Qiang Qin

Chapter 4

Updated: 2010-05-04

There were not too many Huns who came to attack, only more than 3000 cavalry, and they did not really come from the Huns in the north, but some herdsmen from a small tribe of the Huns near the border of Qin.But because they have grown up on horses since they were young, their attack power on horses is still extremely strong.

This attack on Shanggu was also a nasty move. I don’t know what happened. This year’s spring was extremely cold, which caused many herdsmen’s cattle and sheep to freeze and starve to death. In order for the tribe to continue to survive, their leaders had to take This group of half-civilian and half-army cavalry attacked Shanggu, which was guarded by Qin soldiers.

Everything was as Ji Du expected, and their people sneaked close to the city gate without being noticed by the people above.But just as they climbed up to the top of the city with ropes to kill the guards and wanted to open the city gate to let the cavalry enter, they happened to run into the guards who came to change shifts, which alarmed the soldiers in the city.These Xiongnu cavalry were powerful on horseback, but now they were on the ground and surrounded by many Qin soldiers, so they were killed in a short time.

The Huns outside the city also found that the surprise attack was unsuccessful, so they bit the bullet and carried out a strong attack.But what made them even more unexpected was that because of the arrival of Meng Tian and Fu Su, there were tens of thousands more troops in Shanggu, which originally had not many troops. Now their strong attack turned into hitting a stone with a pebble.But because it was very dark, people in the city did not dare to go out to fight, so it became the current offensive and defensive battle.

This is what Fusu saw.As an armed police soldier, although he had also experienced some gun battles with gangsters, the battles with dozens of people at most made him see scenes that he had never seen before.

The city wall was full of soldiers of the Qin army, but it was not clear how many Huns were there below. Those above threw stones and logs down, while those below kept dodging and shooting arrows upward.Bows and arrows whizzed by, making Fusu's blood boil.Regardless of his identity, he suddenly lifted a huge rock and smashed it down. The guards next to him were startled by his sudden move, and hurriedly carried him away from the city wall.

Meng Tian on the side had just seen the situation on the city wall, and then asked the guard what happened, and he was greatly relieved.If it wasn't such a coincidence that it happened to be the changing of the guard, if the city gate was broken and those Hun cavalry rushed in, the loss would be great, and Ang Fusu might even be hurt.Thinking of this, a murderous look flashed in Meng Tian's eyes, no matter what, he couldn't let these Huns who dared to attack his garrison leave here alive.

Fusu on the side said to the guards: "Why do you carry me so far away? These Huns' arrows can't hit me."

"Prince, it's too dangerous here. I think you should go back to the city first. With us here, we will surely kill all these unscrupulous barbarians." Meng Tian hurriedly came over and said to Fusu.

But every man is bloody, how could Fusu, who was interested in the fierce battle of the offensive and defensive battle, leave here easily? He shook his head and said: "As the prince of Daqin, I should defend the city with these soldiers , not to mention that I am still in charge of the army, let alone run away in front of the battle."

Seeing Fusu's tough attitude, Meng Tian had no choice but to agree to let him stay on the city wall, but at the same time, he mobilized dozens of soldiers to surround Fusu and surrounded him tightly.Fusu looked at the situation around him, and could only smile wryly, unexpectedly, he was not only unable to help, but became a burden on the city wall.

But other Qin soldiers didn't think so.The state of Qin has always established its state with bravery, and the previous kings of the state of Qin are all good fighters in battle, and they often charge forward when the two armies are at war.Although the state of Qin has now unified the world and the monarch has become the emperor, the image of the monarch deeply rooted in the hearts of Qin people is still there. Today, the prince and the soldiers are fighting against the enemy on the city wall, which has greatly strengthened The morale of Qin soldiers.

Suddenly a soldier yelled: "Jiao Jiu Lao Qin, let's go to the national calamity!" The sergeant next to him heard the shout, and also shouted at the same time: "Ju Jiu Lao Qin, let's go to the national calamity together!" All the sergeants yelled out the phrase "Correct Lao Qin, let's go to the national calamity together!" The sound shook for nine days.Accompanied by the stirring roar, the Qin people shot more intensively with their bows and arrows, and threw the stones faster, completely covering the Huns outside in one fell swoop.

The Huns who were attacking the city gate were stunned when they heard the angry roar inside, and someone immediately reported it to Haril.Harile also heard the roar, "Are there really many guards in Shanggu County? But our spies got the news a month ago that there are only a thousand Qin people guarding Shanggu."

