I'm in NetKing, and I have a tennis mini-game

Chapter 390: Heavenly Clothes vs. Heavenly Clothes, Gravitation vs. 7 Stars in a Row

Chapter 390: Heavenly Clothes vs. Heavenly Clothes, Gravitation vs. Seven Stars
"That was Ishikawa's (Deputy Minister) ultimate move just now. Dawn?!"

Off the field.

There was surprise in the eyes of the Ice Emperor team members.

"breaking Dawn!"

The others were also shocked.

In their minds, they all recalled the phantom of Ishikawa that Niou had used in the previous matches. In comparison, the same trick, when used in real body and phantom, was completely different.

"This is the strength of a professional master."

Irie sighed, "The same skill will achieve different results depending on the strength of different people. For him, even a simple whip shot is no different from a top-notch move in the eyes of ordinary people."


Hear the words.

Tsunin, Nakagawachi and others nearby trembled.

To some extent, they are not even what the other party calls 'ordinary people'.

"That Long Ya is too confident."

Tanejima shook his head slightly, "He actually thought that kind of surprise attack could score from Ishikawa. It seems that after the rumored one-goal victory, he didn't take the result to heart at all."

Everyone here has heard of or witnessed the outcome of that game.

“But he’s really fast.”

However, Yue Zhi shook his head and said, "At least from the current situation, he is probably still hiding a considerable degree of strength."

Hear the words.

Irie, Tokugawa and others nodded.

Even though Long Ya lost points, they did not think that the opponent's strength was limited to this level. After all, the opponent had not even used a decent move yet.

"I have to say, your strength is beyond my imagination."

on the field.

Long Ya looked at Ishikawa with fear: "It seems that this level of performance is indeed impossible to force you to use your true strength. Not to mention, getting points from you."

"In that case."

Speaking of which.

He took a deep breath and suddenly relaxed.

"What is he going to do?"

The audience outside the venue held their breath and focused their eyes on Long Ya. They had a very strong premonition that something extremely powerful was coming!
next moment.

With Long Ya as the center, a dazzling white light suddenly burst out.

"This is?!!"

Feeling this extremely familiar white light fluctuation, although unable to see the specific situation on the court, everyone's faces showed expressions of surprise and even astonishment.


Most people said in unison.

In Shitenhoji Temple, Chitose, one of the main players, suddenly contracted his pupils.

Which one is this?

First it was Echizen, then Tezuka, then Toyama. Now, even this mysterious young man was able to display the ultimate meaning of the selfless state without any hindrance?!
This made him, who had been exploring the path of selflessness with the goal of breaking through the final third door, feel an indescribable feeling of numbness.

At this time.

Then Long Ya threw the tennis ball up.

From the perspective of others, he just shook his shoulders and raised his racket, but there was no follow-up movement.

The players with keen observation skills caught the fleeting movement, but they were unable to see the specific traces of the tennis ball.

I just vaguely felt that the space of the court was fluctuating.

the other side.

From Ishikawa's perspective.

He clearly observed the entire process of Long Ya's serve, and at this moment, the tennis ball hit by the opponent was flying towards his position at an astonishing speed.

This is very fast.

Although we haven't entered the ultra-high-speed dimension yet, we can already see a slight sense of blur with our naked eyes.

"As expected, you are another warrior's son!"

Ishikawa nodded secretly.

His mental strength was so strong that he keenly sensed that the slight blur he observed was not caused by the ball being too fast, but was affected by the opponent's perfect light.

At this point.

The ability that Ryuga used was indeed on another level, far surpassing Tezuka, Echizen, and Toyama.

"But that's all."


He raised his racket.

A crisp collision sound was heard.

Everyone looked closely and saw that Long Ya's super fast serve was easily blocked by Ishikawa.

"As expected of you!"

Long Ya raised his brows slightly. Even though he had expected it, his heart was still filled with uncontrollable waves.

Because the opponent was just normal, he saw through his ball path.

"Just how strong is this guy's mental strength?!"

Long Ya was confused and uncertain.


The selfless aura on his body burst out, and in an instant, he moved to the location where the tennis ball landed.

"I want to see how long you can last!"

