Qiang Qin

Chapter 480 Little Princess

The strengthening of the Baiyang tribe's sense of belonging to the Great Qin gave Li Yuan more confidence in the policy of ethnic integration that he pushed forward.Since Guifang Baiyang can integrate into it, so can other grassland peoples, the difference is that the time spent is different.

Shocking pain is unavoidable. The so-called respect for ethnic traditions, preservation of ethnic customs, and even lenient punishment when ethnic minorities violate the law are seen by later generations. These conniving measures and policies have not reconciled those ethnic forces who have different ideas Stay in the integrated family.

On the contrary, it is those ethnic groups that have been assimilated by the Han nationality. Their own languages ​​and characters are gradually becoming less popular.

This lesson shows that the so-called tolerance is actually a woman's benevolence.In the long river of history, the rise and fall of a nation is a historical necessity, and there is no need to make a fuss at all.And what those so-called experts advocate, such as protecting national cultural heritage, are mostly nonsense.

The survival and development of the nation depends on everyone's dedication and the leadership of great heroes. The reason why the Chinese nation has been able to pass on for 5000 years is because whenever it is most critical, there will always be one or a group of passionate men Protect it with your life and with all your strength.

The resources on this planet will become increasingly scarce with the competition between nations and races, and the competition for survival between different nations and races will become more and more cruel.

In the era of later generations, the white race ruled the world, they set the rules of the game, and they used sticks and carrots to enslave people of other races in disguise. In their eyes, as long as there is an existence that does not conform to their values, That is heresy, and it should be suppressed as a matter of course.

For Westerners racists.The rise of China is a signal of one race replacing another, a race war between the yellow race and the white race.

Are white people inherently superior to yellow people?

of course not.

The subconscious superiority of most Caucasians is because they are used to the world being controlled by them. In this world, wherever the sun shines, there are Caucasians.Now, what Li Yuan has to do is to break this law. He wants to drive the ancestors of those self-righteous Caucasians in Europe to the seaside of the Atlantic Ocean in the name of the Great Qin Iron Cavalry, and let them kill each other.Feel the benefits of a superior nation.


Saying goodbye to the Aries Tribe, Li Yuan's motorcade left Hexi and continued eastward all the way. In the past, it was the Hexi Corridor on the border of the Great Qin Dynasty. Now it has a prosperous population and trade, and it has become a golden passage in the hinterland of the Great Qin Dynasty.

Hearing that Emperor Shenwu came back from the far west, the Qin people from all over the Guanzhong lined the road to greet him, for the old Qin people.There is nothing more important than the return of Emperor Shenwu. This is not only because of a reborn Qin State bestowed by Li Yuan, but also because he has brought Qin State to a whole new level.

now.No one is discussing which one is more powerful and greater, Shihuang or Shenwu, because this dispute disappeared in front of the overwhelming victory of the Qin army in the Western Expedition.

The expansion of the territory, the rich material supplies from all directions, and the status that people in other places admire.The faces of the old Qin people were filled with happy and satisfied smiles, and from their expectant eyes, Li Yuan could feel them respectively.Their love for life now.

Chang'an City.

The grass on Moshang turns green and turns yellow, turns yellow and turns green again.

Leyouyuan was like a big blanket, which was gradually divided and dismantled in the continuous expansion of Chang'an City, and then submerged by layers of buildings.

The place where Li Yuan played with the prince Li Ye and the concubines three years ago has long since disappeared. New immigrants from all over the Qin Dynasty have poured into this new capital city. They are eager to gain opportunities here. prove yourself.

on Baqiao.

After Chen Ping, Ji An, who served as prime minister, had already led civil and military officials to greet him here. The position of prime minister in Daqin was not easy to sit. Yue submitted his resignation on the grounds of physical discomfort and asked to return to his hometown for the elderly.

A new generation replaces the old.

After three years of leaving, most of the officials in the Qin Dynasty were replaced. The young and impulsive officials replaced the older and less aggressive ones. Chen Ping also saw clearly the meaning of the young prince Li Ye's intention to train new people. , the torrent of knowledge and interest retreats bravely.

At the front of the welcoming team, Li Ye, who had just turned 12 years old, looked at the team that was getting closer and closer with anxiety.


Li Ye was heartbroken. Even though he had been studying to govern the country for two years, he still didn't have much confidence in front of Li Yuan. Li Ye couldn't blame him for this. Resignedly knelt under his light.

"The Emperor Shenwu of the Great Qin is triumphant! The Great Qin is mighty! The Great Qin is invincible!" Amidst the shouts of the soldiers, Li Yuan rode a fiery red sweat horse, wearing a black python leather battle armor, and around his waist was wearing a suit carefully crafted by the Great Qin Bingzao. His iron sword, with a solemn expression, passed across the Baqiao.

