Age of Mythology: I use simulation to become the lord of all realms

Chapter 67: Using the peak of 2 Yi to attack the 5-line demon king?

Chapter 67: Using the peak of Liangyi to attack the Five Elements Demon King? (Please ask for monthly tickets for additional updates)
[On May [-]th, there was another terrifying beast tide.You have no fear, or you have already got used to it!

Your methods become more and more complicated, and all kinds of extremely powerful secrets are easily displayed by you!You can perfectly mobilize all the energy in your body!
At this moment, you can really be said to be invincible with three talents... Even facing the four elephants, you are not without the power to fight back, and you can fight with them one or two.

According to the main cultivation system, which is comparable to the peak foundation-building cultivation level of Liangyi, you are equivalent to crossing two great realms to fight against the enemy...

This incredible combat power is considered a miracle no matter which world it is placed in!Even in Shi Fan's world, you can be called a peerless genius!
This can also be seen from the previous gathering where you easily defeated the Lord of Guanghan City with two moves and the cooperation of another ninth-grade martial arts master.

Both of them almost thought that you had found your way to the ninth level of martial arts and achieved a breakthrough. 】

[On May [-]th, you felt uneasy for no reason. 】

[On May [-]th, you can feel that the crisis is getting closer.You are a little worried, whether there are four images in the demon clan, or even strong men in higher realms!
Is there really a huge force behind that golden dragon demon clan, and is it now preparing to send top experts to attack and kill you? 】

"...It shouldn't be that exaggerated." Chu Bai was a little unsure.If there were a terrifying monster comparable to the Four Elephants and Five Elements.Why didn't you just take action to level Guanghan City before?
After forcing himself to calm down, Chu Bai stared at Bai Yushu closely.

[On May [-]th, an unprecedented and huge wave of terrifying monsters was set off!Everywhere you look is filled with dense monsters!

Among them, the number of seventh- and eighth-grade monsters is not very rare!They are sweeping toward your city like crazy.

Your warriors are asking for help from Guanghan City!However, Guanghan City's support will not arrive until three hours at the earliest.

You are in charge, you are unparalleled, and you have shown your true strength at this moment!

Originally, your men thought that they would all die in the wave of monsters, but they all underestimated you!In other words, it's not just your subordinates, but your enemies as well.

At the peak of the three talents, they are all ants to you, and you can crush a large area with one strike.A ninth-level martial arts master at the peak of his talents can only hold you a few moves...

The ninth-grade master of Guanghan City came all the way, and then he saw a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.I saw you standing on the sea of ​​blood!
He almost fell to his knees! 】

"...Is it over?" Chu Bai thought for a while and shook his head.Impossible, if it’s just to this extent, it’s impossible to make good brothers feel in danger...

[You raise your head suddenly and ask why the mastermind hasn’t come out yet.

After a short period of silence, a tall middle-aged man wearing a purple and gold dragon suit appears in front of you!Except for the dragon horns on his forehead, you can't tell his connection with the demon clan.

You are surprised, no wonder the official calls them monster beasts instead of just vicious beasts.It turns out that they can really transform into humans when they reach a certain state! 】

[The middle-aged man stares at you indifferently, saying indifferently that you killed his most beloved son!

It's not surprising to you, you've been mentally prepared for it, just beat the young one to the old one... You casually ask the middle-aged man about his strength.

Perhaps in order to scare you and make you die in despair, he said that he is a powerful person in the Five Elements! 】

"...Five elements?" Chu Bai's eyes sharpened, "It doesn't look like it's specifically targeting the earth? In other words, the power system of the demon civilization is also one yuan, two rites??"

Damn it, isn't this definitely the fault of Tianzun? !

There is also a road traveler on the opposite side!
But... "Can the demon clan... also be recognized by the human race's heavenly master?" Chu Bai remembered what he had heard, Chen Xinghuo's explanation, "Wait a minute, Dao Ancestor is the first human race's heavenly master... In this way, Does that mean that in front of Dao Ancestor, there is actually a non-human Celestial Being..."

Chu Bai frowned, but even if there is a non-human Celestial Being, it might be the orthodox Void Evil God, or a Celestial Being from other races... not necessarily a demon Celestial Celestial Being.

Chu Bai sighed. He had too little information in his hands, so he could only hope that his good brothers would take more things out of each other's mouths.

[The middle-aged man sneered and said that he knew that you were from a city on Earth called Zishi.

He has reached an agreement with a certain force on Earth. On June [-]st, with the cooperation of the other party, he will forcefully penetrate the world barrier and release a large number of monsters to invade the purple stone...

He wants your hometown and the blood of everyone related to you to sacrifice his dead son! 】

[You don’t care, but ask him if he is from the Demon God Cult?Of course he wouldn't be stupid enough to respond.

However, you directly showed the death aura of the Demon God Sect, sneered at him, and was deceived by the Demon God Sect!

Suddenly, the middle-aged man’s expression changed drastically!The expression of the ninth-grade master also changed dramatically!All the surviving martial arts masters were stunned. They couldn't imagine that the figure they had followed for so long, who could be called a god of martial arts, was actually a member of the Demon God Cult.

However, the middle-aged man reacted the next moment and scolded you for actually testing him and attacking you brazenly!But you are also calm about it, at least you know the real culprit behind the scenes...]

"...Damn it, the Demon God Sect is so disgusting!" Chu Bai began to grind his teeth.It was obviously impossible for the Demon God Cult to know that he was the one who reported it. After all, he told An Xiaoya about it... An Xiaoya must be able to keep the secret.

After all, if he couldn't keep a secret, he would definitely have been attacked and killed by the Demon God Sect before!

However, the Demon God Sect obviously wants to kill rather than miss... Since we don't know who is responsible, we can just clear out all the people in Zishi.

[You took action, you were shocked, you actually withstood the middle-aged man’s attack!

You think the energy level displayed by the other party is the peak level of the three talents!Although the opponent's attack skills are far beyond this level. 】

Chu Bai: "???"

[The middle-aged man couldn't believe it. The middle-aged man roared angrily and asked why you still have so much energy in your body after fighting for so long?

Without saying anything, you started a brazen duel with the middle-aged man.You used words to ridicule, and because the other party is a monster, maybe his IQ is indeed low, you got a lot of useful information.

It turns out that because of the laws of heaven and earth inscribed by an unimaginable big shot seven years ago, strong men of the Four Symbols or even higher realms cannot take action against the Three Talents or practitioners of lower realms!
If it is forcibly taken, the power of the four elephants or even higher level experts will be forced to the peak of the three talents!Unless your strength surpasses that big shot from seven years ago...

Of course, higher level skills will not be erased!Therefore, against the three-talented warriors, the high-level warriors can still win most of the time.

But you were an accident after all, so this is also the key reason why he encouraged so many demon clans to attack and kill you...

It's just that he never expected that you could actually fight against him after fighting for such a long time with such a strong foundation!
Along with the battle, he even developed a subtle fear of you. 】

(End of this chapter)

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