Qiang Qin

Chapter 302 Bloody Battle Extends the Enemy

Updated: 2011-01-28

This battle lasted from night to dawn, and from dawn to sunset. The Qin army fought several battles with the Xiongnu army in one day and night. As a result, although the Qin army suffered heavy losses and nearly 3 horses were killed, the Huns did not have a good time. , [-] cavalry of the Huns were also killed in this battle.Although the casualties of the Qin army were nearly twice that of the enemy, and the remaining [-] troops were exhausted at this time, their goal was achieved because they delayed the retreat of the Huns.

The ground was strewn with corpses, including those of the Qin army and the Huns, human corpses, including horse corpses.Blood was flowing everywhere, but on this bloody and corpse-strewn battlefield, both the Qin people and the Huns were eating food without regard to the harsh environment around them.

This was the first time since the two sides started the war that the two sides had stopped fighting. The fighting all day and night had exhausted the strength of the troops on both sides. Nai's respective generals had no choice but to stop fighting for the time being and let the soldiers take a good rest before fighting again.

This time, the Huns had seen the perseverance of the Qin people. Not long after the initial chaos, the Qin army quickly recovered their fighting spirit, and resisted their subsequent charge with a defensive formation.What made them even more unexpected was that when Bai Ban launched an attack from the side, the Qin army would fight them with their lives. With this spirit of abandoning everything, the Qin army blocked the attack of 5 Hun cavalry with more than [-] horses. After repeated attacks, even Bai Ban, who was originally from Qin, felt greatly inconceivable.

In fact, the Huns made the same mistake as the Qin people, that is, they underestimated the strength of their opponents.The Qin people were not much different from them hundreds of years ago, and they were also barbaric Yidi in the eyes of the Central Plains people.It was only after several generations of reforms by the Qin people that they were more like the people of the Central Plains than the barbarians, but the ruthlessness in their bones still remained.Facing an enemy that is twice as big as him today, and he has no way to retreat, Qin Jun can only fight to the death. As Meng Yi said, Qin Jun is desperately fighting for himself at this time, and for only They can survive, that's why they burst out with strong fighting power, and delayed these fierce Hun cavalry here.

Although the current Qin army only has about [-] people, the Huns no longer dare to have the idea of ​​​​annihilating them in one fell swoop, and they dare not just retreat, because they know that as long as they want to retreat, the Qin army will be defeated. It is bound to kill them on a large scale, and then I will fall into a passive position.Maodun could only let the whole army take out all the food and share it, and then lead the troops to fight forward, annihilate the Qin army at all costs, and then take the food from them before leaving this place.

All the food was eaten, and Mao Dun gave the order to attack again. All the Huns got on their horses again, and killed the Qin army who was waiting in full force. This time, like the Qin army, they also went desperately Yes, because they have no escape route, and once the reinforcements from the Qin people arrive, they will only have a dead end.

Blood, screams, shouts, horses neighing... everything was intertwined. As the battle continued to deepen, the original formation of the Qin army had gradually lost its effect. Under the constant impact of the Huns, they His shield is broken, his spear is broken.When the shield was broken, he used his own body as a shield to block the arrows and knives of the Huns for the robes behind him. When the spear was broken in two, he took the half with the tip and continued to kill.Even without weapons in their hands, the soldiers of the Qin army still fought bravely, using their fists, their bodies, and even their teeth to attack the enemy, and even if they died, they would drag an enemy to be buried with them.Although the power of the battle formation is no longer there, the lethality of the Qin army is more powerful than any other battle formation, and even the Huns cannot completely control the scene.

This battle has never been seen by Mao Dun. Even he has begun to regret why he fought this tragic battle, because every Hun cavalry that fell was their hope in the future, but today they all died here .Mao Dun had this idea. Of course, the leaders of other tribes did not want to let all the troops in their hands die. These people are the labor force of their own tribe. After returning to the grassland, they will rely on these people to herd and hunt. of.Therefore, under the secret orders of these leaders, the offensive of the Huns cavalry gradually weakened.

On the other side, Han Xin, Long Qi, Meng Yi and others were all influenced by the soldiers who were not afraid of life and death, and they killed them regardless of their own safety.Han Xin's spear, Meng Yi's knife, and Long Qie's giant double-edged ax all greeted the Huns.If there are still sober people in the Qin army, then there are hundreds of soldiers guarding the generals. They dare not kill the enemy with their own temper. Beside them, block the weapons coming from all directions for them.Therefore, although Han Xin and others were in the chaos, they were not in much danger. On the contrary, they could only attack but not defend, so they killed a lot of Huns.

