I'm in NetKing, and I have a tennis mini-game

Chapter 182 Powerful sleep state, locked in the top 8 in the country

Chapter 182 Powerful sleep state, locked in the top eight in the country (2nd update)


It was an extra thirteenth game after the game reached 6-6.

Because there is only one game, for the sake of fairness, the rule is that the team that serves first before the start of the game serves the first ball. The player who serves last serves the 1nd and 2rd ball in a row.

after that.

Both sides serve two balls each time and rotate repeatedly.

Until one side gets 7 points first, and the score difference between the two sides is more than 2 points (including 2 points), it is deemed to have won the round.

if not.

The game must go on non-stop.

"The tie-break begins."

After a moment, the referee said loudly: "Hyotei Akutagawa serves first."




Bottom line.

Akutagawa took out a tennis ball and started playing it gently.

Tick ​​tock!

Tick ​​tock!

At this time, the sweat on his forehead continued to fall. The whole person looked full of exhaustion.

Outside the stadium, Xiang Ri said in disbelief: "Ci Lang's physical fitness is about to reach its limit so soon?"

Even if it's him.

After such a long period of intensive training by Ishikawa, his physical fitness has also undergone earth-shaking changes.

Apart from anything else, at least until the tie-break, I still have more than enough physical strength.


Akutagawa, who used to be physically stronger than him, was actually so exhausted.

"Could it be that he sleeps too much?"

Feng frowned and said, "I read in a book that if a person sleeps for too long, the body will record this state. The mind becomes more and more lazy, and it is easier to feel sleepy than others."

"It should be."

Shido couldn't help but shook his head and said, "Now, Jirou, this guy, finally tasted the bitter consequences of sleeping in."


The Ice Emperor didn't worry much.

Instead, everyone was discussing how Akutagawa would be criticized by Sakaki Taro. As for whether the Ice Emperor can successfully advance to the next level, there is no need to have any doubts with the presence of three figures who are like sea-fixing needles.


At this time.

Akutagawa knocked the tennis ball away.

Then, go online again.

“Do you still have the energy to go online?”

Kai sneered in his heart. But he did not fight back too forcefully, but instead consumed his opponent's energy while saving his own energy as much as possible.

As for Akutagawa.

It was a great time to play.

He didn't seem to realize that his physical energy was about to be exhausted.



Two people duel.

Under the condition that their respective hairs are guaranteed.

The score is tight.

But when the score reached 3-4, Higa took the lead. Kai finally moved.


He made a sudden move.

One ball was played, and a sharp topspin was used to restrict Akutagawa to the baseline.

"not good."

Seeing this, one of the Hyokui team members changed their expressions: "The opponent is planning to trap Akutagawa-senpai at the bottom line."

at this time.

The disadvantages of Akutagawa's excessive physical exertion were revealed. He was not that quick on the net, and Kai deliberately used deep counterattacks to suppress him.

"This guy"

Hiyoshi looked at Kai with a solemn expression: "He has long known how to break the magic interception of the seniors, and he has endured it until now. He is really a terrible guy!"

have to say.

Kai's tactics were used very well, and he was very forbearing. Only now did he reveal his sharp fangs.

And this sudden attack also stunned Akutagawa.

He was already feeling sleepy, and his reaction gradually failed to keep up. So, after more than ten rounds of confrontation, Kai scored with a counterattack and opened up the score.


"5-3, Higa is in the lead!"


"6-3, Higa is in the lead!"

Akutagawa's two consecutive serves were scored by Kai. Next, as long as the opponent gets 1 more point, the singles match 2 is won.


Feng couldn't help shouting: "Get serious now, we can't lose at this time!"

All the Ice Emperors are selected.

Except for Ishikawa, no one knows better than Feng how hard Akutagawa's training is. Especially in the later stages, in order to get a spot in the main game, he practiced until he was exhausted almost every day.

Now defeated here, Feng feels so unwilling!

"ice King!"

"ice King!"

"ice King!"

At this moment.

Hyotei's support team also shouted uniform slogans and cheered Akutagawa loudly.

Such a huge momentum frightened Higa Naka on the opposite side.

"Damn it!"

Kai's face, holding the tennis ball, changed: "Isn't it now that we are here? Will there be changes?"


However, no one expected it. Just when everyone was cheering for Akutagawa, the other party was stunned and fell to the ground.

"Akutagawa-senpai (Jirou)?!"

The expressions of Ice King's team members changed, and they were about to rush onto the court.

"calm down."

Sakaki Taro said in a deep voice: "The game is not over yet. As a member of Hyotei, you should have enough determination."

