Qiang Qin

Chapter 301 Bloody Battle Extends the Enemy

Updated: 2011-01-27

The Xiongnu army continued to attack the Qin army. This was a decision made by Bai Ban and Maodun when they saw the opportunity, because they not only saw that the Qin army was about to be unable to hold on, but also saw that the four gates were all closed. The wide open Cloud City seems to be welcoming their entry.Now that the Qin army has come out of the city, and since they have given up this cloud city, let us capture it.Driven by this idea, [-] Huns killed them with a more ferocious attack than the attack just now.

With the stirrups supporting their bodies, the Huns cavalry could free their hands at the same time, draw their bows while constantly urging their horses to sprint forward, and continuously shoot sharp arrows into the Qin army's formation.After Fusu made the stirrup, Qin Jun still trained for a long time to be able to control the horse with only his legs, but the Huns grew up on horseback since they were young. When there were no stirrups, it was possible to control the horse as desired with only the legs and no hands. Now with the stirrups, basically all cavalry can easily complete these difficult movements.

When the sharp arrow shot in, the Qin army was killed and injured immediately, but the Huns continued to attack.As the distance keeps getting closer, the bows and arrows in the hands of the Huns cavalry have been replaced by those knives. Now they can accelerate the speed of the horse to the highest speed, and then use the momentum of the horse to cut the knives into Qin Bing's body Go, then rushed past again, and rushed to the next Qin Bing before the body of that Qin Bing was split open.

The Qin soldiers who rushed to the front were beheaded by the Huns for more than 5000 people without any power to fight back, and the momentum of the Huns rose even higher because of the smooth killing. Kill them on the ground until all the Qin troops here are wiped out.The Qin army has been captured by the momentum of the Huns. Some people are already thinking about retreating to the city, while others are regretting why they came out, thinking that they are here to make meritorious service, but now they are the enemy's credit.

Zhou Xing, Meng Yi and the others were also inexplicably surprised. They had never seen how powerful the Huns were. After all, people like Zhou Xing and Meng Yi who guarded the northern frontier would always be harassed by small groups of Huns. I have never seen such a powerful Hun cavalry as today.Now it is impossible to retreat into the city and continue to hold on, so they had to order their soldiers to take a defensive position to resist the heavy impact of the Huns cavalry.And Han Xin was extremely surprised and regretted that he had underestimated the Huns.After Han Xin followed Fusu, he has been fighting with him in the Central Plains. The only time he fought against the Huns was when he encountered Haril on the way to surprise Xianyang that day.At that time, because the Huns were also fond of war, they finally defeated the Huns with a slightly superior force.Since that incident, Han Xin has not fought against the Huns again. He is only a Huns and his combat power is not much different from that of the Chu people. Sometimes they can be killed and defeated.But the reality told Han Xin coldly that the combat power of the Huns was far better than that of the Qin army.

In fact, Han Xin's view is not correct. Yes, in terms of combat power, the Huns are indeed stronger than the Qin army, and their damage on horseback is also greater than that of the Qin army, but they are not enough to kill Qin. The army has nothing to fight back.This is actually the reason why Han Xin and the others rushed out of the city to pursue them.The Qin army came out with the heart of killing the enemy. They never expected to start such a fierce battle with the enemy, while the Huns were killed with the determination of either you die or me die. In terms of momentum, it is natural to distinguish between superior and inferior.At the same time, although the four gates were opened wide in order to let the whole army go out of the city to attack at the same time, they did not arrange a good formation. All the Qin troops rushed forward without forming a threatening formation.The Xiongnu were far superior to the Qin people in single-handed combat, and the reason why the Qin people were able to defeat the enemy was not only the general's ingenuity, but also the key to this formation.The formation failed, and under the impetuousness, how could the Qin army be the opponent of the Huns who were fighting to the death.

Although Han Xin couldn't have time to think about these problems at this time, he knew one thing well, that is, it was impossible for them to escape into the city under the crazy counterattack of the Huns.If they enter the city, the Huns will also come in. At that time, affected by the topography of the city, I am afraid that the only remaining advantage of the Qin army's formation will no longer exist.So even if someone around him proposed to retreat to the city, Han Xin refused. Instead, he ordered the army to form a defensive formation to block the impact of the Huns.

