The Road to Stardom: Start as a Slam Dunk Master.

Chapter 354 SuperSonics VS Lakers G3

Chapter 354 SuperSonics VS Lakers G3
Lakers starting lineup: No. 2 point guard Derek Fisher, No. 8 shooting guard Kobe Bryant, No. 17 small forward Rick Fox, No. 52 power forward Samaki Walker, No. 34 center Shaquille O'Neill.

SuperSonics starting lineup: No. 20 point guard Gary Payton, No. 31 shooting guard Brent Barry, No. 23 small forward Lin Dong, No. 24 forward Desmond, and No. 10 center Hanamichi Sakuragi.

The list printed on the public screen did not attract too many people's attention. It was not until Sakuragi Hanamichi stood on the center line and was about to start jumping the ball with O'Neal that O'Neal, Kobe and other players, as well as Phil Jackson and other coaching staff members on the sidelines, It was only then that the entire Staples Center fans suddenly realized what the Sonics were planning to do.

I saw Hanamichi Sakuragi, who was 204 centimeters and 104 kilograms, standing in front of O'Neal. His "thin and short" body instantly made O'Neal look like a mountain.

After about two or three seconds of reaction, the entire stadium suddenly burst into laughter.

——That skinny monkey plays center? Playing against Shaq? Hahahaha, I was laughing so hard. Is that guy planning to commit suicide?
——I feel like if Shaq’s butt is pushed out, he can send the kid flying!
——Don’t the SuperSonics still have a 211cm center? The center's previous data seems to be pretty good, why not?

——They probably plan to completely abandon the basket and switch to the fast break that they are good at. The No. 10 is just here to jump the ball.

——Hush! Red hair, come on, I bet you can last 30 seconds!
There were roars of laughter, jeers and whistles.

Sakuragi Hanamichi took a deep breath.

He has turned over and studied the CD that Brother Gao Ren gave him many times in the past two days.

After the whole game, the guy with red hair like himself, every defense and every choice he made was almost engraved in Sakuragi Hanamichi's mind.

He knew what he had to do now.

Before doing this, the first thing that needs to be done is to block those off-site interferences.

ridicule? He doesn't care.

O'Neal looked at the 'little guy' in front of him with great interest. After two days of adjustment, he had fully recovered from Chandler's injury and a lot of bad things before. After all, Chandler Not his acquaintance.

The guy in front of him is not a stranger. He has played against him several times in the regular season, including G1 and G2 before. O'Neal still knows Sakuragi Hanamichi's strength very well.

He has something, his flanking ability and assisting defensive ability are top-notch, but without Chandler's cooperation, this guy is no threat to him at all.

At this time, O'Neal rolled his sexy thick lips and joked easily: "Hey! Look at this little body."

Sakuragi ignored him.

I have done enough to learn, understand, and understand, but whether I can keep the position of the Sonics insider for Lao Qian in the end depends on actual combat!
The referee blew his whistle and threw the ball high into the air.

Sakuragi Hanamichi's tense muscles were released in an instant, and his whole body soared into the sky like a rocket.

At this moment, O'Neal's body that he originally needed to look up to quickly 'sinked' in his sight, and he jumped faster and higher!
Sakuragi's eyes that suddenly burned with flames were filled with only the flying basketball.

——That guy jumps so high!

Everyone in the arena was taken aback, even O'Neal was taken aback.

At this time, Sakuragi seemed to have springs on his legs. He actually passed O'Neal by a long distance and effortlessly shot the basketball in mid-air.

According to visual inspection, his height at this time is probably 370 centimeters. If we compare it to a basket, his head is definitely higher than the flat frame of the basket!
The basketball was instantly shot in the direction of Lin Dong.

Of course, the referee was also surprised...

As soon as Lin Dong received the ball, the referee's whistle was blown.

"SuperSonics No. 10, jump ball violation, exchange of ball rights!"


The ball has not reached the highest point yet, and I jumped too early...

Sakuragi fell to the ground and was so depressed that he wanted to grab a handful of his hair, but failed.

After watching the game between the Bulls and the Lakers that Lin Dong brought the day before yesterday, he went to have his hair cut into the same shape as Rodman in the video. He couldn't catch his hair, he could only feel it. difficult to handle.

