Games come to all worlds.

Chapter 123: Jianghu laughs, grudges are settled

Chapter 123: Jianghu laughs, grudges are settled
Kick!Kick, kick, kick!
As soon as the music of "Ambush from Flying Daggers" came out, the atmosphere at the scene was instantly brought to a very tense stage. A chilling atmosphere filled the air among everyone, and even the air became somewhat solidified.

The people present did not dare to move at all. Whoever takes action first will be surrounded by everyone. The masters of the six sects are all here.

Even Zhang Wuji was stunned for a moment. He seemed to have underestimated everyone's greed. Now, if he went to take a sword, he might be attacked.

At this moment, Zhao Min suddenly walked out, looked up at the sky, and shouted:

"Store manager! Change the music to lighter music!"

"O's K!"

Li En was eating fruit and pressed the switch button.

"Daddy's daddy is called grandpa~"

Things like atmosphere have a lot to do with music. If it weren't for the song "Ambush from All Sides", the scene wouldn't be so tense.

Now, let's change to some relaxing music. Everyone who was tense just now was dumbfounded.

Just like when watching The Ring, the music is for good luck, and you just feel that Sadako is here to bring warmth.

Therefore, when this song comes out, everyone's murderous intention is basically dissipated, and those who are still exuding murderous intention must have something wrong.

The six heads instantly turned their heads and looked in one direction, but Zhang Wuji had already stepped out, grabbed the two of them, and threw them into the field.

"Cheng Kun!"

Xie Xun shouted and punched him.

Zhang Wuji did not stop him, but immediately stepped back and shouted: "Don't panic, everyone! This is a personal grudge between my adoptive father and Cheng Kun. Cheng Kun is behind all the storms in the martial arts world in recent years!"

Facts have proved that Zhang Wuji's prestige is much higher than before. After hearing his words, everyone else became much calmer and chose to trust and let the two of them fight.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhang Wuji also told all Cheng Kun's deeds.

From the time he killed Xie Xun's family, to the time he provoked hostility in Wudang Shaolin, and the recent arrests of the six sects, Cheng Kun was the one behind it.

Everyone's expressions were unpredictable, and they looked at Cheng Kun in disbelief.

Since ten years ago, the martial arts world has been shrouded in a dark cloud.

The three heroes of Wudang, Yu Daiyan, was crippled by the Shaolin Vajra Finger, and the Shaolin lay disciple Du Dajin and his family were wiped out by the Wudang swordsmanship. All of these events were actually done by Cheng Kun!
No one doubted Zhang Wuji's words, because Xie Xun was his adoptive father, and he would never dare to risk the disapproval of the world to make up such evil words.

By the time Zhang Wuji finished speaking, Cheng Kun had been blinded by Xie Xun, his martial arts had been disabled, and he was like a useless person.


Xie Xun looked up to the sky and smiled. Over the years, he had done many evil things and killed countless people just for revenge. Today he finally got his wish!


After punching himself a few times, Xie Xun lost all his martial arts skills.


Zhang Wuji wanted to step forward to help, but Xie Xun raised his hand to stop him: "Don't come over!"

Standing up alone, Xie Xun stood up and said proudly: "Xie knows that he has done many evil things and would not regret his death! But my adopted son Wuji has a very good character, which is different from mine. I also hope that all my martial arts colleagues will not let Xie Take your anger out on him."

"Today, I will abolish my martial arts. If anyone wants to seek revenge, they can come forward. I! I am willing to die to atone for my sins!"

No one dared to move. Although Xie Xun's words were sincere, but...the invincible Zhang Wuji was standing behind him. Who dared to step forward?
Moreover, all the people who had a grudge against Xie Xun were actually killed. They were just trying to steal his dragon-slaying knife in the name of eliminating harm in the martial arts world.

If it weren't for the dragon-slaying knife in his hand, who would care about him!
Seeing this situation, Kong Jian knew how to repay Zhang Wuji's kindness.

Walking to Xie Xun's side, he clasped his hands and bowed: "Amitabha, since the donor intends to repent, this is a great kindness. As the saying goes, he put down the butcher's knife and became a Buddha immediately. I wonder if the donor would like to join me as a Buddha, escape from the world, accompany the green lantern, and serve those who For those who have died, chant sutras and pray.”