"But the supervisor, senior him."

Feng wanted to explain, fearing something unexpected would happen to Akutagawa.



The result is this time.

Akutagawa was lying on the court, but his chest was rising and falling regularly, as if he was asleep.



On and off the court.

Whether it was Hyotei, Higa's team members, or the passers-by, they all showed surprised expressions.

"Sleep, asleep?"

The corners of Jia Fei's mouth twitched, and several black lines appeared on his forehead.


Immediately, he frowned and said, "In this case, I should be considered the winner, right?"


The referee hesitated because Akutagawa's condition did not mean he had lost the ability to compete. At least under the current situation, he could still complete the final game if he was forced to wake up.


Seeing the referee's reaction, Kai said unhappily: "He's been sleeping like this. I can't wait for him to wake up before serving, right?"

He was actually anxious.

He was afraid that if Akutagawa really slept for a few minutes and regained his physical strength, all his previous efforts would be in vain.

"it does not matter."

At this time, on Hyotei's side, Ishikawa smiled and said: "Senior Higa, you can serve at any time."

"No, Ishikawa you."

When the other main candidates saw this, they quickly tried to save it.


Unexpectedly, Sakaki Taro decided: "Let the opponent serve and end this game as soon as possible."


After receiving the approval of the opponent's coach, the referee immediately nodded and said: "Kai player in Higa, you can serve."


After receiving permission, Kai couldn't help but snorted.

Glancing at Akutagawa, who was lying on the opposite side and even snoring a little, he sneered: "In this state, even if you have any hidden cards, it's useless."



He threw the tennis ball up.

Then with great confidence, he swung his racket and hit the tennis ball: "The game is over, Higa's reversal starts with me!"


The tennis ball flew out.

Kai put away his racket with a smile on his face.

In his opinion, the game was over and there was no need to continue watching.


But the next moment.

The moment he put down his racket, a light yellow luster suddenly bloomed at his feet.

"Um, 4-6, Higa is in the lead."

The referee was stunned for a moment before reporting the score.

"Wha, what's going on?!"

And this time.

Everyone suddenly looked towards the other side of the court and saw Akutagawa standing on the court holding a racket at some unknown moment.

"Damn it!"

Kai's face suddenly turned ugly: "How dare this guy play tricks on me!!!"

He thought Akutagawa was pretending to be asleep on purpose, and then tricked him into lowering his guard before making a surprise attack.


Immediately, Kai sneered: "You can only use this trick once."


Immediately. Full of anger, he hit the tennis ball again.


On the opposite side, Akutagawa, who had his eyes closed, quickly hit the tennis ball over.


He quickly ran towards the net.

"Going online?!"

Higa's team members were shocked.

Kai turned around with an ugly expression on his face. After catching up with the tennis ball, he swung the racket out, trying to land the tennis ball deeply to restrict his opponent.



The moment the racket came into contact with the tennis ball, Kai's expression changed.

"Good weight!"

Feeling the heavy feeling coming from the racket, his eyes showed disbelief.

Kai couldn't understand why the opponent's ball suddenly became so much heavier.

Grit your teeth.

He whipped the tennis ball away.

Tap! !

And this time.

Taking advantage of the time when Kai's return was suppressed, Akutagawa had successfully escaped from the baseline. Crossing the middle area, he swung his racket toward the tennis ball.

There was a snap.

A beautiful volley shot over the blocking net.

"It's a magic volley."

The Ice Emperor team members were extremely excited.


But after seeing this short ball, Shishito frowned and said: "The direction of this ball was not controlled well, and it was in a straight line with the opponent."



Kai took the opportunity to step forward and use Shuchi method to quickly approach the tennis ball. Lift the racket and hit it.




The tennis ball played by Akutagawa disappeared from everyone's sight.



On the other side, in front of the net diagonally opposite to Kai, a tennis ball fell out.

"5-6, Higa is in the lead!"

"How, how is it possible?"

Kai was stunned.

He couldn't understand why the opponent's volley ball appeared in the other direction in an instant.

This is simply unbelievable!



Akutagawa served and hit the net immediately after the end.

Aiming at the tennis ball played by Kai, he flicked his wrist and hit it quickly.

There was a snap.

As Akutagawa took action, the tennis ball trembled violently after contacting the racket surface. Then, two shadows actually separated and flew out, one to the left and the other to the right.


Seeing this, Sakaki Taro, who was sitting on the bench, opened his eyes in surprise: "Is this... a phantom magic volley?"

The other Ice Emperor team members were also very surprised.

