Qiang Qin

Chapter 468 The danger of "**"

Haifa Bay.

A group of guests were ushered in, and another group of guests was sent away.

Since the Qin army conquered West Asia and the Middle East, Western merchants' desire for wealth has been unprecedentedly high. Items from the East can be obtained at a lower price, and those exquisite ornaments from the West can also be smoothly transported to the Chang'an area. , if it comes to danger, it is the possible accidents on the sea, as well as the turmoil caused by the endless wars between Western Rome, Macedonia and Carthage.

In the midst of being busy, the Jewish merchants all smiled. They have never been so happy this year. Since the alliance with Qin, not only has the trade route been unimpeded, but also the Macedonia, Ptolemy, and Cypriot who exploited them severely in the past The tax officials of the three powerful neighbors of Lixi are no longer visible.

Dikar, Gemisius, and Jia Yi and their party abandoned the ship and landed, and headed eastward along the newly completed Haifa-Dongyang-Xin'an Expressway.

A galloping build.

It demonstrates Qin's firm confidence in long-term rule of West Asia and Central Asia.Dikal and these Greek great scholars were on the way, looking left and right and kept busy. What they saw along the way made them feel novel. Teams of orientals with faces similar to Jia Yi were burying their heads in ramming the soil to build a foundation.

"Jia Sheng, are these your brothers? They look just like you?" Gemetheus asked suspiciously, making Jia Yi almost out of breath.

Analyzing from the aesthetic point of view of Westerners, people of the yellow race are generally about the same size, and their faces are not different. The age of these heavy soldiers who are responsible for building Chidao is similar to that of Jia Yi. Really little difference.

"But all the people of the Great Qin in the Western Regions are of course my brothers Jia Yi. We are all descendants of the Great Emperor. We follow the banner of Great Qin all the way to the west and are invincible." the rising stage.Every Qin person is lucky, and the person who brought this luck is none other than Li Yuan.

From Haifa to Dongyang.

It took Jia Yi and others seven days, which was a lot slower compared with the traffic conditions of highways in later generations, but compared with the previous situation, it was much faster.At night, Dikal and others rested in the station along the way.This kind of post station not only has fair food and accommodation, but also is protected by the Qin army, so there is no need to worry about unscrupulous robbers coming and harassing.

This time when he came to the east, maybe Gemetheus, a nerd, only wanted to see the civilization of the east and see the things that fascinated him mysteriously, but Dikal had other ideas.

In addition to being the grandson of Aristotle, Dikal was also a big merchant in Sparta, and he had as many as seven caravans.Each of them is almost composed of more than ten merchant ships, large and small.

If you go east this time.

If you can meet the Emperor Shenwu of Qin, then the door to wealth in the east is right in front of you, Dikar believes.The history and skills of the Greeks in business are not much worse than those of the Jews. As long as he shows enough sincerity, he will definitely be able to gain Li Yuan's trust.


Here come the Greeks.

Egyptians in the valley of the Nile.It didn't take long.

Egypt in this era was also at a low tide of civilization, and the Ptolemaic dynasty from the other side of the Mediterranean had passed down for five generations.This dynasty, which likes close relatives to marry and brothers and sisters to marry each other, is gradually declining from strength to strength, and this trend of decline is inevitable.

The evil consequences of inbreeding have made the wisdom of the Ptolemy kings gradually lower. Under unavoidable circumstances, the royal family can only replace the king who is not able to take care of himself with the queen. This situation began when Ptolemy IV Appeared, and when it came to the fifth and sixth generations, it became more obvious.

When the Kingdom of Jinling Seleucid fell, Ptolemy IV was massacring his mother, several brothers, and uncles in the country, and even his wife was also his sister.The final result of this kind of massacre was that Ptolemy IV, who had become extremely crazy, was overthrown by a coup d'état.

Ptolemy V, who replaced him on the throne, ascended the throne at the age of five and married the Macedonian royal family Cleopatra at the age of 12. This kind of political marriage has a long history. The original intention was just to maintain the relationship among the three generals of Alexander. Their fragile trust is a means to be used.

