Chapter 97 This man is useless
Toyotama's possession of the ball once again failed to score against Xiangyang's 131 zone defense.

But the speed of returning to defense is as fast as ever, but this time, the focus of defense has changed.

As soon as Fujima crossed the center line with the ball, Nanlie and Minori Kishimoto had already surrounded Lin Dong on the other side.

Two without the ball and one with one.

I don’t want Lin Dong to get the ball again. After all, it’s only been 3 minutes since the game started, but he has already scored 14 points, 3 steals, 2 assists and 1 block in a row. This data is really a bit too exaggerated.

If it were any other team, I'm afraid there would be some emotional fluctuations at this moment.

Perhaps he was amazed at the strength of his teammates, or perhaps he was secretly happy to face the remaining 4-on-3 situation.

But the expressions on everyone's faces in Xiangyang didn't change at all.

Without the ball, double team Lin Dong?Isn't this the basic operation that opponents always do?
Don’t be too basic, this is too common...

Everyone has already had a tacit understanding of dealing with this method.

Lin Dong immediately ran to the offensive weak side on the right. Xiangyang's three long men cut directly into the inside, while Fujima tacitly held the ball and attacked from the left.

With just one step, a partial four-on-three situation was formed on the left side. Coupled with the absolute height advantage under the basket, Toyotama's defense could be said to have flaws everywhere.

But Nanlie and Kishimoto Minori had no intention of going over to help prevent and remedy the situation.

The two of them quickly followed Lin Dong to the bottom line on the left side.

Lin Dong could feel that the two pairs of cold eyes were filled with murderous intent.

Are you finally unable to hold yourself back any longer?
It is much better to have this kind of time bomb on the field explode early than to lurk and not explode.

Lin Dong smiled at him and helped him out: "Did you buy the ticket?"

"Damn..." Behind her, Minori Kishimoto almost wanted to take action directly, but was stopped by Nanlie's eyes.

You also have to watch the timing of your action, otherwise the two of them will be sent off together. With the current score difference on the field, the rest of Toyotama's team simply cannot cope with Fujima and the others.

"I will buy it." Nan Lie said coldly: "Buy it for you!"

——At this time, Fujima on the left made a breakthrough and passed Itakura Daijiro in just one step, attracting everyone's attention. Yajima Kyohei, who was originally guarding Hasegawa, immediately made up the defense.

At the same time, Lin Dong could feel Kishimoto Minori pushing up behind him, violent physical confrontation, as if trying to restrict his body movements.

——Fujima made a wonderful pass that attracted Yajima Kyohei, and the basketball was directly inserted into the hands of Hanagata Tohru under the basket.

Lin Dong turned sideways, as if he wanted to rush out from the two men's trap, and Nan Lie's eyes flashed...

——Toru Hanagata took off from the spot, and the dignified No. [-] flexible center in Kanagawa turned into a pie-eating center, and hit a two-handed dunk.

At the same time, Miri Kishimoto's left hand was already pressed on Lin Dong's waist, and her right hand went towards his waist.

Nan Lie in front took advantage of Lin Dong being restrained and turned around, pretending to block Lin Dong's breakthrough, but the iron elbow was aimed at his face and hit him hard.

After using this elbow against Fujima last year and winning, Nan Lie has never forgotten it.

It was like a Pandora's box that had been opened, dragging him deeper into it.

In the past six months, he has even tried to secretly throw a few elbows every day, practicing the strength and angle of the elbows, just to be useful in this year's competition.

And now, it's time for it to show its power!

With a flower-shaped dunk, the basket shook violently and made a loud noise. On the left side, which was not noticeable, the three sandwich biscuits also fell down with the loud noise.

Nan Lie's heart suddenly shook.

Just now, Kishimoto had clearly stretched out his hand to hold the opponent. With this elbow, the opponent should not be able to dodge it no matter what, but... he just dodged it!
The reaction was too fast... No, it was not just a matter of quick reaction, but the opponent seemed to have already calculated the route of his elbow swing.

Nan Lie clearly remembered that when he waved his elbow, what he saw on Lin Dong's face at that moment was not panic or surprise, but a joking look in his eyes.

The opponent has long known that he will swing his elbow, and has already had the awareness to dodge, and his dodge movements are also very fast and clean, just like ducking in boxing...

This is definitely not something that can be achieved just by reacting quickly!

All the thoughts flashed through Nanlie's mind in just an instant, and the screams of Mari Kishimoto who fell to the ground brought him back to reality from the horror in time.

Kishimoto Minori covered half of her face in pain and fell down. She was rolling on the ground in pain, screaming, and there was blood soaked between her fingers!
Nan Lie knew how powerful his elbow was. It was aimed at destroying Lin Dong. The unprepared Kishimoto was hit hard, and of course it couldn't be much better.

And, and...Nan Lie recalled the faint feeling of explosion when his elbow hit him just now.

He couldn't help but tremble all over his body, and hurriedly rushed to see Kishimoto Minori's injury, but Kishimoto covered his left eye tightly and wailed, unable to see clearly at all.

With the electronic scoreboard beating 21:0.

The referee also blew the whistle in time.


"Damn it, that Xiangyang No. 13 hit someone!"

"You want to die, you bastard! I want to kill him!"

The Toyota Stand, which had been silent for a long time, finally started to riot this time.

They haven't hit anyone yet, but the other side is beating someone first. It's simply unreasonable!

A furious Toyotama student slammed the drink bottle towards Lin Dong.

It's a pity that it's not accurate enough...

It hit Kishimoto Minori's face, who was moaning in pain on the ground.

