I'm in NetKing, and I have a tennis mini-game

Chapter 181 Singles 2, Akutagawa makes a comeback

Chapter 181 Singles 2, Akutagawa makes a comeback (1st update)

"Higa has been defeated for the second time in a row!"

Looking at the defeated Heikoba and Chinen, Inoue couldn't help but sigh: "It seems that there is still a considerable gap between the first-class team and the top team in the country."

Before the game.

In fact, many people are optimistic about Hikanaka.

Their record was so beautiful, they defeated Lion Le and dominated Kyushu. Sweeping the six corners, advancing to the second round with a complete victory.

If they were members of Ice Emperor, they would definitely be worried if they were targeted by such a team.


Higa Chu not only failed to fight Hyotei back and forth, but instead lost two games in a row. Continuous defeats also made the atmosphere in Higa, who was full of morale before the game, extremely depressed.


Higa on one side.

From the coach to the minister, from the first choice to the ordinary players, everyone's face was very ugly.



A loud slap came.

Everyone looked up and saw Hiraguba covering his face and lowering his head to face Kuzhou.

"Why is this person like this?"

Zhi's face was full of confusion.

In her opinion, although Ping Guzhang and the others were defeated, they had already fought very well. However, Hyotei's doubles match was even better, so Higa's defeat was inevitable.


The other party's minister actually hit a team member?

"Ei, Ei Shiro, we."

Seeing Ping Guba being slapped, Chinen was frightened and quickly wanted to explain.


Mu Hand, however, backhanded him and knocked him to the ground.

"Tell you."

Kute looked at the remaining Higa who was the main candidate with cold eyes, and said in a serious tone: "There is no waste in Higa, and there is no room for waste. If anyone loses in the next game, don't blame me for being rude!"



He turned to look at Kai who was holding a racket and preparing to play. His cold eyes made the opponent shudder instinctively.

"I, I promise to win!"


Mu Shu nodded happily.

"Is this the minister in Higa?"

Above the pitch.

When Shiba Saori saw Kute like this, he said with astonishment on his face: "This kind of person can actually become a minister? Higa's team is too outrageous!"

in her mind.

The leaders of the tennis team should be calm and calm like Atobe and Tezuka. With his strength and responsible attitude, he convinces the team members instead of violent elements like Mu Thou in front of him.


Inoue sighed.

He understood Shiba's thoughts, but in his heart, he also knew very well that Higa, who made his debut in the national competition after holding back for 26 years, was definitely not a kind person.


Only people like Mu Shou can lead them to break out of the tight encirclement and become the number one dark polo team in the country.


Thinking of this, he secretly shook his head and sighed: "They are so unlucky to meet a championship-winning team like Ice Emperor."

In Inoue's mind, the teams with the best chance of winning this year are Hyotei, Seigaku, Rikkai University and Shitenhoji.

among them.

Hyokui and Rikkaida are the teams with the most championship qualifications.

Higa's dark horse undoubtedly hit the steel plate.

"Now, the singles 2 match is about to begin."

"Jiro Akutagawa of Hyotei Academy, Yujiro Kai of Hikari High School."

"Please prepare both players."


At this time.

Ice Emperor direction.

Akutagawa stretched and walked onto the court with a yawn. Although he didn't sleep during this game, his eyes were always sleepy.

If they hadn't known about the intensity of Akutagawa's training, others might have thought that he had no interest in tennis matches.

"Ci Lang, he must have narcolepsy, right?"

Xiang Ri couldn't help but complain: "In the game later, will he fall asleep while typing?"

"Not really."

Renzu smiled and shook his head and said: "If the opponent is not strong enough, Cilang does not need to be serious. I am afraid that the game can be solved before sleepiness hits. On the other hand, if the opponent is strong enough, Cilang will definitely get excited." "

"makes sense."

Xiangri and the other Ice Emperor team members nodded.


And the other side.

Kai, who played No. 2 singles in Higa, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief after learning the identity of his opponent.

just now.

He has been praying in his heart, hoping that his opponent will not be any one of Ishikawa, Atobe and Akutsu.

As a result, Akutagawa came out, a player with a not-so-famous reputation.

"I heard that in addition to the eight main players, Hyokui's tennis club also has a second team."

Kai thought to himself: "It seems that Hyokui was careless and put the members of the second team in the national competition."