It's just that, for any woman, marrying a mentally handicapped person is an indescribable tragedy.Even if the retarded man is a king.

When the Ptolemaic dynasty finally collapsed, the name Cleopatra left the most tragic and strong stroke in the history of Egypt.

Cleopatra VII.

A woman as beautiful as a fairy and with a heart like a snake, she forgot her husband in the palace, she mastered all the power in Egypt, she exchanged her body for the trust of Caesar, the emperor of the Roman Empire, and single-handedly provoked Oda A battle between two Roman heroes, Vivian and Antony.

Of course, for now, these are all idle speculations by Li Yuan when he saw the envoy of the Ptolemaic Kingdom. After the Qin State arrived in the west, it is not certain whether the Ptolemaic Kingdom can inherit the seventh generation. Therefore, this Time and space are also unlikely to have a figure like Cleopatra.

It's a pity that Elizabeth Taylor's performance really made the man's blood boil. It's been a long time since Li Yuan thought about all kinds of past lives, and found that his hormones are rising rapidly. In front of him, the little beauty Yan Feng is wearing an Egyptian dress. People like to appear in front of them in transparent tulle.

"How is it? Is it very clear? Be careful, what should I tell the three queen mothers?" In the palace of Xin'an City, Yan Feng leaned on Li Yuan's shoulder and said with a sigh of relief.

this time.Under her daring attack, Li Yuan's psychological defense is gradually collapsing. Not everyone can resist the attack of the invincible young girl, especially a mature man like Li Yuan who has been thirsty for many days.

For a majestic man, it is not only the battlefield, but also the field of love.Yan Feng throws herself into the trap, and it cannot be said that Ying Yushu and the others don't know about the unrequited love of little Lolita. Yan Feng's ability to get close to Li Yuan is due to the indulgence of Li Yuan's three queens.

between man and woman.

Born with unequal physical conditions.

Men aged 40 to [-] are in their prime, and for women who have raised children, the element of love gradually no longer occupies the whole of life. They pay more attention to the growth and status of their children. At one stage, the brilliance of motherhood overwhelmed everything.

In Ying Yushu's eyes, Li Ye gradually replaced Li Yuan and became the protagonist in her life, especially when Li Ye was about to reach adulthood, Ying Yushu had a lot of trouble choosing who to be his princess.In addition, the daughter of Xin Zhui and Li Yuan is now nine years old. This little princess is beautiful and lovely. She is a perfect little lolita. The whole Qin State loves her very much, and Xin Zhui, the mother, is also afraid of being a little girl. If there is any mistake in the girl, she guards it every day without stopping.

Yan Feng took advantage of this opportunity to enter at this moment, and her little thoughtfulness might have been noticed by Ying Yushu who was twice her age.

However, sooner or later, a new woman will appear beside Li Yuan. Since Yan Feng has this intention, it is better than a woman who does not know how to jump out of nowhere.

"Go tell me and try it, aren't you afraid that I'll beat your ass hard?" Li Yuan snorted coldly, and Yan Feng's repeated provocations made Li Yuan's heart ache.

"Do you dare?" Yan Feng rolled his eyes, puffed up his chest, and said.

"Crack!" With a crisp sound, Li Yuan finally couldn't hold back, and caressed the plump buttocks of the little woman in front of him with a pair of big hands.

The tender and smooth feeling of the tentacles was transmitted to the brain, making the giant under Li Yuan's crotch even bigger.

"Hey!" Yan Feng exclaimed, Li Yuan's top was right in front of Yan Feng who was standing unsteadily, the little girl's round eyes were wide open, and the tall fleshy pillar in front of her was The most powerful symbol of a man, and she is about to usher in the moment of being conquered. (To be continued..)

ps: Work hard for the second update, and ask for a monthly pass at the end of the month.There are also recommended tickets, um.That's it.

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