——Hahahahaha! This red-haired guy has been responsible for all my jokes this year!

——Thought I was a winner, but turned out to be a loser! Hahahahaha!

The whole place burst into laughter. It is always the most pleasant thing to see the visiting team make a fool of themselves at home.

Still too nervous.

"It's okay." Lin Dong comforted with a smile while retreating.

Payton clapped his hands at him: "Come back and defend!"

The Lakers have the ball.

What surprised Phil Jackson on the sidelines was that the Sonics did not use the rotation defense they are famous for.

Frankly speaking, the SuperSonics' starting five was expected by Phil Jackson. Without Chandler, the inside gate, the SuperSonics' backup center is simply not enough in front of O'Neal. Their best way to deal with it is Play five small lineups and use their stronger athletic ability to play the rotation defense they have become famous for this season.

Jackson is not afraid of this. The Lakers' triangle offense is relatively restrained from their rotational defense, and they also did a lot of targeted homework before the game.


At this time, the SuperSonics on the court actually played a normal zone defense, and it was also a man-to-man zone defense.

Payton closely followed Kobe, continuing the strategy of the previous two games, focusing on "it takes a lot of effort for Kobe to connect the ball."

Desmond was guarding Samaki Walker. Although one was originally a small forward and the other was a power forward, the difference in height and weight was actually only three to four centimeters and a few kilograms, but Desmond had to be extra. Agility and skill still have a slight advantage.

Lin Dong focuses on small forward Fox, which is basically a lock, focusing on a smooth support.

It was still Brent who faced Fisher.

What surprised Phil Jackson the most was that Sonics No. 10 actually ran to the basket and got stuck next to O'Neal.

This... he wants to defend O'Neal alone?

The Zen master was a little confused. What kind of tactic was this? Is it a free basket tactic? What's the difference between you and not being defensive?
When something goes wrong, there must be a monster, but this monster is a bit too incomprehensible.

Phil Jackson frowned and gave a sign to Fisher, who was holding the ball steadily across the center line.

Fisher understood instantly. Facing Brent's defense, he threw the ball directly to O'Neal under the basket without hesitation.

At this time, O'Neal was at the top of the arc in the paint area, about a big step away from the basket, feeling the pressure constantly exerted on him by the little man behind him...

The opponent's center of gravity was very low, his lower limbs were strong, and his chassis was very stable. He was more powerful than O'Neal imagined, but it was not to the extent that it would make O'Neal feel strenuous.

At this time, there was only a slight back pressure at the moment of catching the ball, and you could immediately feel the opponent's body being squeezed in like a spring, but it was not directly 'squeezed' away.

A spring is a spring, and the defensive space is very elastic. The opponent knows how to release force, and also knows how to use the lower limbs as a fulcrum. The hand stuck on his waist is also constantly exerting force, trying to exert force on his own. Create difficulties and use small tricks to leverage.

These two hands alone feel comparable to the pressure Chandler has created for himself.

Frankly speaking, O'Neal was really impressed at this moment. It is really not easy for the opponent's small body of 204 centimeters to do this.

Unfortunately, that’s where it ends.

O'Neal grinned and twisted his body slightly to the left.

Feeling the fierceness of the giant man's turn in front of him, Sakuragi Hanamichi gritted his teeth.

Want to stop this monster with your strength?

Sakuragi Hanamichi knew that was impossible.

But these two days of research on Rodman were not in vain. His innate defensive talent allowed him to understand Rodman's actions in that game for the first time without the guidance of his elder brother or anyone else. Everything Mann does.

It doesn't rely on brute force, nor does it rely on fouls. In summary, there are almost two specific directions: relying on quick eyesight and various small movements.

Even though O'Neal only weighed about 130 kilograms at that time, which was 15 kilograms lighter than he is now, Rodman, who was as strong as an ox in the video, had never overturned this giant beast, and even every time he was in strength and strength. The loser in a physical confrontation.

Every successful defense he plays is based on his reading of O'Neal's intentions.

All kinds of steals, all kinds of ball stealing, every move of O'Neal seemed to be expected by Rodman, and then he judged the position of the basketball by pre-reading the movements, and then tried his best to prevent the basketball from being released from the opponent's hand. , interrupting it accurately.