With his perfect abilities, he knew exactly how to maximize the effect.


Long Ya launched a fierce offensive.

His goal was simple, which was to use a seamless and powerful offensive, combined with the effect of swallowing up the opponent's light, to break through Ishikawa's defense.

"Use your trick now!"

During the attack, Long Ya raised her eyes and stared at her opponent: "Use the ability that can cause [hallucination] now!"

That's right.

Long Ya's goal is to use fierce offensive to force the opponent to use his true strength.

Including the true meaning of kendo, the four martial arts gods, and the special move that was used on him in Macau, which caused him to enter the world of illusion.

As long as the other party uses it.

He can use his own abilities to deprive it of it and use it for his own benefit!

What made Long Ya feel unbelievable was that even with his fierce attack, he was unable to make Ishikawa show signs of defeat.

"real or fake?"

On the platform in the distance, Saito looked at Ishikawa who was at the bottom line, resisting Long Ya in the super-strong Tianyi state with normal state, and said with wide eyes: "Has his basic strength reached this level?"

"Head, head coach."

Takushi next to him turned to look at Mifune next to him and said, "What did Ishikawa learn in the back mountain?"

Hear the words.

Kurobe's spirit moved.

Because he thought of the special racket that Ishikawa had lent to Akutsu and Toyama. The weight was so heavy that even Akutsu, a strong beast, and Toyama, who was born with extraordinary strength, had great difficulty lifting it.

But looking at Ishikawa, it seems that he has already adapted to that weight?
Think of this.

Kurobe also looked at the old man next to him with curiosity.


Unexpectedly, Mifune shook his head and said, "To be honest, I didn't teach him anything."

"No, no, right?"

Saito and Takushi were both stunned.

Didn’t teach anything?
In other words, Ishikawa is self-taught? Isn't that too scary?
"Head coach."

At this time, Kurobe seemed to have thought of something and asked in surprise: "You asked him to find that senior?"


Mifune nodded. "He was in the back mountain. Just by listening to my explanation, he reached the level of entering the spiritual cultivation. Then, I recommended him to the teacher."

Hear the words.

Several people were shocked.

Mifune's teacher was the legendary figure. It is said that even the samurai Echizen Nanjiro was taught by him.

Two years ago.

After training in the back mountains, Byodoin went to teacher Mifune for more in-depth training, and gained a completely transformed strength.

Before that, Ishikawa had defeated Oni and Irie head-on. After that, he went to teacher Mifune and gained strength beyond the professional level.

after that.

The other party led a team to go overseas for an expedition.

A month later, those players who had interacted with Ishikawa in the past have all undergone transformation.


How much has this terrifying young man, who is already above everyone else, improved his strength? "To a level that cannot be measured in five dimensions?"

Kurobe gritted his teeth secretly, then raised his head and looked at the black-haired boy at the baseline of the court, his eyes fixed: "It's been three minutes. The perfect halo can't even affect him?"

on the field.

Long Ya hit another amazing goal.

"This guy"

However, looking at the figure at the opposite baseline, who was still rushing to move in front of the landing point before the tennis ball hit the ground, his eyes suddenly sank: "Is he really a first-year junior high school player?"

If he had not witnessed it with his own eyes, he would never have believed that a 12-year-old boy could have such terrifying physical fitness and mental strength.

"But... this is better."

There was a gleam of brilliance in Long Ya's eyes, and her aura rose again.


"His momentum is still growing?"

"A realm above perfect?"

Everyone was released by Long Ya, and was shocked by the overwhelming momentum.


He swung at the ball.

Combining top technology and seamless ability, the tennis ball was like an exploding star, carrying a dazzling light and shooting towards Ishikawa's position.

"He made a move!"

Irie, Tanejima and the others' expressions changed.

They could feel the explosive force contained in this shot. Ordinary force-relieving techniques were probably ineffective.

"So. What would you do?"

After performing her ultimate move, Long Ya stared at Ishikawa opposite her.

This moment.

The other party stood still.

It seemed like he gave up on taking the ball.

But Long Ya felt that the other person's aura was undergoing amazing changes.

“Is it finally time to use it?”

