Chapter 165 Mouth...pouting?
"I actually prefer the classical elements in your song, such as the accompaniment of flute, flute and guzheng, as well as the Jiangnan, peach blossoms, yellow sand, swords, spring breeze, red wax and green-maned horses in the lyrics, which make the song very rich in content …”

"So I'll give you a score of 98.5."

The score given by Qi Rongzhi is very high, 98.5. There is nothing wrong with this kind of score.

It seems that the classical style is more in line with the taste of the old professor and dean. This time there were only words of praise and not a word of criticism.

Then came the second judge Cheng Manwen. She took the microphone and said:
""Not a Hero", an original song that surprised me very much. Before you started singing, I really didn't expect that what you brought this time would be an original song with ancient styles. It really gave me too many surprises. I think I I will be happy all day today..."

Cheng Manwen always smiled when she spoke. In the past two days, Shule Culture was under investigation, and she also terminated her special employment relationship with Shule Culture.

Now, not only does she have no resentment against Ye Lin, but she is very happy that Ye Lin composed this song. From this, it can be seen that her connection with Shu music culture is not particularly deep.

"Indeed, no one in our Sichuan Good Voice has sung ancient-style songs since the preliminary competition. Because in our Chinese music scene today, there are really too few excellent ancient-style songs, and most of them are not very good, so there are no No circle..."

"Then your song "Not a Hero" I think may bring some changes to the ancient style circle. When I listened to your song just now, my mind was filled with images of martial arts and ancient costumes. If you want to shoot a MV for this song today If so, I suggest you shoot it in costume!"

Unexpectedly, Cheng Manwen still had some knowledge of the ancient style circle. He bluntly said that Ye Lin's song "Not a Hero" would have a great impact on the ancient style circle and may prompt many netizens to learn more about ancient style songs.

In the end, Cheng Manwen gave a high score of 98.8, which also gave Ye Lin great recognition.

Next it was Jiang Yingrong's turn. Jiang Yingrong also praised him at first, but pointed out one point in the middle, that is, although Ye Lin's song "Not a Hero" has a strong ancient style and brilliant literary talent, it has an obvious problem.

That is, some of the lyrics are inexplicable and make people confused.

"It's like winter and summer, when the heroic spirit has not stopped, what else invites me to take pictures to be drunk with thousands of smoke clouds, and to generously give frost and snow a scar between my eyebrows... How can I put it, these lyrics seem barely understandable, but if Without looking at the lyrics, it’s really hard to tell what you’re singing by just listening to your singing.”

Jiang Yingrong said that in order to rhyme, many parts of this song were forced to use rhymes, which made it appear a bit stiff and sounded a bit strange.

In the end, Jiang Yingrong still gave a high score of 97.8, and emphasized that it was definitely not that he was not educated enough to understand these ancient lyrics.

OK, just sauce.

Then it was the turn of Teacher Guan, a middle-aged man with long hair.

Teacher Guan picked up the microphone and said: "Let me explain to Teacher Jiang Yingrong just now, why the lyrics of Ye Lin's song "Not a Hero" look a little awkward..."

"Because he wrote the words in a modern way. Of course, the words are all ancient elements, but the grammar is modern. To put it simply, in fact, the ancient poems and songs we have seen do not have this style. How can we change it? A cup of old wine allows me to be free and easy, and I let me ride a horse to find a life in a cup with a sword..."

Teacher Guan explained that ancient poetry pays great attention to rhythm, such as five-character poems, quatrains, and various word names of Song Dynasty poems, all of which have rhythm.

Rhythm is equivalent to rhyme, and Ye Lin's song "Not a Hero" uses a modern rhyme method, but the words are ancient, so it looks strange, like a mechanically filled in lyrics.

On the stage, Ye Lin nodded. He also admitted that Teacher Guan made this point very thoroughly. The lyrics of "Not a Hero" were a bit stiff and not smooth and coordinated enough.

"Of course, this flaw does not affect the fact that "Not a Hero" is a good song. I think this song is better than 90% of the songs in the ancient music circle. I will give you a 99.1 score to encourage you!"

Teacher Guan didn't know whether it was because of old acquaintances or because he really appreciated Ye Lin's song, but he actually gave it a high score of 99.1, which caused a burst of cheers from the audience.

Jiang Yingrong also nodded in agreement. She felt that Teacher Guan was right. After all, if you really talk about it, you can find some faults in every song. For example, Jay Chou's songs were criticized for unclear enunciation.

It can only be said that the flaws do not hide the strengths. You cannot just focus on the bad things about others. You should also praise the good things.

The last judge, Wu Xian, gave a fair review and gave a score of 97.9.

"Okay, thanks to the five judges and teachers for their central comments on Ye Lin, the scores of contestant Ye Lin are also released. Let's take a look..."

"His judge score is 68.9 points, and the online voting score is 30 points, so his total score is 98.9 points! Wow, this score directly ranks No. 1 on the score list. I believe no one can surpass this score today. Come on!"

Seeing this result, the beautiful host couldn't help but exclaimed, 98.9 points, surpassing Zhao Xuening's 97.77 points.

Immediately, the beautiful host applauded and sent Ye Lin off the stage. The audience and judges also applauded to see him off the stage.

There is no doubt that the stage of Shuchuan Good Voice belongs to this man. Even though Zhao Xuening, a young talented girl, is amazing and beautiful, she can only be suppressed by him.

