Qiang Qin

Chapter 467 Afterglow of Greek Civilization

The Mediterranean Sea is magnificent. This vast sea between Europe, Africa and Asia has bred a splendid civilization that the West is proud of.

Among these ancient civilizations, Greek civilization is the most eye-catching one.

Numerous islands, different cultures, and dhows traveling between the islands have connected city-state civilizations scattered all over the world with different characteristics.

The greatest epics of the West were written here.

The Olympic flame is lit here.

Unfortunately, all these glory ended in the third century BC. The rise of Macedonia ended the history of the independent city-state alliance of the Greeks. After that, the Greeks never stood up again.

A Homer epic, a Trojan war, not only made Achilles, Hector and other mythical heroes, but also made Helen, the beautiful woman who caused disasters to the country, a household name.No one has explored the real history, and the Odyssey heroes who inspired the Greeks were gradually submerged in the dust of history under the impetus of time.

caused this decline.

Not only the country's downfall, but also the departure of sages one by one.

Homer, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle—these prophets who are famous in Western history have all gone with the wind, and their disciples, whether it is Theophrastus or Dean Carl and Gemetheus, when it comes to learning, they really look like idiots, but when it comes to talent, they are far inferior to the teachers.

In this regard, Aristotle actually has to bear a great responsibility, because his most proud disciple is none other than the Macedonian Alexander who destroyed Greece.

February [-]th.

In the evening, the setting sun leaves a long string of afterglow on the sea.

Haifa Bay.

It's like a big storage box with its mouth wide open, receiving the breathing of merchant ships from various places along the Mediterranean coast, during the winter of last year.The first major cooperation intention reached by the alliance between the Jews and the Qin State was to expand the deep-water port in Haifa Bay.

With the participation of Qin State's advanced technology, the construction of the dock in Haifa Port went smoothly. The plan was very secretive at the beginning. The Jews deliberately concealed their alliance with Qin State. The bandits have struggled so much between neighboring countries that even though they have the heart to resist, they are still afraid.

The first to expose this plan were Greek businessmen from Beirut Bay and Haifa Bay. The first thing they discovered was a group of yellow-skinned people appeared on the coast.These orientals, who are not tall, but have a formidable temperament, seem to appear out of thin air, making people suspicious.

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Compared with Macedonia, which is mostly an inland country and not close to the Aegean Sea and the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, the Greeks who advocate industry and commerce and use ships as a means of transportation need to understand the actions of the Qin army. some more.

"What are these Qin people doing here? How did they mix with the Jews?"

"Look, what's that? They're building a dock. Could it be that they want to build a fleet for an expedition across the sea? How is this possible. Even if the Qin people had warships, they couldn't find enough sailors."

"Don't think about it. These days, as long as you have money, you can get anything. On this coast, you just have to call, and you can't find any kind of people. Captains, sailors, oarsmen, deck crew, There are."

with deep apprehension.Merchants from different countries brought what they saw back home. Unfortunately, their reminders have little reference value for the Mediterranean countries that are under the strong threat of the Romans.

"The Phoenicians are building a port. Are they crazy? There is a war every three days. Don't wait for the dock to be built before it is occupied by others?" In the temple of Crete, the origin of Greek civilization In one of the places, the elders of the Cretan Citizens' Assembly looked disdainful when they heard the news.

The area around the Dead Sea in the Mediterranean Sea where the Jews live used to be the place where the Phoenicians lived. The elders of Crete are used to calling them this way. In their view, there is no difference between the Jews and the Phoenicians.

The Cretans are like this. On the Greek peninsula, the upper class of Greece, which is caught in the civil war between the Peloponnesian League and the Delian League, has no interest at all.


Regardless of whether the upper nobles are interested or not.

With the opening of the Silk Road that runs through the entire Asian continent, the trade between the East and the West has become more prosperous. Not only Europeans from the West have reached the East, but also Daqin people from the East have traveled thousands of miles to the West. They are not only for business. The interests of the country represent the interests of Qin.

The 16th year of the Great Qin calendar.

The first month, spring.

A dhow sailing with the flag of the Greek Merchant Group is sailing along the eastern coastline of the Mediterranean Sea in Cyprus. The dhow is the most advanced technology of this era. It can ensure that the sailors can control the speed and direction of the ship regardless of the wind or headwind. Take control.

This is a large merchant ship with 36 crew members. Its lower cabin is filled with Western utensils that have just been exchanged from the Apennine Peninsula and Crete.

Trading has always been two-way. While oriental silk swept across the upper class of European nobles, these artifacts from foreign countries also began to become popular in the Central Plains.

on the side of the ship.

