"Yeah, I'm finally back."

Chen Pingan appeared next to Xiaobai, gently picking up a handful of water, with a look of endless reminiscence in his expression.

Back then, just beside the Lancang River, he suffered an insult and then was secretly killed.

In this life, he embarked on the path of cultivation.

Naturally, I want to settle all the grievances and grudges from the past life and leave no regrets.

Xiaobai raised his head, with tears in his eyes, and said in a trembling voice: "Brother Xu, Sister Xiaoqing is still suffering, you must rescue her."

"Will do."

Chen Pingan nodded heavily.

From the direction behind him, there suddenly came an astonishing breath.

"Senior, I have broken through to the Saint Realm."

The thirty-three-year-old cicada's voice of surprise came.

Chen Pingan turned around and looked at the Thirty-Three-Year Cicada, a look of surprise suddenly appeared on his face.

It is indeed the blood of a true god.

Under constant absorption, Thirty-Three-Year Cicada's cultivation level is also rapidly making breakthroughs.

It is at the first level of the Saint Realm and is of great use to Chen Ping'an.

"Your breakthrough is too fast."

Xiao Zi stared at the thirty-three-year-old cicada in shock and said in disbelief.

"I obtained some relics of my ancestors in Dragon Valley, that's why I broke through so quickly..."

Thirty-three years old cicada smiled.

Mr. Poisonous Dragon was petrified throughout.

As soon as he arrived in Canglan Continent, he saw the birth of a saint with his own eyes, which was really exciting.

He greedily absorbed a breath of the rich spiritual energy in the air, his face intoxicated.

"This spiritual energy is too strong. There is no comparison between Beizhou and here..."

he murmured.

"Not only Beizhou, but the concentration of spiritual energy in the entire wilderness is not comparable to that of Canglan Continent."

Chen Pingan smiled meaningfully.

As soon as he entered the inland sea of ​​Canglan Continent, he found that it was very different from the wilderness.

Not only is the spiritual energy here rich, but the surrounding space is also stronger. If he could travel thousands of miles in an instant in the wilderness, he would be able to travel thousands of miles in an instant with much less effort here.

"The more powerful people there are, the stronger the world will be..."

Chen Pingan thought.

"Brother Xu, where are we going next?" Xiaobai asked expectantly.

"Let's go to the Nether Blood Dragon Valley."

Chen Pingan patted Xiaobai's shoulder and smiled softly.

The Nether Blood Dragon Valley is located on the bank of the Lancang River. It is where the Nether Blood Cyanwood Dragon clan lives.

Xiaobai nodded and led the way.

The others were not in a hurry and followed steadily.

The distance to the Nether Blood Dragon Valley from here is not far. In just one stick of incense, the five of them flew outside the gate of the Nether Blood Dragon Valley.

The Nether Blood Dragon Valley is surrounded by a layer of mist, and there is a formation inside. It is difficult for outsiders to enter without permission.

Xiaobai took out a token and shook it gently.

The token shot out a ray of light and threw it into the mist. The mist rolled and a passage appeared.

"Let's go."

Xiaobai took the lead and rushed in.

She had not been home for thousands of years, but she was still very excited, especially when she thought of rescuing her cousin.

After entering the Nether Blood Dragon Valley, the fog disappeared.

A lush mountain range bursts into everyone's sight. This place is rich in spiritual energy. There is a green dragon soaring in the distance, and dragon roars are heard from time to time.


Two rays of light flew out and transformed into two burly men, blocking the way of several people.

"Long Shibai? Is this your cousin?"

One of the men stared at Xiao Bai, his eyes wide open in disbelief.

"It's me, cousin."

Xiaobai nodded, looking quite excited.

One of the guards of Longgu is none other than her cousin Long Changyu. The entire Netherblood Cyanwood Dragon clan lives here. There are ten major bloodlines in the clan. They have been intermarried with each other for many years and have continued to produce offspring, so many people are related to each other.

"I thought you died outside, but I didn't expect you were still alive."