The yellow drink was mixed with red blood and dyed colorfully, making Kishimoto Mari look even more miserable.

"Shut up for fuck's sake!" Nan Lie had a bad premonition, and his mind was in confusion. He angrily picked up the drink bottle and threw it aside, and at the same time roared at the students in the Fengyu Stand.

The scene finally calmed down a little. "Team doctor! Team doctor!" The referee ran over to check and felt that the situation was a bit serious, so he shouted to Fengyu's bench.

It's a pity that Toyotama's coach Jinping has left, and with him, his entire coaching team. Toyotama now has no team doctor except for a few blank-faced substitutes on the bench.

For this kind of national-level competition, although the organizers will also make some preparations for medical emergencies, since each team has its own team doctor, they often only prepare a few drugs and then hire one or two medical consultants to wait. If the semi-finals and finals are broadcast nationally, it will only be a show-off. This kind of scene in the knockout stage will not be there at all...

In the end, coach Anzai came over with Yua Ishihara and Xiangyang’s team doctor.

Kishimoto Minori screamed loudly, and she covered her eyes with her right hand and refused to let go. Finally, several people held him down and pulled his left hand away slightly...

I saw that Kishimoto Minori's entire left eye was almost completely sunken, and the slits between the eyes were full of blood. There were also some small white and black debris and residual pulp mixed under the eyelids. I don't know what they were.

"My eyes! My eyes!" Mari Kishimoto cried bitterly, feeling fear and pain.

Coach Anzai shook his head secretly, Ishihara Yuya almost vomited, and several members of the referee team couldn't help but gasped.

"You must be sent to the hospital immediately!" Xiangyang team doctor's face looked a little ugly. Although he was an opponent, it was indeed too miserable.

"How are his eyes? How are his eyes?!" Nan Lie grabbed the hand of Xiangyang team doctor and asked in a roar.

"Looking at the degree of the dent, the eyeball cannot be saved," the team doctor replied: "But this is not the most terrifying thing. Such a violent impact may cause more serious intracranial damage, and it must be sent to hospital immediately. Go to the hospital for a photo check.”

"Stretcher! Stretcher!" the team doctor shouted while rushing to the court.

The eyeballs can't be saved...may it be accompanied by more serious intracranial damage?
Nan Lie was stunned, staring at Kishimoto Minori's miserable look.

At this moment, he wanted to roar, vent, kill Lin Dong, kill the team doctor, and kill everyone present!

But such thoughts just arose in his subconscious, and then disappeared in the tragic scene of Kishimoto Minori, his trembling body and fear.

He finally couldn't help but his whole body went limp, and he collapsed to the ground with a thud.

What youth, what stubbornness, what perseverance, what passion, what manhood...

He's just a child who has never seen real blood.

What's the difference between those kids who are shouting about killing this, killing that all day long, and those kids wearing Ultraman masks who are shouting to kill Godzilla?
Nan Lie was trembling all over.

Kishimoto is blind, really blind...

The broken pieces on his face just now were his broken eyes...

Yes, that’s right, I broke it, and even the feeling of the fluid exploding on my elbow was very clear...

Da da da da… Nan Lie’s teeth kept chattering and he couldn’t bite.

"Nan Lie..."

"team leader……"

"……go back……"

There seemed to be many people around him saying something to him, but Nan Lie really couldn't hear a word.

His chattering teeth and trembling body made him feel as if he was wandering in a world at this moment, and his body was so limp that he couldn't stand up at all.

Fujima had a complicated look in his eyes. The scene when he saw Kishimoto Minori reminded him of himself lying on a stretcher last year, but it seemed that Kishimoto Minori was obviously much more serious than he was then.

He turned to look towards Nan Lie, only to see him slumped on the ground with dull eyes.

"This man is useless." Lin Dong said lightly.

Regardless of whether it was Nan Lie or Kishimoto Minori, from the moment they had the heart to hurt others, it was already destined that they would end up like this.

Even if there is no retribution on the court today, there will be retribution in society tomorrow.

Sympathy for this kind of person?That's something only the Holy Mother would have.

Speaking of which, using one eye in exchange for a lifetime of lessons for two people can be regarded as saving them.

He patted Fujima on the shoulder: "Don't look anymore, get ready to harvest the game."

Nanlie still couldn't stand up after all.

In the end, several of Toyotama's substitutes on the sidelines ran over and helped him down.

Toyotama substitutes.

Minori Kishimoto and Retsu Minami exit.

Enter Yutaka Takeuchi and Jiro Tanaka.

There was no foul or any controversy on Toyotama's baseline kick.

The referee didn't even need to watch the video. The blood stains on Nan Lie's elbow contrasted with Lin Dong's clean body.

It was already clear who had blown out that eyeball.

 Although there was a lot of scolding last night, there were still many encouraging voices. Thank you to these brothers who are encouraging and tolerant of mistakes, otherwise this whole day would be really difficult.

  When writing a long novel and being photographed in the face by updates, it is inevitable that there will be times when the brain is not online. This lesson is profound enough.

  Next time if the idea doesn't go smoothly, I will take a leave of absence.

  It's better to keep some manuscripts, at least you won't be slapped in the face by updates, and rush into work without careful consideration.

  So, let’s start two updates tomorrow, one chapter is 3000+, and the total is between 6k and 8k. Of course, when we encounter the climax of the plot, we will try to update as many chapters as possible.

  Wait until you have 10 to [-] words saved and then add another [-] to give yourself some room to think and revise. This time is expected to be about [-] days, and you are also responsible for everyone paying to read it.

(End of this chapter)

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