Qiang Qin

Chapter 494 3 Women 1 Play

Daqin opened his net and waited.

Gauls, Nordic Germans, Carthaginians, Thracians, and tribes around the Roman Republic were mobilized. These tribes are not opponents of the Romans, but once they are united, If it is led by the powerful Qin army, Rome will be a trapped bird caught in a spider's web.

After all, Rome in the first century BC was not the most powerful Roman Empire when Caesar was in power. Although the consul Scipio was excellent, he was not the talented Caesar who created the empire by himself.After Spartacus's toss on the Apennine Peninsula, the internal crisis of the Roman Republic is intensifying.


Amid internal and external troubles.

Cleopatra, the former Egyptian queen, set off from the southern part of the Apennine Peninsula on a Roman merchant ship. After a short three-day voyage, she landed in the Bay of Pella on September [-].As for the situation in Pella, Cleopatra had been here two years ago, but this time, the scene presented in front of her surprised the always confident strong woman.

The orderly and serious black-armored army on the pier, the soldiers who looked almost indistinguishable from a distance, and the checkpoints that were checked carefully, all made Cleopatra's heart heavy.Originally, she wanted to conceal her true identity and sneak into the city pretending to be a businessman's wife and daughter, but after seeing this scene, she decided to reveal her identity.

Empress of Ptolemy.

Mistress of the Roman consul Scipio.

This strong and important identity will definitely make His Majesty the Emperor of Qin very interested, and Cleopatra is also confident that with her beauty, she can capture all the young and strong men in the world.

Macedonian Old Royal Palace.

Beside Shenwu Emperor Li Yuan, two beautiful young ladies were giggling happily, Yan Feng and Maria, like two golden-haired birds flying out of the cage, flapped their powerful and young wings.Pass the vigorous vitality to the hearts of thousands of soldiers in Daqin.

Mary’s eastbound record has already recorded five parchment scrolls, which are even longer than Homer’s epic. For the Jews and Egyptians, such records are a window for them to understand Eastern civilization. The trip to the East allowed this Jewish girl to see a completely different social scene from the first ten years of her life. The diligence and kindness of Daqin people are beyond the imagination of Westerners, just like the beliefs of Westerners are beyond the understanding of Easterners Same.

"Let her in, what do you hear?" The guards reported that the Queen of the Ptolemaic Kingdom wanted to see something.Li Yuan was thoughtful, the name Cleopatra could be said to be like a thunderbolt to a traveler.This is a woman who brought the Roman Empire from being strong to falling apart. Of course, judging from the time, the one who confused Caesar, Antony, and Octavian was actually a distant relative of the current Egyptian queen.

"Your Majesty, that woman is the daughter of Antiochus III of the Kingdom of Seleucid. She has a great desire for power. King Ptolemy V of Egypt has less influence than her." Maria heard Cleopatra This name, the white face tensed for a while, said hastily.

The Jews lived in the cracks between the three powerful countries of Macedonia, Seleucid, and Ptolemy, so they naturally knew the situation of the three neighbors clearly.After experiencing the experience and experience of the trip to the East, Maria has gradually gained her own knowledge of right and wrong.

"Maria, tell me, what should we do?" Hearing this.Yan Feng hurriedly took Maria's hand and asked.Although she is a few years older than Maria, she is weird when it comes to elves.Yan Feng was about to lose to the future Virgin Mary.

"Your Majesty, if you don't mind, Sister Yan and I will go to meet this woman together, is that okay?" Maria thought for a while and said firmly.

Li Yuan clapped his hands, stood up and said, "Maria, I will leave this place to you. If you can extract the secrets of the Ptolemaic Kingdom from Cleopatra's mouth, I will allow Christianity to live on the Nile River." Freely spread teachings all over the place.”

Treasures of Egypt.

Buried in the pyramids and catacombs that dot the Nile valley.Facing the labyrinth-like mausoleum, the soldiers of the Qin army could only look at it and sigh.Mary is full of confidence. This young and energetic Jewish girl, like the Jewish nation, grows tenaciously in the face of adversity.

Cleopatra, who was being targeted by two little foxes, was anxiously waiting for Li Yuan's call. For this oriental man who was like a god in both legend and reality, Cleopatra was curious. Besides, still curious.From the far east to the west, he has almost never had a real defeat in his military career, but all opponents who confront him end in a very sad end. Such a military god makes Cleopatra admire It has been a long time.

Of course, due to the hatred of killing her father and seizing the country, it is impossible for Cleopatra to have any other thoughts about Li Yuan. This time she took the risk to ask for a meeting, her heart was already filled with hatred .However, this time, Cleopatra heard a woman's voice before she came out, which made her complexion change. Didn't it mean that there was no woman around Li Yuan?

