Qiang Qin

Chapter 352 3 Li Cheng Zhuge

Qin Chu confronted the gap.

On the side of the Chu army, Xiang Yu had more than [-] cavalrymen, while on the side of the Qin army, Wuhou Li Yuan led the main force of the East Route Army, a part of the Hexi Cavalry Army, and a part of the Hebei Xinzu Army, totaling about [-] people. In general, Qin has a slight advantage, but in terms of the combat ability and will of individual soldiers, the desire of the generals of the Qin army to fight is also stronger.

There are two main advantages of the Chu army. One is the personal strength of Xiang Yu, the commander. Although one hand is crippled, Xiang Yu's bravery has not weakened in the slightest. He vented his personal unhappiness On the battlefield, Yingbu, the former fierce general in the First Battle of Jiangdong, was defeated and fled in less than ten rounds under Xiang Yu's hands.Faced with Xiang Yu who was in such a state of bursting with full blood, there was indeed no one in the Qin army who could resist the enemy.

The second is the advantage of internal battles. Compared with the Qin army, which is in the long defensive line outside, the logistics supply line is relatively shortened after the Chu army retreats to the gap. They can calmly support the frontline battlefield from the rear of Pengcheng.

To the west of the chasm, the black banners of the Qin Army are like dark clouds covering the sun, giving people a strong sense of oppression. The Qin Army scouts patrolling the outskirts of the camp with black armor, riding tall and healthy horses from Hetao and Hexi, scouting and patrolling. The farthest distance reached more than [-] miles upstream and downstream.

In the Qin camp, groups of soldiers followed different phalanxes, led by their respective school lieutenants, neatly performing formations to fight in queues. Soldiers with high buns and bare chests or soldiers holding iron swords , or holding a long halberd, with a serious and dignified expression, these soldiers of the Qin Army from Sanchuan County and Hedong County, if they are distinguished by the country and region in the past, they should be called Koreans and Wei people, but now they are unified. They are called Qin people.

It has gone through the difficult process of splitting, unifying, splitting again, and reunifying.Ordinary people have gradually stopped blindly following the bewitching statements of the survivors of the Six Kingdoms. They value real benefits more. On one night, the common people closed their doors and carefully calculated the state of Qin. After the benefits given and the empty promises made by the anti-Qin princes, he finally understood who was the one to rely on.

To the east of the chasm, a fiery red flag symbolizes the invincible momentum of the Chu army, which is as violent as a fire and destroys everything. It is different from the new Qin Dynasty's focus on rebuilding from ruins.The state of Chu under Xiang Yu's rule is better at destroying and plundering. The anti-Qin coalition forces broke into the pass in the past, almost destroying the foundation of Qin state for more than a hundred years. During the past few years of governing Chu state, the Chu army fought endlessly almost every year In battle after battle, the wealth will be consumed, and the looted resources will be filled into the bottomless pit of the battle again.

The two armies confront each other.

War in the era of cold weapons, the bravery of generals.It had a great impact on morale. Faced with a difficult situation, Xiang Yu rode on horseback for several days, hoping to fight Li Yuan one-on-one.

Think back carefully.Xiang Yu and Li Yuan were really close to fighting before the battle. In the battle of Yongqiu, the Chu army broke through the city, and Li Yuan led a team of Qin soldiers to defend a section of the city wall.The number one fierce general in the Chu army, Long Qie, had a real fight with Li Yuan once, but at that time, Li Yuan hadn't recovered from his identity as a traveler.Qin Jun's failure cannot be blamed on him.

One-on-one heads-up.

Looking back at the generals of the Qin army, there must be no one who can compete with Xiang Yu in martial arts.Even Li Yuan, who has the knowledge of later generations, had no way to draw with the tyrannical Xiang Yu with the help of inventions such as horse stirrups and saddles. In this case, the morale of the Qin army was inevitably frustrated.

Inside the large tent of the Qin army.

A small military meeting about changes in the war is underway.