Ji Du beside him also looked confused: "Even if the Qin people put heavy troops in the north, it is impossible for the Qin people to station tens of thousands of people at each pass. Do they know that they will be attacked? No, it is impossible! This The plan to attack Shanggu suddenly and then use it as a springboard to enter the Central Plains, so as to be able to advance, attack, retreat and defend, was only drawn up a month ago by the defenders of Shanggu, who were no more than a thousand people, and the people of Qin could not know."

When they were confused, hundreds of Hun knights had been killed by random arrows and stones, and they could not go down. The Huns could only retreat.

"Leader, let's get out of here. We have already lost hundreds of people." A general shouted to Haril.

Harile looked at the Qin soldiers on the wall, and then at the fallen Hun soldiers in front of him, gritted his teeth and said, "Retreat!"

Following his order to retreat, the Huns turned their horses one after another and were about to leave here.

But by this time the sky was slightly brighter.

After a round of onslaught drove the Huns back, Meng Tian and the defenders breathed a sigh of relief for the time being. "Prince, you should go back first, the Huns have already been repulsed by us." A guard advised Su to help him.

At this time, Fusu had also calmed down. He knew that his presence would make them unable to let go, so he nodded, got up and walked down.

"It's about to dawn." A soldier said looking at the slightly dewy white sky.

"Hey, there are not many Huns." A sergeant said, pointing to the Huns cavalry who were about to retreat outside.

Meng Tian looked intently, and sure enough, there were only 5000 people at most in that formation. "It's unreasonable, five thousand Huns dare to attack our Daqin border!" Meng Tian said angrily, "Liu Meng, Zhang Fan, I order you two to go out with 3000 troops each and kill these Huns."

"Yes!" After receiving the general order, the two generals ordered their soldiers and horses, opened the city gate and rushed towards the Huns.

When Fusu heard that they were going out of the city to attack the Huns, he was curious about how the ancients fought. He turned around when he was about to leave, and went to the city wall to watch.

There is a large plain outside Shanggu County, which is very conducive for the two sides to set up a decisive battle.

Amidst a creaking sound, the gate of the city opened, and the chariots were in the lead, followed by the cavalry and infantry of the Qin army.

This chariot is a carriage used for battle in ancient times. It is generally a single-wheel (coil), two-wheeled, square chariot (carriage), and drives four or two horses.There were three soldiers in the car, the one in the middle was the driver, and the two on the left and right were in charge of fighting.There are many types, such as light cars, rush cars and pen cars.This time they charged out with double-shaft chariots. Originally, Shanggu didn't have any chariots. They mainly defended the city, and they didn't expect them to go out to kill the enemy. But Meng Tian's army was equipped with this kind of military strength. Something that belongs to high-end weapons.

Fusu had only seen this kind of thing in historical films. He saw that it was mostly made of wood, but it was covered with copper on the front, back, left, and right sides. The other is holding a crossbow.His eyes were straightened.

The Huns who were just about to retreat suddenly saw the gate of the city opened wide, and so many people rushed out of it, knowing that they were not the enemy's opponent, they rushed to leave.But arrows and arrows were already coming at them.At the end, the Hun cavalry had no time to parry and had been shot to death on the ground by random arrows.

Just as they were stunned, the cavalry of the Qin people had already chased them up, raised their sharp copper knives, and slashed at their necks, followed by the dozen or so chariots.

In this kind of hand-to-hand combat, the role of the chariot is no less than that of today's tanks. Under its huge body and huge impact, it is difficult for anyone to resist it head-on.On both sides of the chariot are Wu Ge warriors and archery crossbowmen. It is like a tractor opening up a road in the field, and the chariot is opening up a bloody road among the Huns.

Because of the impact of the chariots and cavalry in front, the infantry behind became cheap.They lined up in a neat phalanx and went forward, as long as there was an enemy who was down and not dead, they would give him a blow.

In just half an hour, more than 3000 of the more than 1000 Huns were killed, and the rest were able to escape by virtue of their equestrian skills, which were superior to the Qin cavalry, and faster than the heavy chariot.

"Isn't it too cruel for them to kill the fallen enemies like this?" Fusu looked at the one-sided massacre and couldn't help asking himself, "No, what they did was right, and they should be called out to treat these invading barbarians. They are afraid, so that they will not dare to attack in the future. If they really invade the upper valley, our fate may not be as good as theirs." Fusu thought of a certain country in the future because we were too kind, That's why they kept shouting.Perhaps China in this age when Confucian civilization has not been vigorously developed is the China that the barbarians fear.

"I didn't expect the Huns to be so vulnerable." A soldier guarding the city said disdainfully.

"No, it's not because they can, but because we took the lead." Meng Tian found signs of underestimating the enemy in the army, and quickly interrupted their conversation.

ps: Thank you for your support, I will work hard and work hard. . . . . . . . (echo):)

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