Qiang Qin

Chapter 469 Constantinople Crisis

The relationship between a man and a woman is the distance between a layer of window paper.

As a talented emperor, Li Yuan's private life is almost impeccable in the eyes of many people in Qin. The scene of swords, lights and swords in the palace is really a model compared with the previous emperors of Qin.

Of course, if the matter between Li Yuan and Yan Feng is exposed, it will immediately cause a controversy in Qin State. No matter what era it is, there will always be no shortage of guardians. As far as the title is concerned, it is enough to attract attention.

As for whether Li Yuan and Yan Feng are related by blood, it doesn't matter to those defenders of the Tao. The guy, after being silent for a long time, has a place to play again.

Taboo this thing.

It is not allowed by morality, but it often makes people wonder.Li Yuan didn't care about the rumors of gossip and boring people, and in his capacity, he didn't bother to pay attention to these private activities.Besides, Li Yuan didn't pay attention, Yan Le, a cheap head of state with a special status, would never allow those who spilled dirty water on his daughter.

In Chang'an City in the east.

The relationship between Li Yuan and Yan Feng will become the focus of discussion.

In Xin'an city in the west.

This kind of combination between them will be replaced by another word, that is: love.Westerners have a more open attitude towards love than Easterners. In neighboring Egypt, brothers and sisters of the Ptolemaic dynasty, father and daughter, mother and son repeatedly staged heart-stirring dramas. In contrast, Li Yuan's A little fling was nothing at all.


Dikar and Gemetheus arrived in Xin'an City in late February.

When he saw a long black line rising from the flat ground from a distance, Gemetheus looked excited and pointed his hands to his chest.He couldn't stop muttering to himself.

The city of the East!

For Greek scholars, it is a mysterious mystery. If this kind of huge circular city wall is to be built beautifully and united, it is also necessary to distinguish the outer city, inner city, and urn city, and then build towers in different places. , Watchtowers, battlements, the manpower and hours it takes, the Greeks who are only city-states feel horrible when they think about it.

This is the difference between the power of the whole country and the power of the whole city.The Greeks under the loose city-state alliance system.Personality is free and open-minded, but it is also because of this that they are afraid of expansion and unity.

After Jia Yi entered the city, he took a short rest and introduced two Greek scholars to Li Yuan. This was his greatest achievement in his trip to Greece, no matter if he came here on purpose, or if Dikar and the others came here intentionally.As long as he came, it was Jia Yi's ability. As for the envy and jealousy of those colleagues who couldn't bear hardships, Jia Yi didn't take it to heart.

Li Yuan's arrival of the two disciples of Aristotle.He showed enough sincerity. From his feelings, Greece is the birthplace of Western civilization and an important node of human progress in this world.For the great sages in human history, of course we should respect them.

Dikar and the others did not expect that in the far east.And such a great king would be interested in their doctrinal writings.In addition to being happy, the Greeks began to tell Li Yuan about their misfortunes in recent years.

After the Macedonians occupied Greece, they adopted a divide-and-rule strategy against the Greeks. Among them, Sparta, representing the Peloponnesian League, received strong support, while Athens, representing the Delian League, was suppressed. Aristotle was murdered at an advanced age.

The Great Eastern Emperor respected the virtuous and virtuous, which moved Dikar and Gemetheus, who had been neglected for a long time. Since the death of Alexander in the Macedonian Kingdom, one generation of kings is not as good as the next generation. Correspondingly, the emphasis on natural science, history and humanities is not as good. , which made life difficult for Lyceon College.

Talk about it.

It made Dikar and Gemetheus have a deep interest in Eastern civilization. Under Li Yuan's suggestion, these two Western sages are going to go to Chang'an, the eastern capital, to experience Yanhuang culture that is different from Greek culture. Civilized, Jia Yi was appointed by Li Yuan as the plenipotentiary accompanying ambassador, responsible for the safety and diet of the two Greek scholars along the way.

This mission to Greece gave Jia Yi the first opportunity to show his ability alone, and Li Yuan also repeatedly urged Jia Yi, implying that he would find a way to keep these two great scholars for Qin.

In Xin'an City.

The state of Qin is building a second comprehensive school, and there are many students. What is lacking now is teachers with real knowledge, and Dikar and Gemetheus are the best choices.And through these two people, Li Yuan also hoped to deceive more Western sages from Lu Ke'ang Academy.

According to his thinking, anyway, there is no way out for these people to stay in the dead and civil strife in Greece. It is better to change places and go to Xin'an City to make use of the waste heat. This is also of great significance to the inheritance and development of ancient Greek civilization.


Same February.

Constantinople in the eastern Balkans.