The lit torches reflected the situation in the tent very clearly. Wuhou Li Yuan was lying on the table, holding a stick of charcoal in his hand, and was writing and drawing on the picture. In addition to a little tension, it is more of a relief.

This kind of mind is like a long-distance traveler, after such a long time and so many changes, when he is about to reach the end, he suddenly feels a little uneasy and a little expectant.

In the other corner of the tent, several Qin army generals, Li Zhongxiang, Yan Le, and Li Zuoche who came from Hebei area were arguing about something against the sand table in the battle area.This time in the battle against Chu, Li Yuan did not mobilize all of Qin's forces as in the past, especially the few generals guarding the northwest and northern borders, who were not recruited back.

Generals such as Luo Jia and Wang Li have been stationed in the northwest and north for a long time. Their presence is a deterrent to the Huns in Mobei.

Compared with Li Zhongxiang and Yan Le who had been with Li Yuan for a long time, Li Zuoche was specially recruited by Li Yuan from Dai County. Perhaps because of Li Yuan's influence, among the generals of the Qin Army, there were not a few who were good at charging and killing. But there are very few people who are good at schemes. Except for Han Xin, Li Zuoche is one of the few people who are good at schemes.

After returning to Qin, Li Zuoche was ordered to manage Handan County and Dai County. After Zhang Er and Chen Yu's forces withdrew from this old Zhao land, there was no chaos like Hanzhong. Li Zuoche contributed a lot.

Especially during the period when the Qin army was conquering the country of Yan in the north, Li Zuoche sat in the rear and supported the huge logistics support system of the entire Qin army. I have a deeper understanding of my personal abilities and character.

Therefore, this time, the Qin army regrouped again, and Li Zuoche was also ordered in the face of danger. Li Yuan was exceptionally promoted to Sima of the Chinese army and the rear chief general in charge of the logistics affairs.The post of Sima is mainly to counsel military plans, revise combat plans, and put forward his own feasible suggestions.

Li Yuan, Li Zuoche, and Li Zhongxiang, the three important people surnamed Li in the Qin Army gathered together, plus Yan Le who was in charge of military intelligence and espionage work, the Qin Army's lineup may be lacking in bravery, but in terms of resourcefulness However, it is much better than the Chu army. Apart from Xiang Bo, the advisers around Xiang Yu are also a little bit level with Lou Jing, who has not yet returned to Chang'an, the state of Qin.

At this time, Li Zuoche was pointing at the terrain on the sand table, and this kind of tactical explanation is his strong point.

Li Zuo said: "Zhongxiang, look, if our army bypasses Yingshui and flanks Chenjun in Chu State, the Chu army will not be able to obtain food supplies from Chenjun, and they must pass through Juye if they want to transfer from Pengcheng. Ze, there is Peng Yue's bandit army intercepting and killing them halfway. As a result, the Chu army has no food and grass, and no matter how fierce Xiang Yu is, he cannot last long."

"What you said, sir, is just talking on paper. Not to mention that Yingshui is guarded by General Ji Bu of the Chu Army. It is a big taboo for military strategists to divide troops before the battle. If the enemy breaks down one by one, our army will be weak." Li Zhongxiang expressed worry, Slowly said.

After independently leading the Allied Forces of the Western Regions to conquer Hexi, Li Zhongxiang's personal ability made a qualitative leap.After he was worried about the division of troops, the Qin army on the main battlefield on the side of the gap was insufficient, and he fought with Xiang Yu's cavalry for more than [-] days.

"There is no need for General Li to worry too much about Ji Bu's place. Our army has secretly contacted him. With Ji Xin's line, it will not be difficult to persuade Ji Bu to vote for Qin." Yan Le listened to the argument, and it was hard Heard that there is a side he is good at.Hastily stepped forward and said.

"Is Yan Ling really sure about Jiang Jibu?" Li Zuoche's eyes lit up and he asked urgently.

