Qiang Qin

Chapter 454 The Jewish Dream of Restoration

Daqin's footsteps are unstoppable!

After the Qin army occupied the Anatolian Peninsula, it was blocked by the strait, and the army turned around, pointing directly at the Jewish settlements in the Mediterranean Sea and the Dead Sea.

After opening the Silk Road on the Asian continent, Li Yuan's goal quickly adjusted to win a sea port passage in the Mediterranean Sea.However, the coast of the Turkish peninsula lacks suitable natural harbors for ships to escape from storms. In contrast, Beirut Bay and Haifa Bay, located northeast of Jerusalem, are densely populated, and the blanket weaving and dyeing industries are quite developed. It is an important commercial port city on the east coast of the Mediterranean Sea.

Later Beirut is the capital of Lebanon, and Haifa is the largest port of the State of Israel. In 200 BC, it was ruled by the Kingdom of Antigonus. Antigonus is another name for the Kingdom of Macedonia. Its king Philip V A guy with great ambition and little talent, he launched a war with Rome for hegemony in the Mediterranean.

As a result, it goes without saying that the Macedonians were defeated by the Scipio brothers, and a saying became popular among the Romans: "In the past there was a king——King Antigonus!"

However, the real defeat of Philip V by the Romans had not yet happened when the Qin army marched westward. The strength of the Kingdom of Antigonus was not weak in the eastern Mediterranean. Defeat the Xiongnu tribe in Helianbi.

The Huns traveled long distances, marched thousands of miles, and the Qin army was constantly chasing after them. Under the double pressure of body and psychology, the strong grassland people almost collapsed. In addition, they were not familiar with the terrain and humanities in Europe. Even the wall defeat is also reasonable.

In order to defeat the Huns, Philip V mobilized almost all his troops and guarded against the other side of the Bosbrus Strait. Correspondingly, his control over the remote province far on the east coast of the Mediterranean Sea - the province of Judea was greatly weakened.This gave the Qin army the opportunity to sweep the Syrian Plateau and the Dead Sea lowland plain.

Jewish Province.

As the name suggests, it is the place where the Jews live.

The Jews, also known as the Hebrews, since the establishment of the Hebrew Kingdom in the 11th century BC, the Jews on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean have experienced two glorious reigns of King David and Solomon, and then the Jewish civilization declined. Babylon, Persia, Macedonian, Greek and Roman forces successively occupied this area, and the Temple Mount in the eyes of the Jews was also ups and downs in the aftermath of history, either being burned or rebuilt.

Actually, mention the Jews.The first impression of later generations is that they are born businessmen, businessmen, and wealthy people. At the same time, they were brutally slaughtered by Nazi Germany during World War II. After World War II, Israel, a country established by Jews, and Arabs Five major Middle Eastern wars were fought.

For the sudden appearance of the Qin people, the Jews unexpectedly showed great enthusiasm for the simple reason that they traveled among the Hu merchants on the Silk Road.More than half are Jewish businessmen.

Before the arrival of the Qin people, the life of the Jews was not easy. Although the Macedonian Empire established by Alexander the Great had already fallen apart, his generals divided the huge territory of the empire.Three continuous kingdoms were formed: Ptolemaic Kingdom, Seleucid Kingdom, and Antigonian Kingdom.

The area around the Temple Mount is at the junction of the Three Kingdoms. This special geographical situation determines which side the Jews take refuge in.It's impossible to get any benefit.Over the years, the kings of Ptolemy, Seleucid, and Antigonus regarded the Jews as an inexhaustible cash machine, and taxes were increased again and again.After every war, the victorious side will pass the burden on the Jews.

And the other two countries that are not satisfied, after having to swallow the bitter fruit of failure, will do everything possible to make up for the losses from Jewish businessmen.It's no wonder that the prices of the commodities handled don't rise.



The Holy City of the Jews.

Kingdom of Antigonus, seat of the Judean province.

In the warm maritime climate along the Mediterranean coast, the weather is as usual clear and cloudless. In the river channel from the Holy City to Haifa Port, several dhows that have just arrived are unloading, and the breeze is blowing gently Passing the tip of the sail, there are waves of slanting shadows.

All of this is so peaceful and beautiful. The westerly current of the Atlantic Ocean, after blowing from the narrow channel of the Strait of Gibraltar, has been continuously weakened, and when it finally reaches the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, it has little strength.


Located halfway up the Mount of Olives.

This is the residence of King David of Judea. Compared with the poor houses at the foot of the mountain, David's residence is all built of bluestone. There are not only gardens, trees, but also clean stone roads. The layout is also extremely magnificent, with not only artifacts from Europe, but also rare silks from the East.

