Qiang Qin

Chapter 474 The Confederate Hannibal

(The second one is delivered, the heroes are coming on stage one by one, the monthly pass must keep up, comrades!)

The arena for national hegemony.

It's always you who sing and I come on stage, the only difference is the length of time for singing.

In the 4th century BC, the brilliant Greek civilization declined, and the Odyssey heroes in Homer's epic were drowned in the long river of history one by one, and Carthage dominated the Mediterranean area for a while.Their merchant ships sailed along the coastline of Africa, and the dhows were loaded with precious metals such as gold and silver, luxury goods such as animal skins, wine and olive oil.

Undoubtedly, the first golden period of the Age of Sails belonged to the Carthaginians. The Greek civilization was limited to the Aegean Sea, while the Carthaginians owned the entire Mediterranean Sea.

In the first half of the 3rd century BC, the handicraft workshops in Carthage were all over the city. In the Bagradas Valley in the interior of Africa, the land is fertile and can provide sufficient food for the Carthaginians. One by one slavery The appearance of the manor made Carthage civilization a pearl in the history of Western civilization.However, with the rise of the Romans, the Carthaginian civilization also began to decline from prosperity.

A lean camel is bigger than a horse. The Second Punic War has not completely destroyed the foundation of Carthage. They still have a fleet across the Mediterranean Sea.In addition, Carthage can also plunder black slaves in central and southern Africa, and sell them to other places for huge profits.

There are so many unique conditions.The Carthaginian hero Hannibal, who swore an uncompromising oath with Rome, was of course not reconciled to being suppressed by the Romans. He wanted to make a comeback, and he wanted to achieve this goal despite the shame of being defeated by Fabian and Scipio. , Hannibal understood that it was obviously impossible to rely on the power of Carthage alone.

Not only is there a gap in national strength between Carthage and Rome, but also because the nobles in Carthage, coveting the little favors given by the Romans, gave up their national freedom.He gave up his ideals and was willing to be a lackey of the Romans.

"Go and tell those people in the Senate that a powerful enemy of the Romans has appeared, and we must seize this opportunity. To form an alliance with the Easterners, we should rely on the power of Qin to return the land and wealth that the Romans robbed us of." There are slaves, take them all back." Hannibal shouted with a grim expression.

"Subordinate, this subordinate will report back now." The hunchbacked messenger backed up again and again in fright, and responded repeatedly.

Who are you looking for as an ally?During this period of house arrest, Hannibal has been studying the history of various countries in this world.Especially those neighboring countries around the Mediterranean that can pose a threat to the Romans.He once had hope for the Macedonians, but whether it was Philip IV, Ptolemy V, or Antiochus III, he felt untrustworthy.

Just when he was hesitating and disappointed, news about Qin, a powerful country in the east, came suddenly. The Qin army from the far east actually went all the way for more than [-] miles, from the east coast of Asia to the east coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Along the way, whether it was Anxi or Seleuxi, they all became a number on the Qin Army's credit book.

If only that.At most, Hannibal was just curious, but afterward, the Qin people really settled down in Western Asia, and groups of Qin people migrated from the east.They worked hard to open up foreign territories, and they put on a posture that they wanted to rule this vast land for a long time.

If the Qin people really wanted to expand on the east coast of the Mediterranean Sea, they would inevitably conflict with the Romans, and the enemy's enemy.They are friends, Hannibal thought of this, with a rare look of joy and excitement on his face.

United Qin.Resist Rome.

This was the only way Hannibal found to revive Carthage. He had to act quickly to provoke the wrath of the Qin people and the Romans when Qin was strong. Only by fishing in troubled waters would Carthage have a chance.


On the banks of the Nile.

Li Yuan led the army to fight against the army of the Ptolemaic Dynasty. He was unaware of the kindness of another country in West Africa, Carthage.

After the Qin army entered Egypt, it went smoothly at the beginning, and the cities along the way were breached. The swift and violent actions of the Qin army caused the unsuspecting Egyptian army to fail repeatedly, but then, Ptolemy V began to concentrate the scattered forces. Arriving at several key cities such as Alexandria, this made it difficult for the Qin army to attack.

Cities of Egypt.

Different from northern Europe, Egyptians like to use huge stones to pile up pyramids. These pyramids were mainly the places where pharaohs were buried in later generations. Many of them gradually disappeared in the long river of history. In this era, the pyramids of all kinds gave the Egyptians shelter.

In addition to the stone tower, the war elephant troops proposed by Cleopatra were also summoned to the battlefield by the Egyptians. There were nearly [-] war elephants in the Ptolemaic army, and on each elephant's back, There are three or four Ptolemaic soldiers holding spears or arrows. They are condescending, like moving fortresses, which are hard to defend.

