Chapter 353 Yang Dong’s plan

May 5, Los Angeles, California, Staples Center...

Yang Dong entered the arena with the team early. After all, she was the one who applied for the SuperSonics arena expansion. Both Bob and Schultz had promised to hand over all glass purchases for the remodeled arena to her factory. And invited her to participate in the arena design... However, Yang Dong himself actually had another idea that had sprouted and become stronger.

Schultz is short of money, and based on what Yang Dong knows about through domestic friends, the funding gap is huge. He will either sell stocks or the team.

From a businessman's perspective, Yang Dong thinks that Schultz will most likely choose to sell the team, so...

Although Fuyao is currently preparing materials for its third appeal, the two consecutive losses and the huge anti-dumping duties imposed on the factory have made Yang Dong's factory unable to make ends meet.

Frankly speaking, Yang Dong is very optimistic that Fuyao will eventually win this lawsuit. She had a chat with Cao Dewang once, and the entrepreneur gave her the impression that he was a person with high aspirations, and he was by no means a kind person, and he still had a lot of money in his hands. The trump card was not released, but he was just waiting for the opportunity to strike with a fatal blow.

However, I'm afraid it will take at least three or four years.

With Fuyao's size and Mr. Cao's worth, he can naturally withstand it, but he can't withstand it... In three or four years, the anti-dumping duties alone are enough to shrink the factory several times.

Before that, Fuyao had already talked to her about an acquisition.

And after buying the team, next year’s team’s personnel salaries, expenses, etc. will be followed. The team also needs a basic operating fund, and it must also ensure sufficient book funds to prevent some problems caused by poor management. , you must have the ability to resist risks, then you must prepare at least 6 to 7 million US dollars.

Yang Dong has roughly calculated that an ordinary NBA team today is worth about 3-4 million U.S. dollars. However, based on the SuperSonics' playoff results this year, if they surpass the Lakers or even go further, this I'm afraid the numbers are not enough, and Schulz may ask for a price of 4-5 million.

Then use the money to buy the Seattle SuperSonics!
Of course, there are definitely difficulties.

Of course, most NBA owners really play with their teams, and if they want to play with themselves, it would be a bit of a gamble on their wealth. But when I think of my son and the scene in the arena that day, I feel like It allowed her to awaken the sports soul in her bones, and through Bob these days, she had some in-depth understanding of the team's operations... Yang Dong wanted to come here to accompany his son to go crazy!
When I came to the United States alone across the ocean, I was just a waiter serving dishes. I could build a glass factory from scratch. Now, why wouldn't I dare to cross the border and play a team?

The factory may be able to talk about 4.5. I have some savings over the years. It is no problem to collect more than 5 million, but for the rest... I have to think of a way. You can get a loan, or you can sell part of the team's shares and find someone to join a joint venture. , there are many ways.

Only then did Yang Dong really start thinking about buying the Sonics.

Sometimes fate comes in such a strange way.

That's why I gave myself a big vacation and came to Seattle to relax. Nacheng wanted to come here, and relaxing became his priority.

Maybe it was just a momentary emotion at the time, and I didn't expect to acquire the team. However, when he later applied for financial support from the arena and discovered huge business opportunities, and then Schultz suddenly encountered trouble, he was likely to sell the team.

Yes, just because he heard all the Americans shouting his son's name in the Key Arena that day, Yang Dong suddenly thought of his youth in pursuing sports honors when he was on the national judo team, and even more so. I thought about the hardships of working hard in the United States over the years and the various discriminations that Asians have suffered in this land.

Yang Dong is the type who just does what he says. The idea just came up, and then it was finalized. The actual operation has been started these days. Of course, there must be a sequence.

Fuyao wants to acquire her factory. In fact, the factory buildings and equipment are not valuable. The rented land and equipment plus the equipment are worth about 4 million, but if no one wants it, it will be a pile of scrap metal. What is really valuable , holding the patents developed and purchased by several factories. That is the biggest capital in Yang Dong’s hands, and it is also what Fuyao wants the most. It has previously offered her an overall acquisition price of US$ million. .

On the other hand, he asked his friends in China to continue to inquire about Schulz. What he was pursuing was not a sale. No matter how much he wanted to buy the Sonics, he could not express it in front of Schulz in advance.

But considering his current net worth and the sales situation of the factory, it seems that he can survive until the day the lawsuit is won, but that will depend on Fuyao's large processing orders. If Fuyao turns around midway and cancels these for the sake of mergers and acquisitions, If you place an order, you may be left with a completely irreparable mess.

She has already made an appointment with Fuyao to talk about mergers and acquisitions. Anyway, since she has made up her mind to do this, sell early and collect money early, and have enough funds to prepare, so that she can deal with everything at any time.

Yang Dong did not express his position at the time. After all, this was the hard work of her half-life. This factory meant not only money to her, but also many other things.