And to achieve this, the assistance of small movements is even more essential, such as blocking the opponent's strength and posture, making him awkward and uncomfortable. Otherwise, if this giant beast uses a comfortable Turn over and you will be greeted by a dunk!
At this time, feeling that O'Neal wanted to turn left, Sakuragi Hanamichi immediately pushed up with his left leg, getting stuck in advance on the path O'Neal must pass to turn left.

Talent is really unreasonable sometimes. You asked Sakuragi to watch Jordan play, but he couldn't learn Jordan's layup even after watching it 10,000 times.

But looking at Rodman's defense, after only watching it for the past two days, all the defensive details that ordinary people can't see have been engraved in his mind like instinct.

Blocking the waist and eyes with your hands is just the most basic stage of blocking the force. Blocking the opponent's footsteps and movements is the advanced stage!

Sakuragi Hanamichi knew very well that if this step was stuck, O'Neal would not be able to turn from the left.


The next second, O'Neal suddenly turned right!
The action of exerting force on the waist and twisting to the left is just a fake action. The original intention is probably to deceive the defender's center of gravity, but unexpectedly, it also deceives the defender's feet...

At this time, Sakuragi's defensive focus was entirely on the left side, and the right side was completely empty. O'Neal's gorgeous turn directly invaded, and his right leg in turn pinned most of Sakuragi Hanamichi's body.

Sakuragi's pupils shrank suddenly, and in just an instant, his defense was completely useless.

Immediately afterwards, the monster in front of him touched his toes and the giant beast took off into the air!
A powerful two-handed dunk instantly ignited the home arena.

"Shaq! Shaq! Shaq!"

"Hahaha, that kid who overestimates his abilities!"

Sakuragi Hanamichi took a deep breath.

The strength of the big shark is obvious to all. It would be a fantasy if he could immediately block the opponent after watching the video for two days.

...The opponent's fake movements can actually be judged. The force used when turning left just now was not fully used. It was still too hasty and nervous just now.

It’s okay, just learn the lesson and come again!

Sakuragi Hanamichi silently cheered herself up.

SuperSonics possession.

After the defeats in the first two games, the Lakers have obviously summarized the offensive characteristics of the Sonics.

The anti-reverse efficiency is extremely high, ranking first in the league. This is not controversial, but the ability to attack tough situations is "sufficient but not sufficient".

The only drawback is that the SuperSonics only have one Lin Dong.

The response method given by Phil Jackson is normal positional defense.

In the first half, the main goal was to block the entire Sonics team. If Lin Dong wants to play, let him play well. That is to defend Kobe alone. Try not to be misplaced. If he is misplaced, then focus on guarding his outside shooting. If he can block it, then If he can't seal it, his hit rate will be affected, and his physical strength will also be affected.

Give it a shot but not a shot!
After all, there is O'Neal inside. If Lin Dong really breaks in, he will have to pay more physical effort if he wants to score.

Lin Dong's physical strength is what the Lakers want.

At this time, Kobe was pressing closely against the one-on-one defense. Payton found the right opportunity to use a pick-and-roll. With precise control of the position and distance, he forcibly stopped Kobe and misplaced it for Lin Dong to play Fisher in singles.

Lin Dong stood up directly.

According to the experience of the previous two games, Fisher does not have much interference ability. Not to mention his height, the main reason is that his reaction speed is still a step behind Lin Dong, but this time Fisher is fast enough. …

After all, the Zen Master had made it very clear to him, don't give up on surrender.

Fisher had already taken off early at the moment of dislocation. It was not his responsibility to be passed by Lin Dong, but if Lin Dong was allowed to shoot without interference, that was his problem. With the character of the Zen master, he had to scold him half Yue couldn't even lift his head.

At this time, with the advance of the jump, Fisher's big hand completely blocked Lin Dong's eyes, which also made Lin Dong a little surprised, surprised by Fisher's quick defense.

Although the basketball was thrown steadily, due to the interference of the blocked line of sight, the psychological accident, and the poor touch at the beginning, the basketball bounced off the frame.


(End of this chapter)

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