To deal with this kind of arms that has never been seen before, the Qin army lacks experience. In a hurry, Li Yuan summoned Li Zhongxiang and other generals and thought of a lot of ways. And, but in the actual implementation, but encountered difficulties.

The terrified Egyptians defended the city and their war elephants were mainly responsible for intercepting the vanguard of the Qin army when the Qin army fell into the city. In a narrow area, protected by Egyptian soldiers, the sky thunder of the Qin army could accurately throw The chance of getting near the elephant is very small.Under such unfavorable circumstances, the Qin army could only pull out the nails of the Egyptians one by one. Fortunately, the generals of the Ptolemaic Kingdom, like their emperor, had general military talents, and none of them could command troops well. of.

Early April.

After more than a month of fierce fighting, the Qin army finally cleared the Egyptian army in the upper and middle reaches of the Nile River, and the war began to concentrate on Alexandria in the lower reaches of the delta.

At this time, there were still 6 Egyptian troops defending Alexandria. These soldiers were the elite troops of Ptolemy V. Relying on the favorable conditions of the port for supplies, they did not have to worry about being besieged by the Qin army for a long time. On the contrary, the Qin army However, because the battle line is too long, even if the luggage is transported from the nearest Jerusalem, it will take more than [-] days, and this does not include the loss on the road.

Daqin's navy is still setting up drills at the port of Troy. The soldiers of the Qin army who lack actual combat still need arduous training before they can board the battlefield of the sea battle.

And if the port cannot be blocked, Ptolemy V can wait for the arrival of Roman reinforcements without any worries. This is a bad result that cannot be worse for the expeditionary Qin army.

In the city of Cairo.

Qin Jun was at a loss what to do.

At this time, a caravan from Carthage came all the way along the northern coast of Africa. They not only brought furs, rum and other items traded with Qin, but also brought an important person—— —Hannibal Barca.

Hannibal, who had received the news from Qin, couldn't bear it any longer. He was under house arrest and immediately summoned his old troops. It just so happened that the Carthaginian nobles were recently resentful because of the heavy taxes allocated by Rome. The two forces combined together Although Hannibal did not restore the power of the magistrate at once, he still had freedom.

After successfully lobbying the Senate of Carthage, Hannibal volunteered and followed the caravan all the way east, trying to find Qin's army in the Mesopotamia.After arriving in Egypt, Hannibal was overjoyed that the Qin army was aggressively attacking the Ptolemaic kingdom, and the commander leading the Qin army was Li Yuan, the great emperor of Qin.

There is nothing more exciting for Hannibal than meeting the leader of the Qin army directly. Along the way, his mind was full of ideas on how to persuade Li Yuan, and when seeing the Qin army trapped in Alexandria, Hannibal Nibal's confidence increased even more.

Qin army garrison.

Li Yuan received the man who was said to be the envoy of Carthage.

"I heard that Carthage and Rome once fought in the Cannae area, and you Carthaginians won the victory. Could you tell me more about it?" Li Yuan asked.The name of Hannibal is naturally heard by him, but Li Yuan is still not sure whether this thin man in his fifties is the legendary Western God of War.

Hannibal lifted his expression when he heard the words, and smiled proudly: "Your Majesty also knows about the Battle of Cannae? The commander of the Carthage side is himself. No one knows the details of this battle better than me. "

Li Yuan's description of the Battle of Cannae came more from the historical records of later generations, which was only a description of a hundred or so words, while Hannibal, a person who experienced it first-hand, explained the cause and effect in all aspects. The comparison of the strength of the two sides, the distribution of arms and the choice of terrain, these complex battlefield information were presented one by one, and Li Yuan couldn't help but admire Hannibal greatly.

With the Romans in the upper hand, Hannibal unexpectedly crossed the Alps and occupied Cannae, the Roman granary. Afterwards, the 7 Carthaginian Expeditionary Army and as many as 6000 Roman troops launched a battle. Fighting to the death, Hannibal, who was less powerful than his opponent, set up a leeward formation. With the famous half-moon defensive formation, he defended the weak front and made breakthroughs on the two wings of the Romans. Varo's [-] Roman army [-] People died unexpectedly, and the Carthage side only lost less than [-] people.

The Battle of Cannae was Hannibal's most proud battle. Hearing Li Yuan's question, Hannibal felt as if he had been scratched. He had no reservations about how to plan, how to deploy, and how to design for Rome to command. The process of being tricked by officials was described one by one. His analysis also convinced Li Yuan that the man in front of him was the hero of Carthage and the great general in Western military history—Hannibal. (to be continued..)

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