October 26, morning.

King David dressed in fine attire early, held a scepter, and came to see the meeting hall, where he would personally welcome the mysterious envoy from the East.

An enemy of an enemy is an ally.

The state of Qin destroyed Seleucus and Anxi, neighboring countries that had threatened the survival of the Jews for many years, and the Kingdom of Antigonus and the Kingdom of Ptolemy were also frightened by Qin's army, and they had no time to pay attention to the survival of the Jews. For the Jews, this is great news.

If the negotiations at the meeting are unfavorable, will the Qin army wipe out the fragile military power of the Jews in one fell swoop, just like Anxi and Seleucus?But how to deal with this strange and familiar "guest" from afar?Although the nobles and big merchants around him kept introducing the situation of Qin to him, David still had hesitation on his face and anxiety in his heart.

"Your Majesty, the envoy of the Great Qin State is here!" Just when David was uneasy, the guard at the door shouted loudly.

Under the watchful eyes of all the Jewish officials, a tall and thin man with an oriental face came in from outside the temple gate. Judging from his age, he was around forty. It is noticeable that the clothes he was wearing were completely different from The western style, but the whole body is as black as ink, only a few golden silk patterns are embroidered on the cuffs.

"The envoy of the Great Qin State, Lu Jia, held the order of Emperor Shenwu, and discussed military affairs with the nobles. Dare I ask, where is the leader of the nobles?" loud.

Lu Jia——.

All the Jewish merchants who have been to the state of Qin are gasping for breath. With the continuous victory and expansion of the state of Qin, Li Yuan and his subordinates have also been rumored to be miraculous by the people. Except for the generals who fought on the battlefield, Lu Jia, a debater, has also become a mythical figure who has a perfect tongue and can bring the dead back to life through word of mouth.

David was taken aback.

He didn't expect that the Qin envoy would speak in such a disdainful tone as soon as he arrived. Looking at the envoy's posture and eyes, he probably didn't take the Jews seriously in his heart.

"Cough, Lu——, the land envoy, this is King David of my Jewish family." The Jewish merchant who was in charge of diplomatic liaison saw that the situation was not good, and hurriedly stood up and greeted him with a smile.

"Is that the king? When did the Jews establish a country? Lu has traveled to and from Persia and Egypt several times. Why haven't you heard of it?" Lu Jia asked with a sneer.

"You - the emissary on land is a visitor from afar and is not familiar with the history of my Jewish people. I don't blame you. I, a big Jew, established a kingdom under the Mount of Olives as early as 800 years ago. King David's Splendor and glory, all over Anatolia, Egypt, Mesopotamia—" Hearing the question about the history of his ancestors, David couldn't help but furrowed his face, and argued loudly.

"800 years is indeed not short. However, does King David know how long the history of our Great Qin is? Our ancestors started from Emperor Yan and Huangdi. It has been more than [-] years, even if it is calculated according to the time period recorded in historical records. Since then, it has been more than [-] years, and on this point, the nobles are still far behind."

"In addition, there is one more thing I want to say. I have experienced thousands of years in Daqin. Although there have been setbacks and failures, we Daqin people have never given up on the dream of becoming a powerful country. We are constantly striving every day and every moment. We have a You Jews, who are known as the richest people in this era, are you still working hard for the dream of restoring your country? Or did you accept your fate early and accept the bullying and oppression of other people?"

In Lu Jia's voice, there was a bit of mockery, a bit of sincerity, and a bit of pity. His narration and comparison of the history of the nation made the Jews feel proud and proud at the same time. The gap, and this gap not only comes from the history of the ancestors, but also from the reality.

King David of Judea was speechless for a long time, his face was red and white, and even the crown inlaid with gemstones on his head could not calm his state of mind at this time.


This dream has accumulated in the minds of countless generations of Jews. They think about it all the time, and they are working hard all the time, but the reality often gives the Jews a heavy blow at critical moments.

Now, from the words of the envoy of the Qin State with strong military strength to let the Jews return to the country, David is also a smart person. He guessed whether this is Qin's intention to support the Jews to establish a country. If it is true In that way, that's really great news.

"The dream of restoring the country, I, a Jew, has been working hard. When the envoy said this, did he want to humiliate us or help us!" David asked, staring at Lu Jia with bright eyes.

Lu Jia raised his scepter high above his head, and said loudly, "Before this envoy came, Emperor Shenwu said that the people of Daqin are a hospitable and courteous people. We will definitely help our friends and drive them away. Robbers, we will mercilessly wipe out our enemies without leaving any future troubles. Now, let King David choose whether to be friends or enemies!" (To be continued..)

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