Backstage, Director Wu said with emotion: "It is this man who has raised the voice of Shuchuan to a level that does not belong to the provincial competition..."

This is the truth. The good voices in the Sichuan Division in previous years could not be as strong as this. The popular original songs came one after another, and even professional singers may not be able to withstand it.

Of course, the Sichuan Good Voice in previous years was far less popular than this year. It was this man named Brother Kanglang who made an ordinary provincial competition attract the attention of the entire Internet.

In the audience, the audience was talking a lot, and they were also immersed in the discussion of Ye Lin's song "Not a Hero".

"I can only say that he is worthy of Brother Kanglang. His creative level is indeed much higher than that of the young talented Zhao Xuening!"

"Brother Kanglang seems to advance with No.1 in every round. It's so fierce!"

"Hahaha, the smooth judges, the iron-clad Brother Kanglang... Brother Kanglang is still shining brightly on this stage, but unfortunately the judge Li Dongyan is somewhere!"

"Indeed, a contestant who can kill all the judges, how can he not be awesome?"

"Brother Kanglang is so chivalrous. I admire him very much. Anyway, if he can't be on TV this year, I will never watch an episode of The Voice!"

"Who are the celebrities on this year's Good Voice judges? I'm really looking forward to their reaction when they hear Brother Kanglang's song!"

Some viewers made fun of former judge Li Dongyan, while others were full of expectations for this year's The Voice.

Originally, the popularity of The Voice has declined significantly in the past few seasons. For example, last year's The Voice was not watched by many people, and the program team was under great pressure.

Fortunately, Brother Kanglang came out this year, which brought a lot of traffic to The Voice and made the show somewhat resurrected.


At noon, Ye Lin took the whole company out to eat Mr. Rice, and then invited everyone to drink milk tea.

The afternoon game started at 01:30, and today's game was still quite compact.

Ye Lin is currently ranked No. 1 in the scoring list, and Zhao Xuening is ranked No. 2. They are basically guaranteed to advance to the finals. Next, it depends on Xiaopang.Xiaopang drew No. 66, which was the fifth from the last. He had to wait a long time.

"Little Fatty, what song did Ye Lin write for you this time?"

While watching the game, Sister Guozi asked curiously.

The song "Tarzan Next Door" played by Ye Lin to Xiaopang last time was really outrageous and very popular, but it was criticized by many netizens. I hope that the song Ye Lin played for him this time can be more normal.

"Well, today's song seems to be even more shocking than last time..."

Little Fatty said weakly, as for what song it is, it is not convenient for him to reveal it now. You will know it later when he takes the stage.

Sister Guozi was stunned for a moment, what the hell?More shocking than the last "Tarzan Next Door"?
She had an unknown premonition, and probably guessed that Ye Lin wanted Xiaopang to be famous in an unusual way, but she became more and more curious about what kind of song it was.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, it was finally Xiaopang's turn to play.

As the beautiful host called Xiaopang's name, Xiaopang stood on the stage, and the audience burst into cheers.

Someone said loudly, "Come on, little fat boy!"I came here just to see you!
There were also many people yelling and imitating Little Fatty singing "Tarzan Next Door", which made people laugh.

"Thank you, thank you everyone!"

Seeing this scene, Xiaopang was very moved. He didn't expect that he had so many supporters.

There were also many students from the University of Science and Technology at the scene, all here to cheer him on, including several of his roommates, class beauties and more than a dozen classmates.

"Contestant Han Rui, your last performance of "Tarzan Next Door" really impressed me. What song did you bring today?"

The beautiful host asked with a smile.

"Today I sang an original song...mouth..."

Xiaopang said, and the beautiful host was stunned for a moment.

"What's the mouth?" the beautiful host asked.

"Dudu...mouth toot..."

Xiaopang blushed and announced the title of the song.

The beautiful host was extremely surprised. In order to confirm it, she asked him with a smile if the title of the song was "Mouth Toot"?

Yes, Xiaopang nodded. What he sang today was "Butter Mouth".

"OK, this song title seems a bit strange, but I still look forward to your wonderful performance, please start!"

The beautiful host made a complaint and then gave the stage to Xiaopang.

Soon, the accompaniment music started, and Xiaopang sang:
[The spring breeze blows, blowing a butterfly on the flowering branch,]

【I’ll take you to Jiangnan to Beiye~】

[You said I was waiting for you, sketching the snow season,]

[Come back and sit across from me to make tea~]

【Another season of flowers blooming and butterflies on the branches,】

【I'm waiting for you at the Jiangnan Arch Bridge Night~】

【I miss you with pipa and play Spring Dream Season,】

【The journey home is far away and the dream has gone~】

The first half was okay, quite serious, and several judges and teachers had already closed their eyes and started enjoying it.

This is a love song with an unpleasant melody, and the lyrics are also beautiful. It is both Jiangnan and Pipa, and has a bit of an ancient feel.

However, next, Xiaopang's singing made everyone confused:
[You say your mouth is too loud~]

[beep beep beep beep~]

【Beep and you will come~】

[You say your mouth is too loud~]

[beep beep beep beep~]

【Beep and the flowers will bloom~】

[You say your mouth is too loud~]

【I am beeping, beeping, beeping~】

[Beep, wait for you to come back~]

[You say your mouth is too loud~]

【I am beeping, beeping, beeping~】

【Beep and wait for the flowers to bloom~】


(End of this chapter)

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