"Military and state affairs, how can it be trifling? Xiang Yu has long been suspicious of Ji Bu. According to secret reports, Ji Bu was deprived of the right to lead the army a few days ago. At present, together with his uncle Ding Gong, he is only in Chen The county is responsible for guaranteeing the food and fodder channels of the Chu army. Ji Bu is still hesitating. If our army sends troops to Chen County, we are quite sure that Ji Bu will return to Qin. Even if the surrender fails, I believe Ji Bu will not swear to replace him Mrs. Xiang is working hard." Yan Le replied confidently.

"In this way, our army can send a group of soldiers and horses to kill the generals from Yingchuan County, break into the hinterland of Chen County in Chu State, and then try to instigate Ji Bu and Ding Gong to surrender. As the battle situation changes, we may go northeast to Pengcheng, or send our troops to the southeast to capture Jiangdong of Chu. When Xiang Chu's army hears about the attack in the rear, their morale will surely collapse and they will not want to fight. .

"I don't know if Mr. Li has considered that the strength of our army in the gap is comparable to that of the Chu army. If we divide our troops to go south again, once the Chu army concentrates their strength and storms our camp. Then all our plans are useless." Yan Le said after pondering for a while.

The confrontation between Qin and Chu, the shadow of the battle of Julu is like an inescapable shadow, it always exists, a Xiang Yu who goes crazy and ignores it, for any opponent, he must be highly vigilant and take strict precautions , Yan Le's concerns are not without reason.

"The partial teachers of Yingchuan can be recruited from Nanyang County. When Liu Bang retreated to Caixian County in Yingchuan, he took the road of Funiu Mountain. The two generals in our army, Chen Xi and Zhang Ping, are more familiar with the terrain in this area. Send one of them to lead the attack." Yan Le remonstrated.

"Marquis Wu, if this policy comes to fruition, who do you think will take on this heavy burden?" After listening to this, Li Zhongxiang and Yan Le also showed excitement on their faces. This time, Li Yuan was only a spectator in the military discussion, and he was indifferent. Listen to the arguments of the generals.

The military plan is determined in the form of a collective military discussion. Before the discussion, there is no clear plan. Anyone can express their views divergently and prove themselves through various theoretical basis. correct claim.This rudimentary staff system does not exist in this era.It is also rarely adopted by other countries except the current state of Qin.

Even for the Chu army east of the chasm, when making decisions about the next military move, Xiang Yu would often come up with a general strategy, which would then be supplemented by generals and advisers. Under such a system, once there was a problem at the decision-making level, there would be It may lead to a series of subsequent errors.

"In the event of a surprise attack by a partial teacher, people with quick minds should be the most important. Chen Xi is a smoother man than Zhang Ping. His subordinates Wang Huang, Man Qiuchen and other school lieutenants are also known for their resourcefulness. Chen Xi's troops can be used as the Southern Route Army to attack Chen County. In addition, we need to intensify contact with Ji Bu, Xiang Yu is more suspicious than trusting, and when necessary, he can reveal the truth to Xiang Yu, and if Xiang Yu becomes suspicious, Ji Bu and Ding Gong will have to rebel." Li Yuan nodded, While agreeing with the opinions of Li Zuoche and other generals, he also made requirements for the appointment of generals.

To plan and employ people.

These are two complementary entities.

As an excellent commander-in-chief, in the process of handling specific matters, he can delegate power to his subordinates to execute, but when it comes to who to use, he needs to act arbitrarily. If the method of collective discussion is still adopted, then the selected Generals are not necessarily suitable.

Li Yuan was actively planning a strategy to break through Chu. Although Xiang Yu had expected the danger in the direction of Chen Jun, he did not pay much attention to it. Among them, the first-level generals are making urgent pre-war mobilization.

According to Xiang Yu's order, the [-] Chu army decided to carry out the feat of breaking the boat and launching a fierce attack on the Qin army on the west bank with a desperate attitude. (To be continued..)

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