Qiang Qin

Chapter 508 4 Warriors

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Under the baptism of blood and fire, the competition of civilizations is particularly eye-catching.

The Indians were unwilling to be lonely and tried to make a big opening in the main artery of the Qin State. With the same thoughts as them, there were also the descendants of the Persians. Like the Zagros Mountains on the Iranian Plateau close to the Indian Ocean, the Persians rose up to capture the old Targeting the city of Persepolis, they launched a movement to restore the country.

Persepolis was once the capital of the prominent Persian Empire. It was the first monarchy in ancient Persia to expand its territory to most of Central Asia and West Asia. It was also the first monarchy to span Europe, Asia and Africa. .During the reign of the Great Liu Dynasty, the war between Persia and Greece was written into the Odyssey epic. At its strongest, the territory of the Persian Empire stretched from the Indus River Plain in the east to Asia Minor and Thrace in the Balkan Peninsula of Europe in the west. Southwest to Egypt, Libya, Nubia and Abyssinia.

In 330 BC, under the attack of Alexander the Great of Macedonia, Persepolis, the capital of the Persian Empire, fell. Darius III was killed while fleeing, and the empire fell.

In early November, the Persian nobleman Rustam colluded with a group of fugitive desperadoes, raised a flag on the ruins of the Gate of All Nations in Persepolis, and proclaimed himself king. In just over [-] days, Here, the number of Rustam's rebels reached more than [-]. They attacked village pavilions and burned post stations, and their behavior was the same as that of later generations of violent terrorists.

In order to deter the rebels and curb the wave of resistance in the Middle East, Li Yuan swore to march eastward in Xin'an City. Although the [-] soldiers he led were not the elite at the forefront, with the participation of Li Yuan's personal troops, and Yang With the addition of young generals such as Ping, Zhou Ping, Feng Tang, and Han Anguo, the strength of this Eastern Expeditionary Army can be imagined.

In addition to the generals, among Li Yuan's entourage.Jia Yi and Zhang Shizhi followed each other. These two rising stars have now become Li Yuan's right-hand men in governing the vast territory. Their vigorous energy and enthusiasm for work made Li Yuan seem to have returned to more than ten years ago.

The former white horse boy, the former green years, all gradually passed away in the flowing years, and those who walked along the way!Some continued to follow and moved to the Quartet, and some stopped the war drums, wishing to be an old man.Others were buried in unknown barren land and deep valleys, leaving only their names for memory.

Li Yuan didn't know if his name would still be mentioned after a few years, but at this moment, at this moment, he was willing to throw his head and blood together with thousands of soldiers of Great Qin.For the hegemony of the Great Qin Dynasty and the survival of the Chinese nation, they fought bloody battles.

November 26st.

Qin's eastward expedition troops arrived at Susa, an important city at the junction of ancient Persia and ancient Babylon. Qin general Feng Tang, who served as the vanguard, led [-] infantry, and Rustam's side.A team of nearly [-] people was assembled.

Susa city.

For a period of time, it was once the temporary capital of the Persian Empire. Most of the residents in the city were descendants of Persians, and some of them were Assyrians.During Qin's occupation, riots occurred frequently in this mountainous city located between the Mesopotamia Plain and the Iranian Plateau, and officials sent by Qin State were assassinated or injured every few days.

Inside a spacious stone house left by a nobleman in the city.

Rustam, who looked like a dwarf warrior, gathered his subordinates to discuss countermeasures.The Qin army reacted quickly, which surprised Rustam a little, especially when I heard that it was Li Yuan, Emperor Shenwu, who led the troops in person this time. When did Rustam become so famous? , Can His Majesty the Emperor of the Great Qin Kingdom also pay attention to it? Every time he thinks of this, the Persians can't help laughing.

"General, if we can defeat the Qin people this time, if we are lucky enough to kill the emperor of Qin, the Great Persian Empire will be revived in the hands of the general. At that time, you will be Rustam I."

