennis ball hit.

Ping Guba cheered up.

Although the score is now significantly behind, he has not given up. Instead, he plans to fight the opponent for real and win the game head-on.


The two Ice Emperors are too strong.

As for cooperation, the compatibility between Pinggu Chang and Chinen is not good. The cooperation between the two was almost overwhelmingly suppressed by the Ice Emperor.

"no solution anymore."

After losing points continuously and being given match point by his opponent, Ping Guzhang finally couldn't hold back and used his big move.


The tennis ball flew out.

Its trajectory instantly turned into a sharp and huge arc, which was even more terrifying than the cobra just now.


Higa's team members cheered up: "It's Taira Koba's big cobra!!!"


Seeing such a sharp and exaggerated spinning ball, the color of the well above the stadium changed.

He didn't expect that.

This Higa member actually hid such a unique skill.

The terrifying degree of this move is no less than that of some of the top players in Kanto. It was a big test for the two Ice Emperors.


After playing [Big Cobra], Ping Furuba had a sneer on his face.

Originally, with his ability, he could hit at most one such shot in a game. But after losing to Ishikawa, he inspired the flame of revenge, and under high-intensity intensive training, he increased the number of hits of this move.

In one game, he can play three times.

This also means that as long as he can score 1 point in addition to this unique trick, he can steadily win the game.


But just when Hiraguba was full of confidence and thought he could reverse the situation, Shido made a move.

him at this time.

A sudden burst of tyrannical speed.


at the same time.

The whole person's body also overflowed with a layer of light blue shimmer. It looks like a phenomenon caused by breaking through the obstruction of the wind.


Seeing this, Sakaki Taro, who was sitting in the coach's seat, opened his eyes in surprise: "Is this what Ishikawa said last time. [Extreme Explosion]?"

Swish swish! ! !

Under the rapid movement, several afterimages appeared around Shido. And his true body caught up with the flying [Big Cobra] in the blink of an eye.

There was a bang.

The tennis ball was hit back by him, once again breaking through the defenses of Higa and Chu.

"I won't let you succeed!"

Bottom line.

Zhinian let out a low cry, threw himself out with all his strength, and hit the tennis ball high.


Looking at the tennis ball flying towards his head, Feng's eyes flashed.



He took a step forward.

He jumped high into the air, raised his racket, aimed at the tennis ball and smashed it down.

"One goal. into the soul!!!"


There was a loud bang.

Facing Feng's heavy artillery smash, the two Higa players were unable to offer any resistance at all. They could only watch the tennis ball fly past them.

"competition is over."

Seeing this, the referee said loudly: "The combination of Hyotei Academy's Ryo Shishito and Hocho Taro wins, with a score of 6-1!"


Looking at Feng who fell from mid-air and stood firmly on the ground, Hyokui's team members couldn't help but shouted slogans loudly.

"ice King!"

"ice King!"

"ice King!"

The Ice Emperor, who had won two consecutive games, turned the entire stadium into their home court with just their slogans.


Taira Furuba and Chinen swallowed subconsciously after losing the Doubles 2 match.

"Is this the strength of a top national doubles team?"

(End of this chapter)

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