Qiang Qin

Chapter 456 The Future of Damascus

Men are lustful.

On this point, it is the same whether you are an Easterner or a Westerner, and it is the same whether you are an old person or a young person.

Maria is beautiful and lovely.

In addition, the quality of handmade felt blankets is indeed much better than those on the market. The young hormonal male compatriots in Qin State were defeated one by one by the little Lolita's words and facial expressions. Jia had to admit that he somewhat underestimated the lethality of this little girl.

Felt blankets filled almost half of the room. Fortunately, the accommodation provided by the Maccabees family was spacious enough. Otherwise, Lu Jia, the ambassador, would have to share a room with his subordinates.

The Jewish council begins three days later.

The impatient King David of Judea, after persuading the forces of dissent within the Maccabees family, began to lobby the nobles of various ministries.In the end, under the strong impetus of King David, the ten elders of the Jewish Council voted for it with seven votes and three votes against it, and passed the resolution to make friends with Qin and make an alliance.

The veterans who supported the alliance with the Qin State were mostly supported by big merchants. These people knew the huge wealth brought by the Silk Road. As long as this business road exists, they can continuously absorb more wealth than before , so as to win a better life for their own nation and their families.

Compared with the supporters, the three votes against clearly represent the impoverished Jewish poor class, the spokesperson of the Kingdom of Antigonus supported by the Jewish nobles, and one elder who is the Roman Republic on the Apennine Peninsula who is looking down on the wealth of the East. Support objects.

The people of Philip V, King of Antigonus, could not afford to make any big waves, and the puppets of the Romans were also targeted by David early on. These two hidden dangers are not a concern. King David's line of power made David and others even more frightened.

Like any nation, the contradiction between nobles and commoners is sharp and cannot be compromised.The fact that the Jewish nation is divided into two levels has reduced the cohesion within the nation to a dangerous level, and the patriarch David Joseph, who represented the poor, was suddenly assassinated after voting against it.

Joseph was stabbed in the stomach.

Soon after, he was seriously injured and died. The extremely angry Jewish poor gathered in front of the Temple Mount, demanding that King David hand over the murderer and severely punish the mastermind behind the scenes.At the time of Guan Jian, who was in alliance with Qin, a riot occurred, which made King David of Judea furious. The next day he mobilized the army under the orders of the Maccabees.Suppress rioters.

Within the Jewish people, there was a constant struggle between the two factions. In front of the temple, blood flowed like a river, and the sound of crying echoed between the Mount of Olives and the Dead Sea.

Regarding the infighting among the Jews, Lu Jia did not express much, the so-called Senate in the West.He is not interested in the so-called democracy. In this bloody era, only the forces with military power have the right to speak.And the rest of the protesters are just weaklings.

When he left Jerusalem, Lu Jia brought back not only the promise of the Jews, but also five carts of felt blankets.The Jewish nobles seeing off looked at the piles of blankets, and thought that the Qin mission had fallen into the scheme of a little Jewish girl, and they couldn't help laughing inwardly.

The mission convoy headed east.

It is not far from Dongyang City, the new city of Qin State in the Syrian Plateau.The convoy came to a halt, and the young messengers opened the blankets above, and crawled out a thin and frail little one.

"Maria, come out and have a look! Our new city in Daqin." A young man from the state of Qin yelled loudly, and carried the little girl out of the pile of felt blankets.

"This bluestone wall is so tall, and you people from Qin are so skillful in your hands. Maria must go to Qin!" The little girl narrowed her eyes slightly and muttered to herself in a daze.

Riots among the Jews.

For those powerful factions in the upper class, victory or defeat is nothing, at most it is just a few humble lives, but for a child from a poor family like Maria, it means the whole of life.


Maria's father became a victim in this riot, and Maria, who became an orphan, had nowhere to turn, so she had to find Lu Jia, an uncle who seemed to have a good impression.


Dongyang City.

That is to say, Damascus of later generations, the capital of the Kingdom of Syria, this oasis pearl located on the Syrian Plateau, was inhabited by humans as early as 1 BC. In the 15th century BC, Damascus was occupied by the ancient Egyptians. In the 12th century BC, The Aramaic people took over here and made major improvements to the city's water supply system.

The water of the Barada River flows through every corner of the city through the newly opened underground canal. The advanced water supply network of the Romans was learned from the Aramaes, and many of Li Yuan’s ideas in the process of building the new Chang’an were also adopted. It is from the ancient city of Damascus.

Before the Qin army occupied Damascus, it experienced the rule periods of the Neo-Babylonian Kingdom, the Persian Empire, the Macedonian Empire, and the Seleucid Kingdom. With the prosperity of Antigonus on the Anatolian Peninsula, the importance of Damascus It is also decreasing day by day.

