Qiang Qin

Chapter 495 The Virgin's Man

Women fight.

Who is the winner is ultimately up to the man to decide.

Of course, this man must be a hero as powerful as Li Yuan.

Cleopatra hopes to meet Li Yuan, and then use her charm, her body, and her scheming to win back everything she lost.And Maria, a young Jewish girl, also has her own little thoughts.

Li Yuan listened quietly to the news he received from Cleopatra. His silence made Maria uneasy. It was the first time for her to participate in this kind of complicated situation between countries. Touching and beating, from time to time, he looked at the man in front of him who was as heavy as a mountain.

If there was no trip to the East, Li Yuan would at most be a bloodthirsty king and a great commander in Maria's heart like Alexander the Great.But after arriving in Chang'an, Xingyang, Pengcheng and other places in the Kanto, Maria discovered that her understanding was not sufficient.

At the end of the Qin Dynasty, there was turmoil, the princes attacked Qin, the capital fell, and the country was about to be destroyed.

After this series of upheavals, Li Yuan suddenly appeared. He was like the brightest star of the Big Dipper, leading thousands of Great Qin soldiers to rise from the darkness, gradually illuminating the entire night sky with brilliance.It's not just these things that interested Maria, Li Yuan's grassroots status made her feel even more sympathetic.

"Princes and generals, would you rather have a kind?" This is a slogan that Maria heard when she was in the east. It is said that the person who said this sentence was a hero named Chen Sheng who led a group of farmers to rise up a few years ago.Although this person has been lost in the dust of history, his words are deafening.

Li Yuan started as a military lord in Yongqiu City, and by virtue of his own ability, he stepped up to the peak of power step by step. Although there was help from Li Si, the real reason was his outstanding ability.

The Jewish nation has lived in the Dead Sea on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea for thousands of years. During these millennia, too much suffering has accompanied this nation.But the hero that the Jewish people expected has never appeared.

Although the current Jewish King David has shown a shrewd side in choosing to form an alliance with Qin, this king who was born as a big businessman and aristocrat obviously cannot represent the interests of all Jews. To put it more thoroughly, David is just a Jewish A spokesman for the oppression of the common people by the aristocracy, he will not and cannot bring the Jews out of their misery.

Maria and her friends have been looking for it, and it's not wrong, friends——.More than a hundred years ago, a mysterious organization gradually developed among the Jewish poor. Its name was Judaism, and it was in Mary's heart.Li Yuan's impression was already the same as the Jewish saint Moses.

Exodus is a story held sacred by the Jews.Saint Moses, commanded by God Yahweh, led the enslaved Hebrews to escape from ancient Egypt to a rich promised land.After more than 40 years of trekking, he died just before reaching his destination.

Under the guidance of Moses' courageous spirit of sacrifice, the Hebrews got rid of the miserable life of slavery, learned to abide by the Ten Commandments of Judaism, and became the first nation in history to uphold a monotheistic religion.

Li Yuan knew a little about the obsession of the Jewish girl Mary, but instead of Moses, he became a saint of the Jews.Li Yuan hadn't thought about it yet. It was really unbelievable that an oriental yellow man became a saint of western white people.


Knowing yourself and the enemy is the only way to survive a hundred battles.

Sun Wu, the ancestor of Chinese art of war.In his book, there is such a description of the war.Li Yuan thought hard.The Great Qin Army, which has been going smoothly since the Western Expedition, not only needs to be brave when facing the most powerful opponent.It takes a little wisdom.

Great Qin and Rome.

The two ancient powers of the East and the West, who have always been obsessed with by later generations, would never have met in one place, but now.Because of Li Yuan's sudden birth, who is more powerful has become the focus of the ring competition.Before the start of this unprecedented battle for supremacy in the Eurasian continent, it is very necessary to sort out their respective cards.

Qin State.

The favorable card is that after a series of vertical and horizontal alliances, Li Yuan successfully managed a large net around the Apennine Peninsula. At sea, the newly established Daqin Mediterranean Fleet also began to show its edge.