Long Changyu looked excited and rushed over and said, "Where have you been for so many years?"

"Cousin, I went to the Wilderness. These are some of my friends from the Wilderness."

Xiaobai said.

Long Changyu looked at the four people and did not find the hidden thirty-three-year-old cicada. However, he stared at Chen Pingan closely and said in a trembling voice: "Are my eyes blurry? Xu Xian, aren't you dead?" "

"not dead."

Chen Pingan said with a cold face.

When he entered the Death Poison Abyss, he took off his human skin mask, so when he entered the Nether Blood Dragon Valley, he was immediately recognized by Long Changyu.

This human skin mask is of a low grade and is of little use in Canglan Continent. After all, there are so many powerful people here that it can be easily seen through.

"Cousin, what's going on?"

Long Changyu looked a little confused and murmured: "I remember that Xu Xian is an ordinary person and cannot practice. How come after so many years, he is also in the extraordinary realm..."

Long Changyu's cultivation level is only at the fourth level of the Transcendent Realm.

He didn't expect that an ordinary human being who he looked down on before was now at the same level as him in terms of cultivation, which made him very unhappy.

"Take me to the clan leader."

Xiaobai ignored his shock and said bluntly.


Long Changyu seemed to have thought of something, his expression changed, and he quickly led the way.

Xiaobai and a few people followed closely behind.

After flying over several mountains, Long Changyu landed in front of an ancient temple surrounded by a giant dragon in a valley.

"Wait a moment, cousin."

Long Changyu entered the ancient palace and saw the clan leader Long Nanling saying respectfully: "Clan leader, Long Shibai is back and she wants to see you."

"What, Long Shibai is still alive? Okay, let her in quickly."

Long Nanling was overjoyed.

Nowadays, their Netherblood Cyanwood Dragon clan has very few members. Long Shibai is a female dragon who can contribute to the reproduction of the clan.

"Clan leader, Long Shibai brought Xu Xian back."

Long Changyu hesitated and said with great difficulty: "I don't know why Xu Xian can still die and come back to life."

Long Nanling's expression changed drastically.

At first, he humiliated Xu Xian and drove him out. Later, someone from the Five-clawed Golden Dragon clan took action and secretly killed Xu Xian.

He has no mercy for mortals.

Therefore, when Xu Xian died, he died without any waves in his heart.

Now, Xu Xian is alive again.

This shocked Long Nanling. How did this guy survive?

Could it be that he was not completely dead at the beginning, but was saved by someone, and then embarked on the path of cultivation?

"Let them in, huh, I want to see what tricks Long Shibai and Xu Xian can come up with!"

Long Nanling sneered.

Long Changyu was so angry that he didn't dare to breathe, so he quickly agreed and ran out. Later, he took Xiaobai and others into the ancient palace.

"Long Shibai has met the clan leader."

When Xiaobai saw Long Nanling, his expression was complicated, with a hint of respect in his eyes, and he bowed.

Although she is dissatisfied with the clan leader, after all, she is still a member of the Dark Blood Aoki Dragon clan, so she must be respectful to the clan leader.

Chen Pingan looked at the old man in green robe opposite with a cold face, anger rising in his heart.

The old man had humiliated him and sent someone to drive him out.

"Xu Xian, why don't you greet me when you see my clan leader?"

Long Nanling looked at Chen Ping'an and shouted coldly with an unkind expression.

"Who are you?"

Chen Pingan sneered and released the hidden cultivation aura in an instant.

Before entering the Nether Blood Dragon Valley, he deliberately hid most of his cultivation so that he looked like he was only at the second level of the Transcendent Realm.

Now, he had no reservations when facing Long Nanling, just to shock Long Nanling.

After all, this Long Nanling is also at the peak of the tenth level of the Extraordinary Realm, with the same level of cultivation as him.

"What, are you extraordinary too?"

Long Nanling stared at Chen Ping'an. At this moment, he finally lost his composure. (End of chapter)

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