A young man with an oriental face was pale and bent over, vomiting violently. The upside-down waves made him feel like he was on a roller coaster. The little food he ate before boarding the boat had all returned to the sea in a short while.

"Jia Sheng, you're seasick, haha, it's okay, as long as you get used to it, it's the same when I, Dikal, went out to sea with my teacher for the first time."

Behind the young man, a fat man with a round body and curly hair laughed loudly, standing firmly on the deck with his feet spread apart, looking at him, he looked like he was standing on land.

"Dikar, you are bragging again. When the teacher accepted you as a student, you were over 80 years old. How could you go out to sea again?" On the deck of the ship, an old man with a messy hair and a red nose lowered his head while concentrating on studying Holding a picture from the Great Eastern Qin Dynasty, he said sarcastically.

"Gemiseus, you old guy, don't think I'm afraid of you. If you don't believe me, let's compare again." After being punctured, Dikar blushed and said angrily.

"Andy, Gemmie, you two, when you arrive at Haifa Port, you will know that riding a horse is very comfortable, and it is much more enjoyable than taking a boat." After a long time, the young man who had just regained his strength finally had a counterattack Strength, said to two old guys who were more than 30 years older than him.

"Jia Sheng, the Emperor Shenwu you mentioned who invented this map mark is really in Babylon." Gemetheus asked, staring at the parchment in his hand.

"Of course, but the city of Babylon has been renamed Xin'an City, and you will see an eastern city rising along the two rivers in a short time." Jia Sheng smiled and nodded proudly.

Lyceum College.

The school founded by the great ancient Greek thinker Aristotle, and the works of Socrates, Plato and others can be found in the original version here. It can be said that the essence of Western civilization is here.

Dikar and Gemetheus.

These two slovenly guys are the two new disciples of Aristotle's disciple Theophrastus in his later years. Compared with the teachers who guarded the Lyceum Academy diligently, the actions of these two disciples are really He has lost his identity as a professor of the academy and a bachelor of the Western University.

A young man named Jia Sheng came from the state of Qin. He was one of the young missionaries under Lu Jia. He was born in Luoyang. Ten years ago, he was just a little boy with a runny nose. Ten years later, as the most famous and talented scholar in Sanchuan County, Jia Yi began to become famous in Guanzhong.

In recent years, when it comes to debaters.

Lu Jia, a great debater who went all over the world and successfully lobbied South Vietnam, Wusun, and Jews, is a well-deserved No.1.Later, Kuai Tong, Zhao Ping and others also gained a place in their respective fields of expertise.

Talented people come out from generation to generation, each leading the way for 500 years.

Lived for more than ten years.

Coupled with the huge wealth brought by expeditions again and again, the lives of the people of Qin have been greatly improved. However, the contradictions of land mergers and more people and less land that occurred in the bottleneck stage of social and economic development in the past are not prominent in Qin. It is due to the Western Expedition launched by Li Yuan.

"Go to the west to pan for gold—those brave men who follow the army have made a fortune."

"Brothers, if we miss this opportunity, we will have no choice but to stay in this village. How about going out and making a venture, what are the risks? We are still young and can stand the toss."

Young people in Guanzhong, Guandong, and Jiangdong bid farewell to their parents and relatives one by one, and embarked on the unknown road to the west. Among them were warriors who hoped to join the Qin army to fight in all directions, and there were also talented people who had read scriptures and could read and write. .

Jia Yi, a great talent in Luoyang.

Jia Yi can almost recite the deeds of these ancestors. Originally, he thought that Qin State was so powerful that as an eloquent debater, he no longer had room to play. After making the battlefield unimaginable to the people of Qin, Jia Yi realized that he was wrong.

The Qin State, which has a huge territory, needs more talents to serve it, and when Lu Jia is getting old, the young Jia Yi and others finally waited for the opportunity.

Now, it depends on whether you can catch it. Jia Yi knows that among the disciples brought by Lu Jia, there are many who have their eyes fixed on the No. 1 position in diplomacy, and if he competes with them in a regular manner, there is no possibility at all. Sex, so he wants to be surprised.

This time, he followed the caravan to the Greek peninsula, and, with a solid tongue, and a miniature map and sand table that were not a secret in the East, Jia Yi won two prizes from the most famous Lyceum Academy in Greece. He was favored by a famous professor, and under his lobbying, Dikar and Gemetheus even came up with the idea of ​​traveling to the East. (To be continued..)

ps: Thank you very much for your rewards and likes from Yinshihaiying book friends, your encouragement is my motivation to move forward.

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