Age of Mythology: I use simulation to become the lord of all realms

Chapter 240 System, Wheel Chapter, Three Pillars of Cthulhu and Chu Bai!

Chapter 240 System, reincarnation, the three pillars of Cthulhu... and Chu Bai!

[Of course you asked about your connection with the ruler of the era. The answer you finally got makes you feel quite subtle...

Because Bubble said he didn’t know!

He is just the great one, the supreme evil god differentiated by one thought, and inherited part of the power of that great one. But in the final analysis, this omniscient and omnipotent power is also part of the great one...

Facing a powerful man of the same level, he could only know part of the information, so how could he possibly know the situation of that great man?

Most of the information he tells you was obtained by him after endless years of thinking, guessing, and verification! In fact, he cannot guarantee that the information is 100% correct. 】

Chu Bai: "..."

Although outrageous, it seems reasonable!

[You were a little speechless, but then you got to the bottom of it and asked him why he said you were special!

After a brief silence, Bubble tells you that the light spot hanging above the era is no longer there. 】

"!!!" Chu Bai was startled. If he remembered correctly, the light spots above the era should represent the souls of the time travellers, right? !

In other words, the travelers have now worn everything they should wear...

This kind of authority you hold is very likely to involve the foundation of the birth of the heavens and the world!

Bubble said that the big world you live in is very special! If the rest of the big world is the differentiation of that great person's thoughts... then the big world you are in is the condensed remains of all the power of that great person after the differentiation.

From the current point of view, Tianzun is most likely to be the... peak of this era? !

[Paopao explained in depth that theoretically, the rejection between worlds is absolute and indelible!

Unless you can become the world master of both worlds, you can forcefully suppress it... Yes, it is just suppressing, not without such rejection.

"No, is his subtext saying... I am the last time traveler?" Chu Bai suddenly felt a little pain in his teeth. The last indeed as special as you want! The possibility of the previous guess has subtly increased.

So, you are the traveler of that world! is the most special. 】

Chu Bai's eyelids twitched. That's not the case... Every time a time traveler arrives, he or she comes with an awesome golden finger! And he landed directly and became a Heavenly Lord.

[Furthermore, Paopao said that you are the only one who has control over... unrestricted access to many worlds, and can even cross many worlds of nothingness, allowing many world travelers to connect with each other and have authority!

This is also the fundamental reason why if you recite his name in the prehistoric world, he can directly bypass the world's defense system and come!

When discussing this, Daozu's face turned a little green. 】

But now it seems——

"...Is this the fundamental authority of the chat group?" Chu Bai looked confused. In the past, he had always felt that the simulator was more powerful than the chat group. If he had to choose between simulation and chatting, he would definitely choose simulation without any brain!

It's just these two, one plus one, create an effect greater than two...

Chat groups are more than just chat groups! Perhaps... on top of the authority of the ruler of the era, the chat group is closer to the essential power of that ruler than the simulator.

Although Chu Bai had always compared the Great Wilderness Ziweixing to the Perfect Covering the Sky in his previous life, suspecting that there was still the Sacrifice Dao, a realm above the Sacrifice Dao... But now Chu Bai realizes that it may or may not exist.

Because these worlds were only created by the thoughts of the great ones of that era. After all, these are not the real two worlds...

If that great person has seen kidney deficiency and realized that there is a world above these two worlds... he may use thoughts to differentiate a higher-level world! However, if you haven't seen it... Chu Bai silently glanced at the chat group. Anyway, there is no man named Chu added now... Um, wait, his surname is Chu!

Chu Bai began to doubt his life. Could he be the corresponding pig's trotter with kidney deficiency? ? ? Of course, this is just a nonsensical idea. His world cannot match that world...

[Paopao finally said that you are the last person to travel through the most special world! The authority involved is also the authority closest to that currently known!

He has a guess, and he believes that you also have that kind of guess, but he is not sure... He just thinks that you should be the most likely one!

Therefore, Bubble bets everything on you.

Because, under the hunting of the two masters of the system and reincarnation, the evil gods are really too difficult... Don't look at the countless evil gods in the world sea, but it is already the largest gathering place of evil gods! If it weren't for the protection of Bubbles, it's possible that the evil gods would have become extinct...

But Paopao also said that as time goes by, the strength of the system and reincarnation is getting stronger and stronger! If they wait until one of them unites the power of the ancient world... maybe even three pillar gods like them will become the prey of the system and reincarnation! 】

"...reasonable." Chu Bai said that everything could be explained. and……

"Through the information from the simulator, I can reincarnate and merge with the system... maybe!"

Chu Bai lowered his eyes slightly and finally shook his head. Unfortunately, the risk of personality collapse was too high a price.

[You explained your past integration with the system and asked if there was a way for the evil god to... allow you to retain your personality!

At this moment, Bubble was silent. Paopao used his omniscient authority with all his strength... and performed endless calculations!

Finally, Bubble said with difficulty that if you can allow your body to be opened and let him live in it, he should be able to shelter your brain during the fusion process! But the key to this problem is...he feels that you don't trust him so much! 】

Chu Bai: "..."

Bubbles are awesome! But this is a simulation after! Wait a moment, Paopao actually knows that he is in a simulation.

Chu Bai's eyes became sharp. In other words, if Paopao really had any malice towards him, it was actually possible that he didn't have any malice towards him in the simulator, but in fact he did... So...

Chu Bai looked at the simulator and did not discuss this topic in depth. He moved on to the next topic and realized that his good brother should have thought about what he was worried about in reality, so he had no intention of experimenting at all.

Because this experiment has no meaning at all! At most, it can only be verified to see if it is feasible...but not to confirm whether there is any risk!

[After constant discussion and exploration, you finally came up with a feasible plan!

Bubble said that you can summon the three evil gods as soon as you arrive in the world of Journey to the West... and let the three evil gods cross the world barrier and directly attack the system master. Completely crush it! Then it's up to you to absorb his fragments...

The key to this issue is that there are risks when you come to the world of Journey to the West! Because it is possible that the system owner will directly hit you in the face at the beginning.

But for this, if you have a simulator, you feel that it is still relatively controllable!

So... you first let your own phoenix incarnate, test the world of Journey to the West, and then see if chanting the names of the three evil gods has any effect! If it's useful, you'd better stay at the Great Desolate Base Camp...

After all, you still don’t have that much trust in the evil god... Who knows if Bubbles will suddenly backstab you after you leave the world! 】

(End of this chapter)

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