Become a top player by challenging good voices

Chapter 166: You said your mouth was too loud, I was too loud.

Chapter 166: You said your mouth was too loud, I was too loud.

When Little Fatty's song "You say your mouth is too loud, I will be too loud" rang throughout the venue, everyone was dumbfounded.

"I'm trying to fool you, what the hell kind of song is this?"

"Fuck, so disgusting! Oh my god, my ears!"

"Nima, is there such a song? You say your mouth is too loud, and I'm too loud?"

"No, what kind of song is this? I was immediately confused when I heard it. Is this little fat guy trying to be cute? It's too disgusting for you to sing!"

"Huh? What on earth was I expecting? The first half was pretty good, but I was stunned by the chorus. Isn't this ridiculous? It's disgusting!"

"Zhou Cao, this song is even more outrageous than the previous song "Tarzan Next Door", your mouth is pouting... you are pouting like your mother!"

Many viewers can't stand it anymore, the lyrics are too retarded.

Moreover, when the little fat guy sang and pouted, he pouted his lips as if he was showing off his cuteness, and he was extremely intoxicated. This look was so disgusting.

If a girl were to sing the song, people might think it's cute, but if a fat and ugly chubby one sang it, they would feel nothing but disgusting.

Some of the audience laughed like crazy. They were so amused by Xiaopang's song that they laughed so hard that it was so ridiculous.

There are also some viewers who think this song is quite nice. If you say your mouth is too loud, I will be too loud. It sounds so nice!

In Xiaopang's cheering group, his roommates and classmates were all confused at this time. They didn't know whether they should cheer for Xiaopang. If others knew that they were Xiaopang's fans, what would they think of them?

Only the class beauty said: "Wow, classmate Han Rui is so cute!"

The other students all looked at her in surprise. What's going on? Our class beauty seems to have a special sexual fetish!

on the jury.

Several judges who had been enjoying it with their eyes closed opened their eyes almost at the same time, staring at the fat man on the stage with their mouths open.

Jiang Yingrong was so shocked that she thought she had heard wrongly. What the hell, was her mouth beeping?
Qi Rongzhi and Cheng Manwen opened their mouths wide, as if they had never heard such an outrageous song in their lives. Even their blood pressure was soaring, and they might spit out a mouthful of blood at any time.

On the stage, Little Fatty's singing continued. He had completely let himself go. While dancing, he pointed to the audience with his finger:
[You say your mouth is too loud~]

[beep beep beep beep~]

【Beep and you will come~】

[You say your mouth is too loud~]

[beep beep beep beep~]

【Beep and the flowers will bloom~】

[You say your mouth is too loud~]

【I am beeping, beeping, beeping~】

[Beep, wait for you to come back~]

[You say your mouth is too loud~]

【I am beeping, beeping, beeping~】

【Beep and wait for the flowers to bloom~】

The scene exploded, and many spectators were scolding, saying that this little fat guy came to disgust people on purpose.

However, there were also many viewers cheering and laughing, thinking that Xiaopang's singing voice was full of magic, not to mention, it was pretty good to listen to.

In any case, Xiaopang's song "Mouth Toot" aroused the emotions of the entire audience. It was very lively and frighteningly popular, like a star.

"Huh? So, this song...was also composed by you?"

Teacher Song looked at Ye Lin with a strange expression.

"Why, doesn't it sound good?"

Ye Lin replied to her, and the next second, Teacher Song was lying on his shoulder laughing so hard.

Teacher Song laughed and said, I really didn’t expect that such a song was also composed by Ye Lin. If I told it, not many people would believe it, right?

Who would have thought that Brother Kanglang, who produces every song of high quality, would actually compose such a stupid song?Especially the lyrics are hard to appreciate!


Sister Guozi was so stunned that she couldn't speak. Damn it, Xiaopang was actually singing such a song?

She had a hunch that the video of this song would definitely become popular when it was posted online. The melody was so magical and the lyrics were so stupid. If you say your mouth is too loud, I will be too loud. Anyone who hears it will be able to sing it. It will definitely spread. It will be very high.

It's just that it's hard to say what Xiaopang's reputation is. Of course, there must be people who like this song, but if you think about it with your own feet, you know that most people are criticizing and complaining.

"I think it sounds pretty good..."

Fat Brother smiled. He really liked Xiao Pang's song. It was a bit cheerful and festive. He also wanted to toot along with Xiao Pang.

"Ah this..."

Xu Fengjiao was so embarrassed that she dug her toes out of the three rooms and one living room. Zhao Xuening's "Green" and Ye Lin's "Not a Hero" are both very good to listen to. Why did Xiaopang do this, "Butter Mouth"?What kind of weird song is this?

"Little Fatty, he is so confident!" Qin Qin also froze, covering her mouth and laughing, how did Little Fatty manage to not be nervous or embarrassed at all on the stage?
Bingo specially gave Xiaopang some close-up shots of his expression, capturing his sexy plump red lips, hahaha.

Next to the stage, the beautiful host was also a little messy. What kind of song is this? I have been a host for so long, what kind of storms have I not seen?However, I have never seen this "Pouting Mouth" before!

Soon, the music came to an end.

Xiaopang sang affectionately with his eyes closed: "Looking at the prosperity outside the window, I am hoarse with tears..."

The singing ended.

