Qiang Qin

Chapter 481 Extermination of the Japanese

The daughter is the lover of the father's previous life.

This sentence was confirmed by Li Yuan, and it was the same. From the way he looked at Li Qingchu, one could see the strong paternal love that could not be resolved.Although the young Li Qingchu was still resistant to this strange man who broke into her home, Li Yuan believed that the love between father and daughter would eventually dissolve all of this.

Xin Zhui's smile is not a smile, as a mother, she exudes the brilliance of motherhood, which makes Li Yuan, who hasn't seen her for a long time, can't help feeling turbulent.

Yan Feng's youthful beauty is what attracts men to her.As for Xin Zhui, the most beautiful time for a woman has passed, and now she is more mature and charming, and can attract men's eyes even more.

"Hehe, women's matters here are up to them to decide. As parents, we just come up with ideas from the sidelines." Li Yuan sensed the different meaning in Xin Zhui's expression, he smiled and comforted himself .

"These days, the family members of officials in the court often come to propose marriage, but Chu'er is still young, so I don't want to make a decision on marriage so early." Xin Zhui's eyes turned red, and he said softly.

A single-minded man.Is there still in this world?Li Yuan himself is not a single-minded person, and if he is not upright, how can he guarantee others.

In Xin Zhui's heart, the flying between Yan and Land, and the flying across the Guanshan Mountain, have become a nostalgic past. This different man is flying higher and higher, and she has no way to keep up with his footsteps anymore. .

At the beginning, they also swore to each other.

Back then, it was too late.

Today, Li Yuan's feelings for Xin Zhui are still there, but his heart is getting farther and farther away. A woman, no matter how mischievous or flamboyant she was when she was young, after those days of dancing and flying, she will Return to the family.Back to peace, and men are not the same.

as an emperor.

Li Yuan has done well enough. In terms of personal issues, Li Yuan doesn't have many women. Looking at the successive kings of Qin, there are more women than Li Yuan, and no one has fewer women than him.

In terms of offspring, Li Yuan now has one son and one daughter, which can be regarded as very few, which is compared with the seventeen or eight children of the first emperor back then.It is really incomparable. However, although there are many children of the first emperor, they were murdered by Hu Hai, the son of Hu Hai. Only one of so many descendants, Ying Yushu, barely survived, which is also a tragedy.

Li Qingchu's lifelong event.As Xin Zhui said, it's still too early, the little princess is only four or five years old now, and there are still more than ten years before she becomes an adult.Out of protection for women's physical development, Li Yuan didn't want his daughter to have future troubles because of getting married so early.

"Chu'er, don't worry, Ye'er, Mrs. Chen has been to Sister Yu's place several times. You haven't heard from Chen Xiang?" Xin Zhui asked after thinking about Li Yuan's silence.

In comparison, Li Ye's marriage is something that Li Yuan urgently needs to consider.The future king of Qin.He needs a good internal assistant to assist him in governing the country, and this crown princess must not only be knowledgeable and capable, but also make Li Ye look good.Coupled with Ying Yushu's care, the range of candidates could not be any smaller.

Chen Ping withdrew.

However, as Li Ye's teacher, he hoped that his daughter could marry the Li family, so that the Chen family could continue to maintain a close relationship with the royal family.For Chen Ping's thoughts, Li Yuan could see clearly that Chen Ping was not alone in having such thoughts.

"Chen Ping, I will explain to him clearly that if Ye'er really likes his daughter, there is no problem in marrying him. If he doesn't have this ability, then he has no choice but to let it go." Li Yuan said.

Li Yuan didn't want to interfere with Li Ye's marriage. As a person with a modern soul, he may not be a competent father, but he would not do anything against the will of others.Who Li Ye likes and who he marries, he needs to listen to his personal opinions more.

The affairs of the harem.

In fact, Li Yuan can also tell Xin Zhui that Ying Yushu, the mother of the country, seems to have endless things to do, and is immersed in her own world every day. Now, Li Ye is her center, and Li Yuan has already relegated to the second place.

As for Gu Yunniang, she seldom leaves her palace on weekdays. This once heroic woman now yearns for a peaceful life that is almost calm. Piece of clouds, dazzling.

Whether it is Ying Yushu or Gu Yunniang, it is difficult to understand Li Yuan's grand ideals. This is also the root cause of the difficulty of Li Yuan and the others' spiritual integration.

In fact, from Li Yuan's point of view, there will be no one in this world who can really have the same state of mind as him. The reason is that other people have not seen what it will be like after 2000?

In the minds of the Qin people of this era, they are the center of the world, so they are used to calling the place where they are the center. Guanzhong, Hanzhong, Central Plains, and China all mean this.And the surrounding places are mostly called barbarians and barbarians.They didn't know that one day, it was these barbarians who would bite and bruise this great empire.


Emperor Shenwu of Qin Kingdom returned to court.

