Qiang Qin

Chapter 510 Indian internal friction

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Tribal survival competition is cruel and realistic.

autumn and winter seasons.

For the farming peoples in the Central Plains, it is a time for family reunion and family reunion. It is a good time to summarize the harvest of the year and talk about the wishes of the coming year. For the grassland tribes in the north, it is a difficult season for eating. The severe cold makes them Herds of cattle and sheep fell down. Without the warmth and nourishment of these herbivores, the survival of the tribe would be unsustainable. At this time, they urgently hoped that they could go to the warm south to hunt a dozen grass valleys and capture the necessary food. living supplies.

Before the Wuhuan Tribe conquered the Huns by the Qin State, every year Qiu Lijin would lead his warriors to the Youyan area to seek out the bad luck of the Central Plains people.This kind of tradition no longer existed after Shanyu Maodun was killed after the rise of the new Qin Dynasty. In the face of the bloody facts, even with Qiu Lijin's ten courage, he would not dare to take the lead of Qin.

In the past few years, Qiu Lijin's tribe has been trembling, fearing that the people of Qin will be dissatisfied. Without the nourishment of the grass and valleys, the number of Wuhuan tribes has been decreasing year by year. If this situation continues, the Wuhuan tribe will suffer. Unlike other Huns who moved inland, they chose to completely integrate with the Central Plains people in the pass.

Such a result was unimaginable for Chu Lijin. For a tribal leader like him, losing his belief and inheritance meant losing his superior power.

Qiu Lijin led the order away excitedly. This time, the Indians did not open their eyes and wanted to wrestle with Qin. In the eyes of the former Xiongnu King Zuoxian who was beaten to shame by Qin, the Indians were simply blind. They did not I saw that the Great Huns had been beaten to pieces by the Qin people and ceased to exist. They had never seen that kind of desperate feeling of galloping horses, dark sky and dark sky that made people breathless.

Shenwu Emperor Li Yuan is not the one who suffers.The Qin army's two-pronged attack was to press the arrogant Indians directly to death in the Indus and Ganges river basins.


Upper Indus.

The Kingdom of Gandhara, a kingdom located near Afghanistan in later generations, is a barrier between South Asia and Central and North Asia. After Li Yuan’s Eastern Expeditionary Army broke the resistance on the Persian Plateau, it followed the offensive route of Alexander the Great of Macedonia. Get here.

Feng Tang's vanguard encountered considerable difficulties in the process of chasing Rustam. This difficulty came not only from the lack of cooperation of the Persians, but also from natural and geographical disasters.Persian plateau area.Belonging to the earthquake-prone area, landslides occur in the mountains all the year round, which brought great obstacles to the march of the Qin army.

Although Li Yuan had predicted the situation on the Iranian plateau, he did not expect that the living conditions in this area would be so bad. Iran in later generations is in a semi-closed state, and the outside world knows about this country that believes in Shia Islam. There are not many people, and they know nothing about the wild areas in eastern Iran near Pakistan and Afghanistan.

It is a concentration camp for violent terrorists, it is the rear base of the Taliban in Afghanistan, and it is also a hiding place for East Turkistan and other rioters who threaten the security of China's western borders.Based on this understanding, Li Yuan's impression of this area can be described as bad and bad. The generals of the Qin army have such an impression, and the soldiers below are of course not polite.Batch after batch of local aborigines who dared to resist Qin were slaughtered mercilessly. Their death can be regarded as the end of thousands of years of grievances and hatred.

Indus Valley area.

Inside the Peacock Kingdom, an internal power struggle is going on intensely.King car.The great general Pusiamituo, the power minister and his friends, as well as Baicheng Wang Shili, King Andaro, and others are accusing each other of the unfavorable battle in Bamiyan.According to Pusia Mituo and his friends, the reason why the Bamiyan war lasted was because Shi Li and others avoided the battle passively. Otherwise, the Indian army would not have stayed there for a long time.

In the face of accusations, Shi Li and others were not to be outdone. He first pointed out sternly that Pusyamita and his Sunga tribe were just taking advantage of the opportunity to attack the Qin State to play a trick to kill with a knife, while Bamiyan Jiu attacked The responsibility for not taking it down is not that the Baicheng tribe did not try its best, but that the Sunjia tribe stabbed the knife in the back.

The two sides in the dispute were at war with each other. Faced with the imminent annexation of the small kingdom, Siri, Andaro and others also fought back. For them, the Maurya Dynasty was originally just a symbolic leader, but now the Sunga people want to How can it be tolerated to suppress and annex them in the name.

In such a delicate state of balance, the most sensible approach for Ju Che, the titular leader of the dynasty, is to bury his head and quietly develop his own strength, and strive to stand up when the opposing sides are fighting hard, so as to His own powerful power regained control of this country, but unfortunately, the giant car king obviously did not have this patience.

strong and weak.

Only in one thought.

If Pusiamituo and his poor friends were not so strong, and if everything in the Bamiyan battle went smoothly, maybe Juche could continue to endure, because he knew that although he was a king with a high status, his real strength was not. It’s okay to be weak, but now, Ju Che has already noticed that once the poor friend and Pusia Mituo fail to frame the roommate and others, it is very likely that he will be blamed for the disadvantage of the war. This is absolutely unbearable for Ju Che of.

"Why, why should I, an irrelevant person, be responsible for the muddled war that you actually commanded? Why, a foreigner like Sunga has occupied the real power of the Maurya Dynasty. Is it because his mother and queen are Are you a member of the Xunjia tribe?" In Juche's heart, raging anger was burning.

Facing a strong sense of crisis, Ju Che decided to unite the relatively weak Baicheng and Andaro to jointly fight against Chayou and others who have mastered the real power of the Maurya Dynasty.But his decision triggered a coup that led to the downfall of the Mauryan Dynasty.

December 27.


The army of the Mauryan Dynasty was parading in the vicinity of Daro, an important town along the Indus River. The original intention of the giant cart was to take this opportunity to expose to the soldiers the trick of Pusiamita's conspiracy to seize power, but his idea was met head-on before it was implemented. Heavy blow, Rustam, the Persian nobleman whom the giant chariot relied on, rebelled. This made the giant chariot caught off guard and was assassinated by Pusia Mituo with a sword. So far, the Mauryan Dynasty, which once resisted powerful foreign enemies , and the kingdom that almost unified the Indian peninsula fell apart.

AD [-], January.

The Sunga tribe established a new dynasty in the Indus River Basin, known as the Sunga Dynasty in history. The first king was Pusia Mito, the general who killed the previous king; at the same time, the Baicheng royal family was in Germany. The dry plateau area also declared itself as the king, established the Baicheng Kingdom, and the Andaro tribe established the Satahavana Dynasty in the Ganges River Basin. The Indian peninsula presented a three-legged dispute in a short period of time. (To be continued..)

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