Although everyone in Qin Bing gave up his life, the gap in strength was not so easy to fill.As time goes by, the Qin army has more and more casualties, and it is almost overwhelmed by the enemy, and it is about to face the situation of annihilation of the entire army, but the Qin army can't care about so much at this time, and of course it can't be defeated. It may be that they are completely unaware of the situation.This is also the disadvantage of fighting to the death, and you may not know your own situation until you fight to the death.

But the Huns are different. Although they also suffered heavy losses, they have not completely forgotten themselves like the Qin people, so they can see that the situation is constantly developing in a direction that is beneficial to them. Let your own cavalry die like this.In this way, it also helped Qin Jun a lot in form, because the Huns no longer went all out to attack and kill, so Qin Jun could support it.

The sky brightened again, and there were only less than [-] people left in the Qin army at this time, and they were about to be eaten by the Huns.The Qin soldiers, who were able to ride alternately with [-] steps, fought undefeatedly with the Huns' cavalry on the plain for two days. These Qin soldiers have proved that they are the most elite soldiers of the Great Qin.But they are human beings after all, and they still have to face the end of annihilation after all.

The Huns pressed forward step by step, and were about to launch a final round of attack on these Qin troops.In this battle, they also lost 5 to [-] horses, and now there are only more than [-] people left, but it is enough to wipe out all the [-] remnants.

Mao Dun drew his bow fully and aimed at the Qin army. The moment his arrow was shot, the Huns would launch the final charge.When he was about to release the arrow, there was a rumbling sound from the west, as if the earth was trembling, or as if a group of giant beasts were rushing towards him.For a moment, the Xiongnu soldiers located in the west saw the Qin army coming from a distance. The first rows of cavalry were all wearing heavy armor, and even the horses were tightly wrapped.

"What is this?" The Huns who saw the chain horse shouted in a terrified tone.Although they have never encountered these cavalry, but from the loud noise they made when they stepped on the ground, they can imagine how lethal the serial horse is.As the serial horse approached, the eyes of the Huns were all attracted by it, and timidity was revealed in everyone's eyes.

Mao Dun also felt frightened, but as Shan Yu, he couldn't show any timidity. He still shot the arrow in his hand and ordered the army to attack and kill it.

But Qin Jun also saw that his reinforcements had arrived, and the despair just now had dissipated the moment they saw the reinforcements arrive. Every Qin soldier was full of strength again. They also went forward without any fear, even though they were outnumbered, they didn't change their faces, because they saw the serial horse that could defeat the Chu army, and the big banner with the word "Mongolian" .

Meng Tian finally arrived with his troops!

Because the chained horses were going to be used this time to defeat the enemy, and this armored army couldn't last long, so Meng Tian and the others stopped the army when they arrived near Yunzhong City, and then let the three thousand chained horses wear them.After working for half an hour, the [-] Iron Armored Army was finally equipped, and then they rumbled towards Yunzhong to attack the Huns.Unexpectedly, when they got close, they did not see the scene of the Xiongnu army besieging the city, but saw the Huns attacking their own robes. This made all the cavalry on the serial horses feel more anxious. The horses in heavy armor ran fast, and soon they were behind the Huns.

The Huns who were sent by Modun to stop the enemy immediately released countless sharp arrows at the enemy, trying to block them first, and then fought against the Qin army behind after defeating the enemy in front.But their thoughts were shattered by the clink of arrows hitting the serial horse.Those powerful arrows that could pierce through the human body fell on the ground after being shot at the Qin people.The Huns were dumbfounded at once.

Just when they were dumbfounded, the serial horse had already rushed in front of them.Once these connected heavy armored cavalry are allowed to charge up, their lethality is like tanks. Whenever the Huns cavalry appear on their way forward, whether they are men or horses, they will be knocked down by them. Then, instead of being slashed to death by the horseman with a knife, he was trampled into meat paste by the heavy horse's hooves and stepped into the ground.But in a blink of an eye, the rear defense army that Maodun wanted to use to block the Qin army's reinforcements was trampled to the ground by the iron hooves of the serial horses.At this time, the Qin army in front and the Xiongnu army just fought together.

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