Qiang Qin

Chapter 507 Left Hook

November [-]rd.

The pioneer of the Peacock Kingdom, the Baicheng royal family led [-] mercenaries to Bamiyan, an important town in the Persian Plateau in Suiye Province.

Bamiyan is located in Suiye Province and borders the Indus River Basin. It is an important node on the Silk Road. This small city between the Persian Plateau and Congling carries the civilizations of the south, east and west. The intersection, the first goal of the Peacock Kingdom army going north, this is here.

Ma Jin, the captain of the Qin Army guarding Bamiyan, has about 1 soldiers under his command. This group of troops is also the only combat force in the Suiye Province except for the [-] people in Jibu's hands. .However, now they have to face the invasion of enemies that are several times larger than their own.

give up!

Ma Jin couldn't do it.

This is not only because his sense of military honor does not allow it, but also because once Bamiyan falls, the Peacock Army can go all the way along the Bamiyan River Valley to Suiye City in the lower reaches of the Amu Darya River.If he could stop the enemy in Bamiyan for a while, I believe that Jibu would gather the strength of the whole province more calmly, and the reinforcements from the east and west would arrive before the freezing weather.

Defense is not weakness.

Whether it is Ji Bu or Ma Jin, they are both battle-tested generals. Their age has long passed the time of impulsiveness. As long as Suiye City is not lost, the Silk Road will not be interrupted. Along the Bamiyan River Valley, fortress barriers were built one after another. The thick loess here could easily dig out caves one after another, and these caves were the natural tunnels for the Qin army to hide soldiers.

The Baicheng mercenaries led by Shi Li were obviously not used to the cold climate in the north. The laziness of the South Asians was thoroughly displayed in the battle to attack Bamiyan. Li's army held back for about ten days in a row. It was not until November [-]th that Shili's army broke through the defense line of the outer city of Bamiyan.

The decline of the Baicheng mercenaries made the general Pusia Mituo very angry. This general from the Sunga tribe originally intended to use the hands of the Qin people to weaken his rival Shili.But the current situation is difficult to ride a tiger. The weather in November is already full of wind and snow for the Amu Darya area.

South Asia has been dry and warm for many years, which is very different from the ice and snow in the north. After the Indian army arrived in Bamiyan, they began to fear the weather here. For ordinary soldiers, especially the mercenary Baicheng soldiers.The so-called fight for power and profit of the big men has nothing to do with slaves and commoners like them. What they care about is that they can have a bite of food every day and can fill their stomachs.

Pusiamituo urged Shili to attack the city but failed. In a rage, the ambitious general decided to change the siege troops. This time, he directly dispatched his direct descendants—the war elephant troops of the Sunga clan.

Like soldiers.

It is a unique unit of arms in South Asia, a giant like an elephant.Suitable for survival in tropical and subtropical jungles, they like to eat tender twigs on broad-leaved branches. As early as 2000 BC, Indians had examples of taming elephants to serve humans.The establishment of the war elephant army dates back to the beginning of the establishment of the Mauryan Dynasty.

Elephants are huge in size and superior in strength, and the general defensive formation is of no use to the object soldiers.Pusiamituo took the elephant soldiers as the guide, and what he valued was the deterrent power of the war elephants.

The city of Bamiyan.

It's just an earth wall simply rammed with loess, such a city wall.It's okay to deal with ordinary infantry, but if it's against war elephants, it's not enough at all.

On November [-], in the city of Bamiyan.

After a series of hard battles, there were still more than [-] guards from the Qin army, and the defense of the city became more and more difficult. Although Ma Jin dispatched various methods, his troops were still insufficient.

On the city floor.

Ma Jin and several military lords stood on a high place, watching the enemy camp in the valley.

"Lieutenant Ma, the attacking force has been replaced outside the city. Those cowardly Baicheng people have withdrawn. Now the ones coming up are the war elephants of the Xunjia tribe. Our city walls cannot withstand the impact of such big guys." Among the military lords, a big man with a beard said worriedly.

