Chapter 276 Angel or Devil?

——7 million in 9000 years, Reebok offered an astonishingly high-priced endorsement contract to recruit the magician from Oriental High School!

——7 million in 9500 years! Surpassing the rumored offer to LeBron last year, Nike has the highest endorsement offer for high school students in the world!

One message after another kept refreshing the hot searches on the Internet, pushing the Eastern basketball genius to a new peak of national public opinion.

Ohio, St. Vincent St. Mary High School, Basketball Hall...

"9500 million..." Many people in the arena laughed and talked about this matter: "The other guy could have had 9300 million, haha, but he was eliminated in two games."

"He doesn't have 9300 million, but his enemies have 9500 million, hahaha!"

"Okay, okay, he's actually quite good. The blow he received this time was big enough. There's no need to ridicule him like this."

"Pull him down, that guy has made us miserable. Wherever we went before, we were not applauded? Now we are booed as soon as we appear on the court. The referees always wear colored glasses when making penalties. They always think that our hands and feet are unclean. In fact, it has nothing to do with us. What's up……"

"that is!"

——The football team doesn’t seem to be going either, and he lives over there on Walnut Tree Street now.

I had grasped too little of LeBron's basics before... He emphasized too much on the body-eating playing style, which put him at a comprehensive disadvantage when facing a truly solid technical player like Lin Dong. As for the Japanese boy, I can only say It's just a different kind of defense.

First of all, the school made this decision because of the pressure of public opinion, because LeBron did not abide by sports ethics, which made many angry fans feel cheated, but they could not bully a teenager who was about to collapse, so they turned to Pointing this finger at St. Mary's High School, questioning the school's major problems in the character and moral education of students, this is a kind of public opinion that St. Mary's High School simply cannot bear.

However, let a five-star high school student serve as a substitute for a four-star or even three-star high school student... LeBron has never been to the team since then.

"Hey, come on, what is that LeBron guy doing now?"

So the decision was made to let LeBron serve as a substitute for the new No. 3 position.

You have no control over heaven and earth, but you can still control what others say?

Although LeBron has brought a lot of honors to the school and brought glory to these teammates, to be honest, he also stole the limelight from everyone else.

The players around him were talking relaxedly.

Before he finished speaking, the door to the arena was suddenly pushed open, and a tall figure appeared at the door.

The players' voices fell on Drew Joyce's ears, and Coach Drew felt quite uncomfortable.

Although LeBron was introduced to LeBron by Walker, he can also be regarded as teaching him. Most of the ways of playing with physical talent on the rugby field were specially designed for him by combining LeBron's characteristics and surrounding him. To create tactics that the whole team can cooperate with.

When the school praised him, these little guys gathered around him and said nothing. But once he was in trouble, he wanted to count on how kind his teammates, who had been suppressed by him, were to him, and even To continue to support him would be to force others into a difficult position.

I thought that in high school, with his physical fitness and this four-guarantee-one tactic, he would be able to conquer the United States. This was the best way for him to quickly become famous with his crushing attitude, and it has always been successful, but what happened? Did you think that a historical genius like Lin Dong would suddenly appear?

Although the school had already decided to give up on LeBron because he was at the center of the storm, he was his disciple after all. He still watched all the match-up videos between LeBron and Lin Dong, including the one where LeBron was guarded by that Japanese red-haired boy. to a video that only scored a dozen points.

He has a certain responsibility for LeBron's failure... When the school chose the new No. 3 position, he also fought for LeBron, but to no avail.

Coach Drew saw him twice in school, once when reporting for the new semester, but not with Coach Walker, who had brought him out before, but with his haggard mother who looked like she was in XD. Since returning from Japan , LeBron had already moved out of Walker's house. I heard that LeBron moved out on his own initiative.

——Walnut tree? Hey, that place is full of JN and DP, and they will become useless after living here for a few months.

Although Drew Joyce felt very uncomfortable after hearing this, he did not stop it forcefully.

Another time, on the streets of Akron, when he was driving by, he saw LeBron sitting alone on a bench by the side of the park in a daze. His once clean face had stubble. Like a homeless bum…

"Okay!" Coach Drew clapped his hands: "The break is over, next..."

Secondly, although the strength of the new No. 3 is average, he has some background. His father is a well-known local media figure. When St. Mary's High School was involved in a public controversy, it was his father who helped calm the Internet and the media. public opinion, which made the school very grateful.

"I heard that his old rugby team was recruiting him. He probably went to play rugby. I haven't seen him come to school for a long time."

Everyone was stunned and looked towards that place.

I saw that it was a strong figure.


No... Coach Drew couldn't help but frown slightly.

The LeBron in front of him no longer had the embarrassing stubble on his face the last time he saw him, and his hair was not messy. Instead, he had a clean shave. Although his figure was slightly thinner, he still had the foundation.

The biggest change was his eyes.

LeBron used to give people the impression that he was always in the sun, with a smile and confidence in his eyes. This was not only his charm that attracted countless followers, but also his most unique business card.

But now LeBron gives Coach Drew a very...weird feeling.

There was no sunshine in his eyes anymore, but a depth that made people feel invisible.

There was no longer a smile on his face, replaced by an unparalleled calmness!

A kind of calmness that even made Coach Drew feel a little scared when he looked at him...