No one expected that Akutagawa would be able to shoot two shadows at the same time, one real and one fake.

"Is it through that innate wrist flexibility?"

Renzu squinted his eyes and said, "At the moment when the ball was touched, the friction between the racket surface and the tennis ball, combined with Jilang's wrist talent, produced a special change?"


And on the court.

Kai was forced to a crossroads of choices.

Which ball is it?

Left or right?

Looking at the tennis ball diagonally across the corner, he gritted his teeth and turned around, turning the diagonal line into a straight line and quickly moving over.


He was still able to ensure that he was in the right place in one step, but he could no longer make everyone have the illusion of moving in an instant.

"Caught up!"

Kai, who was using Okinawa martial arts skills, finally caught up with the tennis ball just as it was about to hit the ground.



Before he could swing the racket.

Tennis disappeared again.

"6-6, evenly divided!"


The score was tied, and the Ice King players cheered loudly.

On the other hand, Kai, who originally had a huge advantage, was now being beaten back by the opponent.

Tick ​​tock!

Tick ​​tock!

The heavy pressure caused sweat to fall from his forehead. When he looked at his opponent again, he subconsciously tightened his grip on the racket, but felt a little slippery.

him at this time.

The palms of my hands were obviously covered in sweat.

He was looking at Akutagawa with his eyes closed. But the honest state of his body has disappeared, replaced by an indescribable feeling of indifference.

"What on earth is this?"

Off the field.

Shiba Saori said in disbelief: "Can you still maintain the state of the game when someone is asleep?"

"There is."

Inoue said: "For example, in the state of selflessness, you lose consciousness and rely on your body's instinct to compete. It's just that Akutagawa's state is quite special."

It is different from the state of selflessness.

Akutagawa was not only in an unconscious state, but his entire personality seemed to have changed.

He usually looks cheerful and always smiling, but now he has become very serious. Although he didn't open his eyes, others could feel an indescribable sharp and powerful aura from his body!

"Akutagawa-senpai, what on earth is this?"

Riji and Feng both looked confused and curious.

"It's a self-aware reaction."

At this time, Atobe said: "For this period of time, he has always fought with Ishikawa until he was exhausted. Therefore, his body has remembered the feeling of fighting a strong opponent and expressed the state of fighting against Ishikawa. ”

"That is to say."

Ninzu thought thoughtfully: "In his current state, Jirou, does he mistake Kai for Ishikawa?"

"should be."

Ishikawa smiled and nodded: "It can be said that Akutagawa-senpai's improvement in daily training has been remembered by his body. My consciousness and spirit cannot keep up with my own actions."

in other words.

At this time, Akutagawa's posture was truly that after intensive training.



Exuding a powerful aura!



Kai felt his opponent's pressure, and his expression changed again and again. Immediately, he turned the racket over and held it upside down.

"This is."

Seeing Kai's movements as if holding a pirate's scimitar, the expressions of the Hyokui team members changed slightly.


At this time.

Akutagawa serves.

Kai took the initiative to attack, and after counterattacking, he also moved towards the net.

From a small place like Higa to the national competition step by step, Kai, as the deputy director of the team, knows better than anyone that the more times like this come, the less he can shrink back.

The narrow road meets the brave to win!

With Higa's hope on his shoulders, he burst into his strongest form.



His defense was completely penetrated by Akutagawa's counterattack. Looking at the traces of the tennis ball that flew past fiercely, Kai's pupils shrank.

"7-6, Ice Emperor is in the lead!"

The score reversed.

Hyokui's victory was unstoppable.

Kai, who was forced into a hurry, quickly moved towards the net after serving. Moreover, facing Akutagawa's sharp return, he also used his strongest version of [Pirate Horn] not to be outdone!


The tennis ball circled an even more exaggerated and sharp arc and flew in the opposite direction.

Tap! !


Akutagawa on the opposite side, while moving quickly, several afterimages ran out.

At this time, in his sleep state, his speed, strength, and reflexes were far beyond his normal state.



Kai's strongest trick was caught by Akutagawa. Moreover, the magic volley he hit actually split into three in an instant.


Kai, who had already made up his mind to hit back with a goal, was stunned when he saw this.



The phantom volley closest to him in the middle landed, and the tennis ball rolled over gently and rested on Kai's shoes.

"competition is over."

Immediately, the referee loudly announced: "Jirou Akutagawa of Hyotei Academy wins, score 7-6!"


Won all three battles.

Ice Emperor sealed the victory and was determined to advance to the top eight in the country.

(End of this chapter)

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