Qiang Qin

Chapter 473 Cleopatra

In March, the climate in northern Africa is pleasant, and the hot summer has not yet arrived, and the flood of the Nile River, which made the Egyptians change their faces, will not sweep across the entire delta until October.

The Qin army chose to attack Egypt at this time. It was not aimless. Long before sending troops, Menghu sent Hu merchants who had converted to Tianshi to infiltrate into the Nile River Basin. They carefully scattered everywhere to collect information and draw maps. , providing Qin Jun with a series of useful information.

Over the years, the important information on the Qin army's westward expedition has been provided by Menghu's military intelligence department, and its accuracy rate has won the praise of Qin's generals at all levels.

Unlike the generals who fought and made meritorious service on the battlefield, Meng Hu has been quite unknown in recent years. His name has been gradually forgotten by the Qin people. Most young Qin soldiers can no longer remember that during the Unification War, That fat and tough general in the Great Qin Frontier Army.

"There are always people who have to do some things. As for the things that show off, I leave it to the young people." Meng Hu, who is nearly forty years old, often comforts his subordinates with these words when he faces their dissatisfaction. Being peaceful also made him even more respected by Li Yuan.

The generals who lead the army in battle, the Qin army is now full of talents, and there is no shortage.What is really rare is the down-to-earth person who can share Li Yuan's worries. For institutions such as the Military Intelligence Department and the Zhijing Department, a strong, shrewd and reliable candidate is needed. Caught in the blind man's blind horse.


The so-called 20 Qin army came overwhelmingly.

Along the way, the cities and barriers of the Ptolemaic Kingdom were completely destroyed. After capturing Cairo, an important town in the lower reaches of the Nile, Li Yuan pointed at Alexander without hesitation.

The Egyptians were left alone.

Among the allies of Ptolemy V, King Antioch of Seleucid was killed by the Qin army long ago, and King Philip V of Macedonia was being held in the city of Pella by the Romans at this time. Across the sea to support Egypt.On the contrary, Macedonian rescue messengers also came over from the sea in batches, asking Ptolemy V to send reinforcements to rescue him.

The descendants of the once powerful Alexander the Great, after more than [-] years of debauchery, finally reached their final point on the stage of history.

Alexander port.

This natural harbor located in the Nile Delta is the largest port city on the Mediterranean coast of Africa and the largest trade distribution center.

Its existence has made Haifa of the Jews, Crete of the Greeks, and Athens all following roles. The rich natural resources of the African continent have provided a continuous driving force for trade here.This is not available in other places.Especially in the last ten years, this advantage of Alexandria has become more and more obvious.

The reason is simple. Carthage, a competitor in the Mediterranean area of ​​Africa, was destroyed by the Romans, and the once glorious Carthage civilization no longer existed. In comparison, although the Ptolemaic Dynasty was also weak, it was still able to survive. maintain the independence of the country.

In the palace of the city.

Ptolemy V's face was pale, and the slightly dark circles around his eyes showed that these days.His mental state is extremely poor, and the fierce offensive momentum of the Qin army has already caused Egypt to lose a quarter of its land. If it continues like this.The whole kingdom will become a county of Qin.

"What should I do? What should I do?" The young king was so anxious that he was sweating profusely, furious at all his subordinates, but those who greeted him were bowed heads.

Ptolemy V had just seized power in the country.A group of generals in the original army were purged, while the newly appointed generals obviously lack confidence and lack of control over the army.This is also the reason for the crushing defeat of the Egyptian army.

"Your Majesty, the Qin people have advanced weapons and well-equipped equipment. It's not that we don't try our best, but we really can't beat it!" For a long time, a trusted general of Ptolemy V boldly said, crying.

"You trash—!" Ptolemy V was furious.

"Your Majesty, we can't sit still. My mother country Seleucid was destroyed by the Qin people. This time they sent me Ptolemy to kill us. We must unite all our forces to fight against the demons from the east. If the Macedonians can’t, we’ll find the Romans, if the Romans can’t, we’ll find someone else.”

During the stalemate, a sharp female voice suddenly sounded, and when Ptolemy V turned his head to look, he saw his new wife Cleopatra standing on the high stone steps, wearing a white veil. The skirt, like a goddess, looks down on all living beings below.

"Uh, queen, you said you were looking for the Romans? We have a feud with Rome, and Philip is still at war—" Ptolemy V swallowed dryly and asked with an ugly face.

"Philip, that trash can also be counted on. If we want to fight against the devil, we have only one choice, and that is to form an alliance with General Scipio of Great Rome." Cleopatra said firmly.

