Chapter 241 Tianzun

[The incarnation of the phoenix carries the laws of the ancient world and enters the world of Journey to the West. And recited Bubble's name!

The next moment, the bubbles actually started to break through the boundary!

You have a clear understanding in your heart that your incarnation does contain part of the power of the chat group... No, to be more precise, the Tiandao around you and other members of the chat group may also contain it.

Even if you don’t have a chat group with you at the moment!

Your phoenix incarnation then chanted the names of the other two pillar gods!

At this moment, three ancient gods came to this small world together. 】

[A war beyond imagination begins! 】

[The three evil gods have united under your will to fight against the enemy at the same time! The forces that are enough to corrode and destroy the world are intertwined... brewing a terrifying trend that shakes the foundation of the world of Journey to the West! 】

[Ten days later, the system master finally missed a move.

His body was torn to pieces, but he recovered quickly!

As you kept observing and communicating with Bubble on the sidelines... you finally realized what the problem was!

The system master who has a top-notch world as his shell has a natural advantage in this world. Unless the world is destroyed, he will be immortal!

But the problem is that Journey to the West, as one of the highest-level worlds of nothingness in the same category as the prehistoric world, the world of gods, the main world you are in, and the great wilderness world... contains part of the essence of the great one, which is exactly the same as this piece of nothingness. The sea is born and dies together.

So, stuck here!

However, Paopao still told You confidently that because you helped them cross the firewall... they could still win!

When you asked about the time, you answer that said it was not much, and it would last only 100 million years!

You fell into a long silence. 】

Chu Bai: "..."

Is this still possible? ! ! !

Damn it, this breakthrough... does it mean breaking through to the Tianzun level? !

This is an essential crushing!

Chu Bai's expression changed uncertainly, and countless possibilities flashed through his mind. Finally, he gritted his teeth and chose to fuse memories. After all, this time, there seems to be no problem with the body...

And if the system master wants to obtain the power of the origin... he must seize the origin of the world, or hunt down the evil god and absorb the origin of the evil god. 】

There is enough energy to directly mass-produce quasi-immortal emperors... Chu Bai said that he could not even imagine that such a thing could happen now.

For example, a clock-in and sign-in system!

As long as you are willing to spend... you can even allow the opponent to level up every time he checks in, and be directly promoted to the quasi-immortal emperor level!

Yes, this is the horror of the system master! He can mass-produce quasi-immortal emperors!

Chu Bai was speechless. The good simulator brothers obviously have the intention of never leaving the primitive world, not taking risks, and being completely conservative!

[Ten days later, the system master split for the second time under the siege of three evil gods.

That's the quasi-immortal emperor!

Damn it, even though he has a fourth-dimensional pocket... he doesn't even dare to think about mass production!

The fourth-dimensional pocket can produce enough Immortal King Pills. If he spends a lot of energy and time, it is possible to create a quasi-immortal emperor. But the price to pay is too great... Mass production is another concept!

Just like the handicrafts of agricultural society are vulnerable to the large-scale industrial production of industrial society...

Chu Bai: "!!!"

You really can't beat this.

Okay, okay, 100 million years is not much, right? ! ! !

Although this may not be much for the evil god... but for Chu Bai, if a plan that takes 100 million years to complete would not push him to the extreme, there is absolutely no way he would have this idea!

You let the phoenix incarnation, which has a trace of its own spiritual thoughts stationed there, crash into the fragments of the system master!

If you want, you can mass-produce systems one by one... As long as you are willing to spend the original power in your body, then you can even create a system with the essence of a quasi-immortal emperor?

"...It belongs to your mother! This thing feels even more outrageous than me refining elixirs." Chu Bai's scalp went numb, and he finally realized why Pao Pao said that the evil god couldn't defeat the system master at all...

[Because your cultivation level breaks through the Five Elements, this simulation ends automatically! 】

[But at the next moment, the trace of your spiritual thoughts stationed in the body of the Phoenix incarnation, the realization of controlling the true power of the ten directions, was transmitted back to your body!

You have been deep in thought for a long time. You seem to have understood something, and you have achieved a breakthrough in your cultivation! 】

At this moment, you experienced an unimaginable sublimation. 】

[Three days later, the sublimation is completed.

[Under your repeated pressure, Bubble started thinking and deducing again, and finally explained, maybe you can consider letting your body come over, and when they tear the system master into pieces, get stuck at a point in time and enter it?

You think it makes sense! So you are going to let the Phoenix incarnate and test it to see if it can be fused. 】

You feel a trace of your spiritual thoughts, and you are now standing in a brand new field!

The next moment, Chu Bai's expression became strange. His half-immortal emperor level cultivation naturally began to boil!

Then... took that step!

It was so relaxing, just like crossing a step on the way home! As if that had never been a problem.

"...I am a Heavenly Lord?" A trace of confusion flashed in Chu Bai's eyes. This step was taken so easily that he was a little at a loss as to what to do.

