Games come to all worlds.

Chapter 124 Zhang Wuji: “I really don’t know how to do martial arts, Thunder Emperor, come here!”

Chapter 124 Zhang Wuji: “I really don’t know how to do martial arts, Thunder Emperor, come here!”

Zhang Wuji's kindness is very pure, and this purity will make everyone present feel ashamed.

Therefore, when they heard that the Yuan soldiers under the mountain were fighting with the Mingjiao believers, they all rushed over to help, somewhat intending to escape from Zhang Wuji.

Today, Xie Xun becomes a monk, Zhang Wuji abandons his martial arts, and the Heavenly Sword and Dragon Slaying Sword are all things of the past.

Afterwards, the world went as Zhang Wuji wished, no longer fighting a civil war, but focusing on expelling the Yuan soldiers.

Without the temptation of foreign objects, I believe that the Han people's rivers and mountains will definitely be restored in the near future.

Of course, these have nothing to do with Zhang Wuji.

After the incident at Guangmingding was over, he also talked to Master Miejie about the incident at Emei.

Master Miejie did not refuse after hearing this, because this was indeed the only thing that could strengthen Emei, so when they later fought against Yuan Bing, the entire Emei exerted their strength.

The other martial arts colleagues saw that women were working so hard. If they were compared, Yuan Bing would laugh at them, so they worked even harder.

As for Zhou Zhiruo, she was still hesitant between Zhang Wuji and Emei, but after seeing Zhang Wuji's determination to abolish martial arts, she decided to go with him.

If Master Miejie didn't agree, she would also cancel her martial arts skills on the spot to show her determination.

Of course, Master Miejie let her go in the end, and there was no point in forcing her to stay with her.

Zhang Sanfeng and the rest of the Mingjiao were very sorry. They had checked Zhang Wuji's meridians and found that they were indeed destroyed, and there was no internal energy in his body.

It is a misfortune for the martial arts world to abandon martial arts for the sake of unity in the world, even though he can become a great master!

Zhang Wuji didn't think so. Without the constraints of martial arts, he only felt relaxed. He had done many things for the martial arts and the world. From now on, he would live for himself and the people around him.

After rejecting the kindness of his grandfather and master to protect him, Zhang Wuji asked Master Kongjian to take care of his adoptive father, and then left Guangmingding with his three daughters and went to Ice and Fire Island. Maybe he would come back to see him after a long time.


"Sir, what kind of island is Binghuo Island?"

"It's very beautiful there. Let's build a small house by a lake. There are flowers planted in front of the house. In midsummer, we can drink tea, play chess, play the piano, and go boating.

In the lake, it is best to plant lotus flowers. When it rains, you can watch the rain and watch the lotus flowers. In autumn, you can also row a boat to pick lotus roots. "

Zhang Wuji chatted freely about what was on his mind, and Zhao Min on the side reminded him: "My eldest son Zhang, the small house may not be enough for you."

Zhang Wuji blushed, saw the prompt of the love selector, smiled and said: "You are right, we will have many, many more children in the future, it is indeed not enough to live in."

"Oh, by the way! I forgot to tell you that the store manager has made a construction game specifically for us to build Ice and Fire Island, so we don't have to worry about the house not being big enough."

"You are beautiful!"

Zhao Min turned even redder, kicked him lightly, and pulled the other two people to walk quickly ahead.

Looking at the backs of the three of them, Zhang Wuji's mouth corners rose, and his happiness was self-evident.

"Master Zhang is so elegant."

Suddenly, there was a sound coming from the side. Zhang Wuji turned around and saw that it was Xuan Ming.

Xiao Zhao and Zhou Zhiruo were shocked and wanted to return to Zhang Wuji quickly. Now that he had no martial arts and was completely an ordinary person, it was impossible to defeat the two elders Xuan Ming.

"Two masters!" Zhao Min suddenly shouted: "We have decided to withdraw from the world and not care about the world. I hope you will look out for my face and let us go!"

The two elders Xuan Ming looked at each other, with a disdainful smile on their faces, and said: "Of course we have to give the princess the face. Master Zhang, you only need to write down the idea of ​​the great shift of the universe, and we will leave."

The two of them came here with Yuan Bing. Although they did not see everything on the top of the mountain, they also learned about Zhang Wuji's self-denial of martial arts from the mouths of other Jianghu people.He immediately decided to capture Zhang Wuji and interrogate him about his martial arts skills. At the same time, he could also capture Zhao Min for business, killing two birds with one stone.

I thought it would take a long time to find the opportunity to get off the phone, but unexpectedly, the four of them set off just after dark, just like taking a walk, with no one escorting them around.

How could the two of them let go of such a good opportunity.

Zhang Wuji, who has no martial arts skills, plus three women, cannot be their opponent at all.

Zhao Min's eyes were full of disappointment, and he asked anxiously: "Two masters, are you really not going to let us leave?"

Xuan Ming also had disappointment in his eyes, and said puzzledly: "Princess, you used to be very smart and smart, and you would never be as naive as you are now. Did your child's affair make you like this? You should go back with us!" "

"Alas~" Zhao Min sighed, and the anxious expression on his face disappeared instantly. He smiled and said, "Since the two masters know my character, why don't they listen to my advice?"

The two elders, Xuanming and Ming, were instantly startled and looked around cautiously, thinking that Zhang Sanfeng and the Mingjiao masters were nearby.

"Don't look, there are just a few of us here. For the sake of past friendship, I wanted to spare your lives, but you don't cherish it."

Zhao Min spread his hands helplessly, looked at Zhang Wuji and said, "Let's do it, it's getting dark."

"Huh? Is it true that the self-destruction of martial arts is fake!" The two elders Xuan Ming were extremely surprised. They did not expect that Zhang Wuji would do such a shameless thing.

As for their shamelessness, isn't that what they should be? They are shameless to begin with.

Zhang Wuji also laughed and said, "I never tell lies. My martial arts skills are really useless."

With that said, he used the scroll.

In fact, when the two elders Xuan Ming appeared, Zhang Wuji made a thought and prepared the scroll from the backpack space.

I just heard Zhao Min speak and waited for her to finish.

My own daughter-in-law, I love her.

"Nine Heavens Furious Thunder Curse!"

Countless golden lightnings fell from the sky and hit the two elders Xuanming and Ming accurately. They didn't even have time to react before they were chopped into charcoal and died on the spot.

After the thunder ended, Zhang Wuji took out another scroll of magic and said, "Let's leave quickly. Master will probably come over when he sees it."

"oh oh."

Xiao Zhao and Zhou Zhiruo were a little overwhelmed. Not to mention the two of them, even Zhao Min was stunned for a while.

"Let's go!"

With the Divine Movement Technique activated, Zhang Wuji led them and walked quickly without feeling tired at all.

When Zhang Sanfeng arrived, he could only see two charred bodies and traces of lightning strikes all over the place.

"Is it Wuji? Or... that expert?"

No matter who it was, Zhang Sanfeng could breathe a sigh of relief and look at the direction Zhang Wuji left with a smile on his lips.

Cuishan, Wuji has grown up and is very much like you. He has lived a good life and has no regrets. I have fulfilled your last words.

Master will tell you again when I see you later.

At this time, Zhang Sanfeng still didn't know how viable he was.

(End of this chapter)

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