I'm in NetKing, and I have a tennis mini-game

Chapter 391: Sword Qi, Long Ya's Killing Intent

Chapter 391: Sword Qi, Long Ya's Killing Intent

Whoosh whoosh! ! !
Seven star rays shot out at the same time, at such a fast speed that even Long Ya felt frightened.

"What's this?!"

He was fully prepared to crack the true meaning of his opponent's swordsmanship, and even devour his opponent's perfect defense.


However, Ishikawa used an extraordinary skill that he had never expected.

"Seven Stars in a row?"

Oshitari, Shishido and others were all surprised.

As Ishikawa's teammates in Hyotei, they had never heard that the other side had developed a similar trick.

"This is very similar to the [White Tiger] in the Four Gods' Martial Arts, but its penetrating power is significantly stronger."

Hiyoshi's eyes flickered, and he subconsciously clenched his fists. "Could it be that this is a new trick that the deputy minister developed based on the Four Gods' Martial Arts?"

It has stronger penetrating power and speed than the White Tiger, and its number has reached an astonishing level.

It was obviously just one ball.

But it produced seven different effects at the same time, and on some level, it even brought a sense of oppression comparable to Yakuzun's [Unconsciousness].

at the same time.

Long Ya on the court also responded.

He raised his racket, and although the speed didn't seem fast, to others, it looked like a slow-motion effect like the Thousand-Armed Avalokitesvara.

"It doesn't matter how many goals you score, it doesn't matter to me."


He swung his racket and captured the true form of the tennis ball in seven afterimages.


When the ball and racket collided, Long Ya's face showed obvious surprise.

Chi Chi
Looking down at the rapidly spinning tennis ball on her racket, Long Ya's pupils couldn't help but shrink.

"Could it be that?"


Under everyone's astonished gaze, Long Ya's racket was actually pierced directly by the tennis ball.

The tennis ball hits the ground.

A strong dust wave was raised.


The referee spoke, and the spectators, who had difficulty breathing due to watching the game for a long time, took a deep breath.

"It's true."

Mitsuya narrowed his eyes and said, "That person's special skills are the same as those of the South Korean captain. They are both extremely penetrating and extremely accurate!"

"Captain of South Korea?"

Long Ya lowered her head, and immediately in her mind emerged the image of the purple-haired young man who was easily crushed by Ishikawa when she saw him on the screen when she was with the American U17 team.

Lee Seung-bo, who came from an elite training camp in Germany and was defeated by the super genius QP.


Long Ya narrowed her eyes and looked at Ishikawa in confusion: "Isn't that man's special move derived from his professional skill [archery] besides tennis?"

To master the art of archery, it is no easier than other professions such as kendo and martial arts.


If Long Ya remembered correctly, the South Korean team's main player, Lee Seung-fu, only reached the level of two stars in a row. But this Ishikawa actually strengthened to the level of seven stars in one go?

"I remembered."

At this time, Hara Tetsuya outside the stadium exclaimed: "After the South Korean team's game, every time Ishikawa went to other countries, he would find a professional archery venue. Basically, he would stay there for a whole day!"

"Could it be that"

The other players from the original first team all showed surprised expressions: "Did the team leader start archery training at that time?"

"This kid is a freak!"

On the second floor platform, Tuo Zhi couldn't help but say something.

Saito nodded heavily.

As far as they know, Ishikawa currently masters other professions, including kendo, chess, martial arts and yoga. Moreover, he has reached an extremely terrifying level in each field.

"His talent is indeed terrifying."

Mifune couldn't help but nod.

Before Ishikawa, he always thought that Echizen Nanjiro was the freak in the field of tennis. After meeting him, his perception was gradually broken.


Even if Ishikawa showed even more outrageous talent, Mifune would not be surprised.

"Arrow path. Ugh!"

on the field.

Long Ya's expression changed again and again.

He found that he had competed with his opponent twice, but until now, he still did not fully understand how strong his opponent was.

This moment.

He obviously felt the pressure.

After all, it is hard to find a high school student in the world who can prevent him from getting a single point when he has shown such strength.


After calming down.

There was a hidden glimmer of aggression in his eyes.

To a certain extent, the more abilities Ishikawa has, the better it is for him.

