The Road to Stardom: Start as a Slam Dunk Master.

Chapter 98 I will never play basketball again

Chapter 98 I will never play basketball again

The game restarted after a delay of more than ten minutes.

Toyotama, who had lost Nan Retsu and Kishimoto Minori, actually glowed a little 'younger' in front of Shoyo.

The new Yutaka Takeuchi is 196 centimeters tall. His body is about the same as Toru Hanagata's, and his skills at the basket are very solid. Although he is still beaten by Hanagata Toru's various tricks, his solid back-up skills and hard work can still break through. Toyotama also picked up two rebounds during his scoring drought.

But that's all.

Xiangyang has no intention of letting Toyotama go.

Lin Dong played the entire first quarter. As the absolute engine and heart of the team, he scored 28 points, 5 steals, 6 assists and 3 blocks.

With an absolute advantage of 45:8, Xiangyang had completely sealed the outcome of the game in the first quarter.

In the second quarter, Xiangyang's starting five all went in, replacing Taku Ito, Mitsuru Nagano, Nomizu Nozomi, Takada Toro, and Koen Aoki.

Although they are substitutes, before Lin Dong came, Ito Taku and Nagano Mitsuru were already strong players who could be the main starters. Coupled with the influence of Lin Dong in the past half year, they are already at the absolute top [-] main force level.

Facing Toyotama, who was short of major generals, Shoyang's substitute lineup was full of firepower. Nagano, who was 191 centimeters tall, came up to play center. He was equal in strength to the opponent's Yutaka Takeuchi, and their effects basically canceled each other out. However, Taku Ito's weird and awkward The rhythm of the layup made Toyota's defender miserable.

This guy is like a dancing master, but he is slow and hard to guard against.

The score continued to slowly open up, and by the end of the half, the score difference between the two sides had reached 69:25.

In the second half, the massacre continued...

Nan Lie was sitting on the bench. Although there was no physical exertion, he was still breathing heavily.

The ever-widening score on the court, the shouts of his teammates on the bench, and even the sound of the entire arena seemed to be far away from him.

It was so far away that it was difficult for him to pay attention, and all he could hear was his own heavy breathing.

Kishimoto Minori's exploding eyeball lingered in his mind like a nightmare.

my eyes!My eyes!

Kishimoto's tragic situation, Kishimoto's voice, everything kept replaying in his mind like fragments, as if they were vivid in his mind, and he couldn't get rid of them no matter what, until...

"Hey!" A man walked up to him and tried to wake him up by shouting.

Nanlie didn’t respond.

The man began to shake, but his eyes remained dull and unresponsive.

Until the man slapped him hard: "Wake up!"

The severe pain on his face finally woke him up from the nightmare.

Nan Lie covered his face and looked at the man in front of him in shock.

It’s Coach Jin Ping.

Jin Ping's face showed anger, regret, and sympathy, but there was no gloating as Nan Lie originally imagined.

"It has already happened, there is no point in thinking about it." Coach Jinping squatted in front of him and said in a deep voice: "Go to the hospital and see Kishimoto. You still have a long way to go in life. Cheer up, you still have winter selection!"

Kishimoto, hospital, winter selection...

Reality seemed to flood back into his mind. Nan Lie knew very well that with his own performance, if he did not rely on basketball, he would not be able to go to college anyway.

The final electronic sound on the field had already sounded, and a number appeared on the electronic scoreboard that Nan Lie might never forget.

125: 59.

The score difference of 66 points broke their own record of 63 points for the largest score difference just set yesterday.

He couldn't help but look in the direction of Xiangyang's bench, and saw Lin Dong and others packing their things and getting ready to leave.

A rush of hot blood suddenly surged to his head.

Nan Lie suddenly stood up and shouted in Lin Dong's direction: "Hey!"

Frankly speaking, Nan Lie didn't know why he shouted this.

Maybe you wanted to see how the guy would react?
Want to see that guy come over to comfort you?Help yourself to untie the knot in your heart at that moment?Let go of grudges with a smile?

The incident happened because of that person. To untie the bell, the person who tied the bell had to be tied. One sentence from him was more effective than ten thousand words from Jin Ping.

Not to mention respect or letting go of grudges with a smile, even if he came over to mock me for a few words?Even if you allow yourself to feel that failure and then rise from it?

Whatever you say is fine!Please!

But what he saw was a pair of indifferent eyes.

There is no sympathy or pity at all, and there is no so-called smile that disappears grudges.

Lin Dong didn't even look at him again.

"Let's go."

He said to the other teammates of Xiangyang beside him, turned around and walked towards the tunnel.

Nan Lie felt like he was struck by lightning at this moment.

battlefield?opponent?fail?The other party didn't regard him as an opponent at all. There was no sympathy for each other as he imagined, no grudges could be wiped away with a smile, and he was not even considered a loser.

From the moment he decided to swing his elbow, he was no longer eligible to play!

Teng Zhen pursed his lips, swallowed what he originally wanted to say, followed Lin Dong, and others filed out.

"Nan Lie, did you hear what I said? You still have the winter selection..." Jin Ping didn't give up and wanted to save him. He came over and took his arm. He was also afraid that he would be impulsive and go to Xiangyang again. Take action.

Nan Lie suddenly grinned and turned pale.

Winter tryouts?Get back on your feet?

