Games come to all worlds.

Chapter 125 God Lu Bu

Chapter 125 God Lu Bu

"Store manager, is this the construction game you're talking about?"

"Yes, there are many trees on Binghuo Island. There are many drawings in this game. You can make them with just one click. Isn't it very convenient?"

"What are those black objects crawling on the ground and the pink deformed species?"

"Uh, mammals."

"... "

Children of the Forest is a horror survival and construction game. The character in the game needs to go to an island where scientific experiments are conducted to find a billionaire. However, the helicopter crashes midway. He needs to survive while exploring the truth on the island.

In the game, you can use wood to make many beautiful buildings, and because they are all made of wood, they will not destroy the beauty of Ice and Fire Island. It took Li En a long time to find such a suitable game.

After Zhang Wuji completed the construction of Ice and Fire Island, Li En still wanted to take a vacation.

It's a pity that Zhang Wuji is not as easy to fool as he was when he first came here.

When he glanced at Left 2 Dead [-], which appeared with Children of the Forest, he knew that Li En was lying.

But Zhang Wuji didn't point it out, and silently went into the world of Children of the Forest to unlock the blueprints.

One thing Li En didn't lie about was that the architectural drawings inside were indeed beautiful and something he needed very much now.

You can't let the three of them live in a cave with you every day. Having a nice wooden house can make them feel more like home.

Just when he was about to go over, Zhu Youjian suddenly came over with a naive smile on his face.

Without even opening his mouth, Zhang Wuji knew what he wanted to do, and said helplessly: "Your Majesty Chongzhen, I can't draw the general card. They have tried it several times before."

Since the last time he helped Zhuge Liang draw the God General Card, Cao Cao, Sun Quan and several other emperors came to ask him to draw it on his behalf.

Not only Zhang Wuji, but also Yi Xiaochuan and the others were spared, but they were not withdrawn.

"Uh-huh, give it a try, just in case."

Zhu Youjian didn't want to give up, because they had redeemed rewards from the Sea of ​​Thieves and obtained a batch of multi-rail sailboats. Together with the ground soldiers, they could prepare to regain Liaodong.

But if there can be a divine general card as a guarantee to improve morale, then the chances of winning this time will be very high.

As for the scrolls in Fall of the Sky, Zhu Youjian and Lu Xiangsheng have also tried hard, but they can only replace a few basic scrolls and cannot buy them from others. The effect is definitely there, but it will not be too shocking and cannot achieve a good level. Effect.

Seeing his sincerity, Zhang Wuji did not refuse.

It's not that Zhang Wuji didn't want to help with the draw, it just clicked and it didn't take much effort, but if he didn't get it, he would feel a little guilty for it.

"I can also draw for you!" Yi Xiaochuan heard the conversation and ran over with a smile on his face and said, "If you win, you can take care of my breakfast for ten days. How about that?"

"Uh... well."

Zhu Youjian didn't care about these points, because he had... Queen Ma above him.

When she was in the store, Zhu Youjian came over to eat and drink, but he never paid for it himself.

Since the death of his mother and brother, Zhu Youjian has once again experienced the sense of security under the care of his elders. He is very happy, so he must work harder to make the Ming Dynasty last forever!
The three of them came upstairs. It was a bit lively here because the Three Kingdoms opened up the eight-man army battle and allowed two players of the same power to play, so it became lively again.

Zhu Youjian nodded in greeting, then came to the card drawing machine and took a deep breath.

He had three chances. He clicked first and missed.

It was Zhang Wuji who came on stage. He took a deep breath before pressing the button, but still missed.

When he arrived at Yi Xiaochuan, he had no psychological burden, but he thought of something for ten days of breakfast.

He took out the tiger charm from his arms, held it in his hand, muttered a few useless lines, and pressed it together.

【boom!Congratulations to the player Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youjian for obtaining the general: God Lu Bu! 】

Hearing the sound, a group of people playing Three Kingdoms over there paused tacitly, and then gathered around.

"Look at the skills!"

Zhu Youjian had no conflict with everyone, so he immediately spread his palms and announced the skills of Shen Lu Bu.

As the No. 1 recognized force in the Three Kingdoms, the god Lu Bu is definitely not weak. He has four positive skills and one negative skill.

Violence can accumulate anger points, up to 1000%.

Wu Ming doesn't distinguish between friend and foe when attacking. The higher the anger value, the harder it is to distinguish between ourselves and the enemy.

No front, ignore the terrain, walk at will, the higher the anger value, the faster the speed.

