Qiang Qin

Chapter 353 The Children of Jiangdong

Summer chasm.

The amount of water is at its maximum, and the raging flood peak from Yingshui passes through the valley at the junction of Chen County and Yingchuan County with many hills, and then enters the gentle and endless alluvial plain of the great river.

On both sides of the ravine.

The millet planted by the Wei people has long been trampled by the Chu people, and the millet that has just burst out of the fruit pulp has been picked before it can fully mature. For the army, it is also very precious.

In the past few days, the Qin and Chu armies have fought repeatedly around several pontoon bridges on the gap. Generally speaking, the battle situation presents a scene where the Chu army launches several waves of offensives, and then the Qin army counterattacks relying on the advantage of the geographical advantage. After a fierce battle, it turned into a war of attrition.

In this contest of comprehensive national strength, the Qin army is the party that occupies the initiative, with two large granaries in Guanzhong and Bashu behind it. The second defeat will not hurt anything fundamentally.

The Chu army is not the case. Xiang Yu, who is used to relying on plunder rather than production, is far less capable in internal politics than his sense of smell on the battlefield. After Yanhe's crusade against Yingbo in the Second World War, after these few battles, the little foundation that Chu had finally accumulated was gradually consumed.

In a stalemate.

The Chu army couldn't afford to wait. In order to defeat the main force of the Qin army in one fell swoop, Xiang Yu decided to take three thousand warriors from the Fan tribe as the vanguard, swim across the chasm by night, and then suddenly launched an attack.


For people living in the Jiangdong water network area, it is an essential life skill just like the men on the northern grasslands riding horses.

Among the main force of the Chu army under Xiang Yu's command, the children from Jiangdong accounted for nearly half. Among these children, the Fan clan in Wuzhong County and Kuaiji County were the most brave.These Fan people, who have lived on the banks of the Jiangnan River for many years, have a flamboyant and upright personality. It is normal for them to draw their swords and splatter five steps with blood.

In detail, more than half of Xiang Yu's personality has inherited the temper of the Fan tribe, because his mother is a woman of the Fan tribe.

The Fan people lived in the hilly and mountainous areas of Kuaiji County and Wuzhong County for generations. They cut off their hair tattoos, practiced martial arts, and lived a life of "rice, rice, soup and fish" and "fire farming and water squirrels".When Xiang Liang and Xiang Yu's uncle and nephew raised troops from Jiangdong, they were in the rebel army when they crossed the river to attack Qin.There are many Fan tribes and Shanyue people, which is why Xiang Yu's troops are brave and good at fighting.

However, with the passage of time, the status of the Fan people in the Chu army was gradually replaced by the northern Central Plains people. The continuation of this situation also made the Chu army's combat effectiveness no longer what it used to be.

After regaining Jiangdong, Xiang Yu learned from the pain, and then recruited [-] warriors from Jiangdong, and this new force joined.It also gave Xiang Yu new hope for defeating the "invincible" Qin army.

Fourth of July.

The moon is bright and the stars are sparse, and the faint crescent moon hangs high in the sky of the night, and everything in the four fields is shrouded in the night, as if hiding in a bamboo pole tent.

this night.On the river surface of the chasm, from south to north, there are some sundries brought from the Yingshui Mountains floating from time to time, among them are half-cut logs, or a few pieces of floating objects that make it difficult to distinguish what they are. Floating cover.Fanren warriors in the Chu army started their special performance.

The general of the Chu army who led this Fan army was Wuyu, the most valiant young warrior among the Fan tribes, and Wu Yu was from the largest difficult tribe among the Fan tribes.This tribe lived in the mountains in the upper reaches of Kuaiji County, and lived mainly by hunting, picking wild fruits, and fishing.

Wuyu's water skills are also the best among all the people. He can go down in one fell swoop, and after more than ten feet, he quietly comes out of the water to take a breath. To him, a small gap is like a small river branch. After saying that, Wu Yu quietly approached the west bank of the chasm without even appearing on the water.

on the west bank.

The outposts of the Qin Army are patrolling the river bank back and forth. The generals of the Chu Army have learned a lot about the capabilities of the Chu Army in water warfare these days. One team alternately patrolled along the river bank where the two armies faced each other.

The lit torches will illuminate a section of the river bank every quarter of an hour. Under such strict inspection, the time left for the Fans to hide is even less and less. For every Fan who tries to launch a sneak attack after swimming, If they want not to be discovered, they have to hide their shadows below the surface of the water before the Qin army scouts arrive.

At the same time, in order not to be discovered early by the patrols of the Qin army, Fanren's movements on the water surface should be as light and light as possible, and it is best not to make big ripples.

Regarding this point, Wu Yu was not too worried.

Not only did he have confidence in himself, but he also had confidence in the water quality of the Fan army under his command. These Fans had previously fought against dragons in the great rivers in the south of the Yangtze River, and their abilities in the water were the same as those of the Huns on horseback.

"Squeak, croak—!"

From night to midnight, several summer frogs croaked in the silent night sky. The patrolling Qin army led the team and paused for a while, with a puzzled look on their faces. However, after listening for a while, this person from The old Qin people in Guanzhong finally chose to believe in their own experience.

Smell frogs in summer.

This is quite normal.

A few days ago, frogs croaked at night near the chasm from time to time, but not as intensively as tonight. Perhaps, it was because the weather was too hot. Even the frogs couldn’t bear the loneliness and ran out in the cool of the night. It was time to find his spouse. Thinking of this, the [-]-something-year-old Qin Jun couldn't help but think of his wife and children who were far away in Linxia.

"When this battle is over and you make another contribution, you will be eligible to apply for the No. 15 title. When you return to the village, you can also become a county lieutenant. No matter how bad you are, you can take your family to Hexi , the land there is sparsely populated, I heard that there are large tracts of fertile land that no one cultivates——!"

Amidst the gusts of cool wind and the uninterrupted sound of frogs, Qin Jun led his imagination, but unknowingly ignored the danger from the shadow of the chasm.

The key to successful hunting lies in patience and meticulous observation. As an experienced hunter, he waited for one companion after another to swim from the east to the west of the river. When the painted head was painted, Wu Yu's eyes showed longing and fanatical light. (to be continued..)

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