After having a drink with a group of old subordinates, Li Yuan called the officials of the DPRK and China to discuss the matter. This DPRK meeting lasted for five days. The matters discussed involved Qin's internal policy, the direction of economic development, and foreign affairs. Once the news spread, it not only made the officials and common people in Chang'an city excited and nervous, but also made the envoys from various remote foreign countries stationed here feel the pressure.

After Qin Guobing pointed to the west, the ethnic minorities in the east and south who had been hit hard finally breathed a sigh of relief. In their eyes, Li Yuan was a lunatic who kept fighting and expanding without stopping. At that time, under his command, the alien races were destroyed and enslaved.

Korean Peninsula.

The expansion of the Qin army in Liaodong united the two outlying tribes of Fuyu and Goguryeo. After a civil war, Prince Gao of North Fuyu established the Kingdom of Goguryeo in Huanren City. Qin's opponents, the Qin army not only occupied Mount Paektu, the holy place of Goguryeo, but the vanguard crossed the Yalu River from the Xiangping area and reached a place not far from the Han River.

Fortunately, the Qin army adjusted its military focus afterwards, and the speed of advancing on the peninsula slowed down as Han Xin led the west, which gave the Koryo people a good breather.At this time, under the oppression of the Qin people, the Koreans had already retreated to the southern tip of the peninsula. If they pushed further, they would really have to flee to the sea.

In order to protect the whole family, Goguryeo King Gaozong sent many batches of envoys to Chang'an, and paid tribute to a large number of treasures, including rare things such as the elixir of Mount Baektu, ginseng and deer fur. However, the envoys stayed in Chang'an for many days , but never got a definite answer.

Although Li Ye and Ji An are in control of Qin's major affairs, as long as Li Yuan does not make the final decision on the specific expansion, no one can guarantee whether Goguryeo can survive.

The same fate as the Goguryeo people.

On Fusang Island in the Tsushima Strait, the Qin Fleet led by Feng Xuan has established five strongholds on the southern tip of Kyushu Island and Suqiu Island. The existence of these strongholds ensures that the Qin Army can continue to deploy to the main island. This also made the Japanese who lived here feel tremendous pressure.

For the Goguryeo people, the Qin army only expelled them, but for the Japanese, the Qin army's methods can be said to be merciless. Feng Xuan, the general who commanded the Qin State Navy in Donghai County and Lu County, received the order of extermination from Li Yuan. This caused the Japanese to complain endlessly, no matter how powerful their god Amaterasu was, they could not help them resist the powerful Central Plains nation.

In desperation, the leader of the Japanese people, Yi Zang Nuo Zun, decided to send an envoy to Chang'an to lobby, and this candidate was also very special. They turned out to be a pair of three thousand virgins and virgins that Xu Fu brought with him when he traveled eastward.

However, this Qin is not that Qin.

Yi Zang Nuo Zun's little calculations came to nothing because they didn't understand the history of the new Qin Dynasty. After Qing Xu Erlang and Sakata Yingzi arrived in Chang'an, they repeatedly asked Ji An to serve the Great Qin as a vassal state. A considerable amount of treasures and other items are guaranteed to be tributed every year, and the requirement is to preserve the existence of the Wa Kingdom.

Qin has never given a positive answer to this condition.

At this court meeting, Li Yuanyan said: "For the matter of the Japanese, the imperial court should continue to increase its support for General Feng Xuan. In the summer of next year, when our army will cross the sea and destroy the Japanese country, how to deal with the Japanese? , a principle, all men, big or small, old or weak, were all killed. All women were sent to the country, or served as slaves, or given to meritorious soldiers."

Li Yuan's reply was full of murderous intent, which made all the officials shudder when they heard it. Prime Minister Ji An was startled, and asked doubtfully, "Your Majesty, is it too bloody and inhumane to do so?"

Ji An's question also raised questions from other officials. In their impression, Li Yuan was not a bloodthirsty person, so how could he suddenly kill all the Japanese.You must know that the people in this eastern island country are economically and culturally backward, and their national strength is extremely weak. It is impossible to threaten Qin.

Li Yuan had a sullen face, and he was not surprised by Ji An's question. If Chen Ping was the prime minister, he would have followed Li Yuan's instructions, but Ji An was different. Emperor Wu, this is a person who is not even afraid of death.

"Prime Minister Ji, everyone, what I said today, let the official historian record it verbatim, and use it as the national motto of my Great Qin State: One day when I am Great Qin, all the men on Fusang Island must be killed. Stay, if anyone is merciful and lets go of one, then he is a traitor to my Great Qin, and a sinner to my descendants of Yan and Huang—"

In Li Yuan's chest, there was a monstrous fighting spirit.

The shamelessness of the Japanese has intensified after 2000. Don’t look at them wagging their tails now, they seem to be lying at the feet of the Daqin people like a poor puppy. Once this vicious dog finds out that the owner is old, they will It will jump up frantically, and bite hard. (to be continued..)

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