Unparalleled, all attributes are improved, the higher the anger value, the more improvement.God's Wrath releases all anger points, causing a lot of damage to everything around him.

Unlike other god general cards, the god Lu Bu in the game also has a Hulao Pass mode, so there is also an equipment mode here.

As the name suggests, you can equip your own divine general card and pretend that Lu Bu is still alive!
After reading the skills, everyone present felt a little itchy. When they thought that they could become gods and be in a deserted place on the battlefield, they felt an inexplicable sense of relief.

At the same time, they were also very happy for Zhu Youjian.

The crisis in the late Tang and Song Dynasties has almost been resolved, except for the late Ming Dynasty, which has not been dealt with well. Zhu Yuanzhang seemed calm, but in fact he went to the sea with Zhu Biao and others every day to help Zhu Youjian earn gold coins.

It's okay now, God will be stuck, everything is no problem.

Zhu Yuanzhang patted Zhu Youjian on the back, and in a rare gentle tone, he said, "Go back quickly and prepare. Later, let us see how domineering Shen Lu Bu is."

"I obey! Taizu!"

Zhu Youjian held back his tears and quickly left the game room.


Returning to reality, Zhu Youjian did not suppress his inner excitement and shouted out loudly!


The eunuchs outside did not dare to enter the door at all, so they could only kneel and wait outside the door.

After a long time, the sound of smashing and shouting gradually subsided, and Zhu Youjian's order came from inside.

"Go up!"

The eunuch at the door responded quickly, ran out, and rang the bell for attending court.

This time the ministers came very quickly, because too many were killed last time, so the number was not very large.

The Hall of Supreme Harmony, which was originally full, now looks sparse.

But it has to be said that Zhu Youjian really dared to kill. Now the Ming Dynasty is actually in a state of semi-paralysis. Many positions cannot be replaced for a while, so the ministers who are still alive can only take over temporarily.

That's not one person doing the work of two people, but one person doing the work of ten ministers!
However, there are benefits!
The fate of these corrupt officials indeed united the entire Ming Dynasty. Several rebel forces went directly to the nearest county to surrender, hoping to go north to pay their dues.

Some civilians in the disaster-stricken areas did not care how many people were killed. They only knew that the imperial court was rich and was buying food to come to the rescue. They all felt much more at ease.

As for the officials in small places, they either ran away or opened their own small treasury and opened warehouses to store grain.

Because, Zhu Youjian sent a team of 300 Jinyi guards, led by East Palace guard Zhou Jing, to patrol the world!
This Zhou Jing is Zhou Kui's nephew, but his personality is completely opposite to that of his uncle. When the Ming Dynasty was destroyed, he also brought his whole family to accompany Zhu Youjian to die for the country.

After going to court, Zhu Youjian ignored the previous customs and said directly:

"In this autumn of national subjugation, there is no need to perform extravagant rituals. Hou Xun, how about food procurement?"

"Back to Your Majesty! It's enough for the army to last more than a year!"

"Really, half of that amount will be sent to the whole country for disaster relief! It only takes me half a year to regain Liaodong and destroy the Jin Kingdom!"

Hou Xun was speechless for a moment, not knowing what to say, so he nodded and retreated silently.

After that, Zhu Youjian asked about the soldiers and treasure ships, and found that Sun Chuanting had made good arrangements, so he didn't ask any more questions.

The construction speed of warships will definitely not be fast, so Zhu Youjian is going to let Lu Xiangsheng take out the warships in the game and create a wave of God-given ships to boost the morale of the navy.

"Okay! Get ready. Tomorrow, I will go on an expedition with all my dear friends! All affairs in the court will be handled by Queen Zhang and Queen Zhou. I hope you will help me!"

"Your Majesty! You must not do this!"

Civil servants and military generals were confused. The emperor's personal expedition was indeed very good at boosting morale, but it could also easily damage morale.

Moreover, once there is a crisis in the war situation and Zhu Youjian is caught or captured, the entire Ming Dynasty will be finished.

As for the two queens taking care of the affairs of the court, they didn't care much about it, because Zhu Youjian didn't have any heirs yet, and with the current situation in the court, it was actually difficult for anyone to do it. It was a blessing to be able to stabilize it.

Therefore, in the final analysis, only the two queens whom Zhu Youjian trusts most can support this stall. He is not worried about other ministers.

"Stop talking, I have made up my mind!"

"The three armies, large and small, march forward by land and water to fight against Shengjing!"

"As ordered!"

(End of this chapter)

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