Seeing this, Long Ya's eyes became more fierce: "Is it the true meaning of kendo or the hidden shot?"

Whatever it is.

For him, as long as he hits back, he can use his special abilities to take advantage of the opponent's abilities.

But the next moment.

A dazzling white light that was extremely familiar suddenly burst out from Ishikawa's body.

"That's. Perfect?!"

Everyone's eyes widened, and many people, such as Chitose and Shiraishi, were shocked but also felt numb.

Has the perfect ability really become so cheap that it is everywhere?

Ishikawa swung and hit the ball.

A flash of starlight flashed, and the tennis ball slammed into the baseline behind Long Ya, scoring directly.



The other side.

Long Ya, who was bathed in starlight, looked very ugly. He never expected that the opponent's final move would be so perfect.

"Is this guy a monster?"

Long Ya felt very jealous.

Although he also possesses a variety of professional-level and even world-class skills, he obtained them through special means while traveling around the world.

And the other person is only 12 years old!

Perfect, true meaning of kendo, dark shot, any of which is enough to make him rank among the top high school students in the world.

With all three at the same time, Ishikawa will have no problem playing in professional competitions.

"I didn't expect that I still underestimated you."

After taking a deep look at her opponent, Long Ya narrowed her eyes and said, "It seems that just relying on perfect words may not be enough to defeat you."

next moment.

A white light suddenly flashed on his left hand, and then, under the astonished gaze of others, he merged the light into the racket and hit it out violently.

"Light ball?!"

Everyone was shocked.

"It's not a ball of light."

However, Byodoin shook his head and said, "This technique of exerting force is different from the light ball. But it is also a top-level skill."

But even though he had traveled around the world, he still couldn't recognize what this trick was.


When Ishikawa hit the ball, the power of the tennis ball exploded, turning into a powerful air wave that surprisingly caused the wall behind him to collapse.


His right hand holding the racket remained steady.

“It’s not just about hitting the ball.”

Ishikawa narrowed his eyes as well. Just as Byodoin said, the effect of the opponent's ball was completely different from that of a light shot.

Although the power is also very strong.

But the penetration of this ball is stronger than that of the light ball. Ishikawa seemed to have seen this move before, but he couldn't remember where it was.

"this ball"

At this time.

The fat Duke outside the court seemed to have thought of something, and slowly opened his squinting eyes: "Rumor has it that there was once a peerless genius in the British tennis world. He invented a very powerful trick by himself."


Ishikawa raised his eyebrows lightly.

"Could it be that"

Then, his eyes flashed, and a name popped up in his mind: "Gravity?"


He hit the tennis ball over.

On the other side, Long Ya performed the same action again. On the basis of flawless operation, he used a special trick that was as powerful as a ball of light.

A strong light merged into it, and then Long Ya hit the tennis ball violently out.

In an instant.

The sound waves as powerful as ocean waves exploded, making everyone feel dizzy.

"Feel the combination of perfection and gravity."

The corners of Long Ya's mouth curled up slightly.

This was an offensive mode he came up with by chance, and he once used this trick to defeat a professional player in a match.

And now.

He used this trick again.

The target was changed to Ishikawa, a 12-year-old junior high school student.

"In a way, you deserve to be proud!"

Thoughts turned.

Long Ya's eyes were fixed on Ishikawa. He wanted to see how the other party would respond.

At this time.

Ishikawa moved.

He raised the racket and made a lunge motion.

"The true meaning of the way of the sword? Or is it the so-called Four Gods' Martial Arts?"

In the past two days, he had also inquired about Ishikawa's situation and had a general understanding of his abilities.


The ability that erupted from Ishikawa was not any ability he knew of.

In an instant.

As the tennis ball was blasted out, two points of starlight suddenly shot out.

"This is."

Seeing this familiar scene, everyone in the expedition team was stunned. Staff Officer Mitsuya seemed to have thought of something and blurted out: "Continuous arrows?!"

Whoosh whoosh! ! !

The two points of starlight suddenly spread out and turned into seven points of white light.

"Not a chain of arrows!"

Tokugawa's pupils suddenly shrank, and he whispered, "This is... Seven Stars in a Row!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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