Xie Xun was stunned. He actually disliked these bald donkeys, but he did not deny that there was indeed something in Buddhist salvation.

"If the master does not give up, Xie Xun is willing to become a monk. But if someone wants to seek revenge, I hope the master will not stop him."

"Amitabha." Who dares to come to our Shaolin Temple to seek revenge?snort!Do you really think Shaolin is the same as Mingjiao?

We are from an upright family, and anyone who dares to come is a cult!
Zhang Wuji had seen this ending and knew that it could not be changed, but his adoptive father was still alive and would be able to meet him in the future, so he was not too sad.

Then he picked up the Dragon Slaying Sword and the Heavenly Sword, activated his internal energy, and the swords collided and collapsed instantly.

Two pieces of fine silk flew out. Zhang Wuji caught them easily, held them in his hands and shouted:
"Wu Mu's suicide note is what Yue Wu Mu has learned all his life. It records the art of war against the Yuan Dynasty. Those who master it can restore the Han people. I wonder, is there anyone willing to take on this important task?"

"... "

Everyone looked at each other in confusion. No one looked at the book of war. We were not fools. How could we think that we could defeat the Yuan soldiers with the book of war alone? If it was really possible, Yue Wumu would not end up being wronged.

"If no one is willing, and the Mingjiao is incompetent, I am willing to use the power of a religion to drive out the Yuan soldiers and restore our country! I invite my fellow martial arts practitioners to be witnesses!"

Hearing this, everyone present applauded and shouted loudly: "Zhang Jiaozhu is righteous!"

They don't dare to go to the battlefield, but they are naturally willing to give a round of applause.

Then, he just focused his eyes on the Nine Yin Manual. The ownership of this thing is the key.

Whoever can get it will be among the top masters within a year, and can even become the founder of the sect, surpassing the six major sects.

Zhang Wuji also knew what they were thinking. He raised the Nine Yin Sutra and used his telekinesis in his hand to shatter it into pieces in an instant.

"do not want!"

Everyone present was shocked. They did not expect Zhang Wuji to be so decisive and even able to resist the temptation of the Nine Yin Manual.

But thinking about it, he was already invincible. Without the Nine Yin Manual, no one could shake Zhang Wuji's invincible status.

Thinking of this, the atmosphere became subtle. Except for Wudang and Shaolin, the various sects present were actually not very ambitious.

The Legend of Heaven and the Dragon Slayer is the last part of the Condor Trilogy, and the martial arts world in it seems rather depressed.

Except for the Wudang Shaolin, which still has a few old men in charge, the once big sects such as Huashan, Beggar Clan, and Emei are all gone.

Therefore, they place their hopes on the Heavenly Sword and the Dragon-Slaying Sword, and use foreign objects to revitalize the sect.

Now that Zhang Wuji has ruined their hopes, how can they not be anxious.

Especially Master Miejie, it is her obsession to obtain the Nine Yin Manual and revitalize Emei.

Now, Zhang Wuji has destroyed the Nine Yin Manual, and while he is invincible, he also wants the Ming Cult to dominate the world. Everyone is suspicious of him with the worst intentions.

The most ill-tempered Master Jue stood up and slapped the table, asking angrily: "Zhang Wuji, what do you want to do!"

Zhang Wuji took a deep breath and looked at everyone with a relaxed smile on his face.

"I want to end the martial arts disputes and don't want the tragedy that happened to me to happen to others!"

With that said, he dispersed all the internal power of the Nine Yang Divine Skill, destroyed his martial arts, and became an ordinary person!


Zhang Wuji understands very well that people's hearts are very complicated. No one will believe you just by talking. You can only rely on actions.

"From today on, Zhang Wuji will withdraw from the position of leader of the Ming Cult, and Yang Xiao, the envoy of Guangming Zuo, will take over as leader!"

"Everyone, it's a long way to go, so I'll say goodbye. Zhang Wuji, I'm taking my leave!"

The music that had stopped for a long time also started playing at this time.

"The rivers and lakes laugh, and the grudges are settled. When people fight each other, laughter hides the sword! The world laughs, and the laughter is lonely. The heart is too high, and it can't be reached!"

"... "

"Looking up to the sky and smiling ~ I forgot all about it, I am as carefree as the wind!"

(End of this chapter)

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