Qiang Qin

Chapter 520 Three Giants of Rome

Another year of winter is coming.

Apennines, Rome.

Big arena.

A bloody squad of prisoners of war and prisoners of war is going on. The two sides of the battle are Thracians and Gauls on the other. , and their prisoners of war were sent to the arena to participate in duels, which has been a fixed entertainment item for Roman nobles for many years.

The center of the circular field.

The brutal slaughter was coming to an end. Two Thracians faced a Gaul. The Thracian side would have the upper hand in numbers. However, one of them was seriously injured, unable to move, and might die at any time. Although there is only one Lu man left, he has a broken sword in his hand.

Although the sword is broken, it is still sharp.

In this endless fight, only one person can survive in the end. This is the rule set by the Romans.

In a box in a corner of the arena.

An important conference concerning Rome's foreign policy is taking place.Scipio, who had been in the position of consul for two years, finally took control of the real power of the entire Executive Council and the Senate. The Fabian forces were almost completely expelled and replaced by the emerging forces represented by Pompey and Eunice. Representative of city-state forces.

Pompeii is a satellite town of Rome. This town built in the eighth century BC is located at the foot of Mount Vesuvius. The active volcanic ash makes the land near Pompeii rich in nutrients, which is very suitable for the growth of Mediterranean grapes and other crops. The so-called blessing and misfortune depend on each other, and the final eruption of Mount Vesuvius also buried this place of developed civilization.

Graius Pompey came from this city. No one could find out whether he was related to the three carriages of the Roman Empire, Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus. However, with Pompey, Younis and other young forces join in.After fighting alone for a long time against the conservative forces of the veterans, Scipio finally had his own allies, which made him confident in the confrontation with Qin.

The formation of the Big Three gave Scipio a partner to share his thoughts with, and his package plan for Qin urgently needed the support of Pompey and Eunice.The chief VIP box of the arena is the best place for private discussions.

"You two, according to reliable news, the Qin State has ended its conquest of India, and our allies are finished. Next, the dragon from the east will definitely extend its claws to the west coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Therefore, for the great Rome , for freedom and democracy, for justice and glory, we can only take up arms and defeat the invaders——!"

Scipio's voice was deep and powerful.Just like his stern face, after experiencing the first confrontation with Qin, he has a deeper understanding of this big country from the east, with its huge and boundless territory.A population several times that of Rome, and untold wealth, these are not available in the newly emerging Roman Republic.

"Grand Consul, after a year of preparation. We have mobilized 30 men, of which: 10 troops belong to the standing army, and nearly 10 mercenaries from Gaul and Iberia. In addition, each There are about [-] second-line garrison troops in the town, and these strengths are our maximum." On the opposite side of Scipio, his deputy, Pompey, lowered his head and replied while looking at the information at hand.

Pompey is actually not young anymore. He is about forty years old, he is the father of two children, and he is also the manager of the liberalized town of Pompey. He entered the decision-making body for the first time and was mainly responsible for dispatching the luggage. For Scipio's In decision-making, Pompey stated the reality of Rome.

"Eunice, what do you think?" Scipio turned his head and asked the young man next to him with his blue eyes.

Eunice Milan, who came from the northern Milan plateau, is the youngest of the Big Three. He was born in a noble family in Milan. He was known as a genius since he was a child. On the battlefield, Eunice is always very skillful. One of his A resourcefulness also helped the Roman army win many victories.

"Grand Consul, if we want to deal with the Qin people, we need to give full play to our advantages. The total strength of 30 troops is enough for the Roman army aiming to defend the Alps and the Iberian Peninsula, but we want to defeat the Qin people." The Qin people are far from enough, so the last general thinks that winning by surprise is the best way!"

When Eunice said this, he deliberately paused, and when Scipio and Pompey cast him questioning glances, he showed off again: "The Qin army has only two ways to attack the Apennine Peninsula. One is to cross the Alps and attack our Milan Heights; the other is to attack Iberia with Hannibal’s army from the area around Carthage on the southern coast of the Mediterranean Sea. It's about attacking, and then attacking, to beat down the arrogance of the Qin people. Therefore, the two consuls, I, Younis, have already decided that in three days, [-] soldiers of my army will cross the mountain and head towards the plain of the Danube. The secret march along the area, our task is to continuously attack the Qin people's rear supplies, so that they are overwhelmed and unable to move westward!"

Younis talked emotionally, and his self-confidence deeply infected Scipio and Pompey. Younis decided to go deep into the northern Visigoths, Saxons, and Germans alone. The danger can be imagined. However, this Younis is very familiar with the topography of the area, and he also has rich experience in dealing with these primitive barbaric peoples. The Qin army is driving the Germans and Slavs to move westward, and the Romans have also developed their own strength in it. .

Use and be used.

This is the inevitable fate of being weak.

In the eyes of the Romans, the barbarians in the north are their enslaved characters, just like the Thracians on the Balkan Peninsula. Although they are all powerful, they have no brains, and they are destined to be entertained in the arena miserable little people.

Once the 3 people in Younis are spread out, it is very likely that hundreds of thousands of primitive tribes will form an alliance. If it can be done, Rome will be no less than a sharp knife on the flank of the Qin army's attack.

"Eunis, have you really decided? Do you know how powerful your opponents are, they come across the entire continent, and they have new and terrifying weapons?" Scipio stared at the young man with bright eyes. asked the companion.The worry expressed in his words was completely different from the hope that shone in his eyes.

"Grand Consul, do you mean the kind of pottery that can explode? I think I have found its weakness. As long as it is raining, the Qin people will not use it. Is it a coincidence, or is it Can't it be used in rainy days?" Pompey suddenly raised his head and spoke out his long-term research.

Using it again and again, Tianlei gradually lost its mystery, and its limitations were also analyzed and grasped by the opponent. Facing Rome, which also had a complete system, the road to the west of the Great Qin Dynasty was not easy. (To be continued..)

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