His expression turned completely gloomy and he shook off Jin Ping's hand.

"I will never play basketball again in my life..."


The second round of competition ended successfully, and the top [-] teams have been finalized.

Compared with the first round, this round of games is undoubtedly more interesting. Several teams that were optimistic about it before the game have successfully qualified.

Hainan University Affiliated defeated Shimanami Academy, which was in the top 99 last year, 72:[-].

Tai Rong College defeated Shang Song Commerce 122:78.

Mingpeng Industrial defeated Toshiro Azuma from Kochi Prefecture at 99:75, who was in last year's quarterfinals. Morishigehiro, who scored 50 points and grabbed 18 rebounds, became the focus of attention from all parties. This is a first-year student and is known as a promising player. The new generation of Japanese center who succeeds Masashi Kawada.

Sanno Industries easily defeated Hojo Shishou from Fukuoka at 129:65, with a score difference of 64 points, surpassing the record of 62 points set by Toyotama yesterday.

But before the score difference could stay on the record board for five minutes, Xiangyang rewrote the record again with a score difference of 5:125, a total of 59 points.

You know, Hojo Shishang was only a top 32 team last year, and Toyotama, who was a weakling in the second round, was among the top eight last year!

Not only that, this battle also broke a bigger news, Kishimoto Minori’s eyes were confirmed to be blind...

All media outlets have indeed received notices before to report as little as possible on Xiangyang.

But the biggest score difference this season and a player who was injured to the point of blindness are both eye-catching reports.

For those media reporters whose news smell is like that of an old cat smelling salted fish, such reports are not allowed to be touched. It is really more uncomfortable than the death of a biological father.

Instead of reporting on the largest point difference of 66 points in last year's quarterfinals, why don't you ask me to report on the 64-point difference that was achieved only after a slap in the face?
Instead of reporting on the exploded eyeball, you want me to report on the OK cloth wound that will heal on its own if you delay entering the hospital?
How can you endure this?
You can’t stand this shit at all!

If I don't write this report, the reporters will feel like they won't be able to sleep tonight!
If you don’t report anything about TM, just report it, what the hell!You allow Xiangyang to participate but don't allow us to report on it, how can you make sense!
The hospital where Miri Kishimoto was hospitalized was already blocked by reporters, and coach Jinping, who returned after leaving the midfielder, also became the target of reporters.

Nan Lie couldn't find anyone. It was said that he had booked a ticket back to Osaka that afternoon, but Xiangyang...

No matter how hard the reporters tried, they just couldn't get the interview.

As soon as Xiangyang's minibus arrived at the door of the hotel, Akino Amamiya asked coach Anzai to take all the players upstairs quickly, and then he stood in front of the reporters with a proud look on his face.

He just said, "I'm sorry, the team has to prepare for tomorrow's game, and we decline all interviews," and he prevaricated all the reporters.

Looking at these crazy and helpless reporters, and their free-of-charge films, Akino Amamiya's mood couldn't be more beautiful.

Didn’t you report us before?Wasn’t it just the Mountain King who was around before?
Yesterday you were indifferent to me, today I will make it impossible for you to reach high!

I, Akino Tengu, also have today!
So, proudly, Akino Amamiya ended all the reporters' questions with a sentence that he had been holding back for a long time.

"After the finals are over, I will let the team be interviewed collectively."

"Huh? Will we meet the Mountain King in the semi-finals? Why are you so sure that Xiangyang can enter the finals?"

"Hahahaha!" Akino Amamiya threw a contemptuous look at the reporter who asked this question, and replied calmly: "I also want to keep a low profile, but my strength does not allow it. Remember our names, we are Xiangyang!"

Oh shit!

He had secretly rehearsed this sentence many times in the past few days. He thought he would have to wait until the finals to use it, but he didn't expect to be given the opportunity now.

When he said it, Akino Tengu felt as if all the [-] pores in his body were filled with energy. After being the principal of Xiangyang for so many years, he felt that he had never been as proud as today!
Oops... The scholarship given to Lin Dong to study abroad was too small. It would lead to long nights and many dreams, so I had to discuss it with the board of directors first.

How about increasing it to 20 a month? 30?
No matter what, you have to keep this treasure in Xiangyang. It's best to sign the contract with him before the end of the national competition.

What made him even more excited were the people who appeared in front of him just after rejecting the reporters.

Nishimura Kamiji, chairman of the organizing committee of this Hiroshima Summer League.

Takehiko Orimo is now the captain of the Japanese national team and the Toyota Motor Team, and he is also the real No. 1 in Japan's professional men's world at the moment.

Masatoshi Ozaki, Chairman of the Japan Basketball Association.

Hiroaki Nakanishi, General Manager of Hitachi Group.

They are all big shots... These people are not unscrupulous reporters who cannot be intercepted.

Akino Amamiya was quickly invited in. Before they could even talk a few words, Ozaki Masatoshi over there smiled and said, "Principal Akino, we are mainly here to find Lin Dong. Please introduce him."

 Chapter 5 will be updated before 2pm, about 4000 words.

  Two updates in the next few days. Bear with me, brothers. The author will not be lazy and will work hard to save the manuscript. He will try to finish the [-]-word manuscript within a few days. There will be room for error, and then he will recover to [-] words.

(End of this chapter)

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