After selling the factory, given Fuyao's size, as long as we can provide the old employees with a job-retention package in the sales contract, it will definitely be better for them to follow Fuyao than to follow themselves.

You have to hide it. After living in the United States for so long, Yang Dong understands it too well. You have to wait for Schulz to express his intention to sell the team. Anyway, if Schulz wants to sell the team, he can't get around Bob. Bob will definitely be the first to know about this manager-cum-operations officer role, and he will always test his words. During this period, he will pretend to be retired and play with his son in Seattle...

You can't take the initiative to do this kind of thing, otherwise based on the mother-son relationship between himself and Lin Dong, a capitalist like Schulz will not talk to you about his feelings. He will just sit on the ground and raise the price to the sky.

Therefore, the idea of ​​buying the team, let alone Schultz and Bob, is currently only in her mind and no one else, including Lin Dong, knows about it. Apart from that, they are starting to seriously consider the expansion of the arena.

MD, this will be my home gym from now on, how can you not be concerned about it?
So, coming with the team this time was obviously more than just cheering for my son.

Yang Dong also wanted to visit and study this ultra-modern arena, known as the National Sports and Entertainment Center. Anyway, once the funding from the Seattle government is in place, she is determined to follow this standard, or even better than this. Just be good.

This is a super arena that was built in 98 and put into use in 99. It is only 3 years old now.

The decoration style is different from the tones of most other old arenas, but more modern style that favors simple colors. The center of the arena is also strictly in accordance with the optical design of modern professional basketball venues, with three-story stands and a total of 2 people. You can clearly see everything on the court from any angle of each seat. In addition, there are nearly 300 luxury boxes with excellent views, which are provided for most business leaders who do not like to sit with the public. In order to provide more targeted services, after all, for these big guys, although going to the sidelines can better feel the atmosphere of the scene, for them, it is also a good choice to treat watching football as a commercial activity. This is what once was The old arena does not have it.

And that's just the seats.

In terms of hardware, this grand arena is also amazing. It has 1200 TV monitors, a sound system worth 150 million US dollars, 675 sound microphones and a lighting system worth 200 million US dollars. It is suspended from the top of the court. There are six large TV screens, and every wonderful scene in the game can be replayed in slow motion in real time.

It has 55 lounges and gyms open to the public, 23 food and beverage service points, an outdoor restaurant with a panoramic view of Los Angeles, and even the entire arena is divided into more than 400 areas. Nearly 200 entrances and exits...

There is actually no concept of these things just by looking at the data. Only when you are in it can you feel its luxury and multi-function.

Yang Dong has shown great affection for this arena since he came here yesterday. The more he sees it, the more he falls in love with it. Although this kind of 'love' comes quickly, it also goes quickly.

What I love is its appearance, but what I hate are the people here.

At 9 o'clock in the evening...

"From Lakeside High School, 6-foot-7, 223 pounds..."


When the host at the scene read Lin Dong's appearance introduction, the entire Staples Arena suddenly emitted a burst of boos, which made Yang Dong's good impression of this arena disappear in an instant.

"What kind of quality!" Yang Dong sat in the front row and muttered with his hands folded.

Mito Yohei next to him smiled and said: "Auntie, don't worry about this, just watch, when we return to Key Arena, our Seattle fans will definitely boo back tenfold!"

Mito Yohei also came with the team. Recently, he has been responsible for helping Payton treat the knee hydration problem. Anyway, his father and Takamiya are watching the decoration of the Seattle store.

Yang Dong actually laughed after hearing this. It wasn't that she couldn't understand the away culture, but she just wasn't happy with someone booing her son, not even in other people's homes!
"It's a pity that the Key Arena is too small, with only 2 people. It's not as loud as the 2 people they have... We still have to wait for the arena to be expanded, and directly expand it to 2, ha! The sound is absolutely It’s better than what they have here!”


Both Lin Dong and Payton noticed that their own SuperSonics players still seemed a little nervous, and it probably wasn't because of the boos.

Everyone is no longer considered a newcomer. This whole season, we have played enough away games, and we have heard this kind of boos too many times.

What everyone is nervous about is the game itself.

You can see Sakuragi Hanamichi secretly taking deep breaths from time to time, while Brent and others next to him cough, clear their throats, or release the hands behind their backs from time to time. Anyway, it doesn't feel very natural.

With Chandler gone, the familiar style of play has changed to some extent. Asking Sakuragi Hanamichi to defend O'Neal alone makes all the players feel ridiculous and don't believe what he can do. In addition, it is now the home court of the Lakers. , and with the tacit return of the OK combination at the end of G2, all of this obviously put a certain amount of pressure on the SuperSonics players.

This game is not that easy to play.

Lin Dong and Payton didn't have much communication, but they both thought of the same sentence in their hearts: I have to boost the team's morale first!

(End of this chapter)

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