But the next moment, Chu Bai came back to his senses, because he inexplicably sensed that the chat group and the simulator were shaking violently at this moment. Then it slowly merged into his body...

"...The foundation of fusion is Tianzun!" Chu Bai sighed, and also figured out one thing. Many senior time travelers have landed in Tianzun, so they can be regarded as having the authority to achieve fusion? !

"Now that I think about it, the reason why they landed so high may be because of their problems with the ruler of the era... Maybe the great ruler had some distracting thoughts in his mind... so the Evil God Face was naturally born in their bodies. ...If this is the case, I really don’t know whether to call it unlucky or lucky!”

If you are unlucky, you are unlucky with the evil god... If you are lucky, you are lucky. The birth is the end of this era of nothingness!

Of course, it is also possible that there is something wrong with the power of the ruler... After all, the strong men he mass-produced are all evil gods! And his name before the Lord is the Lord of Darkness...

The word "pitch black" doesn't look right no matter how you look at it! Especially when paired with the evil god he created earlier...

Amidst Chu Bai's sighs, the aura on his body continued to improve, sublimate... and finally stabilized. At this moment.

Inside the Zixiao Palace.

Many saints: "..."

Daozu: "..."

Who can tell them what happened? ? All the saints looked at Dao Ancestor.

"..." Daozu cursed in his heart, if you ask him, who will he ask? ! ! However, on the surface, Daozu still showed a smile that said nothing. To show that there is no need to panic, the situation is still under control!

the other side.

Chu Bai's eyes were calm, but there was a huge wave in his heart. After the chat group was completely integrated into his body, he completely understood the nature of authority.

He murmured, "The power of the chat actually this? How could it be this?!"

Chu Bai realized that he had underestimated the chat group after all. He is not specifically used to connect different worlds at all...

This thing is proof that he is actually the Lord of the World!

Yes, he can essentially make Chu Bai the world master of any world. There is no long as Chu Bai wants to!

If Chu Bai thinks about it now, he can immediately become the world master of the prehistoric world. Even the law of heaven cannot stop him... If he returns to the main world, he can immediately become the world master of the main world if he wants to!

There is no need to help the world advance...and there is no need to do anything else to solve the world crisis!

"No wonder it always feels weird... The chat group can directly remove the rejection of the world, can directly contact those who have traveled through the world, and transcend the constraints of the world, allowing them to communicate with each other... everything, everything It can all be explained!”

Chu Bai felt deeply sad. If my sister can be regarded as the World Heavenly Lord...then he who controls this power can perhaps be called the World Heavenly Lord?

Later, Chu Bai realized belatedly that the power of simulation was also flowing in his body at this moment... This was naturally his sister's power to change the timeline.

Now if he wants to, he can let any world line he simulated in any world in the past cover the current world of that world. Make it real…

It's so scary!

However, Chu Bai obviously had no intention of looking for excitement for no reason. He took a step forward with a calm face and appeared directly in the world of Journey to the West.

The system master seemed to feel his aura, and became violent and restless at this moment... appeared directly in front of him, obviously hoping to merge with him!


Chu Bai just raised his hand gently, and he naturally became the world master of the Journey to the West world, controlling the supreme authority. Paired with Tianzun level strength...

He directly immobilized the system master!

"...Then." Chu Bai had a thought, and the phoenix incarnation instantly appeared in front of him. Chu Bai waved his hand, and the system master's body suddenly collapsed.

Becoming the Lord of the World is so invincible! The system master's own Tianzun-level strength combined with the geographical advantage can directly carry three beings of the same level... But now, Chu Bai, who has seized the geographical advantage and holds the authority of two Tianzun at the same time, can naturally kill them in seconds!

Countless data were continuously refined and then integrated into the Phoenix incarnation.

The aura of the phoenix incarnation continued to improve, and in the end——

Achieved the Tianzun level!

The next moment, Chu Bai took another step forward and went to the Conferred God World next door. Naturally, he followed what he had done before and made some operations... to make his true dragon incarnate and become the Lord of Reincarnation.

The authority of the reincarnation master is as outrageous as the system master...

The system owner must achieve a certain mechanism to gain power, such as signing in or completing a task.

The Lord of Reincarnation is just as outrageous as he is outrageous. If you want, he can directly give you power.

And he can use his power to evolve various imaginary abilities... Yes, he can directly fabricate this imaginary power out of thin air! And popularize this law of fantasy power to many worlds!

After Chu Bai tasted it, he sighed from the bottom of his heart. This is also a cheater with outrageous authority that is not inferior to the system owner!

"It's over." Chu Bai sighed. He solved the problem of the prehistoric world, but this time the chat group did not reward him with feedback.

Because he is already the complete master of the chat group! Handing out a reward is no less than putting something from the left pocket into the right pocket... a completely meaningless thing to him.

"That's what's next!"

With a thought, Chu Bai came to the main world with his three major incarnations.

"Can you now?"

Chu Bai appeared at the door of the Purple Mountain Tomb. He stared at this unfathomable passage and was silent for a long, long time.

(End of this chapter)

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