A confrontation took place between the Roman army and the Qin army. The [-] Gauls led by Roman general Peterus finally reached the eastern end from the western end of the Balkan Peninsula after more than [-] days of hard trekking in the ice and snow.

Along the way, Peetus occasionally encountered Thracians who had been routed from Constantinople, and the accounts of these defeated soldiers shocked him.

"The Qin people really took only one night to capture Constantinople, which is known as the city that never falls. How is this possible? You must know that there are still [-] Thracian soldiers in the city. According to Peterus' imagination, Under the protection of [-] soldiers, if the siege troops want to win the city, it is possible to have at least five times the strength of the city. Moreover, it will not take three or two days to capture the city, at least it will take more than half a month——! "

With doubts, Peterus led his troops to Constantinople.

The easternmost city in the European continent that appeared in front of him was built on a high hill facing the sea. , made him feel an invisible coercion.

"Come here, send a messenger into the city, and say that General Peterus, the great Roman, wants to have a briefing with the Qin commander, and the time will not be later than noon tomorrow—!"

Although he was surprised by the appearance of the Qin people, Peterus was still full of confidence. This time he did not come alone, but with him were ten thousand Gaul warriors who fought in Europe. These Roman soldiers were all equipped with chest protection The bronze armor on the vital parts such as head and head, and the javelins, daggers and shields in their hands are the excellent war equipment in the Roman army. more stressful.

News of the arrival of the Roman army.

A day and a half ago, they were sent back by the scouts of the Qin army who had gone out. The Qin army's chief general Cao Xin and deputy general Ji Xin who guarded Constantinople immediately gathered all the generals and staff under their command to discuss countermeasures.Unlike when there were reinforcements in the past, before the Qin Navy was established, the guarding Qin army hanging alone on the west bank of the strait had to face all possible enemies independently.

"General, the plan of our staff department is to take advantage of the opportunity to meet with the Roman generals tomorrow to arrange an ambush composed of thunder soldiers, machine crossbowmen and pikemen at a suitable location. If there is any change at that time, we can take advantage of the opportunity Fight out, capture and kill the enemy's general in one fell swoop, and as long as it succeeds, the Roman crowd will have no leader, and they will surely collapse without fighting." Among the generals, a young captain who looked like a military commander said loudly.

"Hiss!" The suggestion was made, and all the generals who listened took a deep breath.Capture the thief and capture the king, the young man's idea is really bold and tight. If it succeeds, it will indeed solve the current crisis in Constantinople in one fell swoop, but if this plan fails, it will undoubtedly trigger a fierce battle between the Qin army and the Roman army. If the situation expands, it may even attract several times the enemy's invasion.

"This plan is inappropriate. Our sea route still lacks fleet protection. If we are besieged by the enemy for a long time, we will fall into a difficult and protracted battle. This is not suitable for Your Majesty's strategy. Since the Romans want to negotiate, Then promise him once, and listen to their suggestions." Ji Xin thought for a while, and remonstrated with Cao Xin.

Cao Xin is bold and magnanimous, and Ji Xin cooperates with him very tacitly. Ji Xin dare not hide anything about such a strategy that involves the overall situation. His suggestion is quite different from the thinking of the young staff officer just now , This different point of view also plunged the generals of the Qin army into a debate.

Cao Xin kept a straight face and remained silent for a long time. The generals below were discussing a lot, which disturbed him a bit. In all honesty, he really didn't like the job of negotiating. According to his old temperament in the past, he would If you want to win benefits, you have to fight desperately on the battlefield with real knives and guns.

But now, he is no longer just a vanguard general receiving orders, but the master general of a city, and the safety of more than [-] generals in the city is tied to him.

"General Cao Xin, you can be selected as the chief defender of the city. What I value is your ability and wisdom, not how many enemy heads you killed on the battlefield. Do you understand this? "

"Constantinople is an important support point for our Great Qin to stand on the west bank of the strait. Its existence is related to the future development and survival of our Great Qin, and it is related to the rise and fall of our strength with foreign countries in the West. Therefore, what are you doing? When making any decision, first think about these words of mine—!"

Li Yuan’s words of exhortation echoed in Cao Xin’s ears. This was what Li Yuan left Cao Xin alone at the meeting in Xiyong City. Cao Xin might still have conflicts with what others said, but he kept Li Yuan’s words in his heart. .

"General Ji, go and make arrangements. At noon tomorrow, I will lead the army out of the city to have a meeting with the Romans. As for what to talk about and how to talk about it, it depends on the sincerity of the Romans. Our generals in Daqin have never been afraid of any threats. We have to negotiate." We welcome those who want to fight, and we are not afraid." Cao Xin said loudly. (to be continued..)

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