"From now on, your archery path belongs to me!"

Thoughts turned.

Long Ya threw the tennis ball up again.

With a powerful spin, he hit it back. Then, the aura of the Heavenly Clothes on his body reappeared. The difference was that it was less natural than before, and more fierce.

"The way of the bow and arrow lies in its extreme penetrating power."

Long Ya locked his eyes on his opponent. He was ready. As long as his opponent used the archery again, he would be affected by the special spin he created.


His own special abilities would combine perfectly to completely devour the opponent's abilities.


To Long Ya's surprise, what emerged from Ishikawa again was not the aura of Tianyi or archery, but an extremely sharp white light that even made his skin feel stinging.

"The true meaning of swordsmanship?"

Long Ya's eyes narrowed.

He didn't expect that his opponent would use such a move.


The sound is crisp and exciting.

The tennis ball turned into a sharp white arc of light and shot out at an astonishing speed.


And in a place that others cannot see.

The special spin that Long Ya secretly performed was destroyed instantly because it was different from the kendo style.

"Damn it!"

His face looked a little ugly.

Because of his devouring ability, he could only receive the opponent's attack if he used the special move he expected. And through continuous confrontation, he would eat away at the opponent's strength bit by bit.


This move was very poorly controlled by Ishikawa.

Without him.

Ishikawa has too many moves.

As far as Long Ya knew, there was the true meaning of kendo, light hitting, dark hitting, and the archery skills of flawless and seven stars in a row that she had just displayed.

More importantly, each of these special moves was of top-level quality, which undoubtedly greatly increased the difficulty for Long Ya to devour her opponent's abilities.


He took action again.

Although the opponent was very strong and had many tricks up his sleeve, Long Ya did not change his mind.

He started to mingle in society at a very young age, witnessed the evilness of human nature, and encountered countless difficulties.


However, he was able to defeat powerful enemies time and time again, breaking through his own limits, and eventually growing to his current level of strength.

The point is this.

Long Ya's inner tenacity far exceeds that of 99.99% of other people. No matter how strong his opponent is, he believes that he can find a way to defeat him.

Ishikawa has many special moves?

It's ok.

As long as he has enough time, he can constantly understand his opponent's style of play through the game, and then use his seamless ability to turn it into his own instinctive understanding.


Combined with one's own special abilities, it can achieve the result of using opposite rotation and force to devour the opponent's abilities.


He braced himself and fought with Ishikawa again. During this process, Long Ya gradually understood the true meaning of kendo and the principles of archery.

After gradually understanding his opponent's moves, a gleam of brilliance suddenly flashed in his eyes.

"That's about it. It's time to let you see what I'm capable of!" Bang!

Long Ya hit a dark-colored shot in perfect condition.


Black light overflows.

The audience around them looked over subconsciously, their heartbeats quickening. Deep in their hearts, they could not help but feel a fear that seemed to be an instinctive part of life.

"what is this?"

Irie and Tanejima's expressions changed slightly.

Both of them felt a very dangerous aura on the tennis ball. It seemed that if they hit the ball back, something terrible would happen.


Byodoin and the ghost's faces also darkened.

This was the first time in this match that they were unable to read the specific information of a trick. Moreover, both of them also realized the danger of this shot.

"Can you finally take action?"

Seeing this extremely aggressive shot, Ishikawa raised his eyebrows slightly, with a gleam of brilliance in his eyes: "In that case, I will also speed up the pace of the game a little bit!"


He raised his racket.

At this moment, his whole aura, in addition to being fierce and dangerous, also had a hint of weirdness and difficulty to detect.

"Feel the offensive tennis that is the result of the combination of these three abilities!"

In an instant.

The strength of Tianyi, the sharpness of the sword, and the danger of the archery. Three kinds of white light burst out at the same time, and Ishikawa turned the racket sideways, using the kendo hitting posture, combined with the power technique of archery, and slashed the racket out fiercely.

There was a loud bang.

At the point where Ishikawa's racket touched the tennis ball, a flash of lightning was clearly visible. The arc exploded, visibly sweeping away the black aura on the tennis ball.


Seeing this, Long Ya's expression changed.

"Tianyi, swordsmanship and archery?!"