The Qin army stationed 5000 troops in Dongyang City. The guards of this border city were generals, one of the few generals in the Qin army: Huan Chu.

This Chudi athlete from Jiangdong has now fully integrated into the Qin army system, and nearly three thousand Jiangdong disciples under his command constitute the backbone of Dongyang's defenders.

Upon receiving the news of Lu Jia’s return from his envoy, Huan Chu led his own soldiers to greet them ten miles outside the city. Several herds of bison were frightened by the power of the Qin army, and they flew into the air immediately. Generally flee to the depths of the grassland.

The Qin army marched west.

Among the seven cities, Dongyang City, Yanhuang City, Xin'an City, and Xiyong City are the most important. Among them, Xin'an City has been designated by Li Yuan as the capital of the western part of the Great Qin Dynasty, while Dongyang and other three cities are The semi-circular arches surround Xin'an City, and they are like stars, protecting the safety of Xin'an City.

Huan Chu naturally knew very well the purpose of Lu Jia's mission to the Jewish settlement, and he was eager to ask how Lu Jia's mission was going, when he was suddenly surprised to find that Lu Jia, a half-century old man, suddenly had a young man beside him. Only nine or ten-year-old girls.

"What's going on here? Could it be that Mr. Lu suddenly lost his temper and decided to try women from other races, but this taste is too strong." Huan Chu winked, with a knowing smile on his face.

"Uncle, is this big brother sick? Why are his eyes always squinting?" Maria looked at Huan Chu for a while, and asked Lu Jia curiously.

"Haha, Maria is right. This kid is sick, and he's very sick. He needs to be treated properly." Lu Jia laughed and coughed, and said.

Lu Jia naturally saw the teasing smile in Huan Chu's eyes, and when he was about to teach Huan Chu a lesson, Maria's question put Lu Jia in a good mood.

"This little girl is indeed a fine person."

Huan Chu's face turned dark, and he led the mission to Dongyang City in a silent manner. He intended to make fun of Lu Jia, but unexpectedly he was molested by the little girl. good to go.

Maria is weird.

The spirit of independence, self-improvement, and freedom in Western girls is still evident in her. After getting acquainted with the Qin Mission, Maria, who has a great interest in Eastern civilization, secretly set a new goal in her heart. She vowed that she must go to Chang'an City, the eastern capital, to take a look in person, take a walk, and see the prosperity and customs of the eastern land with her own eyes. If possible, she would also like to meet Li Yuan, the great emperor of martial arts. Look at this What kind of person is the mysterious oriental who built a huge empire single-handedly?


What kind of person is Li Yuan?

Maria was curious.

As for Li Yuan, who is determined to establish a civilization belonging to the Qin people and belonging to the East in the Middle East and Central Asia, many things have been turbulent these days, and there is almost no time to stop.

Military occupation is only the first step in governing the country.

In order to maintain the stability of a regime for a long time, such issues as internal political governance, concern for people's livelihood, development of the local economy, and resettlement of new immigrants must all be taken seriously.

Xin'an City.

The abundant water of the Tigris River in summer and autumn roared across the plain and the desert, then all the way south, and finally disappeared into the waves of the Persian Gulf.

In a corner outside the city, a reclamation team consisting of [-] Qin army soldiers and thousands of local people is digging a canal not far from the river, preparing to introduce the water of the big river into a low-lying swamp.

Middle East area.

The climate here is different from that of the Central Plains. The weather here is mainly divided into two seasons, namely the rainy season and the dry season. The rainy season is from April to October every year, and the dry season is from November to March of the following year.

annual flood season.

The Tigris River and the Euphrates River are like two roaring giant dragons, rushing all the way through any blocking houses, trees and even cities. The predecessor of Xin'an City, the ancient city of Babylon, has been threatened by floods many times in history. The splendid civilization created by human beings has also been wiped out in the floods again and again.

Li Yuan was holding his trousers, stepping on the mud with one foot deep and one foot shallow. If the incoming water continues to be so large, Xin'an City will be soaked in floods.

Before deciding to use Babylon City as the central city in the western part of Great Qin, Li Yuan did not expect that the flood would bring such serious disasters to the Mesopotamia, and the attitude of the Babylonians living here towards the flood made him even more incredible.

"When the flood came, we ran to the mountains or high places to hide, and came back when we retreated." When Li Yuan convened the local tribal elders in the conference hall to inquire about the flood situation and how to fight the flood, what he got was actually Such an answer.

Eastern and Western people have different values.Easterners believe that "man will conquer nature", that is to say, relying on their own efforts, they can change the places where the natural conditions are not suitable for survival, while Westerners will say that this is arranged by God, and we believers cannot violate God's will.

To change all this, the people of Qin who came to Mesopotamia for the first time can only set an example and teach these lazy local aborigines with their own practical actions. (To be continued..)

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