"Haha, the Qin people came to commit crimes this time, only 3000 people. They are underestimating us big Persians. Brothers, work harder. Tomorrow, we will show the Qin people some strength."

It has to be said that the Persians are arrogant enough. Rustam, a descendant of the former Persian nobleman, has a brain as strong as his body but stupid.

On the 27th, morning.

Feng Tang's vanguard was blocked by the enemy outside the city of Susa. After hearing that the leader was only a little-known young Qin general, the arrogant Rustam didn't think highly of this Qin army at all. Gathering the rebels out of the city to fight, according to Rustam, they have enough people now, if they don't take advantage of the large number of people to snatch the weapons and armor of the Qin people, how long will it be.

The two armies lined up.

With black banners, forest-like spears and halberds, and expressionless armored soldiers, the three thousand soldiers of the Qin Dynasty looked like terracotta warriors, gazing coldly at the chaotic enemy formation on the opposite side. Feng Tang rode on a dark horse, The whip in his hand lightly pointed at the gap in the Persian formation, planning how to kill him with one blow.

"General, the enemy army is out of the city to invite battle, shall we meet the enemy?" Feng Tang bowed his head, and a Qin Army lieutenant asked, clasping his hands.For Feng Tang, a young general from the Kanto region who was appreciated by Li Yuan for suppressing Confucian scholars, the general of the Qin Army did not dare to neglect him in the slightest. Half a grain of sand.

"Naturally set up a battle. You see, the formation of the Persians is scattered. The front line is full of brave people, and the back line is full of cunning people. As for the people who lead the army, they don't know how to fight. Yea!" Feng Tang nodded arrogantly and said.If the generals of the Great Qin had to stay away from fighting rebels like Persia who only held wooden sticks and bone spears, then there is no need to have the idea of ​​​​conquering the world.

Boom boom boom!

The drums of war sounded, and the morale of the soldiers of the Qin army suddenly rose. Compared with them, the Persians had no weapons to hand. In desperation, Rustam and his companions could only use He shouted loudly with all his strength, but amidst the sound of war drums, the chaotic shouts seemed so pale and powerful.


"Break through the enemy formation!"

Feng Tang did not wait for the Persians to stabilize their formation, and immediately gave the order to attack across the board. The soldiers of the Qin army who came up like a black wall were smaller than the Persians in total, but they were closely connected with each other. Quite closely, there are school lieutenants in command between each phalanx.I don't know how much stronger than the perplexed Persians.


In the Persian formation.

Rustam, who was holding a big axe, was covered with sweat on his forehead. Although he kept yelling to show off to the people of Qin, it was the first time that he fought with a real knife and gun, and the general of the Qin army on the opposite side was obviously a member of the Qin army. Rustam doesn't really know whether this kind of guy who doesn't show weakness can beat his opponent.

"Big Persian, fight!"

"For the Achaemenid gods! For Cyrus the Great and Darius the Great." In order to boost morale, Rustam moved out one after another the great kings in the history of the Persian Empire. He hoped that the spirits of these kings in heaven, Can bless him and his men to defeat the Qin army.



The Qin army's formation is constantly approaching.The Persians lack long-range weapons such as javelins, and the Qin army can easily approach and shoot with crossbows. In order to enhance the long-range strike capability of Feng Tang's vanguard, Li Yuan directly dispatched [-] continuous firing crossbows and delivered them to Feng Tang. .

The Persian warriors on the front line did not expect that the Qin army would launch an attack before they started. The Persians who lacked battlefield experience thought that in this situation where the two armies lined up, one side would follow the gentlemen's agreement and wait for the other side. Arrange the formation, and then the generals of both sides will step forward and have a few words.After that, it was the fight between each other's soldiers.

The naive Persians were fooled!