"Romans, it's a pity that our missions have been rejected by the Romans several times. As for Scipio, the queen is referring to the Roman general who defeated the commander of Carthage Hannibal. It is not he who has the decision-making power in Rome, but the Consul Fabian," Ptolemy V shook his head and questioned.

"Fabian, that old guy who only has the manor on the Roman Peninsula in his eyes, how can he compare with the wise General Scipio? If His Majesty doesn't believe it, I am willing to go to the Roman army to lobby in person. I must say that Scipio will lead the army to help .” Cleopatra was confident.

"That's great, Queen Lao will be here. However, even if the Roman army arrives, it will take some time. The Qin people have already attacked the city. Our top priority is to stop the Qin people." Ptolemy V thought Think, nodding helplessly.His queen was the daughter of Antiochus III of the Kingdom of Seleucid, and the hatred of destroying the country and the killing of her father was irreconcilable. Cleopatra hated the group of Easterners from Qin who robbed her of her motherland.

"Your Majesty, don't we still have war elephant troops? With them here, what are you worried about?" Cleopatra said softly, winking.

war elephant.

As the name suggests, it is a unit that uses elephants as a mobile tool on the battlefield. Unlike the elephants in Asia, the elephants in Africa are taller, and people have to ride on them. It can be said to be condescending, like a hill, and more The important thing is that elephants have rough skin and thick flesh. For them, a blow like an arrow is like being bitten by a mosquito, and they don't feel anything at all.

Aren't the Qin people good at cavalry and machine crossbows?

Let them try the secret weapon of my Ptolemaic army!Just imagine what would happen when a war elephant meets a war horse. Thinking of this, Ptolemy V and his subordinates couldn't help feeling confident.



An ancient country located in the western Mediterranean of North Africa.In a manor in the Bagradas Valley in the south of it, a middle-aged man with slightly gray hair tilted his head sideways, looking down at the rolls of parchment with one left eye, while his other right The eyes are covered with leather bags, and half of the cheeks are also covered, making people look very fierce at a glance.

"Senior Bacca, that's all the information about the Romans. Although Fabian and Scipio have conflicts, they haven't really broken their faces. Therefore, the meaning of the Senate is to let you wait a little longer." Opposite the middle-aged man, a Carthaginian with a slightly hunched back said in a low voice.

"Wait——. Is this the answer of those cowards? Is this how they treat the warriors who fought for Carthage?" Eyes stare at each other.The information collected from all directions is an important tool for him to judge the current situation under house arrest in this manor, so any negligence cannot occur.

"Senior Baka, the Senate is also in a dilemma. The Romans sent people to watch? The elder means, please be patient for a while. I heard that the Romans and the Qin people in the east have already fought. Our chance may be It's right in front of you." The hunchback who was reprimanded trembled and defended softly.

"The Qin people are fighting with the Romans. What's going on? Tell me quickly." The middle-aged man asked thoughtfully after hearing this.

The hunchbacked Carthaginian wiped off his cold sweat, and hastened to tell the truth about what he knew. He couldn't help being nervous, because the middle-aged man on the opposite side was too famous, and his abilities were extraordinary. Even the Romans who defeated him could only temporarily put him under house arrest, and did not dare to kill him.

Hannibal Baca.

This is a name worthy of a special mention in the history of Western civilization. In the process of Carthage and the Romans competing for hegemony in the Mediterranean, he was the commander of Carthage.

Hannibal, who was an enemy of Rome all his life, had outstanding performance in both military and diplomatic affairs. It was because of his existence that the Romans suffered a lot in the Battle of Lake Trasimeno and the Battle of Cannae. However, in the Second Punic War, the Carthaginian army commanded by Hannibal was defeated by Scipio, and then he retired from serving as the administrator of Carthage.

Carthage is a city-state state established by the Tyrians, a branch of the ancient Phoenicians. Their earliest residence was between the Dead Sea and the Mediterranean Sea in Asia, which is where the Jews live today. In the ninth century BC At that time, the Tyrians crossed the Mediterranean Sea and reached the Mediterranean coast of Africa.

From about the 8th century BC to the 6th century BC, Carthage began to expand to the interior of Africa and gradually controlled most of the Phoenician colonies in North Africa.At the same time, Carthage also marched towards the Western Mediterranean, occupying the southern coast of Spain and its nearby islands, Sardinia, Corsica, and the western part of Sicily, etc., and began to dominate the Western Mediterranean. East sides. (to be continued..)

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