Chapter 68 Newcomers join the group
Chu Bai's eyelids twitched, "Seven years ago, the three talents were at their peak..."

He realized almost immediately that this was his sister's fault.After all, even those who have reached the peak of the ninth level of martial arts are only comparable to those with three talents.

This law, in a sense, gives those strong men who have reached the extreme in martial arts the possibility to fight against the strong men of higher levels.


"If a higher-level powerhouse takes action against civilians, their strength will be suppressed to the peak of the three talents." Chu Bai pursed his lips. It can be understood why the main world's power system is ridiculously high and cannot be destroyed at every turn. Earth.

Although, before the emergence of this law of heaven and earth, it is strange that the earth was not exploded... maybe it was the will of the gods?
"However, if you think about it this way, Chen Xinghuo, oh, Chen Xinghuo and that monk are above three talents, so when they fight, their strength can be displayed normally. No wonder, after Chen Xinghuo fought with that Taoist priest, the great monk, the aftermath did not kill me Get killed!"

Chu Bai looked strange. Before, he thought Chen Xinghuo was deliberately protecting him.It's also a bit strange, why does Chen Xinghuo still have the energy to do such a thing against two masters of the same level?

Now it seems that a hammer has been protected.

It was when the aftermath affected him that it was suppressed by the laws of heaven and earth.

"But it looks like this! Even if it's the Five Elements." Chu Bai's eyes were bright, and the good brother didn't have no hope of solving it.

[The more the middle-aged man fights with you, the more stalemate they become, and the more angry he becomes.

He roared up to the sky and transformed into a terrifying five-clawed dragon, with five colors of light all over his body!He roars and fights with you, shouting at the void for help.

Two figures walked out of the void, they taunted the middle-aged man, and then they attacked you at the same time!Obviously they are also stronger at a higher level.

You feel the pressure!
But you have already been mentally prepared. When you feel that you can't hold on any longer, you can directly break through the barrier and break through the golden elixir.

The next moment, a terrifying calamity fell from the sky, burying the three strong demon clan men who looked terrified and tried to escape. 】

[You are dead, the simulation is over! 】

Chu Bai was silent for a while, choosing to integrate the memory of this simulated life.

fight, fight, fight...

When Chu Bai opened his eyes again, he revealed an evil aura coming out of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.After taking a few deep breaths, he slowly calmed down.

"It's quite interesting!" Chu Bai put this simulation income into a permanent redeemable list, "On June [-]st, Zishi County will be attacked by monsters breaking through the boundary. However, this kind of monster breaking through the boundary obviously requires the earth. In other words, the top forces in Da Chu are cooperating.”

Chu Bai can conclude by inferring that without the cooperation between the inside and outside of the Demon God Sect, it is absolutely impossible for the demon clan to directly open the tunnel to the earth.Otherwise, the tunnel could just be opened on the earth from the beginning, and the earth would not be given the opportunity to push the battlefield into outer space.

"Although Sister Xiaoya is in Aurous Ling, and her strength is definitely higher than the ninth level, she will have to pay a heavy price if she rushes here and wants to deal with the beast tide!"

Chu Bai pondered the logic of An Xiaoya's past actions and basically judged that the law of suppression would most likely also hit An Xiaoya.

If she doesn't fight against strong men of the same level, she will be suppressed when facing the beast tide. Under such circumstances, she is a three-talented strongman who is beyond imagination.

If she persists in fighting, she will be at risk of falling.

Chu Bai now also has some doubts. There may be some path walkers on the earth who are willing to participate in the war.But, I am worried about falling in this battle to defend the city!This can also explain why the strongest of the three talents of the demon clan also restrained himself from participating in the battle.

Because, under that kind of law, when the weak face the strong, they are no longer just numbers.No matter how powerful a person is, if faced with a swarm of weaklings, he may be killed in a desperate fight!
"But isn't this my version?" Chu Bai fell into deep thought.Wait until he has exchanged all the several cultivation systems, and then he will reach the pinnacle of golden elixir cultivation.Once again unified...

When he is not suppressed, he can defeat the four elephants. When suppressed by the Three Talents, he can even defeat An Xiaoya, the two monks and Taoists who attacked him before. ?
"Damn it, are you so awesome?!" Chu Bai took a breath, and then realized what kind of good cards he had in his hand.My previous deaths were so outrageous...

"Damn it, doesn't this mean that in my Confucian and Taoist life, if I hadn't led the thunder calamity myself, I might not have died?"

Chu Bai's scalp was numb.Among the five schools of Confucianism and Taoism, even if he was raised purely by virtue of heaven and earth, there is absolutely no problem in protecting himself in the realm of the three talents.

Before, he was so frightened by the battle between Chen Xinghuo and the Taoist monk that he blew himself up.

"...It's true!" Chu Bai sighed.

Then, he took another look at the redemption list, "Unbelievably cheap! Five hundred points of integrated talent. And the ninth-level martial arts at the peak of three talents, the redemption price is only two thousand!"

The five schools of Confucianism and Taoism also have a family of two thousand.The price of these peak powers of the Three Talents was greatly reduced... It should be because he exchanged the Shattered Void for the Peak Three Talents.

"But these add up to ten thousand. However, the five schools of Confucianism and Taoism may also be able to use some more tricky methods to obtain..."

Thoughts were flowing in Chu Bai's mind. He had the prototypes of five holy families at the same time, and he could create five families in any world.

So, can the merits of heaven and earth given to him by those worlds also allow him to directly upgrade to the peak of the three talents?If possible, wouldn't this be equivalent to saving [-] destiny points?Moreover, spreading Confucianism and Taoism will also have an impact on various worlds, thereby gaining destiny points... It is like Qin Shihuang touching the wires and winning.

"Moreover, if this is feasible, it can spread to any world in the future. The only pity is..." Chu Bai shook his head. Currently, he can only go to other worlds if he performs a mission.

Suddenly, Chu Bai sensed something, and with a thought, the chat group interface instantly unfolded in front of him.

"Ding! [Three Kingdoms] Liu Xie successfully joined the chat group."



"The death rate is too high again." Chu Bai looked at the two newcomers who were kicked out and was filled with emotion.This time the mortality rate is almost two-thirds.

"Welcome newcomers!" Han Feizi bubbled up immediately, then fell into deep thought, "Wait, Three Kingdoms? How old is this time traveler now? I remember that during the Three Kingdoms period, it should be after Cao Wei, Shu Han, and Jiangdong Rats became emperors. It’s called the Three Kingdoms, right?”

"At that time, Liu Xie must have been very old..."

[Three Kingdoms] Liu Xie: "..."

Above the palace.

The young Liu Xie looked at Dong Zhuo, who was standing next to the dragon throne, with a figure as big as a mountain and a ferocious face.Then he looked down at the many civil servants who looked fearful, unwilling, or indignant. Then he looked at the screen in front of him, and the corners of his eyes twitched slightly.

"I'm not sure what's going on. I'm eight or nine years old now... I've just been supported by Dong Zhuo and ascended the throne." Liu Xie still maintained a superficial calm. He couldn't be too arrogant, even though the majesty of the Han Dynasty had been trampled by Dong Zhuo. To the ground.

Of course, after reading the announcement and getting to know the group, he was also happy.Although he already had plans to revive the Han Dynasty after time travel, in this troubled world, those plans were extremely risky after all.

(End of this chapter)

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