The Qin army's involuntary attack caused them to be devastated by the crossbow arrows entering their bodies before they really faced the soldiers of the Qin army, lacking the protection of metal armor.Without even a wooden shield in hand, how can we win this battle.

Rustam stared blankly at his own warriors falling down one by one, he was so nervous that he couldn't speak, although he was usually brave and fierce.There were not less than twenty people killed, but as before, wave after wave of soldiers fell in a pool of blood.But the black human wall on the opposite side stepped over the corpse and rushed towards him without hesitation, but it made him feel a thousand helpless feelings in his heart.

"General, I can't stand it anymore, let's retreat!" Just when Rustam was in a daze, a subordinate who fled back from the front ran past him with a sad face.

"What are you talking about, Kachinmir, you coward, how dare you run away." Rustam waved his fist angrily, and shouted at the subordinate who kindly reminded him.And his shout did not stop Kachinmir. On the contrary, the Persian soldiers heard around turned around one by one and fled towards the gate of Susa city.

Rustam placed the warriors at the front and the cowards at the back. The weakness of this arrangement was undoubtedly exposed at this time. Since the warriors in front were terribly beaten by the shock wave of the Qin army, the hesitant onlookers at the rear were alone. I was so frightened that I couldn't afford the courage to fight the Qin army again.Therefore, even if Rustam broke his throat, it was impossible to bring back the fleeing Persian deserters.

The mighty Persian rebels were defeated in one battle.

Rustam was lucky enough to escape under the city of Susa, but nearly 6000 of his [-] mobs eventually became prisoners of Feng Tang's army, and more than [-] died directly under the city.For surrendering to the Qin army, the Persian captives did not feel much pressure. They had lived under the rule of the Qin State. This time, it was just a failure. Qin would not want their lives.

December [-]st.

The Qin army occupied Persepolis, which had been burned to ruins by Alexander, without a single soldier. This symbolic city of the Persian Empire, after being occupied by King Alexander of Macedon, once again suffered humiliation. Rustam, who once promised to protect the sacred city of Persia, was also clearly seen by the Persians. This guy who looks fierce is actually a speculator without any responsibility.

Feng Tang became famous in one battle!

His decisive attack not only achieved himself, but also greatly accelerated the advancement of the Qin Army's eastern expedition troops on the Persian Plateau. Although Rustam's rebels still had more than [-] people, this already disgraced army The rebels were obviously out of luck. What they could do was to flee eastward without stopping before the Qin army arrived, trying to reach the Indus River Basin as soon as possible, and entrusted the Maurya Dynasty to protect themselves.


The line of sight turns back to the city of Bamiyan in the northeast of the Iranian plateau.

The Indians have been besieging this isolated city for half a month, and the situation in the city is much worse than it was at the beginning of the siege. The war elephants of the Mauryan Dynasty have a huge destructive power on the rammed earth walls and wooden city gates.Although the arrival of winter made batches of war elephants who were accustomed to the hot climate sick or in poor health, under the urging of the Sunga people, the elephant soldiers broke through the defense line of the outer city.

Due to the shortage of troops, Ma Jin had to give up control of the outer city, and instead focused on the defense of the inner city built with hard bluestone.

The stone is extremely hard.

Even a herd of elephants couldn't break through the gap in a short time. Relying on the advantages of the terrain, Ma Jin and the last [-] Qin army's heavy soldiers continued to hold on.

Inside the inner city.

The only weapons that can be used to attack the enemy are the messy stones. These grains were dug out from the Bamiyan River Valley by the soldiers of the Qin Army before the battle.Originally, it was only used to accumulate houses, but now that the city is falling, there is no need to build houses, and it is just used as a tool to defend against the enemy.

Ma Jin was seriously wounded. He was lying on a slightly clean felt blanket and his breath was weak. The bloody wound on his head was caused by being trampled on when dealing with a war elephant as tall as three people during the battle in the outer city. The soldier rushed forward with red eyes, Ma Jin was afraid that he would have been trampled to death by the mad elephant.

