Qiang Qin

Chapter 3

Updated: 2010-05-03

Shanggu County was first built in the 29th year of King Yanzhao of the Warring States Period, and it got its name because it was built on the top of a large valley.After Qin Shihuang unified the six countries, he also sent people to guard here and set up one of the 36 counties in the world.The terrain here is high, so stationing troops here also plays an important role in guarding the frontier, but Fusu and others did not come here to guard the place but to build the Great Wall.

Shanggu County was originally the starting point of the North Great Wall of Yan State, but because Yan State was destroyed by Qin State before, it has not been stationed here for a long time. It was only in recent years that the Huns broke through here and plundered, so the court began to think of it. In the bamboo forest, the original dilapidated Great Wall was built, and at the same time, other sections of the Great Wall were connected.

Originally, Fusu and Meng Tian came here just to have a look, to arrange manpower and work to go back to Shangjun, where Mengtian has been guarding, but because of various reasons along the way, Fusu fell ill, so they had no choice but to stay in Shanggu County. stayed.

After this period of rest, Fusu has recovered. In fact, it can't be said to be healed, but the soul that has passed through has completely harmonized with this body. Fusu has also begun to accept this new identity, so he decides to return to Shangjun.

"Xiaotao, get ready, we'll go back to Shangjun if we have any problems." Fusu instructed Xiaotao who was washing his clothes.To be honest, at the beginning Fusu was not used to having a little girl take care of her food and daily life, but at first her body was weak and she really needed to be taken care of, and then she got used to it, so Fusu accepted it calmly.

Xiaotao hurriedly stopped what she was doing, and agreed.

"You should rest early today, and you will start your journey tomorrow." After saying this, Fusu did push-ups on the side of the couch.After all, he has been in the military for several years, and he still pays great attention to physical exercise. Since there is no formal exercise equipment, he can only increase the amount of exercise in unarmed exercises.Xiaotao watched his movements curiously.

Except for Fusu's excitement when he woke up that day, Xiaotao treated him respectfully afterwards, after all, although the two had spent a lot of time together, their identities were still very different.

When Fusu reached the 170th push-up, someone outside suddenly shouted: "It's not good, the Huns are coming to attack!"

Hearing the cry, Fusu immediately stood up, put on some clothes and ran out, asking, "What's going on?"

A guard at the side rushed over and replied: "Prince, there are reports at the gate of the city that the cavalry of the Huns were found, and now General Meng is sending people to inquire."

"Oh? Let's go, go to see General Meng." As he spoke, Fusu strode towards Meng Tian's room.

Just arrived at the door of Meng Tian's master, Meng Tian also just came out from inside.He was fully clothed, wearing thick armor, holding a helmet in his hand, and a long sword hanging from his waist.Seeing Fusu, he hurriedly wanted to salute, but Fusu quickly supported him and said, "Why do you need to be so polite, general, now it's better to find out if there are really Huns who have invaded."

Meng Tian stopped being polite, and while following Fusu forward, he said: "The last general also received a report that there were cavalrymen of unknown origin outside the city, so he sent soldiers to investigate. Since I After Daqin sent troops to garrison Shanggu, the Huns didn't come here anymore, maybe some horse thieves just went to the wrong place without knowing it, don't worry, First Prince."

Fu Su smiled and said: "With my Great Qin's God of War, General Meng Tian, ​​I forgive those Huns who would not dare to attack. But now it is night, and there is such news again. Let's take a closer look and stabilize the morale of the army. .”

Hearing this, Meng Tian nodded in agreement, and followed Fusu to the gate of the city.

Although the jurisdiction of Shanggu County is quite large, there are not too many people because it is the frontier defense of the first stop against the Huns. In addition, this is the old land of Yan State, and some people also fled, so there are no people in the city. cause a big commotion.It's just that there are sergeants constantly patrolling the road, which shows that this is not an ordinary time.

Fu Su and Meng Tian climbed to the top of the city and looked down, only to see the darkness outside, and there was no sign of people or horses. "Did someone go out to investigate?" Meng Tian frowned and asked.

A man dressed as a lieutenant general replied: "This subordinate has sent two spies out of the city to find out."

Fu Su got the memory of the original owner of the body, knowing that now when encountering the enemy at night in a war, he would not take the initiative to attack, and the city defenders would not open the city gate aggressively to send people out. At that time, the city will not be guaranteed.

Meng Tian nodded in satisfaction: "How long have you been dispatched?"

"It's been a while. It is estimated that if there is any news, I will come back and report."

As soon as he finished speaking, the rope leading out of the city suddenly moved a few times. Seeing this movement, several soldiers pulled the rope to bring back the basket outside the city.