This is his chance.

It was also a turning point in Higa.

Just win singles 2, win the remaining doubles 1, and leave the final battle to Mu Shu.

"Just like a duel in ancient martial arts, a duel between top masters cannot tolerate any mistakes. Hyotei, this time you fell into the hands of me, Yujiro Kaibi!"

Thinking like this.

Kai, who regained his confidence, walked into the court with a high air.




They probably also realized that this singles match was their last stand, even though everyone's mood was not high. However, everyone still shouted slogans as much as possible.

"ice King!"

"ice King!"

"ice King!"

the other side.

Hyokui's team members were also chanting slogans.

Both sides shouted slogans at the same time, immediately attracting the attention of the surrounding audience.

"Is that the Hyokui's over there?"

Not far away, Qing Xue, who was dueling with Shi Le, looked over in surprise. When he saw the numbers on the scoreboard, he was quite surprised and said: "Have they won two games in a row? Their strength has become stronger again!"


And this time.

On the pitch below.

The young man wearing a white tennis cap flew up the ball and hit a smash with extremely sharp spin.

Chi Chi

After the tennis ball hits the ground.

He actually slid out close to the ground, leaving the boy opposite him wearing a baseball cap and a thick nose, the ace of Shishile Middle School Daimaru Daikichi, with a dull look on his face.

"competition is over."

At this time, the referee's voice sounded: "Young Academy Echizen Ryoma wins, the score is 6-1!"

"Is this the strength of Shishi Le Ace?"

Echizen adjusted his hat and shook his head. This kind of strength is enough for Qingxue to compete for the doubles position.


Immediately, he looked up and looked next door. When he saw Akutagawa walking to the net, he was quite surprised and said: "Is it him? I didn't expect that Hyokui would arrange for him to play again."

It was in the finals of the competition.

He had fought against this person before, and the opponent was pretty good. That volley shot was quite beautiful, but I don’t know what level the opponent has improved to after more than two months.

The stadium where Hyokui and Higa Naka are playing.

In front of the net.

Akutagawa said with a smile: "Your Higa's footwork is quite powerful. Can you let me see it?"


Kai's brows furrowed slightly.

He didn't know what the other party meant and was deliberately mocking him? But looking at his silly expression, it doesn't look like him at all.

"Come on, guess heads or tails."

Before Kai could answer, Akutagawa started spinning his racket.

"Let's face it."

Jia Fei pondered for a moment and then spoke.


As a result, after the racket fell down, the letters were on the wrong side. Akutagawa suddenly laughed and said: "It's so lucky. I said, I must be very lucky today!"

With that said, he turned around and left with a smile.

"What a strange guy."

Kai shook his head.

The members of Hyokui are all weird characters. However, he was secretly on guard.

after all.

The person who looked down on Huadi was still lying in the infirmary. "Game start."

After a while.

The referee looked at the excited orange-haired boy at the baseline, nodded and said: "Hyotei Akutagawa serves, the game is over!"


After getting the right to serve first, Akutagawa immediately smiled and hit the tennis ball.


The tennis ball flew out.

And he took this opportunity to quickly surf the Internet.

"Serve to the net?"

Seeing Akutagawa's actions, Kai's eyes changed slightly. Facing the menacing opponent, he immediately calmed down his expression, raised his racket, aimed at the left side of the opponent, and hit the tennis ball over.


The tennis ball flew out.

Passing through at extremely fast speeds.

"nice shot!"

Seeing this through ball, Higa's players immediately became excited.

Kai's skills are quite good and his shots are very decisive. Of course, the bigger reason is that Ice King's No. 2 singles player is too impulsive.

"Hmph, you rushed to the Internet so early and didn't take me seriously at all."

The corners of Jia Fei's mouth curled up slightly.

He is very confident in his ball and believes that he will be able to force the opponent to defend and even score directly.


Unexpectedly, Akutagawa suddenly jumped out.

With a snap, the tennis ball was hit.


A cold light flashed in Kai's eyes. The opponent was in this state, even if he hit a good volley. But as long as he hits the tennis ball back, there is absolutely no chance that the opponent will touch the tennis ball a second time.



Before Kai could use Shuchi, Akutagawa's short volley ball landed on the right side of the net.

The position between there and Kai shows a diagonal direction. Even if he wanted to use Shuchi method, he couldn't reach that position!



