Qiang Qin

Chapter 178 Night Attack

Updated: 2010-10-05

Soon after Fusu removed the spy sent by Zhang Han to disturb the morale of the army, the food shipped from Sanchuan County arrived, and the problem caused by the lack of food for the Fusu army was solved. This news was tightly sealed, giving the impression to the Qin army in the city that the Fusu army had been short of food for several days and would be retreating within a few days.Then Fusu cleverly spread the people from Shangjun City in the army to spread the danger of Shangjun in the army, causing the army's morale to be in chaos. Fusu didn't want to let the Qin army in the city know about the news that the future leader would show his head to the public, which made the Qin army guarding the city even more convinced. In a few days, the Fusu army will retreat.

But in the dark, Fusu has already prepared his troops, preparing to take down Xianyang with his own army once the Qin army plans to attack.But for unknown reasons, those Qin soldiers had no intention of leaving the city at all. Obviously they just wanted Fusu to retreat. As for going out of the city to defeat the enemy, they didn't take it seriously at all.This made Fu Su and Meng Tian who was concerned that they would come out of the city very puzzled.

It turned out that when the news reached Xianyang, it was concealed by the person who got the news, and Ziying was not informed.After days of hard fighting, not only the people who were forced to defend the city could no longer support them, but even the Qin soldiers who forced them were exhausted. Now they only hope to help the Soviet army retreat quickly, so that they don't have to fight. bleeding.As for attacking the Soviet army when they were in trouble, I dare not even think about it.Firstly, these soldiers knew very well that their combat power was comparable to that of the Fusu army, and secondly, even if they had the upper hand, someone would die at the hands of the enemy, and maybe he was one of them.So those people tacitly forgot the news, and Ziying didn't even know about these two things.

The strategy set by Fusu, Zhang Liang and others was "broken" by Qin Jun in this way, but they didn't know it yet.But once the food from Shangdang and other places arrives, the Fusu army will still try their best to attack the city, which is also unknown to the defenders in the city.Under the city of Xianyang, there is a temporary confrontation with each other, just waiting for the arrival of food.

However, great changes have taken place in the city of Shangjun, which Fusu could not have imagined, because he is not in Shangjun and does not know the situation there.Zhang Han didn't expect it either, because he didn't know that Fusu used the Flying Pigeon transmission book hundreds of years later to use in this era, so when he saw that he surrounded Shangjun City from all sides and didn't let anyone go out of the city, he immediately He thought that no reinforcements would come to Shangjun, and even if they did, they would only be deceived by themselves and hurriedly led troops to help the Su army.

But at this time, in the northeast of him, under the leadership of Meng Yi, an army of more than [-] people was constantly approaching him.This army was painstakingly trained by Meng Yi in Beidi County, and its ability to fight on the plains is not inferior to that of the Huns.Meng Yi has been guarding Beidi County since he took refuge in Fusu, and he failed to catch up with several major battles. Although he never complained to anyone, he never wanted to show his skills in his heart.Maybe it's because his elder brother Meng Tian is too outstanding, Meng Yi has not been valued very much since he was a child, but in fact, in terms of military skills, he is not much worse than Meng Tian.The only advantage of this is not very important is that when Hu Hai wanted to get rid of all the people who leaned on Fusu, he was able to escape and come to Shangjun.But this time he will not be silent again, he will use this battle to let Fusu, Mengtian, and the world know that Meng Yi is not a capable general, not a general who only knows how to defend the city.So he brought the most elite soldiers and horses of Beidi County outside the city of Shangjun.

In the northwest, there are 1 people brought by Zhou Xing.After Zhou Xing had fought several times with the Xiongnu, he had made considerable progress in using troops. This time, after discussing with Meng Yi and Chen Ping in the city, he decided to besiege on three sides.Looking at the troops under his command that had become more elite due to fighting the Huns for several days, Zhou Xing was full of confidence. He was confident that in this battle, the invading Qin army would be as hard to come and go as the Huns before.

After Chen Ping received the news that the two armies had reached the rear of Zhang Han's army, he agreed with them on the time for a joint attack and the sign of mutual identification, that is, a white cloth wrapped around his left arm.And the time was set at night three days later, with the Zhou marching army raising fire as a sign, the three armies attacked at the same time, killing the Qin army by surprise.

Three days passed quickly. Chen Ping had fed and drunk the soldiers at dusk, and then ordered them to dress neatly. Only 2000 of them were kept in the city, while he waited quietly with the rest of the soldiers. At the gate of the city, only waiting for the signal of attack from the Zhouxing Office, he immediately opened the gate and led the army to rush over.

The soldiers on guard in the city suddenly saw a little red light in the dark northwest. The red light waved several times in the air, which was the agreed signal, so he immediately went down to the city to report to Chen Ping.As soon as Chen Ping heard the news, he immediately pulled out the sword on his waist and said, "Open the city gate, and the whole army will cover up and attack before the Qin army camp."