After a while, the basket came up, and there was a man squatting inside. He supported the battlements with his hands and jumped in, which was quite flexible.As soon as he came up, he found that there were so many big figures on the city wall, and he was busy saluting, so Fusu said: "At this time, let's forget about these vain salutes, how is it going outside?" While speaking, the big basket was lowered to pick up another spy.

The spy hurriedly replied: "Just now when I found out that a cavalryman appeared in front of the city gate, I asked about it, but the man didn't answer, so I decided that he was a Hun, but I and Wang Er went out to look for it, but they didn't find it. Any sign of the Huns. Maybe... Maybe it's a humble misjudgment..." After speaking, his face was full of uneasiness.You must know that lying about the military situation is a serious crime, let alone the Qin Dynasty, a dynasty with severe punishment and cruel laws.

"Maybe it was just a false alarm." After Fusu finished speaking, he patted the spy on the shoulder and said, "Okay, you can continue to guard." Then he turned and went down the tower.Seeing that Fusu didn't intend to pursue this matter, Meng Tian didn't want to say anything, but just ordered a few words and went back with Fusu.

In a grove outside the city, a black figure saw the torches at the top of the city slowly going out, so he jumped on the horse beside him and headed northwest.

After traveling for about ten miles, there are many tents scattered by a small stream, but most of them are people lying down and resting on the spot.Their people were either topless or only covered with some animal skins, and they all fell asleep.The man quickly jumped off his horse when he got there, and walked quickly to the largest tent.

This is a tent made of cowhide, with a lot of space inside, but there are only two people, and there is no decoration or furniture, and the two people are also sitting on the ground.It seems that this tent is only used to separate the inside and outside.

One of the bearded men saw him coming in and asked, "Aba? How about Shanggu County?"

The man saluted and sat down on the spot and said: "Their defense seems to be very cautious. I was only a little closer to the city wall, and someone asked me who I was, and then someone came out of the city to investigate. Fortunately, I hid first. stand up."

Big Beard: "This time we came to Shanggu secretly to launch a surprise attack, catch them by surprise, and then grab what we need. But obviously the defense here is still very careful, it seems that we want to find the next target gone."

Another man who looked a little older stroked his beard and said: "Chief, you are wrong. It is because of the incident just now that I suggest that you attack Shanggu County faster. This time, you will definitely be able to hit them." Caught off guard."

"What's the point?" the bearded man asked with his eyes wide open.

"Think about it, the other party should not be sure that someone is actually here. And the disturbance just now made their guards not believe that someone would attack them. So they must be paralyzed. And some spies have checked Without anyone, their vigilance is relaxed."

"Well, what you said seems to make sense." The bearded man nodded, "Then when shall we do it?"

"The sooner the better!"

"Okay, then I'll gather people to attack Shanggu County immediately." The bearded man jumped up from the ground as he spoke, pulled the animal skin on his body, and led the spy out to gather people.

After seeing them go out, a cold light flashed in the man's eyes, and he murmured: "Qin State, Qin State, you have destroyed my Great Yan State, and I, Ji Du, will destroy you even if I am smashed to pieces. Today is just the first Let you pay me some interest."

The Hun knights outside the tent were all ready, and rushed to Shanggu County under the leadership of the bearded Haril.

As Ji Du expected, Meng Tian and the other generals did not arrange more people to watch the night because someone went out to investigate the situation, only a few people watched from the tower.Because they were going back to Shangjun the next day, the sergeants who followed Fusu and Mengtian also went to bed early.

While Fusu was soundly asleep, he was awakened suddenly by loud shouts and the sound of horseshoes. He jumped up, rushed out, and asked, "Could it be that the Huns really came to invade?"

Meng Tian was already dressed neatly, and was directing the guards to protect Fusu. He said, "Yes, First Prince. Just now, the Huns cavalry attacked our city, and several soldiers who were guarding the night were killed. There are already Shanggu's county guards. I'm going to defend the city with soldiers and horses, and the last general is going to check the situation."

"I'll go too." Fusu said and took a step ahead, Meng Tian wanted to stop him, but gave up after thinking about it the next year, and followed him to the direction of the city, followed by the two personal guards.

When Fusu came to the gate of the city, he saw hundreds of soldiers shooting arrows and throwing stones on the top of the city tower. As the arrows and stones fell, there were screams from below.

Fusu went up to the city tower and looked down under the protection of the soldiers with large shields. He saw several men on horseback galloping in front of the city, shooting some bows and arrows from time to time.The tower itself is not high, and those Huns are obviously good at riding and archery, so arrows are constantly being shot up. Some soldiers were shot or hung on the wall or fell down when they threw things down. Tragic.

ps: The greatest joy of writing a book by yourself is when someone comes to see it, thank you for your support, I bow here

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