Qiang Qin

Chapter 504 The God of War in the East

Hu Zhe pursued all the way and captured twelve Roman ships successively. In addition to the five warships captured by the Qin army at Cape Andre, seventeen warships in the Roman fleet became prisoners of the Qin fleet. ship.In terms of other victories, there are as many as seven warships that sank or got lost due to water seepage, water leakage, or improper handling by the sailors.

This heavy fruit of victory made the Qin army overjoyed. Although Lei was almost wiped out by the fleet, there was not much frustration on the face of this Jianghuai hero. Trading two is earning one. If eight warships can be exchanged for the destruction of the Roman fleet, it is worth it.

Chao Cuo was counting the spoils with excitement. He was really happy to be able to contribute in a naval battle that could be recorded in the history of Daqin. This was not only because his name would be reported to Li Yuan, but also because this was Daqin. A comprehensive contest with the most powerful opponent in the West.

In terms of strength.

This time, the Great Qin Navy defeated the strong with the weak, and won the many with the few. No matter what the strategy is, after this big victory, the situation in the Mediterranean Sea will change, and those powers that wait and see will turn to Qin. Awed gaze.

Compared with the excitement of the generals, Gan Yong was very calm. He seemed to have expected the outcome of this battle. The person he admired the most at this time was Li Yuan, the Great Emperor of Martial Arts.

What is strategizing, and decisive victory thousands of miles away, like Li Yuan, who laid out many clues early in the morning, whether it was couch crossbows, continuous firing machine crossbows, or the penetration of the military intelligence department into the Greek peninsula, all of them showed It means that the Daqin war machine is running benignly.

The spider forms a web, traps the prey in the web step by step, but before the last bite, the prey is still complacent about the little advantage it has obtained, such a person is the real god of war.

The military report of the victory has been issued.

Gan Yong is proud and gratified that today, he can finally use his achievements in an upright manner.Come to prove your ability, and come to comfort father Gan Houbo's heroic spirit in heaven.

"Father, have you seen it? Have you heard the shouts of the Great Qin soldiers? Before Baimadu, you and your ancestors rescued a hero with your life and blood, which established the birth of a powerful dynasty. Now, it has grown strong Grow and become the most powerful country in the world."


The stars rise and fall.

One shone brightly, and the other dimmed.

The Great Qin Navy and the Roman Grand Fleet encountered in the vicinity of Kititi Island, and the largest and most intense sea battle broke out in the history of Mediterranean naval warfare.The two sides have successively invested an astonishing [-] main battleships, not including all kinds of auxiliary supply ships, lifeboats, lookout ships and so on.

For the Carthaginians, Egyptians, Greeks, and even the Jews along the Mediterranean Sea, the shadow of the Great Roman Fleet has been hanging over their heads for more than a hundred years. During these hundred years, although there were some who were unwilling to be exploited and rose up to resist, But the result is the same, and it was strongly suppressed by the Romans.

Therefore, when the news of the defeat of the Romans spread, all the major forces who heard it were dumbfounded.They couldn't even close their mouths in shock. They really couldn't imagine how the Qin fleet, which had been formed for less than two years, could defeat a glorious fleet with a history of more than [-] years.

Battle for supremacy at sea.

It's not kid's play house.It is not the small battles on land that rely on key points to hold on. The result of every naval battle indicates a possibility: the hegemony of the Mediterranean sea will change hands.

The Carthaginians rejoiced, as the Roman fleet ceased to exist.Along the entire coast of North Africa, Carthaginian merchant ships will be able to travel freely between the Strait of Gibraltar and earn huge trade profits.The same goes for the Egyptians.In Alexandria, the big businessmen, hired sailors, and oarsmen in the city were all excitedly drinking cheap drinks in the tavern, shouting at familiar and unfamiliar companions, and preparing to go to sea again——.

In Athens, Saidi glanced back at the dilapidated tavern that had closed the door. After completing the task assigned by Qin Qingqing, in order to protect Saidi's safety, Menghu decided to send Saidi and his family to him. Sent to the East, in a new and strange country, this ordinary Greek will have a new beginning.


The cool breeze of late summer in the Aegean Sea.

Blowing from far away Siberia, from east to west, from north to south, this wind belt accompanied the retreating Roman fleet all the way westward, and they staggered back towards the Roman mainland with their bodies covered in pain.

Crassus' death.

Let the hearts of the Romans be hammered heavily again. Although Crassus did not show much ability when fighting the Qin army, in the hearts of the Roman navy officers and soldiers, he was rich in experience and commanded the fleet. Commander who has been around for 20 years is a good fighter.

Crassus's body had been cremated because it was not easy to preserve due to the hot weather, but the other Roman soldiers who died in battle did not have this luck. They were thrown directly into the sea and became a delicacy for sea creatures.

The wind on the Adriatic Sea is as hot as it was when the Romans set off.If anything, the number of returning Roman ships changed.

Apennine Peninsula.

Port of Naples.

On September [-]th, the return of the Grand Fleet was finally ushered in. The three broken warships that finally arrived at the port were all of the Roman Grand Fleet.

The main force of the fleet, more than fifty three-oared ships and one-oared ships, only the poor three ships were lucky enough to escape, while the nearly [-] elite soldiers who symbolized the glory and strength of Rome returned home. Dahai, or captured by the Qin army, was lucky enough to escape, only a little over a hundred people.

