Three thousand years ago, Xu Xian was just a mortal.

Now that he has transformed into a tenth-level peak Transcendent Realm expert, how can Long Nanling remain calm?

"Yes, I am also extraordinary."

Chen Ping'an lazily put his hands behind his head and smiled lightly: "You humiliated me back then, and today I'm taking revenge."

"Haha, that's ridiculous. How can a mere human being be compared to our dragon clan?"

Long Nanling laughed, with ridicule in his expression.

The Dragon Clan is physically powerful and recognized by the world, with few opponents in the same realm.

"Is it?"

Chen Pingan raised his head and looked at the dome above his head. His eyes seemed to be penetrating, and he could see the outside world at a glance.

In the sky above the mighty Canglan Continent, the aura of awe is surging, and the power of the rules of heaven and earth is constantly gathering.

"The power of heaven and earth, please my heart."

Chen Pingan said softly.

Long Nanling sneered: "Are you pretending to be a ghost?"


A huge force that emerged out of thin air fell from the sky and forcibly knocked Long Nanling into the ground.

Then, illusory figures appeared one after another, each of them was Chen Ping'an. These Chen Ping'an revolved around Long Nanling, and each of them gave Long Nanling a loud slap in the face.

Long Nanling's body was immobilized and he couldn't move.

He had no choice but to accept the many phantoms of Chen Ping'an and slap him constantly.

"What kind of magic is this?"

Long Nanling was horrified and struggled desperately to no avail. In desperation, his body suddenly shook and transformed into his true form.

A giant green dragon appeared in an instant.

Green poisonous gas emerged from the giant dragon crazily. Xiaobai was shocked when he saw this, and quickly reminded: "Brother Xu, be careful of the poison."

"It doesn't matter."

Chen Pingan waved his hand gently.

The space around him suddenly shook violently, swallowing up all the green energy.

"be honest."

A cold shout sounded, and the thirty-three-year-old cicada suddenly appeared and attached itself to the green dragon.

The powerful power of entering the holy realm immediately imprisoned the giant dragon again.

"A great demon who has entered the holy realm?"

Feeling the aura of entering the holy realm, Long Nanling was horrified.

This Xu Xian was accompanied by a great demon who had entered the holy realm.

This big demon has incredible spatial powers, but he can't even see it.

"This this……"

Witnessing a shocking battle, Long Changyu was soaked to the skin and was too horrified to speak.

It turned out that Xu Xian came to the Nether Blood Dragon Valley with the great demon who had entered the holy realm.

This transparent cicada, although much smaller than the patriarch's body, firmly suppressed the patriarch.

He had no doubt that if the cicada pierced the head of the clan leader with its sharp beak, it would suck the clan leader dry to death in an instant.


Chen Pingan walked over and gave Long Nanling a loud slap in the face.

"Although you are Xiaoqing's father, I will not be polite to you. If I don't kill you, I will already be giving you face."

Chen Pingan said indifferently.

"Xu Xian, what exactly do you want to do?"

Long Nanling roared.

"Let Xiao Qing go. You, the clan leader, will step aside and let Xiao Qing take over. You can go to prison and punish yourself for three thousand years."

Chen Pingan said in a deep voice.

If it weren't for Xiao Qing, he would have killed Long Nanling long ago.

But the blood relationship was here, and after humiliating Long Nanling, he only spared his life.

"Haha, you have the guts, Xu Xian."

Long Nanling sneered, his eyes unruly.

"You can consider not forcing me to seal you and then throw you into prison."

Chen Pingan said lightly.

Long Nanling was silent.

He is really no match for Xu Xian. If he talks harshly, he will be the only one who suffers in the end.

"Okay, I promise you."

After a few seconds, Long Nanling reluctantly compromised.

Chen Ping'an winked at the thirty-three-year-old cicada, who understood and quietly disappeared into the void.

The pressure immediately disappeared.

Long Nanling breathed a sigh of relief and turned into a human form again. He looked at Chen Pingan with much respect.