The situation of the remaining two hundred soldiers of the Qin Army.The same is not optimistic.However, from the faces of these soldiers of the Qin Army who were trapped in a tight siege, there was not much frustration. They supported each other.Shoulders leaned together, as if they were twin brothers.

"Brothers, we have been standing here for a month and three days, our opponents. Tens of thousands of enemy troops, in these days, have not been able to defeat us. For this, I, Ma Jin, thank you, thank you! After Ma Jin woke up from the coma again, he summoned the soldiers around him and said word by word.

"Master Captain, you don't need to thank us. We are very honored to be able to fight with you. If it weren't for your command, we, the heavy soldiers, would never be able to participate in such a battle that will be remembered in history in this life. We would die It's worth it." Among the soldiers, an old soldier about forty years old said with a sob.

"It's worth it. Of course, we are the soldiers of the Great Qin. Your Majesty once said that our journey is the sea of ​​stars, the vast desert, and reaching places that no one has ever set foot before. Then, plant the banner of our Great Qin. Let it flutter in the wind, and let it never fall!" Ma Jin said with a strange look in his eyes.

At this moment, Li Yuan's oath during the first Western Expedition appeared before his eyes, and the faces of familiar and unfamiliar generals appeared one after another. If Bamiyan City can't be defended, so what?One day, Daqin's army will counterattack and wipe out opponents who dare to offend Daqin's majesty. Ma Jin firmly believes in this.

"Come here, write your names on this blanket, and then, you—, break out from the gap in the valley, hand it over to General Ji Bu, and tell him, I, Ma Jin, and the four thousand soldiers guarding the city , successfully completed the mission." Ma Jin struggled to pull the felt blanket from under his body, pointing at the old soldier just now and said.

The battlefield is extremely cruel.

Not to mention the heavy soldiers, even the most elite soldiers in the front may not be able to leave their names in an extremely cruel battle, and what Ma Jin has to do now is to let the last two hundred die. Soldiers feel relieved and use their last strength to fight and fight.

"Why me?" The old pawn murmured to himself, and took the blanket with some numbness.

"Why not you, from your eyes, I know that you don't want to die yet, there must be someone you care about in your home, so, set off after dark, remember, the heavy responsibility on your shoulders, you must Take it back, if you can't do it, then we brothers will definitely not forgive you." Ma Jin sighed a long time, and there was an abnormal blush on his pale face.

People, who have nothing to worry about.

In that familiar village by the Weishui River, that familiar figure is still at the entrance of the village. Fortunately, a pair of sons and daughters have grown up and can take care of their relatives instead of him.


December nine.

Broken Leaf City.

Ji Bu silently caressed the blood-stained blanket in his hand, speechless for a long time.

The [-] Qin soldiers guarding Bamiyan City were wiped out, and the school lieutenant Ma Jinzhan died on the battlefield. The only old soldier who escaped by luck finally returned to Suiye after going through untold hardships. The blanket with the names of the last soldiers written on silk has witnessed the history of the soldiers of the Qin Army who fought desperately and fought bloody battles to the last moment when the city fell.

The army of the Maurya Dynasty, due to the stagnant time in Bamiyan City for too long, and the arrival of the severe winter season, although Juche Wang and others wanted to occupy Suiye with all their might, their low morale could no longer do anything. And more importantly, in their rear, the Eastern Expeditionary Army led by Li Yuan was like a dagger, penetrating the Persian plateau and piercing the heart of the Indians.

Return to the army to save yourself and keep the mainland of the Indus Valley.

It was the only choice for the Indians, and the massive Northern Expedition, which cost a huge amount of money, only occupied an insignificant small city. The gap between getting and paying was too great.Faced with the two counterattacks of the Qin army from the west and the north, the monarchs and ministers of the Maurya Dynasty suddenly realized that they had changed from the beater to the one who was beaten. (to be continued..)

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