Qiang Qin

Chapter 177 Spy

Updated: 2010-10-04

When the dawn was about to break, a soldier outside the Fusu barracks suddenly saw a man on horseback galloping towards him from the east.I saw that his whole body was covered in blood, even the horse he stepped off was stained with blood. His feet seemed to have been clamped tightly, and the horse's belly was tight. The man bumped up and down with the horse's running. When he reached Fusu's big village, he jumped When he got off the horse, he staggered and fell to the ground, unable to stand still.

Seeing this situation, the soldiers guarding the gate of the village stepped up their guard and stepped forward to ask what happened.The man stood up shortly after he fell, and he put his hands on his chest and abdomen and said: "The big thing is not good, Zhang Han's army attacked me in Shangjun, and the soldiers and civilians in Shangjun suffered heavy casualties. I was ordered by the general to ask the prince for help." !” The voice was very abrupt in the entire Dazhai, which was very quiet because the soldiers were sleeping, and it was heard far away.

At this time, many soldiers were already awakened by that person. Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then their faces changed suddenly. They thought that their relatives were still in Shangjun or several other counties. Now that Shangjun was attacked, it was obvious that they were already in extremely dangerous situation.Thinking of this, all the soldiers rushed out of the camp and went to the man to ask him clearly.

Although the man looked exhausted, his mind was still very clear. Hearing everyone's questions, he said: "Although Shangjun City hadn't fallen when I came here, due to the continuous attacks of Zhang Han's army, the defenders Most of the soldiers in the city had already been killed, so General Chen had no choice but to let the people in the city go to the city to help resist the enemy. Now that it has been more than twenty days, I am afraid that there is no way to know whether the city of Shangjun can still be defended now." Said Here, his complexion is even worse.

When all the soldiers heard this, they panicked, and they said in a hurry: "Let's go to the prince and let him send troops to solve the siege of Shangjun, otherwise not only will our relatives be dead or alive, but even the way back will be blocked by the Qin people." Stop it." At that moment, everyone had this thought, and ran to Fusu's big tent one after another, not caring about the difference between up and down.But that person told them that Shangjun City was in danger when he saw people, which made the entire Fusu army panic, and some even cried.All of a sudden, the whole Dazhai was in chaos.

When Fusu was awakened by the crying, he thought it was the Qin army who came out of the city to attack. Although he was a little flustered, he was more pleasantly surprised, thinking that Xianyang city would be broken today.Unexpectedly, many soldiers came to his tent afterwards, anxiously said: "Prince, come out soon, something is wrong." Fu Su was very puzzled, if it was really the Qin army attacking, how could there be so many soldiers He ran out of his tent, put on his clothes and got up, went outside the tent to ask what happened.

Seeing Fusu coming out of the tent, everyone hurriedly "huh" and knelt down on the ground: "Prince, someone in the city of Shangjun came to report that Zhang Han's army attacked Shangjun, and Shangjun was almost unable to support it. Prince, hurry up and send troops to rescue him." Let's be our relatives!" At this point, everyone looked at Fusu expectantly.

Fusu took a closer look, and found that there were actually hundreds of soldiers in front of him. Judging from their expressions, they were indeed worried about his relatives in the upper county.At this time, he also heard crying from other places in the camp. For a moment, he also thought that the news was true, and hurriedly asked: "What about the man who came from Shangjun, bring him to see me quickly!"

After a while, the man came down to Fusu surrounded by another group of mournful soldiers.As soon as the man saw Fusu, he bowed his head and bowed his head. He still said the same words. After he finished, he said: "Prince, it was General Chen who brought me here to ask for help from the prince. I hope the prince sees the value of the hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians in Shangjun. Hurry up and bring your troops back to help, or it will be too late."

"You said it was General Chen?" Fu Su raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Yes... yes!" The man hesitated for a moment, then nodded affirmatively, "It is General Chen Ping Chen. He personally led the soldiers to defend the city, and was shot in the shoulder by the crossbowmen of the Qin Army Afterwards, he saw that the Qin army was powerful, so he ordered dozens of brothers to fight out of the city with me to seek help from the prince, but in the end, I was the only one left." He said with a miserable look on his face.

Fusu looked at his miserable expression, but doubts arose in his heart, so he asked, "Is this how you came all the way?"

"No, I was surrounded by the Qin army riding out on a horse. The horse is now outside the big tent." Although the man didn't understand why Fusu asked such a question, he still answered honestly.

"Go, go and have a look." With a wave of Fusu's hand, he led a group of inexplicable people to the outside of Dazhai. At this time, Zhang Liang and others had also rushed over after hearing the news. They walked out of the village together, and several people followed out curiously.Coming to the horse, Fusu looked at the blood-stained horse, stroked the horse's mane a few times and said, "This is the horse you relied on to come to me?" After getting an affirmative answer, Afterwards, Fusu smiled and said, "It really is a good horse. No wonder it can carry you all the way to the city of Xianyang." The man nodded quickly and said, "It is indeed a steed. How much time is for rest, otherwise the villain would not be able to rush here to ask the prince for help in such a short time."