"Long Changyu, go to the prison and bring Long Shiqing." He ordered.

Long Changyu agreed and ran out quickly.

After a while, Long Changyu walked in with a middle-aged man.

Seeing that Xiaoqing didn't show up, Chen Pingan's heart sank. Did an accident happen?

After all, it has been three thousand years. It has been such a long time, and things can easily change if Xiaoqing is locked up in a prison alone.

"Clan leader, Long Shiqing cannot be released."

The middle-aged man walked in and said with a gloomy expression.

Long Nanling looked stunned, feeling that he had lost face, and said angrily: "Long Kui, what are you talking about?"

Long Kui sighed: "Clan Chief, have you forgotten? Lord Dragon Envoy is coming soon, and the sacrificer of our Dark Blood Cyanwood Dragon Clan this time is Long Shiqing."

"Oh yes……"

Long Nanling suddenly thought of something and his face turned pale.

Now he is riding a tiger with difficulty.

Lord Longshi can't offend him, and he can't offend Xu Xian here, so what should we do?

"Lord Dragon Envoy?"

Xiaobai was shocked, looked at Long Kui and shouted: "How can you sacrifice my cousin?"

"There is no way, Lord Dragon Envoy is not satisfied with the sacrifice a thousand years ago, so he personally designated Long Shiqing as the sacrificer this time."

Long Kui said bitterly.

"Xiao Bai, what's going on with this Lord Dragon Envoy?"

Chen Pingan interjected.

"Brother Xu, our Netherblood Cyanwood Dragon clan must sacrifice a clan member to the Dragon Envoy every thousand years. This has been passed down from ancient times."

Xiaobai sighed.

Chen Pingan sneered, with a gloomy face: "Why sacrifice? Who is this Lord Dragon Envoy?"

"Brother Xu, I don't know either. Maybe the clan leader knows more."

Xiaobai shook his head and looked at Long Nanling.

"Xu Xian, Lord Dragon Envoy represents a powerful and mysterious force. They prefer the dragon clan. Every dragon clan on Canglan Continent will sacrifice a clan member every thousand years."

Long Nanling explained.

"Dragon breeder?"

Chen Pingan almost blurted out.

Except for dragon farmers, no one else in this world would be so partial to dragons, right?

An aura of entering the holy realm suddenly descended on the Nether Blood Dragon Valley.

"Here he comes, Lord Dragon Envoy is here!"

Long Kui's face changed drastically and he looked a little panicked.

Long Nanling looked at Chen Pingan.

He actually hopes that his daughter will not be sacrificed, and now he can only hope that the great demon in the holy realm behind Xu Xian can deal with it.

"Let's go, I'm going to meet this so-called Lord Dragon Envoy."

Chen Pingan looked calm and took the lead to walk out of the ancient palace.

Everyone followed behind.

A black vortex slowly rotated in the depths of the void, and from time to time, the powerful aura of entering the holy realm came from it.

A black light fell.

In mid-air, he transformed into a man in black robes.

There was a dragon pattern embroidered on his chest. Chen Pingan took a closer look and saw nine tails, one real and eight empty.

"He really is a dragon breeder."

Chen Pingan sneered in his heart angrily.

Lord Dragon Envoy is just a name borrowed by dragon breeders.

The man in black robe moved his body and released his true cultivation aura.

Suddenly, all the members of the Netherblood Cyanwood Dragon Clan were oppressed to the point of panic.

"See Lord Dragon Envoy."

Many people were kneeling on the ground, looking respectful.

Long Nanling and Long Kui also knelt down.

Chen Pingan and others, including Xiaobai, did not kneel down.

"Entering the fifth level of the Holy Realm?"

After Chen Ping'an felt the cultivation of the Dragon Envoy, his expression changed slightly.

He only has one Saint Realm experience card left.

I really can't bear to use it.

Chen Ping'an's mind kept turning, and suddenly an idea came to him. With a slight movement of his palm, an ancient token appeared.

This is the longevity order.

It represents his identity as the deputy master of the Eternal Life Palace. (End of chapter)

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