Under the constant orders and reprimands of Han Xin and several other generals, the Qin army, which was about to be chaotic, finally regrouped from the brink of collapse.This may also be one of the reasons why the Qin army is far superior to the armies of other Central Plains countries. Their obedience to orders is much stricter than soldiers from other countries.Soon, thousands of cavalry of the Qin army went out, using their bodies and lives to stop the Huns, while the other soldiers took their positions under the orders of their respective generals.By the time the formation was formed, the thousands of cavalry who had stepped forward were all dead and injured, and the cavalry of the Huns had already rushed to the front of the Qin army.

But at this time, the Qin army is no longer a mess just now, and can be killed by the Huns.As soon as the shield soldiers at the front saw the bows and arrows of the Huns cavalry raised, they had already raised their shields as high as one person at the same time, and blocked them in front of them.This time, the countless sharp arrows could no longer cause as much damage to the Qin army as Shicai did. Most of them were blocked by the shield, or were nailed to the shield, or fell to the ground.Only a small number of arrows passed through the gap, but they couldn't do much harm in the formation of the Qin army waiting in full force.

Seeing that the feathered arrows could not hurt the opponent, the Huns stopped shooting arrows, but urged their horses to charge up. They wanted to use the powerful impact of the horses to break down the shield formation of the Qin army and kill them into the formation of the Qin army.But before they could reach the front, those shield soldiers dodged to the side as quickly as possible, and their shields were also drawn sideways by them. What greeted the Xiongnu cavalry was a forest of spears.The dark spear pointed at the fast-coming Xiongnu war horse.Although some of the cavalrymen either moved their horses when they discovered this scene, or controlled the horses to jump up and successfully escaped the assassination of the spears, but more Huns cavalry had no time to change and jumped. After getting up, they drove their horses into the spear array at the fastest speed.

The horse let out a terrible cry, and its whole body twitched violently. The Hun cavalry riding on it could no longer sit on it, and fell off the horse's back.The cavalry who lost their horses was just an infantry without legs. When they faced the Qin army who came up from behind, they could only resist for a while before they were all cut in two.Thousands of Hun cavalry who attacked first were all killed in this way, and the Qin army's formation was filled with bloody horses and Huns.

Seeing that the Qin army had formed a defensive position so quickly, Bai Ban admired him a lot, but he didn't think these Qin people could compete with the fierce Hun cavalry, after all, the opponent had lost their most powerful protection, the city wall up.Without even frowning, Bai Ban ordered the [-] cavalry on the left to attack the side of the Qin army.Qin Jun's formation can only keep his front from being impacted, but at the same time expose his side.

Seeing that the Huns abandoned the front and took the profile, Zhou Xing's expression changed: "When they fought against the Huns before, they only knew how to attack the Huns. When did they understand the truth of avoiding the truth?" The other generals were also amazed. Han Xin's formation was based on the fact that the Huns would only attack by force. Unexpectedly, they were completely beyond everyone's expectations.

But it was too late to change formation at this time, Meng Yi turned his horse and said: "Generals, let me command the soldiers to stop the enemy from the side, and you continue to sit in the middle army." Without waiting for everyone's response, he turned to the left go.Everyone couldn't think of a better way, so they could only let Meng Yi go, hoping that his command could block the attack of the Huns.

Most of the Qin army on the side are not the most elite people, and they don't have any shields. Seeing the Huns cavalry directly attacking them, they are already timid.At this time Meng Yi arrived and hurriedly said: "All listen to the order, all the crossbowmen are ready to go forward, and when the enemy rushes into the range, greet them with random arrows, so that they can't charge with all their strength." His words made people panic. The Qin army calmed down a little, and the crossbowmen immediately stepped forward to prepare, while the other soldiers were also holding their weapons tightly, preparing to fight the enemy to the death. Meng Yi's words rang in their ears: "Now the enemy is powerful! , and we have no retreat, even if we enter the city, it is impossible to block the footsteps of the Huns. The only thing we can do now is to fight the enemy to the death, not for Daqin, not for the world, but for ourselves to survive Don’t be killed by these Huns barbarians!” These words rekindled the fighting spirit of the soldiers, they didn’t want to lose their lives, they still wanted to defeat the Huns to receive the reward.

When the Xiongnu cavalry reached the range of the bow and crossbow, thousands of feathered arrows were shot out.Because the Qin army didn't use bows and crossbows when they faced the enemy head-on just now, the Huns didn't take precautions now, and hundreds of cavalry in the front were shot and killed under their horses.But these mere feather arrows can only stop them once. With the speed of the cavalry, Qin Jun didn't even have time to load the second arrow, and they had already killed Qin Jun.

Seeing this, Meng Yi yelled: "Kill!" He rushed out first.The Qin army in the back rushed out unwillingly, and they even launched a charge against the Huns...

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