The audience burst into warm applause. The audience didn't think he sang well, but they were glad that the little fat guy finally finished singing. I'm going to vomit if you keep singing!

The beautiful host walked onto the stage and stood a little far away from Xiaopang. She was afraid.

"Okay, thank you contestant Han Rui for bringing us the original song "Mouth Toot". Then, please review and score his performance..."

The beautiful host said absentmindedly, missing the QR code voting part.

But it doesn't matter, the staff has put the voting QR code on the big screen, and in the audience, Xu Fengjiao and the operations assistant started canvassing votes.

"Uh... how about Teacher Cheng Manwen comment first?"

Qi Rongzhi frowned for a few seconds and very gentlemanly invited Ms. Cheng Manwen to comment first. He didn't really want to be the first to comment.

"Teacher Qi, you're welcome, you should come first!"

Cheng Manwen politely declined, and she did not want to be the first to comment.

There was no other way, so Qi Rongzhi came first. He hesitated for a while and said:
"Well, I can't appreciate your original song "Mouth Toot". My head kept hurting when I listened to you singing it just now..."

"I think that listening to excellent music can bring joy and enjoyment to others, instead of giving people a headache like listening to Tang Monk reciting the Tightening Mantra."

Hearing Qi Rongzhi compare Xiaopang's "Mouth Toot" to Tang Monk's tightening curse, the whole audience burst into laughter.

Some people joked that it was a shame they didn't hear about Teacher Qi's high blood pressure. Otherwise, if the old man fell to the ground, you little fat man would have to wait to pay for it!

"I can only give you a score of 91.1..."

Qi Rongzhi shook his head, unable to appreciate it, and gave it a not-so-high score of 91.1.

Looking at his score, it is not a good sign. It is estimated that Xiaopang's advancement in this round is a little bit in doubt.

Next is judge Cheng Manwen.

"This song of yours... to be honest, it's even more ridiculous than your last song "Tarzan Next Door". The main reason is that the lyrics in your chorus are so ridiculous. Why do you say your mouth is too loud and I'm too loud?" Dudu..."

"Actually, your song is pretty good. If you change it to more normal lyrics, I don't think everyone's perception would be so bad. Now the lyrics are really too salivating, to the point where everyone wants to complain."

Cheng Manwen pointed out that the main reason for the song "Mouth Toot" is that the lyrics are too stupid, and other problems are actually not that big.

In the end, she gave it a score of 92.1, which is not very high.

When Jiang Yingrong arrived, he said he was reluctant to comment too much, so he briefly said a few words and then gave him a score of 90.5.

Teacher Guan gave it a score of 93.4.

Wu Xianze gave it a score of 91.5.

In the end, Xiaopang's total score was 91.72, ranking 45th in the scoring list, and it was definitely impossible to advance.

In the audience, some audience members expressed that it was a pity that original songs only deserved such points. Isn't it too much?
Some people say that this song "Duddu Mouth" is very nice. Are the judges too biased against the little fat guy?

However, many viewers immediately said that it was normal for Xiaopang to be eliminated. What is so good about this song "Dudu Mouth"?He has no characteristics other than being disgusting!

Some viewers also said that even if Xiaopang is not eliminated here, he will be eliminated in the finals. Don't you think he can go to the provincial competition like this?
This is very true. With Xiao Pang’s appearance, no matter how good he sings, the competition team will not let him appear on TV, so he is destined to be eliminated.

"Ye Lin?"

Here, Teacher Song, Sister Guozi and Zhao Xuening and Xu Fengjiao all looked at Ye Lin, wanting to tell him that Xiaopang was eliminated.

However, Ye Lin looked calm and not surprised at all, as if he had known for a long time that Xiaopang could only stop here.


Sister Guozi immediately understood. It turned out that this was also part of Ye Lin's calculations, and he had no intention of letting Xiaopang advance to the finals.

Zhao Xuening covered her mouth and wanted to cry. She was really reluctant to see Xiaopang eliminated here.

On the stage, facing the judges' criticisms, Xiaopang responded with a smile one by one, and also bowed to thank them for their ratings and guidance.

The beautiful host couldn't bear it. She took the microphone, looked at Xiaopang and said:
"Contestant Han Rui, for this Sichuan Good Voice Competition, you brought us two original songs, "Tarzan Next Door" and "Mouth Toot". Now you are about to bid farewell to this stage. Do you have anything to say? ?”

Ordinary contestants are not treated like this when they are eliminated. The beautiful host saw that Xiaopang had two original songs and was very popular, so he gave him a chance to express his elimination speech.

"Well, first of all, I would like to thank my boss, Brother Ye. Without him, I would not have been able to advance from the resurrection round and stand on the stage of the semi-finals. It can be said that my destiny has changed because of him... …”

Xiaopang was the first to thank Ye Lin, but he did not reveal that Ye Lin wrote the song for him.

"Now I am about to bid farewell to this stage. To be honest, I feel very sad in my heart... However, I also know that with my appearance and figure, I will never be able to become a star singer..."

"The two original songs I have brought to you in the past few days, "Tarzan Next Door" and "Doudu Mouth", if they disgust you, or make you feel disgusted and offensive, I am here to apologize to everyone, I'm sorry , I really didn’t mean to disgust everyone, I just hope to be remembered by everyone..."

(End of this chapter)

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