Qiang Qin

Chapter 505 The Peacock Dynasty

The battle between the old and new lion kings silenced the Senate.

Fabian trembled and swayed for a while, then fell straight backwards.

"Speaker, what's wrong with you?"

"Come on, the speaker has fainted! Call the doctor!" There was a sudden chaos in the senate, and Scipio looked coldly at the old Fabian who was lying on the ground, and turned back to his place. superior.The Rome that belonged to the older generation no longer exists, and the next world is the time for Scipio to show his ambitions.

The doctor came up and carried Fabian out. The elders looked at Scipio with fear at this moment. The ruthlessness of this young consul made them dare not slack off.

"Seniors, you have all seen and heard that the enemy from the east has come to the land of Rome. If we are no longer united and suspicious of each other, one day not far away, we will all be escorted to the far east. Losing lives in hunger, thirst and despair day by day. Therefore, for the sake of free life, for the protection of our property, for the sake of our manor, we must concentrate all our strength and form an extremely powerful army. Only in this way, our Great Rome Otherwise, today we are superior slave owners, and tomorrow, we may be slaves inferior to pigs and dogs." These words of Scipio are like a heavy punch, and they will still be immersed in Rome. The veterans in the dream of rapid expansion are staring at gold stars.

"Consul, what you said can't happen?" A former Fabian ally asked suspiciously.

"Impossible. The nobles of the kingdoms of Parthia, Seleucid, and Ptolemy thought so too, but now, where is their kingdom? Where is their family?" Scipio sneered.

Hearing what Scipio said, all the elders fell silent one by one. Although they still refused to believe it from the bottom of their hearts, the examples Scipio gave were all real examples, and there was no room for them to refute.

"For rebuilding the Grand Fleet, I ask all the veterans to contribute more. In addition, I have some good news to tell you that our opponent, the seemingly powerful Qin people, is not without weaknesses. In the posthouse in the city of Rome , The Peacock King from the far south has sent an envoy, as long as we reach an alliance, the Qin people will fall into a war, and their long supply line is being directly threatened by the Maurya Dynasty army."

"Consul, the emissary of the Peacock King is really in the city. Why didn't you tell me earlier?" The news revealed by Scipio made the elders overjoyed.

"I told you earlier, the news would have been leaked out sooner. There are spies of the Orientals in the city of Rome, and the senators here should also go back and check to see if there are any people around you who have contacted the Orientals." Scipio said coldly.

Maurya Dynasty.

A regional power located in the South Asian subcontinent, its geographical location is equivalent to the Indian Peninsula of later generations. While the Qin State was powerful, the Maurya Dynasty was also at its peak.Its birth is quite a bit of mythology.

Alexander the Great of the Macedonian Empire conquered the East and established a province in northwestern India, setting up a governor, and then.A young man named Chandragupta, one of the Kshatriya nobles in the Mahatha Kingdom, raised the banner and defeated the Macedonian army, thus establishing a new dynasty.The early Mauryan Dynasty controlled the Indus plain and the Ganges plain.The Bay of Bengal, the Deccan Plateau and the vast expanse as far as the Arabian Sea.

Two centuries later, the new Mauryan King Ashoka ascended the throne.His talent allowed the dynasty to quickly complete the great cause of the unification of the peninsula.During the reign of King Ashoka, at its peak, apart from the southern tip of the Indian peninsula, from the southern foot of the Himalayas in the north, to Mysore in the south, from the west of Assam in the east, to the Hindu Kush Mountain in the west, all were incorporated into the Maurya Empire territory.However, when Li Yuan led the new Qin army to the west, the Peacock Dynasty began to decline after a short period of strength.

When Qin and Rome were at war, the king of the Mauryan Dynasty was the last king Juche King who had just ascended the throne. This descendant of Ashoka belonged to the type with great ambition but not outstanding talent. He decided to form an alliance with Rome, a powerful country in the west, to jointly fight against Qin, a powerful neighbor in the north.