As for the unfavorable factors, the Romans fought on the inside, and Scipio could choose a direction to break through at any time after the storm. This is incomparable to Qin, which has a long territory.

The vast Siberian prairie, the yellow sands of Central Asia, and the great rivers of North Africa, these very different natural scenery, while attracting the soldiers of the Great Qin to set off again and again, also gradually dispersed Qin's combat power.Although Li Yuan successively enlisted nearly 40 domestic soldiers, the number of soldiers who could really be used on the European battlefield would not exceed the limit of 15.Of course, allied dependent forces such as Carthage, Thrace, Egypt, Judea, and Gaul will also send troops to participate in this grand war, but it is unrealistic to expect them to contribute much strength.

Between countries, there are only eternal interests. As a commander with a clear mind, Li Yuan has always maintained a high degree of vigilance against the western peoples. Different skin colors determine the different positions of the two sides. This is like the Carthaginians, the Han Nibal now has to choose to join forces with Qin because of his downfall, and when he finds that the Romans are no longer the factor that hinders Carthage from being strong, but Qin is the one who is, Hannibal may turn his face at any time and choose to join forces with the West. Pia cooperates.

trust yourself.

You can use others, but you can't rely on others.

The belief in Li Yuan's heart has never been so firm. The hard work, bravery and fearlessness of the Daqin soldiers gave him the confidence to face challenges head-on.


The better the situation is, the more we must be sober.

This is the answer given by countless historical lessons. Li Yuan forced himself to calm down, trying to see clearly the most suitable one for Qin among the complicated clues.After figuring out the nominal allies of Carthage, Gaul, Thrace, Egypt, and Judea, Li Yuan called in the advisers.

Wu relies on generals, and literature depends on counselors.

Li Yuan was born in the army, and it is natural that there will be stars gathered around him. After the unification of the Great Qin Dynasty, the rather weak civil service system was divided. Especially after the Western Expedition, a large number of talented people such as Jia Yi and Zhang Shizhi Young people such as Li, Feng Tang, etc. joined the Western Expedition team, and they took on the important task of counseling military aircraft, political affairs, and making suggestions.

The victory of the Crete naval battle made the staff members overjoyed. This was a scam they carefully planned to use Greek merchant ships to trap pirates. Unfortunately, Greer, the big pirate leader, fell for it.

"Everyone, there is an envoy mission to Carthage. Your purpose is to go to Carthage quickly, meet with Commander-in-Chief Hannibal, and tell him that if you want to take revenge, you should take it easy. To send troops, the specific time is subject to our Daqin Army launching an offensive on the Eastern Front." While speaking, Li Yuan's eyes swept over the faces of Jia Yi and others.

"Your Majesty, I would like to go to Carthage. However, the Carthaginians and the Romans have had feuds for generations. This time, they finally found an opportunity. I am afraid they will not give up. Moreover, with the knowledge of my subordinates, Hanni In a favorable situation, it is inevitable to act first." Jia Yi, who had a dark face, stood up and said in a buzzing voice.

Only by giving can we get.

Jia Yi's dark face is the result of long-term exposure to the heat waves in North Africa. Even people of yellow race are almost as tanned as black people.When Lu Jia gradually retreated to the second line due to physical reasons, a group of young counselors such as Jia Yi and Zhang Shizhi emerged, which was the most gratifying to Li Yuan.

"If Hannibal insists, you can give this letter to him." Li Yuan said while handing the silk letter he had just drawn up to Jia Yi.

In the letter, Li Yuan did not hide anything, and told Hannibal, an ally, Qin State's recent strategic intentions in detail, and pointed out that the confrontation with Rome should not be rushed, and that Rome's national strength should be gradually eroded, and the Romans' power should be eliminated. The potential for war, otherwise, it is very likely that the second Punic War will be repeated and risk of being defeated. (To be continued..)

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