Qiang Qin

Chapter 455 The Virgin Mary

Lu Jia's words are like a sharp knife, pointing at the heart of the Jews.

King David of Judea had a complex expression and was speechless. The ambitions and hopes that had been suppressed in his heart for many years were swallowed up by the raging flames of the alliance with Qin at this moment.

Compared with the three neighboring Ptolemaic kingdoms and Rome, which is only separated by the Mediterranean Sea, the distance between the Eastern Qin Kingdom and the Jews is too far away. Even if the Qin people now herd horses in the two river basins, David cannot believe this is true. You must know that maintaining such a vast and huge country is not something that can be done by manpower.

More than a hundred years ago, the majestic and powerful Alexander the Great of Macedonia failed to do so. 100 years later, David believes that it is impossible for the Qin people to rule this land for a long time.

In this case, it is an opportunity for the Jews to unite with the Qin people to deal with the vicious tigers next door. As long as they seize it, the Jews can fully use the powerful power of the Qin State to realize the rise of the Jews. One day in the future, the Qin people Go back to the east, this fertile land of ancestors is the world of the Jews.

"I don't know what the Emperor Shenwu meant when the envoy Lu said that?" Thinking of this, David asked Lu Jia loudly with a tender smile on his face.

"Haha, Emperor Shenwu has a letter and he is asking Lu to deliver it to King David. Please read it." Lu Jia nodded, then took out a scroll wrapped in sheepskin from his arms, and handed it to the Jewish attendant beside him.

Qin Guoxi came.

If you want to gain a long-term foothold in the east coast of the Mediterranean Sea, you need not only a strong military force and repeated immigrants, but also an ally you can rely on locally. In this regard, the Jews who have many believers and a long cultural heritage are undoubtedly The most suitable choice.

"For the matter of forming an alliance, please allow me to call the elders to discuss it before making a decision. The result should be reached within a few days." David Judah ordered the left and right while reading Li Yuan's letter.

"In that case, the envoy will leave first." Lu Jia smiled lightly, and nodded to the Jewish nobles who were still in a daze.That is to say, he turned his head up and prepared to leave.

"The envoy wait a moment. Come on, quickly send the envoy on land to the Maccabee Tavern to rest, and let the envoy enjoy the service of our beautiful and lovely Jewish women. Compared with the Orientals, What's the difference?" Before Lu Jia stepped out of the gate, David, the Jewish king, suddenly shouted anxiously.

He was still holding Li Yuan's letter in one hand, and he was waving vigorously with the other hand, the excitement and longing in his expression became more urgent.

Power is a good thing.

With it, you can do whatever you want under the rules of the game.

with it.You can crush one opponent after another who gets in your way.

The full name of King David of Judea was Maccabee David.The word David, in Hebrew, is almost the same as "David", but the same sound does not mean the same.

Although his Maccabee family is rich and owns the nation's largest fleet, largest shops, and most caravans, but in terms of blood, the Maccabee family only belongs to the Jewish tribe, that is to say, it is not King David. , King Solomon's direct lineage.

The impure bloodline greatly weakened the Maccabee family's control over the Jews.At the same time, the power structure and governing philosophy of the West are different from that of the East, which focuses on power. The Jewish nation has the right to make decisions.It is more in the parliament than the king. For important matters such as alliances, David is expensive as the leader.It cannot be decided overnight.

Although Li Yuan's letter is not long.

But it hits David right where he wants to go.For this period of Jewish history, Li Yuan has a clear description, and he read between the lines.It shows Qin's firm support for the Maccabee family.

The Maccabee family has money and the mind to make a fortune in business. What they lack is the support of the army and the hereditary blood status. Now that they can get the personal promise of Qin Wudi, David is not happy.

Lu Jia raised his head, his expression was full of pride and pride. It is very important for a diplomatic confrontation to have a wise and decisive emperor who can predict everything before the enemy.Over the years, with the strength of the Qin State, what Lu Jia felt in other countries was the infinite glory of being respected and admired by others.

However, for him who is over half a century old, such missions will be less and less every time, not because of any reason, but because of his age and body.Fortunately, in recent years, Lu Jia has also accepted several students who can speak well. Some missions from small countries can be directly handed over to them. point omission.



It is a holy place and a holy city for Christianity.

In this era before Jesus was born, its name was the City of David.

After coming down from the Mount of Olives palace complex, Lu Jia and his party, under the protection of Jewish soldiers, headed for the place where they were arranged to live. In order to show his sincerity, David placed Lu Jia and others in the house run by the Maccabees family. In the largest and most luxurious restaurant.