The Juche King and Xunjia dared to take risks, and they were looking at the huge benefits on the Silk Road, but where they are now, they can only watch the Qin State earn wealth, and now, they can't stand it anymore.

The situation in the subcontinent of South Asia began to become tense, which was what the Romans, who had internal and external troubles, liked to see most. After searching for allies for a long time, Scipio thought he had found the weakness of Qin.


Xin'an City.

In the green shade, the arrival of the autumn fruit season is ushered in. The great victory of the Daqin Fleet at Kititi Island made the Qin army extremely happy.

The great emperor Li Yuan was sitting quietly by the pond in the palace, holding a thin piece of yellow paper in his hand, this unremarkable thing, Li Yuan has been looking at it for a long time, but he still feels very surprise.

With the expansion of the territory of the Qin State, the heavy writing materials such as bamboo slips and wooden slips are increasingly inconsistent with the actual situation. Inventing a new type of material that is light and easy to carry has become an urgent need for the Qin Dynasty. a puzzle.In ancient China, the four major inventions have a long history. The experience of Peng Sheng’s accidental invention of black powder gave Li Yuan inspiration. In terms of research and invention, Qin’s three major military institutions jointly created and researched together in a collective way, and will fight alone. The old paradigm is left far behind.

In the last three or four years, the researchers of Bingzao have sent improved paper in various forms, such as silk paper, silkworm paper, mulberry paper, rattan paper, bamboo paper, etc., but in terms of practicality, they are not as good as they are now. This composite paper in hand.

From the perspective of paper texture, the composite paper material includes bark, linen, rope, bamboo skin and other materials. It is a mixed type of plant fiber paper. From the description given by Bingzao, the composite paper It is characterized by being light and flexible, easy to carry, and the price of raw materials is very low, and it is easy to find. If it is produced on a large scale, it will greatly change the living habits of Qin officials and people.

"Your Majesty, the standards for rewards for naval officers and soldiers who died in battle have been determined, please take a look!" Just as Li Yuan was meditating, Zhang Shi, the internal historian in charge of money and grain dispatch, reported.

"These things should be done according to the previous standards. By the way, Shizhi, you can write about it. If this new paper is popularized, is there any practical value?" Li Yuan nodded and said to Zhang Shizhi .

"My subordinate obeys the order." Zhang Shizhi responded, and was about to grind his ink and start writing.Zhang Shizhi is Zhang Liang's nephew. This former Korean descendant is now one of the outstanding young officials in Daqin. He is very happy to be able to show up in front of Li Yuan from time to time. With one hand, the heart is naturally willing and willing.

Ink seeps through paper backing.

Thick but not melted, this is the realm of paper application in an ideal state.The reason why the paper in the past has not been widely used is not only that the raw materials are expensive or difficult to find, but also because the ink spreads into a ball when it falls on the paper. It is impossible to write under such conditions. possible.

Zhang Shizhi's pen fell like a sharp edge.

In a short while, sweat appeared on his forehead. Writing in front of a high-ranking person like Li Yuan, the pressure can be imagined, not to mention the writing materials in front of him have never been used.

"Your Majesty, look at the ink falling down, it is very tightly condensed, this is good paper!" After Zhang Shizhi finished writing a memorial, when he looked back, he couldn't help being overjoyed.

Compared with the heavy bamboo slips that need to be moved by someone, this new paper is light and effortless, even a scholar like Zhang Shizhi can write with ease.

Little by little inventions and creations.

It is changing the habits of Qin people, and it is also changing this era.

Li Yuan didn't expect to be able to invent all the ancient Chinese technologies all at once, but new things and new technologies such as gunpowder and paper that are basically in line with this era, with Qin's current national strength, if they still can't make breakthroughs, Those craftsmen who built the army would really feel ashamed. (To be continued..)

ps: The second update is here, thank you all!Ask for a ticket.

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