With deliberate and careful movements, the gate of the city was opened quietly, and more than 1 people came out in a file, and moved quietly towards the direction of Zhang Han's garrison.Everyone's left arm is wrapped with a white cloth, which is particularly eye-catching in the dark, while their right hands hold various weapons tightly, ready to cut at the body of the incoming enemy.When they arrived half a mile away from Zhang Han's camp, everyone had already seen a little bit of fire, which was the bonfire that had not been extinguished in the camp. Chen Ping knew that if he stepped forward, he would be spotted by the Qin sentries, so he gestured to the soldiers.Several crossbowmen strode up immediately, aiming the crossbow in their hands at the dozing sentries, and with a few "swish" sounds, several crossbow bolts accurately and mistakenly shot at the fortresses of the sentries. Harm, they only uttered a dull cry and fell to the ground.When one of the sentries fell, it happened to hit the brazier in front of him, knocking the brazier down and making a noise.

"Who is there?" A voice asked, but it was the patrolling Qin soldiers who heard the sound and came to check, and opened their mouths as they walked.But before he could make a second sound, an arrow had already hit his chest, and he fell on his back with a groan.But at this time, Qin Bing who was with him had already realized that the situation was not good, and hurriedly opened his mouth and shouted: "It's not good, come on, an enemy has attacked our army!" The voice spread far in the quiet night, and it seemed It was so big that the entire Qin camp exploded for a while, and some Qin soldiers rushed out of the tent with their weapons in hand, asking, "Where is the enemy? Where is the enemy?"

Chen Ping was not polite, and waved the sword in his hand: "Come on, take advantage of the chaos of the Qin army to disrupt their positions. The crossbowmen pay attention to shooting those who hold torches or those who stand on high places. They shot and killed at the first time!" During night battles, the command is not as convenient as during the day, and the Qin army was attacked suddenly, so the generals must restrain the army, otherwise it is easy to cause a situation of cannibalism.At this time, the soldiers must be restrained, and the daytime method will not work. It is difficult to use messengers in chaotic situations. If the flag is raised, it cannot be seen in the dark, so only torches and musical instruments can be used. Two command styles.Qin Jun couldn't find this instrument for a while, so the torch became the fastest way to use a torch.But this is also the easiest way for the enemy to judge and deal with it, so Chen Ping gave this order while ordering the soldiers to kill them.

Sure enough, as Chen Ping expected, when the Qin army was suddenly attacked, the first reaction of the generals was to guard their camp first, so as not to let their soldiers mess up. He danced continuously, so that the soldiers returned to their own army.But at this time, one after another crossbow arrows came through the air. Because those people held torches in their hands, they became the best targets in the dark. It can be said that each arrow is accurate.Those people fell to the ground, some of the torches were crushed by their owners after they fell to the ground, or they were extinguished, or the corpses gave off a scorching smell, and some torches died because they couldn't hold them steady when they were dying. It fell elsewhere, such as on a camp tent.

Those tents were made of cloth or leather, and the autumn was very dry, so they would burn quickly when exposed to an open flame, and the entire camp was on fire in a short while.Qin Bing didn't know what to do for a while. Looking at the fire, if he didn't save it, it would easily burn to the food storage area. Then he would be in big trouble, but the enemy had already attacked at this time.Because these Qin soldiers all woke up hastily from sleep, they didn't put on their armor, and some of them still had empty hands and no weapons. When they encountered an enemy who had been prepared for a long time, they were at a disadvantage as soon as they met.The sound of the tent being burned, the shouts of the soldiers fighting, and the screams of the dying soldiers were heard in the Qin army camp in an instant.

At this time, Chen Ping had led his soldiers to rush back and forth among the Qin army for a long time. Those Qin soldiers who had no command but were just spinning around like headless chickens were quickly wiped out by them.When Chen Ping wanted to kill the Chinese army in one go, cut down Zhang Han's banner, and completely messed up the Qin army's morale, a well-dressed Qin army stopped in front of them.The current one is Zhang Han, the chief general of the Qin army.

It turned out that Zhang Han already knew when the chaos broke out, and he also knew that it was impossible for all the soldiers to obey the command at this time, so in desperation he had to give up the front army and personally issue orders in the middle army and the rear army. Gathered the men and horses together, and then rushed forward, just in time to see Chen Ping leading the army.As the saying goes, enemies are extremely jealous when they meet. Although Zhang Han doesn't know who is coming, he is sure that they are the ones who attacked his camp, so he waved his hand and ordered the soldiers to rush forward to attack Chen Ping and his soldiers. Head on.The two armies were inseparable for a while. Although Zhang Han had the upper hand in numbers, he had no choice but to take Chen Ping's army because of his uncertain morale.But if this continues, Chen Pingjun will be completely surrounded by the Qin army.

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