Every return.

It is solemn and sacred to the soldiers who are on the expedition.

Under the development of hundreds of thousands of soldiers, the land of Great Qin has approached the apex of this era. On the eve of the decisive battle with Rome, Li Yuan sincerely hopes that the people in the country can continue to work together to provide firm support for the army's expansion in the West. support and help.

Li Ye followed Li Yuan's horse with reverence on his face. Although his war horse also came from the Dawan area, it was obviously not comparable to Li Yuan's horse in terms of divine steeds.However, when it comes to the feelings for the horse, even if the mount under his crotch can run, in Li Yuan's heart, it can't compare with the ordinary yellow fat horse in the battle of the white horse.

Ma Rushi.

The same goes for people.

On the second day after entering the city, Li Yuan called a gathering of old subordinates in the court. Not only Chen Ping, who resigned from the prime minister, but also Zhong Limei, Ji Bu, and Peng Yue, who retired early, were also invited. Regrettably, the two old generals Zhang Han and Xin Sheng have passed away.

impermanence of life.

The new generation of Daqin has grown up, and the old people who belong to the past are gradually withdrawing.Perhaps one day, Li Yuan's name and his story will become a legend passed down from generation to generation in Daqin, but as long as Daqin's enterprising spirit is not extinguished, as long as Daqin's people can continue to conquer the outside world, then, Everything Li Yuan did today was worthwhile.

Boys get together.

After getting drunk, Li Yuan took a rare drink, and under his lead, veterans such as Peng Yue and Zhong Limei, who were all white-bearded and haired, blushed and patted their chests to assure Li Yuan that in the next expedition, they would These old guys also have to be unwilling to be lonely, and they have to be with them in life and death.

Li Ye quietly accompanied him at the banquet. He silently watched the tacit understanding between his father and his old subordinates. The young emperor in the palace has no shortage of people around him, but he lacks a group of brothers who share life and death.

"Ye'er, have you seen clearly? If you want to achieve your goals, you don't have to rely on cold orders. Sometimes, giving others hope and igniting their enthusiasm can also achieve your goals." On the way back to the palace It is rare for Li Yuan to teach Li Ye so much.

Summer in Chang'an.

Hurrying over, Li Yuan took advantage of the rare time of return to spend some time with the wives. Yan Feng, the new concubine, went back to the Mansion of Hell tactfully. For her, there is still time in the future. There is absolutely no need to argue with a few older sisters.

Royal Palace.

In the Hall of Concubine Xin in the west head.

The little princess Li Qingchu was pouted, looking very unhappy.

Today was another boring day for her. In the palace, everyone was talking about the news of Emperor Shenwu's return. They all showed excitement, as if this was an extremely important event.

"What Emperor Shenwu, isn't he just a guy with a beard?" Li Qingchu, who was only five years old, was angry in her heart. Before meeting Li Yuan, Li Qingchu was still looking forward to what her father would look like, but now she is very concerned about this The strange man who stabbed her in the face as soon as he came back was very dissatisfied.

Li Qingchu saw her father for the third time. The first two times were when she was born, and once when she just turned one year old. Afterwards, Li Yuan has been fighting outside, and Li Qingchu has been sick since childhood, unable to Traveling far away, the father and daughter have never met each other in the past few years.

A five-year-old who already knows people, Li Qingchu doesn't like the Emperor Shenwu who is talked about by the people of Daqin at all. The reason is that this man is a stranger in her eyes. He taught his brother a lesson, occupied his aunt, and even pretended to smile and brought him a lot of weird gifts.

"Hmph, who wants these childish things? Does he think I'm still a child?" Li Qingchu wrinkled her pretty nose, playing with wooden dolls from all over the world, her eyes sparkling, with a touch of excitement and excitement. Somewhat unwilling.

At this time, Li Yuan was talking with Xin Zhui. Xin Zhui's lively and cheerful personality had changed a lot after his father Xin Sheng passed away due to illness. After that, her focus was more on the next generation.

"Qingchu is dissatisfied with you. Look at her expression?" Xin Zhui smiled at Li Qingchu's small figure from a distance, and said to Li Yuan.After reuniting after a long absence, time changed Xin Zhui from a young girl to a young woman, and the mature charm exuded from her also made Li Yuan unable to help himself.

"Haha, she is jealous of me. It's okay. When she grows up, I will help her choose a son-in-law who is indomitable, handsome, brave and dedicated." Li Yuan laughed loudly. The grievance of his youngest daughter made him suddenly There is a sense of satisfaction of being a husband and a father. (To be continued..)

ps: No one voted, code stand-alone, alas.

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