"Bamiyan can't give up. Even if we are all killed in battle, we must be nailed here like a nail. If those brown-skinned aliens want to go to Suiye City, they must first step on my body, Ma Jin. You all heard clearly, if you feel cowardly later on, don't blame my surname Ma for not being sympathetic?" Ma Jin widened his eyes and yelled at Qiuxu Junhou.

"Don't worry, Lieutenant, we will do our best." All the military marquises agreed in unison, listening to Ma Jin's determination to fight.


Bamyan fell into the siege of the enemy, Suiye Province was in a hurry, and Li Yuan received Jibu's urgent report in early November.

In the autumn of the 17th year of the Great Qin Calendar, the Qin army was preparing for a new round of land offensive against Rome. To be honest, the Peacock Kingdom in the Indian Peninsula had the courage to confront Qin. This was ignored by Li Yuan. For this South Asian The subcontinent is known as the third largest nation in the world, and Li Yuan really doesn't know much about it.

Rome is the most powerful Western power in the same era as Qin. Regarding its history, from the famous figures such as Scipio, Fabian, Marius, Pompey, Caesar, Octavius, Antony, There are detailed records in Western history books, but the situation in the Indian Peninsula is different.

The ancient civilizations born in the Ganges and Indus river basins are splendid cultures as famous as Egypt, China, Greece, Rome and other civilizations, but their influence has never been comparable to the first four. The reason is very simple. The Indian peninsula has never been able to emerge a strong and lasting dynasty. On this South Asian peninsula, the only thing that has left a deep impression on the world is their religion—Buddhism.

The Maurya Dynasty once unified most of the peninsula during the Ashoka period, but the time was very short. After the death of Ashoka, the Maurya Dynasty also fell immediately. According to the development of history, this guy Juche is the last king. His Death is also within these few years.

A country that is about to perish is naturally out of Li Yuan's sight. The goal of Daqin's conquest is always aimed at the most powerful opponent.This time the Indian jumped out and wanted to bleed from the main artery of Qin, Li Yuan naturally would not let this potential opponent go.

The crisis in Suiye City plunged the seemingly mighty Qin State into a dilemma.

Throughout Central Asia and the Middle East, the flames of war have begun to ignite.The differences between the yellow race and the white race, and the differences in living habits and personal beliefs between eastern and western nations cannot be eliminated in a short period of time.The sudden attack of the Maurya Kingdom in India was like a fixed-point explosion bomb, which detonated all the unstable factors on the long silk road at once.

On the Persian plateau, those Persians who were unwilling to lose their power began to attack the pavilions set up by Qin State without stopping. On the Syrian plateau, the descendants of the Assyrians also raised the banner of resistance. Their purpose was to expel Qin people, to restore the country of their ancestors.

Great Qin Western Regions.

Wars are raging everywhere. In such a situation, although Qin's western expeditionary force is strong, if it does not withdraw its troops from the European front, there will be insufficient troops to return to Suiye City and quell the wars in various provinces.


After Li Yuan urgently convened counselors and generals to discuss, he issued an emergency order in Xin'an City. The 8 westward army led by Luo Jia and Cao Xin, together with the [-] mercenaries of the Thracian general Spartacus, continued Guarding the Macedonian and Greek Peninsula lines; at the same time, the Hanxin Legion, which is oppressing the Germans and Saxons on the northern line, continues to maintain the momentum of coercion against the Nordic peoples, striving to squeeze the northern barbarians towards the Roman border as soon as possible.

At the same time, more than [-] soldiers were drawn from the second-line part to form a support army. This support army included a group of young generals such as Yang Yu, Zhou Ping, Han Anguo, Feng Tang, and Li Shang. They were directly led by Li Yuan himself. Command, prepare to cross the Persian Plateau, follow the route that Alexander the Great captured the Indus River, and outflank the rear of the Mauryan Dynasty.

Come and don't go indecent.

With Li Yuan's style, of course he had to pay back to the Indian once, and after this time with a heavy left uppercut, Li Yuan hoped to beat the Indian Ah San until he couldn't move. (to be continued..)

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