Immediately, a member of the Hyotei support group said excitedly: "It's Akutagawa-senpai's magic volley!"

"Come again."

Kai, who had been tricked, got into a posture of catching the ball.



Akutagawa adjusted his stance and hit the serve again.

Tap! !

As before, he quickly surfed the Internet.

Kai, on the other hand, gritted his teeth and hit the tennis ball at Akutagawa's feet. He wanted to restrict Akutagawa's movements by chasing the ball.


The opponent actually hit another beautiful volley short ball.

Moreover, the position happened to be the same as Kai's position, showing a diagonal line.

"Isn't this a coincidence?"

On one side of Higa, Hira Furuba said in surprise: "That guy actually has the ability to hit such a ball casually?"

"What's this?"

But Mu Shu's expression was very calm: "That kid in the hexagon can also play touch tennis stably, but it can't change anything."

"Um, too."

Ping Guba smiled awkwardly and said no more.


But then.

Akutagawa hit the ball again and scored.






"Hyotei Akutagawa, 1-0, exchange venues!"

"Damn guy"

on the field.

Kai's face turned red, then darkened again.

The honest-looking guy opposite him clearly said that it depends on his [Shukuchi Technique]. As a result, every time he hit the ball, he deliberately hit it diagonally, making it impossible for him to use it.


Kai gripped the racket tightly and thought to himself: "None of Hyotei's guys are good people!"

Ishikawa who tricked them into drinking special punishment tea last time.

Huadi just knocked Tian Renzhi away.

Akutagawa now.

The more honest a person looks, the more evil they are and pus will leak out!


Second round.

After exchanging positions, Kai served.

Of course, Akutagawa will not be stupid and hit a straight shot without any change. Instead, he continuously hits the tennis ball towards the left and right sides of the opponent, further restricting the opponent's shrinking technique.

"no solution anymore."

Kai made up his mind, turned the racket over, used the end of the racket handle with the letters engraved on it as a point of contact, aimed at the tennis ball, and jerked it.


There was a crisp sound.

The tennis ball draws a huge arc.

Under the shocked eyes of the Hyokui players, he reached near the bottom line of Akutagawa's backhand defense line and landed to score.



Team member Higa, who had been depressed for a long time, said excitedly: "It's the deputy minister's pirate horn!"

This moment.

Kai showed his true strength.

He looked at his opponent with sharp eyes, as if declaring war on him.

"Awesome, awesome, such an awesome trick!"


What he didn't expect was.

After seeing this [Pirate's Horn], Akutagawa was so excited that he jumped up like a child.

"so amazing."

He said excitedly: "Can you show me this trick of yours again?"


The corners of Jia Fei's mouth twitched.

He ignored his opponent because he felt that there was something wrong with the brain of this Ice Emperor's team member!


To score.

In the next game, Kai kept making moves and used the Pirates' horn to score many times. Akutagawa didn't panic. Instead, he jumped up and down with excitement like a child who saw a toy he liked.

"Ci Lang's problem has happened again."

Shido and Mukahi shook their heads helplessly.

Akutagawa is like this. He always seems to be delighted with this extremely expressive trick.

But when it was his turn to serve, Akutagawa instantly became serious. Constantly use magic volleys that can control the angle to score from the opponent.


The situation on the court became a situation where the two of them kept holding their serve.

The score is tight.

Both sides refused to give in to each other.

"Pirate's Horn!"

Kai gritted his teeth and hit a wide arc shot. The tennis ball bypassed Akutagawa's defense and landed on its weak spot.


"Higa wins the first division, 6-6, entering the tiebreaker!"


Court side.

Akutagawa gasped for air.

Entering the tiebreaker, his condition was undoubtedly the worst. On the other hand, Kai is used to the hot weather all year round because he grew up in Okinawa.

At this time, he still has relatively sufficient physical fitness.

"The opportunity has come!"

Seeing the state of his opponent, Kai showed a confident smile on his face.


He also reserved stronger special moves, just to kill his opponent with one blow at this time, when his physical strength has weakened to the worst.

after all.

He suffered too many losses from the Ice Emperor.

Once bitten, twice shy. Moreover, as the No. 2 singles player in Higa, he had to prepare for the worst after losing all the previous two games.

Now it seems.

The key to victory is indeed already in his hands!

(End of this chapter)

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