Inside the Chamber.

In addition to women, or women.

Maria volunteered, and Li Yuan was also happy to be the shopkeeper. The arrival of Cleopatra was just a test before the decisive battle between Daqin and Rome. Neither Scipio nor Li Yuan would win or lose. weight on a woman.


War between women.

Although there is no gunpowder smoke, it is also thrilling. The fighting skills between Maria and Cleopatra opened the eyes of the soldiers of the Qin army who were in charge of guarding.Facing Cleopatra's temptation, Maria showed a calmness and sophistication that did not match her age.

"His Majesty Shenwu doesn't have time to see you. What's the matter, we can tell you?" Maria's cold eyes made Cleopatra's heart feel cold when she stepped into the hall, but she immediately calmed down Come down, how can the two hairy girls be her opponents who have been battle-tested.

"Should I tell you? Does the emperor of your country want to know about the movements of the Roman consul Scipio? I just got off his bed and I'm still warm?"

Maria and Yan Feng blushed. The shameless and coquettish woman in front of them was obviously difficult to deal with. If she really had important information to tell, it would be difficult for the two little women to decide.After looking at each other, Yan Feng calmed down and said, "If you really have information about the Romans, why don't you write it down and wait for us to forward it?"

A smug smile appeared on Cleopatra's face, and she said softly: "Forward, if I can't see His Majesty Shenwu, it is not certain whether my letter will be delivered. If you are corrupted, then Isn't the little girl's life gone?"

little girl.

A mature woman in her late thirties called herself a little girl in front of two young girls under twenty, which almost made Maria and Yan Feng spit it out, but Cleopatra acted provocatively as if nothing had happened. looking at each other.

"Greedy Mo, you spitting blood, we won't be as knowledgeable as a crazy woman like you." Yan Fengxing opened her eyes angrily, and her pretty face was full of murderous intent.After a long trip around the country, although Yan Feng's identity is still embarrassing, she is also the Princess Changle of Daqin. With this identity, it is normal to scold Cleopatra a few words.

"His Royal Highness, I just can't understand the despicable Jews, but I don't mean to get angry at you. An emergency mobilization order has been issued in Rome, the purpose is to deal with you Qin people, the specific situation, whether you can allow me to be careful? Tell me." Cleopatra said with a tense expression.

Confid some real intelligence.

It is the premise of getting close to and gaining the trust of the Qin people. Cleopatra had considered this aspect when she said goodbye to Scipio, and the information she provided in Rome was indeed true and credible. , Even if Qin Guo sent a secret agent to investigate, they couldn't find any flaws.

Yan Feng and Maria looked at each other and exchanged opinions while listening, and said for a long time: "After sorting out these things of yours, they will be handed over to His Majesty verbatim. As for whether to receive them, that depends on According to His Majesty, come and arrange a place for Her Majesty the Queen to rest."

Cleopatra was not angry at this time, her goal had basically been achieved, the two little girls in front of her were obviously hooked, and if she wanted to catch the big fish Li Yuan, of course she had to be replaced with a more lure. People's bait, when it is inevitable, Cleopatra doesn't mind going into battle by herself.

Judging from the fact that Li Yuan kept two beautiful young ladies in his palace, it is not that the emperor of the Qin Dynasty does not know how to be beautiful, he is just a man with a special orientation, and Cleopatra She has sufficient confidence in how to attract lecherous men, although she is already past her prime.


in the bedroom.

When the three women played a play, the focus of their attention was Li Yuan, the emperor of Qin, who was reviewing the memorial at his residence in the city.He was wearing a pale yellow silk shirt, sipping green tea that had been transported long distances from the East, and the faint fragrance between his lips and teeth was refreshing.

On the case table.

Piles of bamboo slips, silk books, and rough linen sheets have been sorted out. The written records on them include the human history, geographical features, power strength, and opponent personality characteristics in Europe. Among them, the largest and most diverse A bunch of them come from Roman records.

"The Romans are violent? Does Scipio want a decisive battle as soon as possible? If there is a battle, the main direction of the Romans will be the Iberian Peninsula in the west, or the Balkan Peninsula in the east, or be more aggressive. Use the naval fleet to directly launch troops to attack the east coast of the Mediterranean Sea?"

What are Scipio's intentions?It is very important for the Qin army's next move, but based on the current situation in Li Yuan's hands, there is no obvious sign of the Roman army's mobilization, which requires more information to support it. (to be continued..)

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