Under the Temple Mount, the autumn scenery gradually turns from dark green to pale yellow. The Maccabee family restaurant is next to the most prosperous river mouth in the city. There are many shops here, and there are many people here. Businessmen from different parts of the Mediterranean, and The poor who live at the bottom of society.

At the entrance of the Maccabee Restaurant.

A few sundry peddlers were drinking hard. Lu Jia and the others had obviously different faces from Westerners, which made their hearts jump wildly.

"This is a mysterious big businessman from the East. If you can gain their trust, you will make a fortune." With this in mind, Jewish peddlers crowded forward and sold their products to the Qin mission. object.

The colorful shells from the Dead Sea are said to be given to beloved women to add a bit of beauty to their jewelry boxes.

The mythical beast from Egypt, the Sphinx, is extremely ferocious, and it is said that it can restrain evil things.

The scimitar from the great Rome in the west is extremely sharp, and there are exquisite patterns on the handle——.

The peddlers shouted hoarsely, and they were not afraid of the Jewish soldiers who protected the envoys of the Qin State. Over the years, the Jews were oppressed by the Ptolemaic Three Kingdoms, and the construction of the army was far behind. At best, these soldiers were only security guards to maintain order That's all.

Lu Jia stopped in his tracks.

He is very interested in the customs of the West.

For an excellent lobbyist, only by knowing more about the opponent can he take the initiative at the negotiating table.Not long ago, Li Yuan talked about the development history of the various ethnic groups in the Mediterranean area in a conversation with the generals of the Qin Army and his cronies. These stories from foreign countries made Lu Jia and others feel novel.

"Uncle, do you want a blanket, a thick wool felt blanket, weaved by myself, guaranteed not to be trampled on!" Suddenly, a weak and soft voice rang in Lu Jia's ear.

Lu Jia searched for the sound, but saw a Jewish girl who was only eight or nine years old at a stall on the left, looking at him with a pair of hazel round eyes.

The little girl was wearing an old linen shirt, which was very thin, but it was washed very clean. Her appearance was persistent and focused, which made Lu Jia suddenly feel an unreasonable sense of guilt for not buying her things.

"It's going to be hot, no matter how thick or strong this felt blanket is, I can't use it." Lu Jia knelt down, stroked the little girl's hair, and said.

This little girl has the complexion of a Western Jew, but her appearance and expression are very similar to those of an Eastern girl. Lu Jia, who has been away for a long time, suddenly thinks of her little girl in Chang'an City.

"The hot weather will pass, and it will be cold again after a while, uncle, it was a gift from King David that we met once, but there is no guarantee that we will meet again next time." The little girl was nervous Lu Jia couldn't help laughing out loud at her words.

That's right.

Hot and cold days alternate with each other.

But this has nothing to do with whether to buy a felt blanket, nor does it have anything to do with whether the little girl can meet Lu Jia again.It's just that the little girl put the two things together and said it pitifully. After hearing it, people felt that there seemed to be a little truth in it. If she really didn't buy it, she would feel a little sorry.

"There is some truth in saying that. There are still ten people here. If you can persuade them one by one, little girl, we will take over the blankets you put on sale." Lu Jia said with a laugh.

as a debater.

He attached great importance to eloquence, and the little girl's plausible defense made Lu Jia feel admiration. For a while, he couldn't help thinking of testing the little girl.

"Is this true? Maria has heard that you Orientals have a promise of "Once you say something, it's hard to chase after it". If I do it, you will have all these rugs and my family's." Buy it." The little girl looked at Lu Jia with her brown starry eyes and said.

"Haha, Maria, that's a good name. Don't worry, we Daqin people keep our word. We want as many blankets as you have!" Lu Jia laughed.

Western rugs.

It is a sought-after commodity in Qin State. This is because of the long distance and difficult roads. Even if Qin State conquered the entire Central Asia and the Middle East, this Silk Road is still extremely difficult. The only way to transport them to the East is still a section of relay transportation.

However, this method of transporting goods with added money is not necessary for the Qin Mission.Along the way, with the protection of soldiers at the station specially provided by the Qin army, there is no need to worry too much about the safety of the goods. In this glorious era when the Qin army swept across the Western Regions, no tribe dared to take the risk of extermination in the face of the lessons learned by the Huns. , to rob the goods protected by the Qin army.

Under Lu Jia's watchful eyes, Maria walked into the group of youths much younger than Lu Jia with a lovely smile on her face. The little girl's loli appearance and sweet smile made her quickly It became the focus of the young people of Qin State. (to be continued..)

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