"Coach." LeBron stood at the door and said calmly: "I want to play basketball."

The people around him were obviously a bit stunned.

Coach Drew frowned.

LeBron wants to come back? I'm afraid this is not an easy task, or it is already too late.

It would be okay if he accepted the status of substitute from the beginning, but now the school team's most important event, the NSAA game schedule is already halfway through, and the team has no place for him at all. Unless something unexpected happens and the team is attenuated, it will not even be possible. He doesn't even have a place on the bench.

"LeBron..." Coach Drew frowned and planned to explain.

Unexpectedly, LeBron had already preceded him and said calmly: "Start by cleaning the arena for the team!"

Coach Drew was slightly shocked.

He could tell LeBron was ready to start over, but...

His condition no longer seems to be the LeBron he once knew, and it even makes Coach Drew feel... a little strange and scary!

At this moment, Coach Drew was a little unsure.

LeBron was once his angel, and Coach Drew was grateful that he was willing to lower his stature and start over.

But the question is... is he really still the angel he once taught?

Coach Drew vaguely felt that LeBron's calmness at this moment made him look more like a devil full of revenge!


The sudden rush of offers from all parties has made Lin Dong's life in Seattle very fulfilling recently.

Different from the previous solo work, this time, I finally have an agent...

Alyssa, my mother's personal assistant in Texas, is a top student who graduated from the University of Pennsylvania, studying operations management and marketing communications.

Being a sports agent is somewhat of a crossover for her, but the essential content is consistent with her major. This time she came here just to help Lin Dong respond to emergencies and handle some details related to negotiations and contracts.

With the help of such professionals, Lin Dong could feel how amateurish his previous negotiation with the Nike representative was, which was like a joke.

Through Alyssa's analysis of the quotes and negotiations from all parties, she selected and sorted out three contracts that she thought were more valuable.

The first one was from Reebok, which was US$6 million for six years and 8000 million per year. Although it was lower than Nike's offer, the concession of one year in terms of years was enough to show Reebok's sincerity.

The second one is from Nike, which is US$7 million for 9500 years, 1357 million per year. Both Lin Dong and Alyssa can see that there is still some room for improvement in this offer, and its peak can probably be discussed. Between 9800 and 1 million, about 1400 million per year, but Nike representatives have a relatively tough attitude and will not make any concessions on the length of the long-term contract.

The third one came from a small company that had just been established a few years ago, Under Armor.

2 million US dollars in 700 years, 300 million in the first year, 400 million in the second year, plus 15% of the company's original equity.

This is a new sports brand founded in 1996 by former Maryland football star Plank.

This company can be said to be the one with the most sincerity. Although the contract with the other party is small, it is already planning to tie up Lin Dong to gamble his fortune. The 15% equity offered by it does seem very attractive. , after all, equity no longer represents just money, but a long-term investment and future security.

But first of all, they are a new brand that focuses on making clothing materials.

Although its innovative sweat-absorbent materials are currently very popular among college students across the United States, they are just a niche circle. Their research and development in other sporting goods fields, such as sneakers and protective gear, are far from being comparable to those of Nike and Reebok. Compared with large companies, the company is not large.

This made Alyssa even doubt whether they really have the ability to tap Lin Dong's commercial value. Even if it is a perfect combination of Jordan and Nike, it must be a strong alliance. Otherwise, if God leads a pig to dance double Springboard, even God can't move it...

As for the 15% original equity? Your sincerity is enough, but the key is that you haven't even gone public yet, so what equity are you talking about? Maybe one day the company will suddenly collapse...

This is as meaningless as a promise of a blank check. It is just an attempt to take advantage of Lin Dong's appeal among young people in the United States.

So Alyssa threw the contract into the trash can without hesitation during the first round of screening.

But Lin Dong selected it again during the second screening.

Alyssa didn't quite understand Lin Dong's decision, but considering that even Yang Dong, whom she admired, praised Mr. Lin Dong's business vision, she still tried hard to understand.


Just because it is the only brand among all the currently quoted brands that is willing to accept Mr. Lin Dong’s two-year short-term contract terms?

After thinking about it for a long time, Alyssa felt that this was indeed a reasonable reason.

After all, she could see that Mr. Lin Dong was very ambitious. He had not worried about his future development at all, and firmly believed that he would be able to dominate the NBA in the future.

If that is the case, then two years later Mr. Lin Dong enters the NBA and performs as he expected, plus the Dragon Kingdom finally enters the WTO in December this year or next year or the year after that, opening it up to the world. The entire Dragon Kingdom market.

If companies like Nike want to make an offer to Mr. Lin Dong, they won't be able to negotiate for eight figures.

Leave the risks to yourself and gain the greatest benefits...

It is impossible for a large company to sign a short-term contract, but Mr. Lin Dong does not intend to sign a long-term contract. Under such circumstances, signing a two-year short-term contract with Under Armor, although 2 million is small, is still better than nothing. no?

After two years, you will be a free agent again, and you will be able to maximize your value. Will you be worried about not signing a contract at that time?

What's more, there is still this 15% equity, just in case...

Alyssa couldn't help but boldly imagine: I mean what if, what if Under Armor got up? That 15% equity is really...

After Alyssa analyzed the cause and effect relationship, she felt that Under Armor might really be the best choice for Mr. Lin Dong's request.

(End of this chapter)

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