Feeling that three different abilities were combined in some way, he instinctively widened his eyes.


To what terrifying level has the opponent's skills reached?


A faint blue electric light exploded.

As if a thunder dragon was rolling, several astonishing lightning cracks appeared in the space above the court at the same time.

"What's this?!"

The others all widened their eyes, and those who were closer subconsciously took a few steps back.


The tennis ball hits the ground.

It instantly split into several sharp and dangerous rays of light, spreading out in a fan shape.

This is a new trick created by combining the true meaning of Ishikawa's kendo, the Jingzhe attack, with the seven-star chain technique from archery.

"Which side is the main body of the tennis ball?"

Off the field.

The players of Qingxue stared at the court intently.

Tezuka, Fuji and others have improved their observation skills to the maximum extent.


The two came to an extremely absurd conclusion.

The seven waves of energy from the split sword blades are all real!

"Could it be that"

Qian Ze seemed to have thought of something and exclaimed: "The tennis ball was divided into seven parts at the same time?!"

"Seven? The tennis ball broke apart?"


“This is an illusion!”

"With his skills, it's absolutely impossible for him to do it without damaging the tennis ball!"

Thoughts kept flashing through Long Ya's mind.


His eyes fixed on one of the sword waves: "After all, this is just a tennis trick. No matter how powerful you are, you can't make it come true!"

next moment.

He swung the bat.

Sure enough, he caught the tennis ball hit by Ishikawa.

"Got it?!"

Everyone subconsciously widened their eyes.

Even the eyes of the Byodoin Temple and the ghosts showed strong fear. Isn't this guy called Echizen Ryuga's insight too strong?


The moment of touching the ball.

Long Ya seemed to sense something and her expression suddenly changed.


For an instant.

The racket in his hand was neatly cut in half with the ball receiving point as the center.



A trace of the upward-slashing air blade flew towards Long Ya's face. Instantly, he instinctively sensed the danger and immediately leaned back and retracted his head.

next moment.

A strand of dark green hair gently fell down.


At the same time, the referee on the high chair also said: "Ichijun Ishikawa, 1-0, switch positions!"

After the referee's voice fell.

The entire stadium fell into extreme silence.

Everyone looked at Long Ya's stiff movements, and then looked at the ground, which was covered with criss-cross marks as if it had been cut by a cutting machine. There was a strong sense of awe in their eyes.

This is the case even on such hard ground.

It is hard to imagine what terrible consequences would occur if such a skill were to fall on a human.

“Is this professional tennis?”

"No, that Long Ya is also very strong. However, there are also differences in strength among professions."

"Yes, even though they are all professional players, the gap between them may even be greater than the gap between non-professional players and professional players!"

Everyone was very emotional.

Even though the match had only ended in one inning, they all knew that the outcome of the match was already determined.

There is no chance that this guy named Echizen Ryuga will make a comeback.

"good, very good."

Who knows.

At this time, Long Ya, whose racket was cut off and a strand of hair was chopped off, suddenly raised her head and looked towards Ishikawa opposite her.


The smile on his face completely disappeared, and his original sunny and refreshing image became more depressing and gloomy.

"Sword spirit, flawless attack, and the art of archery."

"I have to say, Ishikawa Shin, your existence is indeed too dangerous."

"In that case, I must be here to eliminate you, the biggest threat!"



After hearing Long Ya's words, the audience around showed expressions of surprise and confusion.

"what's the situation?"

"Aren't you all U17 players?"

"Could it be that he has gone crazy wanting to be No.1?"

Everyone looked at each other.

"This guy is wrong!"

On the second floor platform, after carefully savoring Long Ya's words, a look of shock suddenly flashed across Mifune's face.

"His target from the beginning was Ishikawa?"

at this time.

A dark aura suddenly emanated from Long Ya. The dark light made people feel their negative emotions stirring up at a glance.

"This is."

Mitsuya, Yanagi and Qian seemed to have thought of something, and their faces changed: "Fallen Glory?!"


What was released from Long Ya was the special trick that Mu Shou had learned earlier, [Fallen Glory]!
Moreover, the aura on him was obviously much stronger than Mu Shou's!

(End of this chapter)

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