"It seems that Zhang Han really paid a lot of money to transfer me back to Shangjun!" Fusu sneered, and suddenly his face froze, and he shouted, "Come here, quickly tie up this spy and interrogate him severely!" His As soon as the words fell, several soldiers rushed forward and knocked the man to the ground, and then someone took hemp rope and tied him tightly.

"Prince, I am wronged! I am not a spy, I was really sent by General Chen to ask for help." The man argued while struggling.

Fusu walked in front of him, looked down at him and said, "How dare you, a spy, spread rumors in our camp and cause chaos in our army. You really don't know how to live or die. Since you said you were wronged, okay, Then let me ask you what does the 'General' Chen Ping look like? How old is he?"

"This..." The man was immediately stopped by the question, his face turned red and turned pale.

In front of the soldiers who were puzzled, Fusu said loudly: "Then I will tell you how I exposed your true colors. Firstly, you, as a person who came to ask for help, would wantonly attack you as soon as you entered our barracks." Propagating the crisis in Shangjun and disturbing the hearts of the soldiers in the army is not what a soldier should do. You can't wait for my whole army to be in a state of chaos before you say that?"

Hearing this, the man's face turned pale. He was indeed spreading the news in the camp after he told the first soldier who saw him about the crisis in Shangjun and saw how worried he was. The idea that came up unexpectedly became his weakness.But Fusu's words continued; "Second, although you have a lot of blood on your body, I can tell that it was just smeared on, not splashed. How about if it was the blood that was splashed on you when you broke out? , how could he look like this?" Fusu asked, pointing to the neat bloodstains on the man's body.The man looked at his body carefully, and it was exactly as Fusu said.Originally thought that his plan was flawless, but in Fusu's eyes, it was full of flaws, and he had no ability to argue at all for a while.

"And your biggest flaw is that you keep calling Chen Ping a 'general'. It seems that you just saw the big banner with the word 'Chen' in the city, and found out that the defender was caused by a man named Chen Ping, right? You took it for granted. I thought that since he is the defender of the city, he must be a general, but unexpectedly, this Chen Ping is a military adviser under my command, and everyone in our army calls him 'Mr.

Unexpectedly, a title was also the flaw. At this time, the person had nothing to say, but lay there motionless.Only then did the soldiers realize that this man was just sent by Zhang Han to disturb their own morale, and the crowd was agitated for a while, and they all wanted to hack this man to death.But Fusu stopped the crowd and said: "I still need to investigate this person in detail, so as to understand the situation in Shangjun. You all go back to the camp." Then everyone left one after another.And Fusu brought the man back to his big tent.

Zhang Liang and the others also walked in, and Zhang Liang said in admiration: "The prince is really good at tricks. He can tell that this person is a spy in a few words. I really admire him." Fu Su smiled, but didn't say much, just because He knew that this was because he had studied criminal investigation knowledge for half a year before coming to this era in the future, so his observation was particularly keen.He glanced at the man and said, "What's your name?" The man said, "The villain's name is Li San." Fusu said, "Li San, your criminal investigation is in my hands. Do you want to die quickly or not?" Eat some bitterness piecemeal? If you want me to give you a good time, tell me the situation of the battle in Shangjun, otherwise I will let you taste the torture tools in our army. You still have to tell me honestly when the time comes .”

Then Li San was completely overwhelmed by Fusu, and hurriedly told the story of Zhang Han's repeated attacks on the capital of Shangjun and failed: "Then it was Lu Junshi's idea to let me come here as if I was from Shangjun. Ask the prince for help."

Fu Su nodded and said: "Seeing that what you said is the truth, I will not torture you anymore, but the crime of living is inevitable, but death is inevitable. Come, show his head to the public, so as to reassure our army."

After Li San was dragged down, Han Xin said, "I don't think the prince concluded that he is a spy because of what he just said."

Fu Su nodded and smiled: "Mr. Chen sent a letter a few days ago saying that if the situation in Shangjun changed, he would send pigeons to report, but he didn't say that he would send people. Even if he sent people and pigeons at the same time, the pigeons are better than people." Come quickly." Suddenly Fusu frowned again: "But I am still very concerned about the current situation in Shangjun, I hope they can really hold on."

After everyone discussed how to attack Xianyang, they all left Fusu's tent.Before leaving, Meng Tian suddenly said: "In fact, there is no need to judge the identity of that person as you said. I knew he was not our sergeant when I saw his horse. His horse does not have the saddle and stirrup that the prince thought of. So For a long journey, Mr. Chen will not fail to arrange these two harnesses for the soldiers."

Hearing this, Fu Su had a depressed expression on his face. He didn't expect that his performance would be rejected with a single word.

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