On the way from Kititi to the Apennine Peninsula, countless bitter tears of Roman naval soldiers were left behind. This difficult experience was also written into the annals of Rome in the future—and named: The Great Escape from Kititi.


The Roman fleet is destroyed!

Crassus was defeated and died of septicemia on the way to retreat. The navy officers who made countless contributions to the prosperity of the Roman Republic disappeared into the blue sea waves.The manuscripts in the city of Rome, the mournful cries of the free people, the sighs of the great slave owners, and the memories of the old senators in the Senate filled this different summer.

In the city of Rome.

In front of the gate of the Senate, the leaves of the olive trees turned green and then yellow, yellow and then green. The scenery of the alternation of summer and autumn was originally the most beautiful. fat buttocks.In the eyes of the high-ranking elders, it is even more a sight to see.

But now, the eighteen elders of the Roman Republic representing different interests have no such thoughts. Since Scipio came to power, the Romans once cheered and felt that the time for the expansion of Great Rome had come, but immediately, the most powerful force from the East The appearance of the opponent made them feel the pressure that they had never had before.

Inside the Chamber.

Fabian, the former consul who had been emptied, had a sad face, with a few sparse white hairs on his head.And the wrinkles on the forehead are proclaiming the poor mental state of the former consul.The death of Crassus made Fabian lose his last support, and it is conceivable that in order to shirk his own responsibility, Scipio will definitely put all the blame on Crassus. Anyway, the dead are not probably justified itself.

Silence shrouded the Senate, and Scipio, who was sitting in a prominent position in the center, had an ugly expression on his face.The entire fleet was annihilated, which he did not expect. The Qin people actually built a sea force that could compete with the century-old Roman fleet in a short period of time. What happened in the middle?The Romans were puzzled.

"Grand Consul. We must fight back, and we must show the color of the Qin people. If we don't know, where is the honor of Great Rome? Our interests will also be seriously damaged——!"

"The big fleet is gone. We still have a large number of merchant ships and enough experienced sailors. As long as we organize them, we can quickly rebuild another fleet."

The elders talked a lot and talked a lot. As big slave owners, they were most concerned about whether their own interests would be harmed. Once the Romans lost their maritime power, they would still be in northern Africa and the Iberian Peninsula. The slave trade in the Atlantic Ocean will be affected.

Scipio looked coldly at the group of elites in front of him, his eyes were bloodshot, Crassus was dead, he had to find a scapegoat to replace himself, otherwise, he would not be able to sit securely in the position of consul , fortunately, Crassus is not his person.

"Honorable Speaker, what do you think of the failure of the Grand Fleet this time?" Scipiovius raised his chin, and pointed the target of the attack at one of the people in the seat: the former consul Fabian, Crassus' master, naturally The best scapegoat.

"Ah, what did the Consul say?" Fabian had been sitting on the round chair blankly for a long time. His age could not allow him to think hard for a long time, and the death of Crassus, his confidant, made the old man extremely sad. .

"The Grand Fleet failed, and General Crassus died in battle. Don't you want to say something? No one knows the Grand Fleet better than you?" Scipio asked lightly.

"Krasu, he is dead, he, he is not a pity to die. This time, if he hadn't commanded indiscriminately and fell into the trap of the Orientals, how could the large fleet fail. The first thing we need to do now is to rebuild a new fleet, Then I will compete with those monkeys in the east, and for this goal, I, Fabian, am willing to hand over the family's two merchant fleets to Your Excellency the Consul." Fabian stood up unsteadily as he spoke.

Under the persecution of Scipio's words, Fabian had to retreat again and again. In order to avoid accountability, what he can do now is to give up the interests of his family, but whether the price of the two merchant fleets can satisfy Scipio Ah's appetite, Fabian was not sure yet.

After mastering the army, Scipio wanted to bring the Roman fleet into his hands early on, but due to the existence of Crassus and Fabian's support behind him, he has been unable to do so.Now, although the elite fleet of Great Rome no longer exists, as long as the property of these old people in the Senate can be squeezed out one by one, Scipio believes that after a year, he will be able to create a fleet that obeys his command. Rome's new fleet.

"Lord Speaker really has patriotism in his heart. With the dedication of a veteran like you, my new fleet of Great Rome will definitely stand up again and drive the Easterners back to where they should go. However, compared to the devils in the East, we There are many points to be summed up in a failure. What makes me most angry is why the intelligence of the Qin State has repeatedly made mistakes, and why the orders in the army have been treated negatively. Is there someone secretly obstructing this? I hope that the Senate will conduct a thorough investigation, and if there is still no result after a month, then this consul should hire someone else."

Scipio's voice suddenly became sharper, his eyes radiated a fighting light, and his self-confidence rose again in the face of the concessions of his political opponents. This time, he directly used the aggressive method. Fabian, the old man, The opponent, who is still occupying the position of speaker, refuses to completely retire, which he absolutely cannot tolerate.

Fabian opened his mouth wide, his heart beat violently a few times, and suddenly stopped. Facing Scipio's accusation with ulterior motives, he wanted to refute it, but he was powerless. At this moment, the old consul finally admitted that he Really old and useless. (To be continued..)

ps: Thank you Silver Sea Shadow for your tip and monthly pass, update the report.

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